August 2010 Blog Posts (107)

"Hello Everyone"

Hi all, just joined and so happy i found this site. Have you ever wondered what or where your life would be like if we had hair and not gone thru some changes to get to where we are today?

Added by Babycakes101 on August 31, 2010 at 9:09pm — 6 Comments


well hello to all its been a while since i've ben on here but things are looking up and thought i would come on and share with you all.

i have now got all my eyelashes bak :) which has made me feel brilliant altho the eyelashes seem different since they've come back in, lol

eyebrows are still tryin to make there way in but have quite a bit on the left and my right is starting to get quite a few strands in now :)

and best of all i have been getting dark hair growing in on my head… Continue

Added by lynne on August 31, 2010 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

Big steps and baby steps

Well I feel like Im doing abit of a dance step lately. This week I have an appointment to buy a wig, but still hesitant about shaving what is left of my hair. I know I cant continue watching my hair fall out, and clean it up off the floor and toss it in the garbage. Next week I have my appointment for the tatt that Im getting on the back of my neck. Something that I have been thinking about for so long and excited about getting. Even tho I know there will be no hiding it and it will definitely… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on August 31, 2010 at 12:15pm — 5 Comments

Clean shaven and loving it

So my husband shaved my head with clippers on Sunday afternoon. It was the best feeling ever. Showering is easier that is for sure. I even went out without a scarf or hat on in front of people I didnt know and actually held my head high. I wore my scarf to work yesterday but ended up taking it off and leaving it off most of the day. I decided that I didnt like the "velcro head" feeling anymore so I busted out the shaving cream and razor last night, this is the best feeling yet. I love the… Continue

Added by Julia S on August 31, 2010 at 11:38am — 7 Comments

Excited, nervous, happy, AHH!

The hairloss has gotten a lot worse since those pictures on my profile were taken, and Ive lost half my left eyebrow and a huge chunk on my right eyebrow. My hairloss on my head has been SO itchy. I've been thinking about shaving my head for almost a month now, and I have been talking about it with my mom, step dad Rick, and my boyfriend, Jeremy. Took a while for my mom and Rick, but they are finally understanding my feelings towards my hair. My boyfriend is the most amazing guy ever and has… Continue

Added by Tamara on August 31, 2010 at 9:53am — 6 Comments


Life seems to be moving in a good direction right now. Its weird i must admit, i am happy. I havent been truly happy in a looong time, and im scared. Scared that it will all just leave me, leave me empty like it has always done in the past.

In the last week i have told quite a few more people about my alopecia. i was at a party in the weekend and a guy asked me what was under the scarf wrapped around my head, and i told him nothing, im bald, and felt fine telling the truth.

I feel… Continue

Added by Mjay on August 31, 2010 at 2:35am — 4 Comments


For the first time since my diagnosis three years ago, I actually met someone face to face with Alopecia. All I have ever known and spoken with are the great people on here. My friends on this site talked me off a ledge at the very beginning...but I digress.

I was busy running around coordinating an Entertainment event here in my city on the weekend and the member of a band getting ready to perform approached me and said, "So how long have you had Alopecia?" I stopped dead in my…


Added by Mike on August 31, 2010 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

What more can Alopecia World do for you?

Alopecia World is pleased to serve your online support and networking needs.

However, we are always interested in learning how our beloved community might better serve you.

Therefore, please let us know the following as soon as possible:

What additional features and options would you like the site to have?

Are there any administrative changes you would like to see? In other words, how might we improve the manner in which we moderate the content of the…


Added by Alopecia World on August 30, 2010 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

First time I've lost it in response to the cancer question

I'm feeling guilty today because of something I did last night. I was at an outdoor concert, wearing one of my Turkish scarves because it was cool.

A pleasant woman about my age was introduced to me by mutual friends. The FIRST words out of her mouth were: "I was where you are." Instead of responding with my usual "Oh, I don't have cancer, I have alopecia areata, etc..." I calmly said: "And where do you think I am?"

She was a little taken aback, and said that she assumed I… Continue

Added by Mary on August 30, 2010 at 7:25pm — 18 Comments


The focus of this past Sunday's sermon was about being content and I really appreciated the pastor's effort to open people's eyes and minds. In today's society many people seem geared to see with their minds instead of their hearts and quite often people have to surpass obstacles and challenges in order to fully understand what I'm talking about. A young man named Liu Wei from China who had lost his arms in a childhood accident inspired the sermon after an incredible performance on China's Got… Continue

Added by Carol on August 30, 2010 at 4:06pm — 1 Comment

All I want is acceptance

As I reported last week, my alopecia areata is very active right now and I am developing a new spot. I am finally reaching a place of acceptance and peace after a day or two of full-on freaking out and frantic doctor's visits. I realize that this is just something I will face for the rest of my life.

I had to slow down this week and realize that my family and friends are not at the same point of acceptance of my alopecia. When I told my mom and dad about my new spot, they were quick… Continue

Added by Emily B on August 29, 2010 at 10:44pm — 7 Comments


So lately my hair has been growing back as you may have read in one of my previous blogs, and it's been getting better and better. I hadn't really paid so much attention to my hair when it was growing back at first (not so much that I was obsessed with growing it back), but lately I have been paying more attention to it because now I can visibly keep track on the regrowth, and that's fun!

I have a hair-line again at the front of my head again, and I've produced myself a milimetered mohawk.… Continue

Added by Lionel on August 29, 2010 at 11:35am — 1 Comment

I was this close (pretend you see my fingers)

Well I had decided that I was going to shave my head tonight and well it didnt happen. My hubby was supportive but now is questioning why I want to do it now. I still have some hair and he thinks it covers the big spots. I just want to feel whole again, I feel like with more than half of my hair gone that I'm lost and it sucks. I have worn my scarves for the past 3 days and feel completely comfortable in them so that isnt the problem. I guess I'm just having a bad night, ugh. Good night AW.

Added by Julia S on August 28, 2010 at 10:38pm — 5 Comments

I truly believe I will never have hair and it is OK

Tonight I was sitting here, reading some other posts by people, talking about differnt treatments, talking about bits of hair sprouting back, talking about possibilities. And for me it is never like that, I truly don't expect my hair to ever grow back. I guess after 10 yeas I just can't see it happening. I've become so accustomed to it that I don't even think about that part. I rarely even think about the part where i don't have hair to start with.

When i first lost my hair it ll came out… Continue

Added by Erin on August 28, 2010 at 7:42pm — 5 Comments

The economy and your alopecia

There are indications that the nearly universal economic downturn is going to last much longer and probably get even worse than most economists and other experts will officially proclaim.

Have these abysmal economic conditions altered the way in which you cope with your alopecia?

In other words, do you now find yourself spending less on wigs, make-up, counseling, or perhaps even travel to distant support group meetings?

Or, do you now find yourself trying harder…


Added by rj, Co-founder on August 28, 2010 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments


I've been diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and the only treatment that works is Prednisone...I know this is also used for an alopecia treament but I have never read a post yet where it has worked in the long term and the side effects for short term gain has not been worth it. I'm not sure what to do, to go ahead and use it or to live with the pain I am in daily. I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now. I have the tablets at home but am afraid to take them. The doctor said I wll be on a low… Continue

Added by Pat on August 28, 2010 at 8:16am — 4 Comments

Oh geez, I am getting a haircut

Oh geez. I am a bit of a nervous, indecisive wreck right now. I am getting a haircut on Saturday, my first since my doctor's visits confirmed my female pattern hair loss earlier this summer. Also, and more importantly than the doctor's diagnosis, this is my first haircut since I started obsessively analyzing my head with a hand mirror and identifying every thin spot. And to make matters more unsettling, I am working with a new stylist, and I have no idea of her qualifications for working with… Continue

Added by Kate on August 26, 2010 at 6:48pm — 3 Comments

The baby's here!

well i had baby Eric 12 days ago.

a lot didnt go to plan at the end of my pregnancy.

as you may have read in my previous blog i have alopecia and lupus. i had a lupus flare (the doctors think) at 35 weeks, went into hospital with contractions, they filled me with panadine forte (codine) and the contractions stopped, i got an impacted bowel (ouuuuuuchhhh) and they didnt know it was an impacted bowel so they almost took him out via C-section but a MRI saved that, thank goodness i just… Continue

Added by Alison on August 25, 2010 at 8:55am — 12 Comments

Hairs sprouting after 2.5 years!

In my last blog post, I lamented on my dad's critical view of me going outside without my wig on. Well, I have moved over 1000 miles away from home, parents and in with my best friend. In the last month I have noticed black hairs sprouting up all over! I must also disclose I have started to use the DNCB treatment that I'd previously gave up on. I had one tub of the stuff (expired, but, ah hey why not) and thought I'd use it up. Things look good!

Added by Margarita on August 25, 2010 at 12:47am — 11 Comments

Developing a new spot and awkward friends

This morning I was admiring my hair and how well I've managed to disguise the large bald spot on the back of my head by wearing my hair kinda wavy and messy.....when I spotted a new area on the crown of my head. It's about the size of a quarter right now and growing. :( I have been experiencing pain in the site for a while but couldn't figure out why. Now I know that it's related to losing hair. This really stinks! I will have to get really creative to cover this one.

Alopecia is… Continue

Added by Emily B on August 24, 2010 at 8:37pm — 4 Comments

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