Featured Blog Posts – December 2008 Archive (42)

Tingling and alopecia

I have been experiencing a lot of thigling and itchy sensations all over my head. Does this happen to anyone too? Is this linked to alopecia or is it something different? I am scared to scratch my head because I feel like I am going to make more hair fall out. I heard that there is a type of alopecia where the hair folicule gets completely damaged and the hair will never grow back. I am still learning about this so I dont really know what is going on.

Also, thank you to those who… Continue

Added by julie on December 31, 2008 at 10:11pm — 3 Comments

Last Day of the Year

I can't really say I'm sad to see this year go. My life took on the tune of a Country Western song...my husband had heart failure as he was recovering from cancer (He's great today, thank heaven!), my cat Brian who was my familiar was hit by a car and killed, my golden lab died suddenly, the real estate industry sank deeper in the slough of despond and my hair decided to begin its Exodus.

I am looking forward to next year. Lots of great stuff on the horizon, and plenty of sunshine… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on December 31, 2008 at 8:02pm — 2 Comments

Hip hip hooray, it's an alopecia areata day!

Today I took Lyndsey to her first dermatologist appt. While he was very kind and sympathetic his exact words were. "Mom, this is waht alopecia areata looks like... get used to it. The hair in the front is starting to fill in which you can feel the little hairs. As for the spots toward the back, it may regrow it may not. It may all fall out or it may not. Your guess is as good as mine." His only real words of hope were that this comes and goes in cycles and if we start with a cycle again where… Continue

Added by Lyndsey on December 31, 2008 at 12:31am — 1 Comment


The first time I became aware of my condition was back in July. I was getting my hair cut and my hair dresser leaned over me and wispered, "Did you know that you have a bauld spot?" I almost fell out of my chair. When I looked at it for the first time I was devestated and very confused. I didnt know anything about alopecia. Since then I have educated myself and have tried to come to terms with it. I havent seen a doctor about it yet because my insurance doesnt kick in until Jan. 1st. I keep an… Continue

Added by julie on December 30, 2008 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Washing My Hair...the Ones I Have Left!

I have always loved having my hair cut and styled. From the exotic, yummy scents of shampoos and potions, to the total luxury of a scalp massage, to the feeling of sitting back and being pampered, I have wallowed in it all. Now it's more of a pain because I am anxious and uneasy.

At home, shampooing my hair is no longer the delight it once was either. I wash my hair in the shower, and I used to love to stand in the warmth and feel the dirt disappearing. (Since I live on a farm with… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on December 30, 2008 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Bradyn's Story

Sometime last spring when I pulled Bradyn's hair up in a pony tail I noticed her hair line did not look right, but I couldnt place what was wrong. Before her dance recital I realized that her hair line basically stopped at the top of her ears, but because her hair was so long you could only tell if she had it pulled up in a pony tail. Finally my mom talked me into taking her to a doctor and we ran all the typical blood test. Of course everything came back within normal limits. We were then… Continue

Added by Mandy ( Bradyn's Mom) on December 26, 2008 at 1:07pm — 4 Comments

Vacuum Wig Question! Please read and respond!

Hi everybody!

Just like a mother would prepare for her new born baby, I am preparing for a potentially bald future. I know that I would definitely want a vacuum wig, but I'm not sure who I would want to buy one from, should that day ever come. I'm deciding between Freedom Wigs (or Fuller Hair), New Hair Technology, and Peggy Knight. If you have any experiences - good AND bad - with any of these companies, PLEASE let me know! I am trying deperately to narrow it down so if the day ever comes… Continue

Added by Alexandra on December 24, 2008 at 3:46pm — 8 Comments

keeping my noggin warm Part 2

So I figured I should add an update since wearing my first sleep cap. I LOVE IT! I can keep my apartment at arctic temps and still be warm while I'm sleeping. I enjoy wearing it while I'm staying in for the day too. It makes a much bigger difference than I would have expected. I also bought my very first hat - not just first Alopecia hat but first hat ever. It's made for hair loss so it fits my entire head down to my neck. It's so cute. I'm actually enjoying it while wearing my wig - it gives… Continue

Added by Kelly on December 23, 2008 at 6:58pm — 6 Comments

new picture! and thank you!

I put a new picture of myself up! I'm the one on the left! It is with my eyebrows healed completly now, they faded a lot! I have the fake lashes, and my extensions! So for those who might be wondering about the brows! I SAY DO IT! I LOVE THEM! And I woudn't have had the courage to do it without this site! So.. THANK YOU for all the support here! I'LL be happy to help anyone here!!!

Added by Jennifer on December 23, 2008 at 4:25pm — No Comments

Happy holidays, Alopecia World!

Dear Members and Friends of Alopecia World,

We are grateful for your presence and participation in Alopecia World and would like to wish you and your loved ones a magnificent and memorable holiday season.

“‘Tis the season to be jolly,” not only because of the gifts we may receive, but also because of the gift of opportunity that is always at every one of our disposal.

Each new moment of our lives is new opportunity to extend our personal gifts, knowledge and talents to…


Added by Alopecia World on December 23, 2008 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

and i breathe

i am relieved when ppl find out i have alopecia, its getting soooo much easier to tell ppl. i use to go bright red and stutter a bit, now i breathe and laugh and am confident.

today another person at work found out. this guy at work i told ages ago had said to this young girl at work who is very nieve about somethings, what colour would you call ali's hair? she said red? he said no, she said auburn? he said no... she is bald. she said to be quietly, your hair is red isnt it, i said… Continue

Added by Alison on December 23, 2008 at 7:43am — 2 Comments

I bought my 1st wig

I am still wearing extensions. The alopecia has spred to the front of my head right above my ears. So even the extensions, if I tilt my head don't cover that well anymore. I found a wig online for $40.00. It is fake hair of course, but I wanted to try one our before I spent a lot of money. I wore it a couple times with a hat. I think it looks like a wig with no hat, but what can I expect for $40.00!? I really wanted it for camping, or the river with a hat, so I don't mess up my extensions! I… Continue

Added by Jennifer on December 22, 2008 at 10:21pm — 2 Comments

What he said today...

I'm usually not a mushy person, but I had to post this, mostly for women who are concerned about finding love with this condition. I developed AU a little over a year ago. I have been dating John since June. I told him pretty much right away about alopecia. He seemed fine with it. I slept in a wig with him, (which was itchy) because I wanted it to be a smooth transition. I didn't want to force it on him right away. I wore the wig to bed less than a month, and i said I can't wear it to bed… Continue

Added by Lee on December 22, 2008 at 1:49am — 12 Comments

Conforming To Society

I was out at a bar playing some pool this weekend with a couple of my friends when we started to talk to some other people who where there doing the same. All was good and well until one of the girls decided to ask me why I prefer to look like a man. The question stopped me in my tracks. I asked her politley,while clentching on to my que as to not give her a good whack with it, Why she thinks that I prefer to look like a man. She said a combination of things ranging from my clothes, not wearing… Continue

Added by Amanda Crouse on December 20, 2008 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

In my dream...

For someone who portrays the world that she's OK with wearing a wig, I still finding myself having the same dream.

I wake up one morning, just like any other morning and start getting ready for work. I go through the routine of taking out the dog, showering, brushing my teeth, doing my makeup (all with the towel on my head) and them situating my wig before I leave for the office...

But this particular day is different because I have time to kill and notice my hair has… Continue

Added by Stephanie on December 20, 2008 at 4:29pm — 1 Comment

Biopsy Question! Please Answer!

Hi all!
I'm going for a biopsy this week that will (hopefully) shed some light on why I'm losing my hair. I am concerned with how much hair they'll need to remove for the test, however. Does anybody know how much they will take?
Also, how accurate are the results?
Please responds!

Added by Alexandra on December 20, 2008 at 3:17pm — 2 Comments

Happy to have found others

Hi everyone, what a great forum! I have been lurking for a week or so and have found some answers to my questions. It's always best to hear the "truth" from others experiences, it's helped me greatly.
I have diffuse androgenic alopecia. Started thinning in my early 20's, now in my early 30's it's impossible to conceal it so I'm starting the journey...wigs, extensions..each seems to have their downfalls. So much information to learn and process for a first timer!

Added by NPC3 on December 18, 2008 at 9:55pm — 1 Comment

Older brother...

Today, my son got off the bus crying, and very upset. He said that his sister was on the bus and that her hat fell off when she stood up. His friends began asking what is wrong with your sister, and I guess that he didn't know what to say or do. I never thought about how he was going to deal with his sister having alopecia, I was just worried about her. After talking to him and trying to console hime without crying myself, I think he felt better. I guess that we are going to have some really… Continue

Added by bugzmom on December 18, 2008 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

What Do You Pray For?

I consider myself a spiritual person, and often find myself in prayer for my daughter's Alopecia. But I often wonder, am I praying for the right thing? What are others praying for? How should I pray? Please check out/join my new group, "The Prayer Group" if you are an Alopecian in need of or wanting to pray.

Added by Kayreyn on December 17, 2008 at 11:51pm — 10 Comments

are u the only one in your family with alopicia

my brother also had it sadly he passed away only eight weeks ago . he was 15 months older than me , i was first to get it aged 7 then it grew back till i was 11 then it was total hair loss . my brothers didnt start falling out till he was 15 it never completly fell out just patches and it grew back white although he did lose his eye brows and lashes i think it was harder for him he was very embarrased about t and never spoke about it he went through the comb over period and even once tried… Continue

Added by sharon on December 17, 2008 at 6:43pm — 10 Comments

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