Featured Blog Posts – December 2010 Archive (49)

Does alopecia affect your children?

hi everyone nad happy new year, i was just wondering if alopecia was passed down to your children. It would be great if someone could tell me thanks.

Added by Dylan on December 31, 2010 at 6:42pm — 4 Comments

Where did it go? My arms now!

Well, I have been noticing the hair on my arms is now almost completely gone..weird. I even thought of sticking some tape to my arm, just to see if there was anything there for it to pull on...I am not sure when it left me, but it's not there anymore...my arms are bald...with the exception of a stray hair here or there. Wow! I am amazed at all of the little surprises that comes with Alopecia...and I am no where close to having AU...guess that's why I was so surprised. Guess I won't have to… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on December 31, 2010 at 10:34am — 6 Comments

What the hell was I thinking!

I did something today I never thought i would do....I spent the entire day without wearing my hair...the catch is: I had an exam to take in DC for work today! I was out and about without my hair...And I Loved It! Don't get me wrong, I would rather wear it than not, simply because of the fact that I prefer my look with hair. I just didn't want to do it today. I feel so trapped by it; does that make sense? I waste so much time on hiding and getting myself ready that it makes life so exhausting.… Continue

Added by Krissie on December 30, 2010 at 7:22pm — 1 Comment

Will it stop before it all falls out?

I started losing my hair when I was 16. I was devastated over a small round patch missing from the side of my head. I am now 25 and currently have one patch that has started to regrow, another that is perfectly smooth right next to it, and my eyelashes on one side have fallen out. (I may have like five or so left in the very corner) I don't understand it. I used to be able to go months without any patches appearing, but now i'm lucky if a new one hasn't begun before the previous one even starts… Continue

Added by Rachell on December 30, 2010 at 1:49am — 5 Comments

WIGS - snarls...washing...types...HELP

i bought one wig...about $100. but you could really see the part area...there were little short hairs that were noticable.

i bought a different wig...$400...from a local store that specializes in them. i didn't go get fitted or get one made for me...even though i have found that service is available here. i'm just not sure what's worth it money-wise. which wig to buy????? this one's part is much better. it has a clear area in the scalp's front that looks more… Continue

Added by Maryann on December 30, 2010 at 12:30am — 11 Comments

Embarassed to get makeup done for my wedding

I'm getting married in 9 months and don't konw what to do about my makeup. I'm getting my hair done by the place that i get it from, but makeup is a diff story. I can't get past felling embarassed to have someone see me "naked" NO ONE has ever seen me w/o my eyebrows and at least thick eye liner on (not even my fiance). I was going to do my own but I have no idea how to do eye shadow and the that jazz, its my wedding day and I want to look amazing, but I know i'll be mortified having my makeup… Continue

Added by lorraine b. on December 29, 2010 at 5:06pm — 5 Comments

Alopecia Areata Registry

I wanted to ask everyone to please help find a cure for our disease.
Please fill out a questionaire and donate a blood sample to www.naaf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=research_registry
This is our hope for a cure.
Happy New Year!!!

Added by JeffreySF on December 29, 2010 at 1:47am — 4 Comments

My 4-year-old cousin

I just got back from spending some time in my home town with my family. I hadn't seen some of them in about 8 months, including my little 4 year old cousin. She is so cute. On Christmas morning I helped her put together one of her big gifts. She found this little bow and asked me to put it in my hair. I have a buzz cut and I was wearing a scarf on my head at the time. I asked if I could attach it to my scarf and she said "no, take that off". I said "I don't have any hair". She looked at me like… Continue

Added by Alliegator on December 28, 2010 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

New York Times article - New research about the genetic causes of alopecia areata

This is exciting news about new research into the genetics of AA: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/28/science/28conversation.html?_r=1&hpw

In case you can't read it via this link, I've pasted the article below:

Living and Studying AlopeciaBy CLAUDIA DREIFUS

Published: December 27, 2010

Angela Christiano, 45, an associate professor of dermatology and genetics at… Continue

Added by Mary on December 28, 2010 at 11:00am — 13 Comments

New Year's resolutions

Time for a change or affirmation of your positive traits? New year's Resolution time coming up! I used to tear up the ending-year's calendar into tiny bits, then toss them up as confetti at midnight when ushering in a new year...when I wanted to GET RID OF a bad year, mentally. Nowadays, I have more calendar entries I DO want to keep...but it is an idea that may fit some of you.

My resolutions include being open to mystery and spirituality, taking control of my OWN life (not lives of… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on December 28, 2010 at 2:30am — 16 Comments

Hair loss

My name is AngieI have Alopecia and my hair is so broken off and now my eyebrows are starting to come out. I am afraid and scared and not sure what I should do...

Added by Angela Frazier on December 27, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

When your own hat doesn't fit

Just a quick observation that kinda struck me funny...I have a Santa hat that I got a couple of Christmas' ago...and I kinda like it...but when I put it on this year...it was too big! I mean, WAY too big..like a kid trying on an adult's hat..I finally gave up and took it off, cause it kept falling down over my eyes. It didn't even occur to me as to WHY at first, then I realized that it was because I have so much less hair than I did a year ago. Anyways, I didn't really let it bother me...it was… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on December 27, 2010 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

No, it's not contagious

I have wondered sometimes what other people think when they see someone with alopecia areata. If or when someone asked me whats wrong with my hair I would be happy to tell them its alopecia areata and that it is and autoimmune disorder. Of course not everyone knows about alopecia and perhaps some might think if they get too close to you they will get alopecia. I have ran into a few situations where some people think I'm diseased like they would sit near me then stare at my head then sit further… Continue

Added by Lawrence C. on December 26, 2010 at 11:12pm — 8 Comments

What is hair?

I had the most amazing morning today.. It was super windy as I got out of the car. My husband who is amazing says with a straight face. Is your hair going to come off and offers me his hat.. I thought that was hilarious because mines is bonded and nothing pulls this mess off...


It got me to thinking about the journey I have endured. 15 years ago I progressed from AT to AU and thought it was horrible as a teenager now I think it could have been worse. What is hair? It is…


Added by Trina on December 23, 2010 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

The 3rd Annual 12 Days of Alopecia

Hi Friends,

I'm a little late but maybe we can make this work. Share your line and have some fun!


On the 1st day of Alopecia Areata I recieved my first little bald spot on me.

What happened on the 2nd day?


Added by JeffreySF on December 23, 2010 at 1:11am — 16 Comments


“Do you ever not like yourself because you don’t have hair?”

“Not really. Sometimes I wish I had hair, but then I wouldn’t be me. You can still be beautiful and wonderful without hair, you know that right?”


     It’s summer – hot, sometimes sweltering, but still wonderful. We’re outside, and it’s much hotter than it… Continue

Added by Lauren W on December 22, 2010 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Advice needed

On Monday after I got my shots I put on my wig and went to my niece's Holiday Show.  She is 4 years old and has very little  thin hair.  Her two best friends have long thick hair.  When she saw me with my wig she didn't recognize me at first.  The next day my sister in law text me to say that Annie wanted to know where I got that MAGICAL Shampoo that made my hair grow so fast.  She told her Mommy that she wanted her hair to look just like Cookie's (that is what she calls me).  If she only knew… Continue

Added by zeida on December 22, 2010 at 5:22pm — 5 Comments

Buzz Cut

Looks like we are going to buzz Bray's head over the holidays.  This last bout of AA that hit in Nov was more severe than the last episode.  Bray's teachers at 4k are very supportive of us.  That makes a world of difference.  Last time his hair grew back very nicely but I know AA is unpredictable.  It seems it did very well in summer, so we have some time to wait here in WI.  Bray does not seem to mind one way or another right now.

Added by Angie Simonet on December 22, 2010 at 6:26am — No Comments


Now, I just one thing want to know.

How can I accept this? How can I just live with this? To accept, there is no recovery.

How could you?

Added by Andrea Pári on December 21, 2010 at 11:28am — 2 Comments

Almost gone

Its almost gone now a few little strands here and there i can't  believe its actually came to this.As i am typing this the tears are just falling down on my lap just as my hair washes down the drain every day.If i hear Bald is beautiful one more time i think i am going to scream.I wish i could think that way ,right now i can't.Can you tell i'm struggling today i hate this emotional roller coaster can i get off now PLEASE.I JUST WANT TO GO BACK TO THE WAY I WAS. Please help me God i have…


Added by clare majka on December 20, 2010 at 6:42pm — 21 Comments

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