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Joseph Paris~Heaven Sent!

My 7 year old daughter, Kaliyah, was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a couple of months ago. At first it was the hairline at the nape of her neck...then it was small patches here & there...then within a month's time, 90% of her hair was gone. Being that she is a child, her head is small & the wigs were getting harder and harder to stay on. She was very insecure & also experienced an embarrassing moment when it fell off while she was playing. With nothing but prayer left....I prayed… Continue

Added by Lee on June 13, 2011 at 9:12am — 5 Comments

Feeling sad

Today I've noticed my eye brows are thining out and my lashes have started to fall out abit :( that made me very depressed today just want to cry and scream out to God why me?
anyone know how much tattood brows are at all?

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 12, 2011 at 2:30pm — 11 Comments

My Seb. Derm.

I bit the proverbial bullet and applied promiseb all over my face today. I have been using this on my ears for the past few days and have not experienced any side effects and thought that I should now try this on my entire face. I will not try this along my hairline until my hair is cut. I hope this works. I think it will!

Added by D. Brown on June 12, 2011 at 2:10pm — No Comments

Alopecia veteran - and proud of it!

I use the word veteran literally and mean it. I have been fighting a war against alopecia from the moment I was diagnosed at age 4, and have waged brutal battles against countless doctors, classmates, friends, family members, and significant others. I have hated myself and my looks for more years than I care to count, and I distrust anybody who dares to think that I am beautiful in spite of alopecia. I have prayed daily for 10,592 days (as of this morning) for a treatment that won't reverse… Continue

Added by kastababy on June 12, 2011 at 12:30pm — 7 Comments


Now in the middle of the year I'll move from town to start college to study psychology. I must admit I'm insecure about the new people I'll meet and their comments, mainly because of being away from the comfort of family and friends.
But I think it will be a good experience for my personal growth. I hope everything goes well.

Added by Giovana on June 11, 2011 at 3:17pm — 5 Comments

Anyone between Oshawa and Toronto

I was wondering if anyone in these regions had alopecia and would like to have a something planned for those of us hat have alopecia this summer??

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 11, 2011 at 1:32pm — No Comments

Bumps around my bald patch

Hi everyone!
Has anyone experienced little red bumps around the perimiter of their bald spots or patches? I woke up this morning and 4 of these little bumps have sprung up. My scalp where I lose hair is also pink (thats where I can tell where my next hairloss spot will be) but the pink is not raised. I have only had AA since March so it is all new to me...and the doc doesn't know a whole lot when I ask questions.

Added by Jules on June 11, 2011 at 10:00am — 5 Comments


Well I posted a blog a while back shouting out how i had regrowth and that i only had a little bit to fill in, well it now seems to be falling out again :( I'm so fed up, thought that was gonna be then end of the nightmare.

I'm sick of wearing wigs and having people stare at me all the time.. I can see people looking at my hair when they are talking to me and it pisses me off, maybe I should go back to wearing my head scarf least then its obvious i have no hair..

thought I'd… Continue

Added by lynne on June 11, 2011 at 4:30am — 6 Comments

Good and bad

Hey everyone,

( you will probably think what has Rihanna have to do with me feeling down but it's on another topic )

So I have things in my life now, that seems good but somehow I manage to put a negative meaning to them..

The first bad thing is not related to my alopecia...

lately I have been feeling really confused and depressed.

Have to pass my exams, and it's not going very well, I have pretty good grades, but still I feel like a failure, when I don't get the best… Continue

Added by Calipso on June 10, 2011 at 7:00am — 7 Comments

A special day for me

I went to therapy today and was given a goal, not a specific one but any goal and I was to TO DO IT!!! So i was thinking what could I do , then I thought hmmmm,,,,,,,,my therapy was over at 2:30 and I usually wait around til 5ish for my hubby to pick me up because of my anxiety and thoughts of others staring at me and i thought today I DON'T CARE who stares at me who looks at my wig (whether or not they could even tell) and I walked home it took me an hour to get home so I achieved my goal and… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 8, 2011 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

New member. My story so far

Hi everyone I'm new here! Thought it was a good time to share my experiences. I'm a 48 year old bloke, happily married father of four living in the UK. I have always had a very full head of hair and have never experienced any type of hair loss in the past. In fact my hair has always been so thick that barbours have often said to me how I shall never go bald! About three months ago I came across a bald patch on the side of my head about the size of a 2 pound coin. Since then this patch has grown… Continue

Added by Val on June 8, 2011 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Hello again...

Hey everyone! Feel like its been a while again, This vertigo has got me everywhere. I'm finally doing better. Not dizzy all day, but now have no muscle in my body and I'm trying to get that back. Loving the pool in the backyard for my work-outs. Everything is pretty much the same for me, just getting out of bed and trying to get back on my feet again and hopefully return to work by the end of this month!! Hope everyone is well!

Added by Tamara on June 6, 2011 at 7:58pm — 2 Comments

The Big Reveal

I am currently 100% AU. Last year I had 50% hairloss on my head and I made the big decision to shave it off. It was going to look better than the funny hair cuts and comeovers I had. I didn't want to go to the beach that summer with my kids and worry about how I would look coming out of the water with out a hat.

So I made the big move. I had a moment of why me, then started shaving. I took it really well. I made a funny video while I was shaving.

I told my 7 year old son… Continue

Added by Craig A. on June 6, 2011 at 7:30pm — 7 Comments

My Story - From one tiny spot to hairless. What a crazy ride it has been!

I am very thankful but sad to find out that I am not alone. I wish everyone that is suffering from this terrible emotionally draining disease all the best. AA is truly a roller coaster ride. I am 40 and will be on the ride for the rest of my life. Here is my story….

Part I: The adolescent:

I was 13 years old and diagnosed with a tumor on my thyroid. I was lucky, it was found quickly and when part of it was removed it was diagnosed as a benign tumor. (But we all know that there… Continue

Added by Craig A. on June 6, 2011 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Sweating issue

So this weekend I was at a patio reception for my friends wedding. There was a tent which helped with the sun, but there was no breeze in the tent and it was HOT. I was so embarrassed because I just had sweat running down my face. I knew that it would be different with wearing a wig and that my head would get hot, but it really sucked having the sweat running down my face. Plus the adhesive that I use doesn't last when you sweat..darn it! I had to actually go sit in my car with the a/c on to… Continue

Added by Julie G on June 6, 2011 at 11:30am — 8 Comments

My own worst enemy

I have had AA my entire life and have been basically bald for the last 3 years I still have been unable to rid my mind of my self loathing thoughts. It took me 2 years to convince myself to wear a wig , which I hate wearing it makes me feel like I'm hiding myself behind a uncomfortable and itchy disguise but I wear it in fear of dealing with the comments and looks of my peers. Before that I would wear a cap to school and a big jacket to hide myself in and for awhile it worked I made myself… Continue

Added by lauren on June 6, 2011 at 4:30am — 6 Comments

My social phobia can still raise its ugly head

Today we were in the mall and I was checking out the boots at different shops. Once when my social phobia was rampant I could never have done that so I've come a long way. BUT as I went from shop to shop, unable to make a decision about which boots I wanted to buy my husband John joined me and said, "see any you like? What about this pair" I was indecisive going on about oh I don't know, are they too plain/fancy/anything? Then he said try them on and lets see and immediately I felt better. I… Continue

Added by Pat on June 6, 2011 at 1:32am — 5 Comments


I wear a vacuum and and i have to shave my head every day. Any suggestions to prolong my shaving? I hate having to shave every single day but my wig will not suction if i don't. I actually have stubble by midday after a morning shave..

Also all this hair is hot here in Florida so I'm looking for suggestions for a shorter wig that actually fits snug. I have a couple of short wigs but by not having any hair on my head they don't fit snug enough. Any suggestions on both matters would be… Continue

Added by Linda Rollins on June 5, 2011 at 11:42pm — 2 Comments

Race 1 done

Today for the first time in my life I ran a 4 mile race. I feel super accomplished doing this in a wig and with a drawn on eyebrow. By the end of the race I couldn't care less if my eyebrow had wiped away; it didn't. We can do anything we want even with alopecia :) Don't give up on the things you love and want to accomplish.

Added by Jocelyn on June 5, 2011 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

Grow or shave ? Hmm

Hello everyone ! It's late and I am not sleepy . ( perfect time to update you all ) I have some regrowth . I'm kind of excited , kind of not . I LOVE my wig . It has helped me so much but I do miss the hair attached to my head . I haven't shaved my head it a while . Last year in the summer it was so hot & I know this year will be the same . With the hair underneath it makes it hard to wear my wig . I will probably wear bandanas this summer anyways . I miss coloring my hair crazy colors . I… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on June 5, 2011 at 1:30am — 9 Comments

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