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hi all, started posting here late last year and received so much advice and support from you all, thought i would just do a recap and ask for a little more advice:)

i have AA and have a few small spots and and a major size of the hand job......gave up using dermovate just too greasy...... finding now i have regrowth...woohoooooooo white but hair:)

could not stand wigs so been wearing bandags, scarves the job but now i am at the stage that they drive me nuts… Continue

Added by susan williams on June 4, 2011 at 11:13pm — 1 Comment

Hello, I'm new here

hi my name is shane carter.its nice to meet people that understand how it feels to lose your hair.i've dealt with alopecia for about the last 10 new here i ll have pics up in the next day or so.its really nice to be apart of this site!

Added by shanec on June 4, 2011 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Fusion health

I just ordered some pills (Chinese herbal ones) from fusion health( I'm sorry but I'm just not into this whole 'bald and proud thing, I'm bald and I'm definately not proud of the fact that I am and I refuse to believe doctors or websites telling me that theres no chance of hair growth since I have AU). A little 10 year old girl from New Zealand who had AU began taking them and her hair,eyelashes and eyebrows grew back( and lots of people seem to credit her regrowth to her being young ) I'm sure… Continue

Added by Alexis on June 4, 2011 at 12:30am — 4 Comments

Harry Potter World Premiere

After weeks of constant nagging my dad has finally given in and said me and my best friend can go to london to see the celebrities walk down the red carpet for the world premiere of the 8th and final Harry Potter. Even though we have to take my dad with us we will still have an amazing time. The only problem is its a month away and we are alreay really excited:D x We are gettig dow to London at 1am and so hopefully it wont be too packed. Please could you look at my pictures and suggest which… Continue

Added by velvet on June 3, 2011 at 8:20am — 6 Comments

'Bald and Fabulous'

Just a short note to share an experience I had the other day.

I finally got my t-shirt done, which says my catch phrase that I use all the time "Bald and Fabulous" I wore it to the mall the other day while doing some shopping and basically just getting out of the house. On way out of the mall heading to my jeep. There was a car full of twenty-something girls in the car beside where I was parked. As I was opening my door, the one girl rolled down her window and spoke to me. Saying how much… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on June 2, 2011 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

2nd june - ragley hall

today me, my boyfriend, katy and jordan all went to ragley hall. What an amazing day. We went in the maze and even tho we are all 16/17 we played hide and seek tig which is such an amzing game when you are in a maze. then we went on the massive slide and the rope assault course which is very hard. After we went on the zip wire and got pushed very hard by the boys. We had ice cream and lunch and then we played some rugby. We also went on the body zorbing which is so much fun smashing into each… Continue

Added by velvet on June 2, 2011 at 12:25pm — No Comments

1st June

wow what a day that was. Me, my boyfriend and my little brother decided to go on a cycle to the arrow valley lake. It was fun except on the way back my boyfriend said lets go this way its quicker (yeah right!) it took us the complete wrong way :/ took us nearly 2 hours to get home whereas my way only takes 30mins. After that we went to the local ford and got wet. Then my mom phoned to say my boss had called and i was needed at work so i did a shift from 5-12:30 it was a long nite. I made £30… Continue

Added by velvet on June 2, 2011 at 12:19pm — 1 Comment

Not always what you think

I will start by saying that I have several scarves that I wear on my head when I am running errands or exercising. I recently moved from a suburb North of where I live to inside the city. The suburb is about 40 minutes from the city so that will give you some idea how far apart they are located. Here is a reminder for me as to why not assume why someone is looking at you...

On Monday, I went to my old home in the suburb to clean it out. I ran to Target to get something to take a… Continue

Added by Alliegator on June 2, 2011 at 10:00am — 8 Comments

Finally shaved my head

So Yesterday, June 1st right before leaving out to work., I decided to let my mom shave my head. I've had alopecia since I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11, well at least that's when it was brought to my attention most (kids like to tease). Went to the doctor and was diagnosed, of course they tell you to switch shampoo and use THEIR preferred kind and it didn't work. Dermatologist told me to use some silly cream that literally chemically burns your scalp off, turns it purple and its suppose to let a… Continue

Added by Sequoia a.k.a. Cookie on June 2, 2011 at 8:30am — 11 Comments

All in your mind

Lately I have been thinking

If you knew you looked amazing and people stared at you would you think they are staring because you're ugly? - NO, you would think "hey I look great and got a lot of attention today."

If you felt great and went outside with your head held high why would any stares scare you?

It's all in your mind, that stereotype that if you are stared at you probably look bad. All the stars get stared at, a lot of beautiful girls/men get stared at and they… Continue

Added by Calipso on June 2, 2011 at 4:00am — 9 Comments

Good place to donate hair?

It's been a long time since I have posted. My boyfriend has been growing out his hair to donate but I am not sure where. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have heard not so good things about lock of love...

Thank you!

Added by Margarita on June 2, 2011 at 1:19am — 2 Comments

Zeke the wonder dawg

Up a bit earlier than usual this morning. Seems that two raccoons were having a spat over something or other in the woods near the house. Mind you, critter noises are the norm around here & typically get no more response than rolling over to go back to sleep. Not today. Zeke the wonder dawg decided this was not going to happen on his watch, so he starts pacing around the house. Go ahead, I’m going back to sleep. Apparently that was the wrong answer or so I came to realize when he jumped up… Continue

Added by Tony on June 1, 2011 at 5:11am — 2 Comments

The world can be a strange place

My sister visited for Memorial Day Weekend. Its been very hot and one evening we decided on going out for ice cream.

My sister, my husband and I got in the car and drove to a local ice cream place. We ate our respective ice creams at one of the tables outside of the establishment. I was out without a hat, scarf; it was very hot. I often forget that I no longer have hair. I feel comfortable just being out, in the world, bald.

As we proceeded to get back in the car, I hear a… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on May 31, 2011 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

May 31 - My therapy update

Went to therapy today and there was obviously a big group again, this time we had a special person in there talking about substance abuse, and guess what I found out?

I overly take my meds and I find it a necessity to have my 3 glasses of wine at night and that means I have a substance abuse even tho i don't do it in the day time but I over take my meds in the day and then i have my drinks at night, so after therapy is over I have to attend a substance abuse program. makes me feel… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 31, 2011 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Conquered my fear

I finally "came out" so to speak about my Alopecia today to everyone i know.. this is what i posted in my Facebook notes.. the stress of hiding it and everything seemed to make my depression worse, which in turn i always feel tired. I am hoping now I can get back on track =-) Much Love all!

My boys are so self conscious about things, and I am always telling them not to worry about what other people thing, but then I realized, it is my fault that they are like that because I am always… Continue

Added by Amy Evans on May 31, 2011 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments


Hi everyone,

A lot of changes have been made since I was last up here. I am single, but its not because I have alopecia. It took a while to accept myself and the changes my body has been through because of depression. Depression can create more problems and ruin good relationships. Sometimes accepting things that we cannot change and relying on God and others to help us get through the trial will help keep depression at a minimum. I still have those days that I just want to explode… Continue

Added by Shereka Moore on May 31, 2011 at 2:28pm — 3 Comments

Grandmother's prayers

strength comes with numbers and I have witnessed healing and need prayer for my granddaughter who is nine with this weird attack, and thank all of those who bear the same relation with me... I am in small alberta town and my granddaughter lives in a small alberta city where the specialists have gone to larger hospitals,, she needs a specialist who lives closer than 300 km.... I would also like to know if stress is the major dealer of this awful curse???

Added by grandma concerns on May 31, 2011 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

Wig stylist in my area

Can anyone recommend a person in the monmouth county area that cuts wigs? I have a new Freedom wig that needs to be cut.

Added by Kathleen on May 31, 2011 at 10:17am — 4 Comments

Tuesday :/

Tuesday morning really shouldn't have stayed up till 2-30 this morning as now i have to deliver 600 papers not good. Still at least i can get the empire magazine while i am by the shops. It has a 36 page special on Harry Potter which has got to be one of the best things in the world. Time to go do my paper round then :/ have a good day :) xx

Added by velvet on May 31, 2011 at 5:17am — 1 Comment

Does massaging the scalp help or is it just in my mind?

Hey all,

So I don't know it it's just my imagination, but I feel like the more I brush/massage the new hairs on my scalp the thicker they become. I used to always hide my regrowth underneath my wig and rarely ever massaged my head unless I was in the shower. I feel like I'm seeing a slight difference...

Has anyone had experience with this? Also, I've heard using some herbs or oils is good, any thoughts?

Thanks for your continued support!


Added by Jennifer on May 31, 2011 at 4:44am — 5 Comments

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