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Bald Pride Wall

OK Guys, get this, I made a Bald Pride Wall.

I took the one photo yesterday which I had put on my wall, and then I put up 2 more, with an index card that proudly declares in pink: "Bald Pride."

Bald Pride movement, here we come, people!

(Hey, if everyone else has a 'pride movement', why can't we?)

Added by Peace to you on May 25, 2011 at 6:37pm — 1 Comment

Ah, spring!?!

Spring is here or so they say. Those of us near the Great Lakes haven’t seen much in the way of the sun yet or warm weather for that matter. Just rain and lots of it. Nevertheless, my body somehow knows what time of year it is. Nothing new as it seems each winter brings re-growth, albeit less and less each year. Then along comes spring, complete with intense itching and the all too familiar shedding of winter’s growth. I don’t mind the loss of hair…it’s the itching that drives me… Continue

Added by Tony on May 25, 2011 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

Going out of my mind

Today I am going out of my mind. I WANT MY HAIR BACK!!!!! I am tired of wearing the hats, the scarves, the wig, and the bandanas. I just want my hair to grow back. Today I almost left the house without anything covering my head. Thank God I noticed before I got in the car. I ran back in and put on the scarf. I have outfits that don't go with the hats and the scarves so I don't wear them. I am sick of this situation. My husband keeps telling me it's growing back, but I can't wait any more. I… Continue

Added by zeida on May 24, 2011 at 9:30pm — 8 Comments

Framing your face

Instead of worrying about hair which is framing or not framing your face...

Try framing your face!

Put a photo, in a frame, of your bold and beautiful bald self up on the wall.

I tried this out today.

So many times when I think of myself, in my head, I am wearing a wig. I decided to celebrate my true physical form by posting a photo of myself, without a wig, on my wall.

Added by Peace to you on May 24, 2011 at 9:20pm — 2 Comments

Another year in Montreal

We3ll... glad to say no hairs have ever tried growing on me heh heh! I have started a realtor's license course in downtown Montreal, and am working at a Mercedes-Benz dealership booking appointments for their clients, so that keeps me out of trouble pretty much throughout the whole week!

Weekends I head to a cottage about an hour east of the city and just relax, visit with neighbours and have drinks...

Then I had back to Montreal and do it all over again...

I haven't really done… Continue

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on May 24, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

You know what bugs me?

When my friends go on and on about how they "hate their hair today", or "how much trouble they are having with their hair". I sit there thinking "Really! You are actually going to tell me how much you "hate" your hair!" I know they don't mean anything by it, but it just really BUGS me!! Just thinking out loud:)

Added by Kris Fenchel on May 24, 2011 at 9:30am — 10 Comments

Arrgh, I'm a pirate

After my yoga class I stopped off at the grocery store. I wear a bandana when I work out and was still wearing it. A women and her child who was probably about 3 passed me at the end of one of the aisles and I heard the kid ask his mom "Is that a pirate?" I didn't hear his mothers response but I got a good chuckle out of that.

Added by Petra on May 24, 2011 at 12:30am — 7 Comments

Cinderella moment

I had a job interview today with an employment agency. Mind you, I'd responded to an ad for a "Receptionist/Secretary Law Firm". Right up my alley. When I walked in I was shown to a desk where I was then given an insurmountable amount of paperwork to fill out. You would have thought I had bought a house. I removed my overcoat, my cap, exposing my Royal Baldness. The receptionist smiled. The others kept walking past where I was I guess to get a "sneak peak" at the tall bald headed one. No… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on May 23, 2011 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

A Big Secret?

I recently stumbled upon the F****a website, they sounded okay so I sent them an email through their site to find out more information about their wigs. Well, I was contacted by a rep in my city (they are based in the U.S. I am in Canada). She tells me she also has alopecia..yada yada and would like me to try their Gripper wig, tell her what shade and length I would like and she will have some ready for me to try on.

Due to where in the city she was located I commented back that now… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on May 23, 2011 at 1:05pm — 4 Comments

Update on my screenplay

Hi all!!

So if any of you have seen I posted almost 2 years ago that a script I wrote about a girl with Alopecia helped me get picked to move in the competitive screenwriting program at the University of Michigan. Well the next semester Winter '10 I re-wrote what was at the time called Miss Michigan 1989. Through the semester I ended up changing the title of the script to Beauty Queen and with in my 2nd draft creating a new emotional relationship that pushed me to my emotional limits as a… Continue

Added by Kelci on May 23, 2011 at 1:47am — 16 Comments

Being open

my inlaws from italy came to visit along with my mother in law who lives in Toronto, I found the courage to pull out my laptop and show her my album called my secret world of alopecia(facebook) I showed her who I really looked like with no hair. She said to me," you are still beautiful and the one with the blond curly hair ,you look like lady gaga,,HAHA. I think she said that to make me laugh. So I felt better showing her the real me of who I am when she leaves my home. I felt relief i felt I… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 22, 2011 at 11:00am — 5 Comments found it!

A place to finally meet others with alopecia, in all its stages. Up or down, shy or bold, old or young, we are people all wanting to meet sincere folk and find a way to cope with or laugh about this strange condition.

If you haven't met an alopecian anywhere else in your world...this world will provide you with some answers. Just explore blogs, discussions, videos and groups...and make a few "friends" for the purpose of positive exchange. We are all in this together! : ) Just had to… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on May 21, 2011 at 7:30pm — 9 Comments


Hi everyone
this is just a quick note, as some of you might have read already, Im trying to bring together an awareness event in my city. And hopefully make it an annual thing. Today I added a new group to my facebook page and Im now presenting it to you, my alopecia family.

i tried linking it but it didnt go can look for it maybe on facebook "BALD AND FABULOUS"

I hope everyone has a FABULOUS day XO

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on May 20, 2011 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Bald for the day

I decided to get up this morning, showered didn't even smear my mirror as it was fogged, walked out, got my cleaning clothes on,blared some music cleaned all 3 floors of my house, then showered again, smeared my mirror and put my make-up on, with some lipstick, creamed my head and sat outside waiting for my husband to come home and start the bbq, and when he came in he kissed my head and rubbed his hand on it and said, that's a sexy feeling,,that totally got me by surprise and he said I'm in no… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 20, 2011 at 7:00pm — 17 Comments

The TRUE test!

So, I've been out of work going on 3 years. August 20th will be 3 years since my layoff to be exact. I have had a time of it trying to find a day-job. While I am a musician, a performing singer/songwriter, music right now does not pay the bills, is not a true "wage earner". When I was signed to a label in the mid-90s I worked as a full-time musician for about 2 and a half years and made an excellent wage, was able to sustain myself 100%. When the label dropped me it was "start over", worked… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on May 20, 2011 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Get over it

I always get these kinds of ads all over the internet.

Stop trying to change me. I'm completely cool with who I am. Get over ittt.

If I had a genie and he could grant me three wishes, not one of those wishes would be for hair.

Actually, if I woke up tomorrow with a full head of hair, I'd be mad! I would probably shave it, or wax it.. do anything… Continue

Added by Erika Vincent on May 19, 2011 at 11:00pm — 13 Comments

My update

Writing has always been the only comfort to me. I turn to it in times of happiness so it only makes since for me to call upon it in times of sadness. It's been awhile since I have been on Alopecia World. Mostly because when I come to this site I am reminded more of how real my condition is (as if looking in the mirror and seeing it every single day isn't enough) But I find that this site, regardless of how hurt it may make me feel at times, also serves as the only place I feel "accepted". I can… Continue

Added by Danielle Pace on May 19, 2011 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments

Today's therapy: "Negativity"

Just keeping everyone updated on my therapy for those that read it.

Today we dealt with negativity and I thought I would be ok but I just couldn't cope with it as that is my worst ever is negativity, as a young child I was used to everyone coming and going out of my life and now I worry that now that I am bald my negativity is this," how long will it take before my husband gets sick of looking at me bald? so naturally I shed some tears today I couldn't hold it back, it was the worst… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 19, 2011 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

My eyebrows & lashes

Hi everyone......

Haven't been on here for a while, but I just had to share with someone my good news. Both my eyebrows and lashes have decided to return to me?!?! I'm so very excited and I really can't share this with anyone else because no one else knows (sshhhhh...) or they just don't understand that such a small thing, can mean so much to someone dealing with AA for over 15 years. So I thank God for my gift, hope they will continue to grow in thick, and dream someday I can throw away… Continue

Added by Hope on May 18, 2011 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

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