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Check out Shannon!

Olympian winner Shannon Miller was on the TV news this morning in the USA for boldly appearing bald in a national magazine after chemo. She had beautiful bald portrait photos that they showed on-screen, but she wore a nice wig for the interview.

Added by Tallgirl on May 18, 2011 at 1:13pm — 2 Comments

Update on my therapy

I went today and wow they weren't kidding before it all gets better it gets worst, I've never meant so many people with so much pain including myself, but I made it through and I feel good about myself today. The more groups I go to the better I can heal over my alopecia amongst other things. Next week we will talk about NEGATIVITY and I am looking forward to it because that for sure is going to be for me with my alopecia.

Just wanted to keep some of my friends on here… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 17, 2011 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

Update on my progress. Things do get better. Graduation!

I hope everyone is ready for summer have been concentrating on school and not so much worrying about my hair because truth is I can't change it..It has been seven months from the day I discovered my bald spot and life has changed because of this AA. I have become a better person, more understanding, and compassionate, especially in my nursing practice..So, I graduated and I am just waiting on taking the state boards and am very excited..I remember when this first happen it stole my… Continue

Added by Trish on May 17, 2011 at 4:30am — 13 Comments

Need of help and support


And please excuse me for my English

Need of help and support

In France I do not find a doctor or a treatment

I have just read your messages, I can announce you my situation which looks like your problems, > > > in a sense(direction) different, > > > with much more pathology.

I am always in search of a solution,

I ruin myself in doctor, medicine

And most of the answers are " I can nothing for you "

And hooo! I am… Continue

Added by coccinelle on May 16, 2011 at 5:29pm — 4 Comments

Help picking the right wig - Blonde or brunette?

I'm new to wearing wigs. Suffering from hypothyroidism and losing hair by the handfuls :( I had very long, thick hair. I was depressed for a long time, but, am now just trying to move on and deal with the fact that I have to wear a wig.

I've purchased several over the past few months and there always seems to be one thing I don't like about each one. Either this one has the right volume, but, the front looks funny. Or, this one is the perfect color, but, the part is weird. I wish I… Continue

Added by Beverly on May 15, 2011 at 8:30pm — 9 Comments


it's amazing how many people can be so rude, Friday I decided to take out the trash in my turban, we live in a complex so we have to leave our house to get to the garbage house, i thought no one would see me considering it was during the day and it was working hours fo most, As I came back out of the hut my neighbor yells, you looking to be an indian with that turban on? I was not only in tears but furious because i thought it was racist I was so tempted to go up to him and knock him out. But I… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 15, 2011 at 10:00am — 9 Comments

Hair...It CAN come back

Hey everyone - it's been AGES since I've been back on. I feel bad and a fair-weather friend. I've stopped in from time to time just to see if my friend are online for a chat, but alas, haven't been able to connect (you know who you are!) :-)

This is a quick note, but wanted to assure those new to the group that your hair CAN indeed come back with full regrowth. I remember when I used to spend COUNTLESS hours on this site and was amazed at how many new members were here… Continue

Added by John M. on May 15, 2011 at 12:00am — 15 Comments


Absolutely unbelievable that someone would try and take over a website such as this and am glad things worked out legally on behalf of Alopecia World!

So far, since I signed up two years ago (approx.) I have been fortunate enough to have that one and only spot on the top back part of m scalp. Now I wonder does my Dermatologist know what he was talking about when he diagnosed me?

If could be from my Lupus as well. Has anyone else experienced this situation?

Added by Pamela Garrahan on May 14, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Old memories resurfacing

I found out today that my brother is moving from Ontario to here in Alberta. My mom has been discussing with him for a while now about making the move. I'm truly happy about having him closer as its been many years since I have seen him. But with this move comes old memories and securities. You see he was the kindest when I was first diagnosed with alopecia and in fact he was the one that told all the kids at school that I was Bald and wore a wig. I know we are now adults and have fought our… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on May 14, 2011 at 9:00pm — 13 Comments

AlopeciaWorld.COM is back! :-)

We are immensely pleased to announce that the domain name ALOPECIAWORLD.COM is back with Alopecia World!

Just to remind you, it was recently seized by a cyber-squatter who attempted to sell it for $18,000.00 or the highest bidder.

Thanks to the intervention of Alopecia World’s very able legal team, the cyber-squatter's efforts were thwarted and the domain name was transferred back to Alopecia World…


Added by Alopecia World on May 14, 2011 at 5:00pm — 13 Comments

Dr's apt.

I went to the dr's apt. this evening to take a look at my head as for some reason I has these very soft tiny stubs onver my head , I asked him if there was a chance it would grow and that it has been like this for a vey long time. He told me ufortunatly it will stay that way, it is your white cells overly acting. I came out crying in hopes I'd gt at least little good news but I got bad news instead. So basically i've got the lining for hair but it just won't grow:(

Has anyone or does… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 13, 2011 at 7:56pm — 2 Comments

Sauna and wigs

Hello all, I was hoping someone could help me with my dilemma. I am a newbie to wearing hair and I bond with supertape all the way around the perimeter. I am going on my hols to Turkey early June, where I know the temperature will be hot hot hot! (yes)!

One of the nice things about Turkey is the Turkish baths, but as it is a steam room/sauna can I still go in with my wig on, or will it loosen up? I am going to 10 days so was hoping not to have to re bound while I was out… Continue

Added by dannii on May 13, 2011 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Alopecian families

I finally have a little more time for Alopecia World now that GEMS is done (a girls group I volunteer with). It really is a shame life tends to get hectic from time to time and certain things that are close to your heart take a seat on the back burner. My heart has been filled with passion for so many things as of late and yet I haven't the time to do anything about it. I'd like to get back into hosting alopecia meetings, go on another mission (perhaps leading some youth), go white water… Continue

Added by Carol on May 12, 2011 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Sorry all!

I really don't know what is going on here, i have replied to all who have emailed me, it says message sent but when i check back i cannot see the reply????

just a small update, so far i have white regrowth in the main patch which is large, bitty but hey, it's hair, not going to get too excited as i know i could lose it again......we will see !!! watch this space lol x

Added by susan williams on May 12, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Did something well

Today was my second day through my therapy and to my surprise it was my turn to talk, I spoke of my bad childhood and adolescent life and brought up "alopecia" I asked who here knows what that means? they all answered NO so I explained what it was and they told me I was very brave to share something like that. and that they couldn't even tell I wore a wig.But they were very supportive of it.

my counselor is going to help me raise awareness in Oshawa about alopecia when I have done my… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 12, 2011 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments


I was ok today got some sun and now 'm like "WHY ME? what did I do wrong to the man upstairs to give me no hair???WHY LORD WHY ME??????]
All I want to do is cry and stay in bed and never come back out
I'm sorry to vent here but i didn't know where else to go share my thoughts

sad Lisa

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 11, 2011 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

Looking for a new wig!

So, my newest $500 synthetic wig that I've had for only 2 months is starting to frizz & look "old" - go figure ugh - so I need a new wig. I'm looking for a bob style synthetic wig with monofilament top, any suggestions? Not too pricey if possible. I looked online but didn't find anything, yet.

Added by Sophia on May 11, 2011 at 5:08pm — 9 Comments

7 pm

There's a television show called "The 7pm Project". It's like a news program, but run by comedians. Its very clever. They have a "guest expert" on each night, the Bondi Vet, a very handsome doctor, social commentators, financial dudes, whatever. Tonight the doctor was on.

They had a story on "Bald Fear", what men in their twenties apparently go through. I immediately went to their website and posted the following.

"I saw tonight your story on "Bald Fear" and had to comment. I've… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on May 11, 2011 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Meeting another bald woman in public

I recently had a wonderful experience. I was standing in a long line at customs at London's Heathrow Airport after a long flight from the US. We ended up in the midst of a plane load of people from Israel - I recognized the lilting Hebrew words. Ahead of me I saw a bald woman, about my age. As the line twisted back and forth around the rope barrier, she and I came face to face - I said hello. She didn't speak much English, and I know only a little Hebrew. I motioned toward her face and head…


Added by Mary on May 11, 2011 at 5:30am — 10 Comments

"You stuck to your guns and...."

"You stuck to your guns and....." was the topic given to my husband to deliver an impromptu talk this morning at our Toastmasters club. He began by describing his dismay at seeing my newly coiffured hairdo on our wedding day 42 years ago and compared it in derogatory terms to how he loved how I usually wore it which was long and straight. Could he go through with marrying a woman with a beehive? Then he stated how he stuck to his guns and married me anyhow little knowing that 30 years later… Continue

Added by Pat on May 11, 2011 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

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