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I was on the trolley the other day and a guy asked me if i have alopecia and that's the first time someone asked me that before but i answer the question very truthfully. then he said he wasn't imagining it. i was so weirded out afterward. how would you react if it happen to you?

Added by Tamika Joseph on May 11, 2011 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

So I found another spot

it has been a couple of months since i found the first spot, my hair has been falling out everyday but it had been from all over my head so it wasn't as noticeable except for the first spot that is about the size of a half dollar coin. it has thin little hairs growing out of it but its still pretty noticeable. well today i found another little spot on the opposite side of my head, this one is smaller though its about half an inch in diameter. its super itchy and even burns a little. i have an… Continue

Added by Zayuri Sams on May 10, 2011 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

My therapy

Today I went to my therapy and Oh my God I was shaking, until I got in there except I was surrounded by men!! I was the only woman there so I was nervous until the end I started to open up, my fisrt
assignment I have is to do something about 15 min before Thursday that makes me happy!!

I'm glad I did it today I made my first step!!!

I went in my pretty curly wig today too and the secretary was saying oh my what gorgeous hair you have, made me feel good and pretty.

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 10, 2011 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments


It's daunting enough when trying to find a wig that meets my needs, but I just get really peeved when dealing with certain 'sellers'. You know the ones. Where they 'understand' because they have alopecia too, so that makes them more 'compassionate' than any other seller. But don't let that facade fool you. They are the most viscous of the bunch, only out for the money. They prey on your weakness, vulnerability and insecurity. It's funny how they're the ones that sell the most expensive wigs out… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on May 10, 2011 at 3:09pm — 1 Comment


Need help with disguising the fact you have alopecia sometimes? Well I think I can help you! Ive been trying to conceal this about myself since I was 12 years old. I can glue eyelashes on perfectly, draw on eyebrows in 30 seconds and have people shocked when they find out that I have alopecia. "I can't even tell you wear a wig" is the best compliment a young artist like me can get. The trick is to practice alot! I put on eyelashes and eyebrows every day, and it only takes 15 minutes once you… Continue

Added by Alyssa Schmeck on May 10, 2011 at 3:37am — 6 Comments

Head acne, stinging and the continued process out in the world as an alopecian

So I wonder if any of you have experienced this, I've been getting what seems like acne near my forehead and around the top of my head. I'm thinking since I don't have hair nothing to absorb skin oil I'm getting these bumps. Any recommendations as to what I can use?

I also have been feeling tingling. I've been bald now since early March; is this part of the process? My eyebrows are also thinning. Any recommendations as to what I should be on the lookout for, do, etc., is much… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on May 9, 2011 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments


I thought for a while I was gonna be ok and that I wouldn't be nervous on my trip to my therapy session , however today I find myself a nervous wreck, wondering if someone will stare at my head, wondering if they can figure out I am wearing a wig, I mean alot of folks stare and I guess it's only natural but I'm nervous about it.
Tomorrow is a big day for me and I really hope I can pull through it!
'Nervous me

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 9, 2011 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

How do you like your Freedom hair prosthesis?

Hi everyone...It has been awhile since I have posted anything. I was looking for some input...I am looking into getting a Freedom hair prosthesis. Right now I am in the waiting stages with the insurance company (waiting to see if they are going to cover any of it). I was just wondering if anyone out there had one of these pieces and how they liked it. I have seen all the YouTube video's and read a bunch of testimonials on the web sight, I was just curious what anyone else might have to say… Continue

Added by Kris Fenchel on May 9, 2011 at 8:30am — 3 Comments

Just made new vid

Here is the link. I lost it once..but it is sad when guys won't 'look' look at you when you don't wear a wig...
Enjoy! Please comment if you think I went too far or did well, whatever...thanks!!

Added by Laura Adams on May 9, 2011 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

Hair regrowth

I'm very excited to say that I am experiencing some hair regrowth in the past month. I'm very curious as to what is going on with my body. The hair in two places are after getting long and turning color. I find this very strange because the only time I see hair growth is when I am pregnant and I know that is not possible at this time. Could it be the DPCP treatments that I had taken almost a year ago but had to stop because of headaches. Or is my body at age 33 changing.

Added by Crystal on May 8, 2011 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

NAAF conference & Minnesota/Wisconsin members!

Hi fellow Alopecia Friends!

I'm relatively new to this site, but not to Alopecia! I am working on getting a support group together & expanding my network of talking to people with Alopecia! So, if you live in Minnesota (I will be a Junior in the fall at Minnesota Duluth) but I am originally from Slinger, Wisconsin (30 miles north of Milwaukee) I would love to meet & talk with you!:)

Also, is anyone planning on going to LAX for the NAAF Conference in June?!

Have a… Continue

Added by Lindsay Walter on May 8, 2011 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment


Hello everyone, I havent wrote on here in a while, but would like to share my good news. I have a full head of hair with just a bit on the top to fill in, :) my hair seems to be growin quickly to, i cant believe it yet it seems unreal. I wont go without my wig yet as i dont like to crop style, lol
It has come back ginger to but still alot darker than my hair was, still some white to change but its all looking good,
really wanted to share my news, :) thanks for reading, x

Added by lynne on May 8, 2011 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments


Wshing all you moms out here a woderful moter's day! may it be the best one, ad for those of us that lost our moms , may te=hey not beforgotten,,

R.I.P MY DEAR MOM you will be missed today xoxoxoxox

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 8, 2011 at 10:14am — No Comments

My sister

HURAYYYYY I found the courage to be bald today in front of my sister and brother in law i'm so proud of myself I even posted a picture check it out!

happy me :)

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 7, 2011 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments

Check out my photos just posted

A few of you thought I might be in rmission for hair growth but it's not its only the top of my hair that I have very little of infact next to nothing. So I have posted some photos of myself

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 6, 2011 at 5:02pm — No Comments

I don't understand

I've no hair at the sides or the back i'm as smooth as a baby's head, but yet at the top i got these tiny specks like it wants to grow but it just doesn't! I tried not shaving it off for a few days and it remains the same no growth, And is very soft??? anyone have any idea why that is??
so weird!!

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 6, 2011 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments


I'm happy to say that after last night showing my family what I really looked like without a turban or a wig and all they said was, it's about time! let your head breath, it looks cute.

I seen my son's face, he just stared and stared and came up to wear I was sitting and said mommy you don't look ugly at all you are still very pretty, it brought tears to my eyes. and he hugged me tight and said I love you mommy even if you have no hair.

We were able to take my "couple picture as i… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 5, 2011 at 9:00am — 3 Comments


my hubby wasn't emabarassd to see me blad for the first time, he said it made him love me more,,check out my photos :)

Soo happy!

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 4, 2011 at 6:54pm — 1 Comment

A test for being bald

Today as you read from my last post I am happy so while I am happy I have finally decided that after doner today I will finally have the courage to show my family what I really look like without a turban or wig, which they haven't seen so far!

I want my husband to take some photos with me, i need to see his reaction if or not he would be embarrassed, I guess this is a test for me as its been bothering me for the longest time and have been quiet about it, SO if we take pictures i'll be… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 4, 2011 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Being bald

Today is a good day for me, I was able to actually stare at myself bald in the mirror with my make-up on of course, I dint feel any emotion whatsoever all I thought waas," HA! #1 i'm never gonna go grey,lol and # 2 i'll never complain of a bad hair day and # 3 i'm not gonna be the one sweating with all that hair when I can wear a turban!!

it made me smile well laugh really and I know I neded that so it felt good! Today is a good day and I hope I have many more of… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 4, 2011 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

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