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Can it get worse - the right side of my face is paralyzed!

bells palsy - cut price botox?

hello everybody who reads this, i have just developed bells palsy, i think due to my stress over my hair.

The funny thing is im not really bothered about it, i would much rather this then my hair/eyebrows/lashes/beard fall out.

Its really kind of comical as i look like Popeye or a crazy man lol

i have had it for 2days now, and notice that when I'm stressed it goes all funny, and my other side of my face which… Continue

Added by tommy on April 14, 2011 at 6:30pm — 10 Comments


Its another morning doing my daily morning routine when i realize that i have more hair on my sink and bathroom floor than yesterday. i am feeling very sad. getting the girls ready for school today isnt any easier. the treatments are not working and having no insurance. the stress is definitly not helping the situation. i just want to scream today. my hair is falling out more and more and i cant control it. =(

Added by mi on April 14, 2011 at 6:26pm — 8 Comments

Update :-) has been quite awhile since Ive written on here. Lots of growth, and lots of self love since.

Last July 2nd, while in the midst of a week of overnight pet sitting gigs, being very sleep deprived, I went outside with nothing on my head. I usually wore a wig or a bandana or something. Very rarely went out with a bare head. As I was walking the dog I was caring for, I was thinking, okay, maybe no one will be out. As soon as I thought that, people started walking by or driving… Continue

Added by Christine Peck on April 14, 2011 at 10:23am — 4 Comments

It wasn't supposed to be like this!

Well, it wasn't. I wasn't supposed to lose my hair. I wasn't supposed to be so unhappy with the way my hair looks that at the age of 40 I have to buy a wig. I wasn't supposed to shave my head and have my friends let me down. Well, it happened. At the ripe old age of 40 I was forced to do something about my hair loss. So, I bought a wig. I like the wig, everybody likes the wig. It looks good on me, it looks natural. I am happy with the wig. However, what am I supposed to do around the house? How… Continue

Added by Aunt Janet on April 14, 2011 at 9:40am — 10 Comments

Done with it!

Well I did it last night, I shave the rest of my hair off! I am done with it, that is all behind me. I don't have to worry about if my spots are covered, or see hair all over. I feel good right now. I thought it would be harder for me than it was, I didn't even cry, (yet!)

Added by Teri C on April 14, 2011 at 8:30am — 6 Comments

help plz!!!

I am having a very very hard time trying to get some answers on curly wigs :(
I'ts quite spiral and long, i dint do my homework before I bought it, I was wondering how long the wig would last me for if I were to wear it everyday and if I washed it would the curls come out??
Any pointers I woud apreciate tyvm

Lisa in need of hellp

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 13, 2011 at 4:48pm — 1 Comment

Feeling sad!

Woke up this morning and just felt so sad. Yes sure I wake yp feeling like nothing is wrong but this morning was completely oposite,I;ve tried very hard not looking into my mirror but not sure why I did it , but I did it today in hopes to find little hair maybe? but I guess not my head is as smooth as a baby's head. Trefore I found myself crying and taking a tantrum wondering what I have done wrong.

Yeah sure I have been given some medication for what I am going through but I hate like… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 13, 2011 at 11:24am — 3 Comments

Thank goodness for four-legged friends

What a day I had yesterday...started off blue but turned into a day of laughing and fun. I have two dogs one is three and one is 4 monthes old. They are alot of fun and are more comfort to me that you know, for some reason they have a 6th sense and can always tell when I am down and out!! I have a great collection of scarves and hats that I keep in my room in a stand that has rows of baskets. I was getting ready for the day and out of the corner of my eye could see Piper my puppy slowly sneak… Continue

Added by CATHERINE on April 13, 2011 at 10:04am — 4 Comments

Don't let ANYTHING stop you

Hi All,

Well today was a spectacular day.After writing my story (I found my Inner peace) ,I felt so good that I went shopping.Guess what I bought??I bought hair accessories.Yes , I bought cute butterfly clips and those bling butterflys you can screw into your hair.Yup bling bling , all over me.Oh and I also bought some pretty bow clips and other miscellaneous stuff.Okay now you all must be wondering why Im glad about it.

When ever I passed those shops or see people wear them I used to… Continue

Added by Jasmine on April 13, 2011 at 12:47am — 11 Comments

Virtuesse Hair System - Has anyone done this or know someone who has??

I've recently been suffering from excessive hair loss due to thyroid inefficiencies. I started out with extensions to help make my hair look thicker. They worked great until most of the hair on my crown and temples fell out :( Now I don't think I have any other options but to invest in some wigs. During this whole process I had been going to a hair restoration clinic where I recieved laser treatments. The clinic also provides Virtuesse hair systems. They are real hair with a "second skin" on… Continue

Added by Beverly on April 12, 2011 at 10:06pm — 2 Comments


Ok so I have never posted a blog before on this website but I am seriously ticked! So there is a new modern version of Beauty and the Beast. I like this story because normally as a child I was always drawn to its message of inner beauty being what is important (big surprise). Well in this new version the man does not get hairy like a beast....wait for looks like he has alopecia universalis with some lines drawn on his face...awesome! That really helps! What is the quintessential image… Continue

Added by Fotini Constantina Spero on April 12, 2011 at 8:04pm — 7 Comments

I found my INNER PEACE

Hi All,

This is my story.How I started out with long, dark, luscious hair and ended up wearing hats to cover my thinning hair.Here goes..

When I was 16 I had this long healthy hair that fell till my hips.And the volume was fantastic.I got compliments where ever I went.Then suddenly my hair started falling out in chunks.At around the same time I started going swimming,so people I knew told me that I was having a reaction to the chlorine water.My hair was very long and I found it… Continue

Added by Jasmine on April 12, 2011 at 6:15pm — 4 Comments


I've been feeling awful lately. All of my symptoms would point to hypothyroidism, so I went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked. I'm waiting on the results of the blood tests and I'm really hoping they can figure out what is going on. Has anyone else dealt with anything like this? I've learned that thyroid issues can be very common when it comes to Alopecia. This is the first time I've ever had my thyroid checked, so I'm hoping that if there is a problem, things can be resolved quickly. If… Continue

Added by Amber W. on April 12, 2011 at 2:13pm — 4 Comments

Red bright, heat feeling on bald spots!

Hello My Alopecian friends...Well, it has been seven months that I have been diagnosed with AA and I am doing my absolute best to cope with this horrendous disease that has stolen all of my ambition, but it is getting better..I continue to get injections because the hair is growing back in most areas, but now it has come to a halt of growing back and some regrowth hair is now disappearing as well..Not sure if the reason my hair is not growing back in three spots is because the Derm decided to… Continue

Added by Trish on April 12, 2011 at 12:36pm — 3 Comments

My cute little turban

I was surprised at myself when the other night I had to drive my sister home and guess what I wore? yep!! my pink turban, I've had looks from others in thei cars and what I did was "wave" see how fast they turn away,,LOL

I have gotten to the point where I will go outside in my turban and couldn't care less who sees me.

At least I know that this is a good step for me. As far as me going out bald , i'm not sure that will ever happen at least not for a long time to come!

Hearing all… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 12, 2011 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

Well, it's been a year...

since I shaved my head. Little did I know then that it would be gone for good as well as all body hair! But my legs have never been smoother! I'm also glad that I didn't try to cover this up, I'm not one to spend my mornings putting on my fake self, hell I can't even be bothered to put on the fake eyelashes I bought LOL I am what I am, and I'm OK with that.

Added by Susan P aka DGADBS on April 12, 2011 at 7:28am — 2 Comments

Black women's hair loss tied to braiding, weaving

NEW YORK — Very tight braiding or weaving is linked to a permanent type of hair loss that affects many African American women, new research suggests.

While the findings can't prove hair grooming is at the root of the problem, women might still want to take them into consideration, said Dr. Angela Kyei, who worked on the study.

"I won't tell you not to braid your hair, but I don't want you to braid it so tightly that you need to take pain medication," said Kyei, of the… Continue

Added by Jera on April 11, 2011 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

Emu Oil for hair loss

I have just started using emu oil and really like it. I have a very dry scalp, a lot of inflammation and about 50 percent hair loss. It is really helping my scalp. I have read a lot of articles claiming it helps thicken and stimulates hair follicles. Good article Below:…


Added by Wendy on April 11, 2011 at 8:59pm — 1 Comment

Am getting so tired

I am new to this site and so far have found it very useful. I used to have beautiful curly thick hair that was my signature, and it didn't matter if I was going through my skinny or my fat phase cause it was my hair that everyone commented on. I started losing it Sept of 2009 and my Dr gave me a topical steroid with the attitude that it would grow back. Well it got worse and Sister bless her for her persistance actually diagnosed me with Alepecia and made the Dr refer me a… Continue

Added by CATHERINE on April 11, 2011 at 8:23pm — 4 Comments

Ayurvetic Oil Treatment

Hi Everyone, I started ayurvetic herbal oil treatments last week. I ordered my oils from an Ayurvetic Naturopath in India - Dr. Rohit Shah of the Alopecia Treatment Center. I'm not likely to see results for

4-6 months, if it's going to work at all. If I start seeing results, I'll show everyone my 'before and after' pictures. This is my last treatment option; I've decided against DCP. If this doesn't work, I'm going to allow myself to go gently and happily bald. The happy part will likely… Continue

Added by Cheri A on April 11, 2011 at 7:46pm — 14 Comments

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