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Going "all the way"

Is there anyone (I am sure there is) who still has some scalp hair but has shaved it off? Do you need to "shave" daily? Does it look like you have light and dark spots all over your head? I need some input because I am thinking of getting rid of what is left of my hair.


Added by Anne Williams on March 7, 2011 at 7:22pm — 6 Comments

2 years - wow does a lot happen...

Wow, two years since my last post here on AlopeciaWorld. Time flies! I am disappointed that I missed out on two years on here... I suppose life got busy though...

Speaking of 'busy'.... I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, roughly 16 weeks down, and only 24 more to go!!! So exciting! But, what I really wanted to discuss was the fact that my hair is growing back!! I wondered if anyone else has had this happen to them or has known of this happening to someone they know? I know that pregnancy… Continue

Added by Courtney on March 7, 2011 at 10:05am — 1 Comment!

I will forever remember Saturday, March 5, 2011, the day I buzzed off what appeared to look like a light, scattered bird's nest on my head. It was amazing. I returned to my hometown, NYC, to my hairdresser of 19 years, Skipper Edwards. I initially went to Skipper because he was my sister's hairdresser; he was good with hair of women of color. Being bi-racial my hair was kinky, although it could be blown out. He proceeded, throughout the years to cut, style my hair in an appropriate way to hide… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on March 6, 2011 at 9:30pm — 23 Comments

2 years ago today, wow time flys!!

so 2 years ago i sat in a dermatologists office to be told "you have alopecia", i have never been down about having it, and i have met so many people on here and facebook who have it, so i'm definitely not lacking support and friendship that is for sure, it has been a pretty fun ride!, for those of you who know me you know that i'm always positive, yeah i have my days but i'm never negative about much, well its been a fun 2 years, wow it went quick!!

you who don't have me… Continue

Added by Paul on March 6, 2011 at 5:29pm — 2 Comments

The horrors of getting a hair cut when you're so close to bald

So, I still have enough hair that I'm not wearing a wig or topper as of yet. But, trust me that my scalp is VERY easy to see at the right angle in the right light. I hold my hair up and I can see my entire scalp from the front to the back of my head. Strangely enough I'm beginning to accept it.

I knew I had to get a haircut- I had split ends and it was looking shaggy. I took 3 of my anxiety pills and went into the salon. I had a hat on, and before I took the hat off, I told her that… Continue

Added by Jennifer Schlueter on March 5, 2011 at 9:33pm — 5 Comments

And something about the fringe that makes me look like a hippy

My new wig arrived Thursday. Absolutely gorgeous! very very long chocolatey brown colour. I'll post a photo at some point.

I got it, I loved it. It was brilliant.

And I was a total mess all day.

I'd be totally fine one minute, then all panicy and sad and angry the next. Then I'd be fine. I had no idea what was going on for quite a while.

Then it kind of struck me:

Imagine holding the thing you want most in your hand. Imagine getting that thing which will… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on March 4, 2011 at 11:09pm — 12 Comments

New hair!

I just got my first wig today. Went to the wig shop with my husband. He liked the one I picked out and another one also (shorter, same color) and insisted that I buy both. Since I always wear a hat or scarf, the wig doesn't feel that strange. I have decided to have fun with my new hair. Now I am contemplating whether or not to get rid of what I have left of my own hair.

Does anyone use those gel headbands? I am thinking of getting one just to add a little security.

Added by Anne Williams on March 4, 2011 at 9:19pm — No Comments

"I'm a survivor" too!

I had a new "cancer" comment today while at a drug store. The checker was an older guy, and as he finished ringing up my stuff he smiled warmly and said "I'm a survivor". As usual, I had forgotten about being bald, and was taken aback. So, I responded with my usual "Oh, I don't have cancer...I have Alopecia Areata....But, I'm glad you're a survivor."'

As I left the store, it hit me - I'M A SURVIVOR, TOO! The next time someone tells me they're a survivor, I'm going to… Continue

Added by Mary on March 4, 2011 at 5:48pm — 19 Comments

DCP - Alopecia Poetry please comment!!!!!

My skin is torn pierced marked

my fingers, toes, swollen my


I can feel the toxic wastes running through my body.

The drugs taking there effects

they are helping me cope I guess

with these unnecessary symptoms induced by poison another drug

I am full , with emotion ,with pain, with medicine

it is so vain

They think they can reverse nature, cure a wrong,

what they don't understand is that the more they force it, focus… Continue

Added by Nadine on March 4, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Scene 7 from The Glass Menagerie by Tennesee Williams (best parts for alopecians)

JIM. Didn't we have a class in something together?

LAURA. Yes, we did.

JIM. What class was that?

LAURA. It was--singing--Chorus!

JIM. Aw!

LAURA. I sat across the aisle from you in the Aud.

JIM. Aw.

LAURA. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

JIM. Now I remember--you always came in late.

LAURA. Yes, it was so hard for me, getting upstairs. I had that brace on my leg--it clumped so loud!

JIM.… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on March 4, 2011 at 1:57am — 2 Comments

I wish my hair would not tease me

I am 6 months pregnant and my hair has started to come back. I know it's only teasing me and will probally fall out after I have baby.. I wish my hair would not do this to me... Grrrr.

Added by Becca on March 3, 2011 at 7:32pm — 6 Comments

Six months later

I cant believe that today six months ago was when I first took a pair of clippers to my head and shaved off what I was desperately trying to hold on to for so long. For ten years I was undergoing treatments. (injections every six weeks and PUVA weekly) I made a promise to myself, No treatments for six months, then decide if I would continue (The answer is no more treatments.) There has been many ups and downs during the entire period. A lot of self-discovery and many tears. A continuous journey… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 3, 2011 at 2:54pm — 4 Comments

Expectant before a big change

After many years of suffering a slow hair loss and volume, finally going to change a part of my life.

Do not want to fight my nature taking hormones that would improve only if I was lucky, a bit of my state and in the long run, would only be problems.

March 2, 2011 to instruct the we b Orderwigsonline my first full Lace.

I am very excited and expectant to this arrival.

I ordered a Lace curly as my hair 16-Inch and darkest Brown color.

Sure… Continue

Added by Sophia on March 3, 2011 at 3:30am — 8 Comments

I did it...first time bald in public!

Went to the beach yesterday, weather hot, water divine. I was bobbing about as I usually do with wig and hat firmly in place casting envious looks at those who let the waves crash over them when I suddenly thought to hell with it I'm taking my wig off! Checked first with my husband - wanted him to feel okay with it too - he was yeah go for it, so off it came. OMG it was heavenly to be able to go under those waves the way I used to so many years ago. Whether anyone noticed I couldn't have cared… Continue

Added by Pat on March 2, 2011 at 11:38pm — 16 Comments

Holiday Hairdos

It’s Halloween.

It’s one month after the most romantic night of my life, of our lives up to this point. One month after my grand dramatic gesture and climatic speech, our movie moment. We’re madly in love (again) and on our way to a costume party. I’m in full gladiator gear: kilt and body armor, feeling powerful in mind and form. I watch you transform into your darker twin: leather, metal studs, stilettos and a black wig. I see all of the parts of you that you hide, and realize as I… Continue

Added by Jackie Summers on March 2, 2011 at 1:30pm — 16 Comments

I got my wig :)

I got my wig ! And I love it ! I am so happy to have it . I was going to get a custom wig ,but we ran into some problems . Our insurance will pay 80% for a wig . That is wonderful but we found out that they will only pay one wig for lifetime . I am blessed that our insurance will cover that much , since so many people have trouble with insurance companies. But it was still hard to hear it because our previous insurance would pay for one every 2 years . My dads work changed the insurance stuff .… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on March 2, 2011 at 10:00am — 9 Comments

Surprising myself

Last night I attended a church activity attended by a bunch of the women from my area's congregation. The lady that put the night together had requested "interesting facts" about ourselves a few weeks prior to the activity and I don't know why, but I decided that I was going to share something about my hairy (or lack thereof) situation. The fact I gave her was "I shave my head on a regular basis." Most of the women that I knew would be in attendance don't know about my Alopecia, and the few… Continue

Added by Amber W. on March 2, 2011 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

A cure

Is it as mind boggling to others as it is to me that there is still no cure for something simple as growing hair? :(

Added by Brittany on March 1, 2011 at 4:17pm — 1 Comment

How do you tell others?


First, I have to make clear that I might spell alot of words dont mind my grammar, please :-).

Yesterday I told a good friend of mine how I have been feeling the couple of weeks. Lately I have been feeling insecure about mine alopecia areata. I say its mine alopecia areata, because for a while I have been feeling like I am the only one with this disease. I have read stories, blogs and bio's of people on this website. It gave me so much comfort that I am not… Continue

Added by Ashley on March 1, 2011 at 5:44am — 14 Comments

I have decided that I need a wig

I have been bald since August 29, 2010. I shaved everything and stopped shaving in October, no new growth. My oldest son will be start Kindergarten in the fall, he has done really well with my hair loss and even talks to his friends about it. I have decided to get a wig for him though, so that he wont have to answer so many questions. I dont think it is fair for him. I have done fine going bald and mostly scarf and hat less most of the time but I do get the "how far into treatment are you"… Continue

Added by Julia S on February 28, 2011 at 11:09am — 7 Comments

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