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Hello everybody

Hello everybody!

My name is Patricia and I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata 10 years ago. I´m going to upload any kind of information you may find of interest. I also take this opportunity to tell you I have an Instagram profile which I share my life related with this disease. If you want to know more about me, you can find me as @trici_moralita

Hola a tod@s!

Antes de nada, me presento. Me llamo Patricia y tengo Alopecia Areata desde hace más de 10 años, ya casi…


Added by Patricia Morales on April 4, 2017 at 7:00am — No Comments

My story

I was just diagnosed about a month ago with A. Areata. It's so frustrating, I keep trying to see ways to improve this with nutrition, creams, meditation. I've read that it can be caused by stress and then on other sites it says it has no relevance. However about two months before this started I went through a tremendous stress at work. And I cannot help but think they are connected!

I just flew to Australia from Canada and came back a few days ago, while I was there I developed a painful… Continue

Added by Woof99 on April 2, 2017 at 11:53pm — No Comments


 Hi everyone ! I have been on this website for a couple of years . I was diagnosed with FFA several years ago - have undergone treatments of all sorts with cortisone sprays and a few different medications that none of which helped. I did lose all of my brows pretty much and so had the microblading done . It is a bit painful but I was very happy with the results. My only advice is to be sure to get good recommendations for the technician first. 

I have lost most of my body hair and I…


Added by GEMINIJEANNE on March 29, 2017 at 3:24pm — 5 Comments

Alopecia & Other Diseases/Conditions?

Hello! This is my first post here, so I'm not sure if anyone will even see this content.. still trying to figure this site out.

Anyway, I was officially diagnosed with alopecia areata by a Dermotologist about two weeks ago. But I knew I had alopecia for at least 3 months. My fear is what kept me from scheduling an appointment, and now I see that is a mistake. I could have stopped a lot of my hair loss sooner.

My doctor was very quick with my appointment. He looked at my… Continue

Added by Daniedays on March 26, 2017 at 5:08am — 1 Comment

Different Medication

I've had Alopecia Universalis for about 3 years now. My dermatologist had started to give me shots in my head, which I very shortly cut out of my visits with him due to the pain it gave me. He gave me methotrexate to see if that would help my immune system get more on track but as anyone with alopecia knows, it seems to be that we are all test rats for whatever meds to take. I also researched this more intense drug called Xeljanz. It was tested on a patient at Yale University who had…


Added by ZakR07 on March 3, 2017 at 8:45pm — 3 Comments

Out of denial...

Thinking somehow when I got answers I would feel better. 1st group. 1st blog. Frustrated from writing an hour to comment on someone's blog only to LOSE everything I wrote. Tried to think of it as a purging not meant for others... But I feel so alone. Overwhelmed by all I've learned in last 72 hrs. But I am HERE. FEEL miserably physically but a hint of hope that I'll only be alone by choice now. And sometimes I need the solitude but find that to much time spent alone with my thoughts can be a…


Added by Siella scott on February 20, 2017 at 7:32pm — 8 Comments

Always Look At The Bright Side Of Life

Every day when we wake up, we have a choice. We can go into the day with a negative mind or a positive one. Did you know that it’s your choice? It’s true! Every day you have the power to wake up and choose the kind of day you will have.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. What about those days where nothing goes your way. How do you look at that with a positive attitude? It’s simple. Shift your perspective. Perhaps you miss the school bus, but then that means I have to drive you. If we… Continue

Added by PrincessElla on February 16, 2017 at 3:34am — 2 Comments

Me story

Have not seen a doc yet for my AU. Appointment is for next week. But saw one for AA when I was 13. 1 steroid injection in the scalp and never went back. Now I'm 42 and 2 months ago started to lose eye brows and lashes. And now I have zero hair all in 3 months time. Lost my dad 1 year ago this week. Started drinking a little more than usual. Also when depressed / mourning found myself eating less healthy. I have self diagnosed myself before my doc appointment but I'm still going to Confirm. Only… Continue

Added by philnatural on February 15, 2017 at 1:17am — No Comments

Sometimes things aren't okay

I have never written a blog before so please, bare with me. 

When I was about 2 years old, I began losing patches of hair. My parents took me to doctors to determine the problem. It wasn't until I was 4, when all of my hair fell out (peach fuzz, eyelashes, eyebrows.. everything) that the doctor diagnosed me with Alopecia. From then on I was on a regimen of steroid drops to assist in hair growth. For a while, it worked. My mom and dad had such good attitudes about it so I couldn't help…


Added by Maygen on February 8, 2017 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Newbie- FFA

Hi everyone, thanks for the add, I'm new to this website and just wanted to share my story so far.

I first realised there was something wrong when one hair follicle became inflamed and wouldn't heal, this was about 8 years ago. I went to a dermatologist who told me it was psoriasis. Very slowly I started to lose my hair, it was only when I looked at photos of myself I realised it was receding. I have very thick hair and thick eyebrows, that I needed to keep on top of constantly, then…


Added by KarenH on February 6, 2017 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

New jersey

Hi i am new to anyone from new jersey?

Added by Poolmason1213 on January 30, 2017 at 12:23pm — 2 Comments

Men losing eyebrows now

Dear all,

I just discovered this webpage.

I am AU for about 2 years. And just recently I started losing my eyebrows... one of them is half gone...

I feel as if it is easier for ladies to draw eyebrows... But it sounds really different to me, perhaps, harder to digest as a man...

Can you please advise me what to do or link with other men with similar problem?


Added by Mehmet on January 26, 2017 at 5:08am — 10 Comments

Alopecia areata regrowth

I have had Alopecia Areata ever since i can remember. I think my mom first noticed bald patched when i was 2 years old. Well they never became big enough for me to really notice until 2011. In 2011, i lost about 50% of my hair and have been getting steriod shots in my head every 4 weeks. Its been a roller coaster really...It would regrow and everything would be good then it would get way worse again. Oct, 2016 i lost about 60% to 70% of my head, i shaved it. By the way,....BEST decision ever…


Added by Lauren on January 26, 2017 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

Is scalp micropigmentation worth it?

I have Universal Alopecia and like everyone who has this problem I suffer from prejudice and low self-esteem, I am thinking of doing the micropigmentation of the scalp. I wonder if anyone here did? Worth it? How did people start look?

Added by Tomy Pereira on January 25, 2017 at 6:35pm — 2 Comments

For alopecia universalis, try permanent make up and pigmentations tatoo

A friend of mine who offer the permanent make up and is a tatoo artist offer me to try to ' draw' pigmentations on my head and it's look fabulous. This kind of service are mostly offer for bald guy but if you are patient and if you handle well pain it's totally worth it. I think it's look fabulous and people stop asking me if i have cancer ( what i personnaly hate very much).

( English is my second language sorry for the orthograph ! )

Added by Little-Link on January 25, 2017 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Hair losss while on Xeljanz therapy

I was diagnosed with AU approximately 3 years ago.  I started Xeljanz therapy 6 months agao and my hair, brows and lashes have all been growing at a nice rate (I have all of my hair back.

About two weeks ago it started thinning dramatically (on the sides... looks like I am developing a few bald patches in those thinning areas...

Anyone have any data/ material on hair loss while on xeljanz therapy?



Added by AlyNYC on January 24, 2017 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Give me a rash to cure me? Anyone know anything about this procedure?

Hi guys , I recently went to the dermatologist for my monthly scalp shots. The hair that grew back is gone. For a minute there I really thought that everything was going in the right direction. I have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, so for the last three months I have been gluten and dairy free. I also did a allergy test and it showed that I was allergic to dairy right die yellow diamond blue dye. I have been so good and my hair grew back a little bit . But it's gone again The…


Added by Suzi on January 24, 2017 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Why The World Needs A Bald Princess

Once upon a time, fairytale princesses all looked the same. They were thin despite eating all of those rich castle feasts. They had long flowing hair, big almond-shaped eyes and fair skin. They had full, pouty lips and they never had smudged makeup or bad hair days. The only difference between any of the princesses out there was their hair color.…


Added by PrincessElla on January 19, 2017 at 7:06pm — 1 Comment

Have a listen to this song - very uplifting !!

check out song buy Brett Kissel - " I Didn't fall in love with you hair " - wonderful song - very uplifting !!

Added by GEMINIJEANNE on January 18, 2017 at 1:30pm — No Comments

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