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Today is my freedom day!

So today I am getting my freedom back from this ugly thing called androgenic alopecia.

Step 1: Yesterday I got my first wig and I love the way it looks!

Step 2: Buzzing my hair(not completely shaving but buzzing it very short)

Step 3: MOVING ON!

This last week before I got my wig, I was so down on myself. Of course getting on the scale I saw the "winter weight" which I I gotta work on that one. But I was just nauseous with the hair that I was losing every day… Continue

Added by Julie G on February 13, 2011 at 7:39am — 6 Comments


I knew I loved this song for more than just the music - the lyrics are inspiring for anyone who has had obstacles to face. Right away it connected with me and my alopecia in an uplifting way. If you are feeling down - just play this song and rock out with a hairbrush, as a microphone of course :)

"Firework" - Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

Drifting throught the wind

Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

Like a… Continue

Added by Jocelyn on February 12, 2011 at 10:34pm — 2 Comments

My new wig!

My first wig!

Well here it is!! I got one today and so far I love it! It seems to fit well, minor adjustments needed and buzzing my hair tomorrow(well actually my mom is going to do it for me).

Let me know what you think!

Added by Julie G on February 12, 2011 at 4:09pm — 7 Comments


Hi I have been away from AW for a while sorry tons of stuff going on. The good news is that I have started to see new hair growth and the hair that I had left seems to be growing too. I am very hopeful that it will continue to grow. I have not been wearing my wig. I got tired of that switched to a hat. The wig was giving me headaches. I hope everyone here is doing good. Hope to hear from you guys soon. With God everything is possible. Take care.

Added by zeida on February 12, 2011 at 10:55am — No Comments

Wig consult #2 is today...wish me luck

Well today is my second consult for a wig, hopefully she has more styles/colors that fit me and that I like. I am hoping to walk out today with my new do but will be ok if I have to wait(but only a little longer). I also found a wig shop that is down the street from the salon that I am going to that carries the brand of wigs that I like from the styles I see online, Rene of Paris. So if I don't find anything at the salon, I might swing by the wig store and see if I can find anything… Continue

Added by Julie G on February 12, 2011 at 7:30am — 4 Comments


Pity Party for 1?

Im pretty sick today, sick of looking like i do.

This is going to sound rediculous, but why cant i look like everyoe else?!!

Valentines Day is soon.

Sarcastic Super.

Most of the time i honesly dont mind being bald. But lately i REALLY mind.

I dont think people really think of me differently, but i really just want to not even have to think, 'hey, that person treated me normal!'


i dont have… Continue

Added by whitney rose on February 10, 2011 at 7:18pm — 7 Comments

I was ok with this until about fifteen minutes ago.

I had made plans yesterday to have side bangs cut to cover up new patches in the front of my scalp. Luckily my husband fell asleep and I didn't wind up going. See, I have been dealing with alopecia on and off since I was 16, I am now 25. Lately my hair has been falling out more and more often. Currently I have about and inch and a half of regrowth in one patch at the front of my head, and a bald spot that is just beginning to regrow right next to it. I had come to terms with the fact that no… Continue

Added by Rachell on February 10, 2011 at 1:45pm — 5 Comments

Is Head shaving the only Option

I am having female patten Baldness and of late my hair is starting to fall at a higher rate currently i am using a black dye to cover it but now even that's of no use is there any other option other than shaving which i do not have the guts to do.

with Love

Added by Ramya on February 10, 2011 at 8:43am — No Comments

Time for a two month update

I initially lost my first bit of hair in August. Diagnosed in October. Took pictures in October, December, and now February. (every 2 months)

I had steroid injections on October 3rd, but opted not to have them anymore, since my insurance did not cover Alopecia. I noticed new growth, though no color to it, but do not know if it was due to the injections or… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on February 9, 2011 at 3:44pm — 10 Comments

New to Alopecia World...first blog ever :-)

Hello to everyone out there. I am a very new member of Alopecia world, I can't believe I only just discovered this place! I have had Alopecia since I was three years old, just small patches that would grow back and then fall out somewhere else.

I guess its been getting slowly worse over a few years, but particularly so in the last 9months. I've gone from having some large patches of hair loss, to only having a few patches of hair left. This was winter last year, so I just wore beannies… Continue

Added by Sarah Peters on February 9, 2011 at 2:22am — 3 Comments

Great month!

I am super excited! I started treatment for my Alopecia about a week ago. There isn't a gaurntee that it will work but just thinking about having braids again makes me so happy I have tears in my eyes. There are many friends that tell me they like what I look like without my hair but I I had thick red curls and looked like I was actually my grandmothers child because she has the same red hair. The shots are somewhat bothersome but I hope in the end it is worth it.

Something else… Continue

Added by Natasha Gehrke on February 8, 2011 at 11:49pm — 1 Comment

Rough Day

I saw this on Pretty much describes my day. Some days you just can't win, but this made me feel a little better. (And for anyone who doesn't know what Post Secret is, I would strongly suggest you check out the website and see what it's all about.)…


Added by Alex on February 8, 2011 at 5:22pm — 1 Comment

Who is this bald woman singing and dancing with Prince at Madison Square Garden?

Beginning at about 1:30 in this video (after Prince kicks Kim Kardashian off stage), there appears to be a bald woman in a costume singing and dancing with him. Does anyone know who the heck she is, if this is indeed a woman?

Added by Mary on February 8, 2011 at 3:45pm — 11 Comments

Well, that wasn't very nice

So as I said in my past blog, my hair is gone again. People at my job for the most part all know I have Alopecia, I can't give it to them, and I don't hide my head under scarves and hats and wigs, its just not me. I'm comfortable with myself and the way I anyways I work in the mailroom of a large government building, so I see lots of people a day. This guy from our IT department, that I see a LOT since hes 2 offices down from me and is always shipping computer equipment, came in and… Continue

Added by Tamara on February 8, 2011 at 1:00pm — 17 Comments

Some people are sooo rude and ignorant!

I have had alopecia for 13 years. This weekend I went out with some friends and this "lady" was like "Where is all of your hair?", from across the bar so everyone could hear her. I was really embarrassed because in 13 years I've never had anyone be so blatantly rude. Even the people sitting next to her looked at her like she should shut the !.&@ up.

The worst part is she went on to talk about how she was married to a guy who hand alopecia for ten years. I can only assume he left her… Continue

Added by Paul DeMars on February 7, 2011 at 1:59pm — 13 Comments

summer time

Hey everyone, just wanted to know how u guys will cope during the upcoming summer!! do u wear wigs, hats scarfs or just go au natural? lol suggestions are welcomed ;-)

Added by Alexis on February 7, 2011 at 12:25pm — 3 Comments

Bald again...Bald again

So if you saw my last blog post, I had this lovely re-growth going on, only 1 or 2 bald spots, I was quite excited. forward to last week and I found a few more. I was kind of upset, but said 'Oh well, luckily my hair is only an inch long, not to the middle of my back like last time'. It was all different lengths, and it looked like I let my 1 year old niece cut my hair. So I pulled out the buzzers and did the 1/2 inch guard. BIG mistake! I found so many more bald spots that were… Continue

Added by Tamara on February 7, 2011 at 10:23am — 7 Comments

All hand tied cap or mono top?

Has anyone worn an all hand tied cap opposed to just a monofilament top? Do they have advantages and disadvantages and are they more natural looking??

Added by Casee on February 6, 2011 at 8:03am — 1 Comment

Je suis chauve :D

For one of my school subjects, I do french. The course is by distance, so I've never seen my teacher, though we talk on the phone. One of the units, we learn how to discribe people, or ourselves, in french. For the last year I have written "mes cheveux sont teints en rouge" - my hair is dyed red, which my wig is. The other day I finally did it. My workbook now says "Je suis chauve. Je vais l'alopecia." It seems a silly thing to be so excited about, but it feels really great. Something about… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on February 6, 2011 at 2:45am — 1 Comment

The 24 month update

Well its been almost 2 years since i spotted my first patch (on my beard), still havent come to terms with it, still wearing a hat everyday, still staying indoors as much as possible, and still praying someone will find a cure for this awfull disease.

i have had some regrowth over the last 6 months but still getting new patches, although i do have more hair than i did 6 months ago. i know cos ive took 100s of photos and im constantly comparing them!

i feel like ive wasted… Continue

Added by Shane Beard on February 5, 2011 at 9:51pm — 7 Comments

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