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Kids with Alopecia

I know its tough but this is a great place to be, I am a kid with Alopecia too.  If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me.  Also if you want to talk you can join my group, Kids with Alopecia.

Added by Dylan on December 26, 2010 at 9:48am — No Comments

Just a reminder!

Cherish the ones you love and forget about the ones that judge you!!!! Remember you are beautiful no matter what..We as Alopecians have an advantage and disadvantage..Disadvantage= losing our beautiful hair; Advantage= knowing who deserves to be in your life and those who do not!!:) Hugsss xoxo...Have a safe and healthy holiday!!!

Added by Trish on December 25, 2010 at 5:45am — 10 Comments

Hi everyone. Just wanted to thank all those that have voted for Kayla for Miss America. Remember - it doesn't count if you just click "like on her video on here" You must follow the directions below.

There are over 130 on here that thought they voted but they didn't as it doesn't count via this website.   Please vote the following ways (4 different ways)


1.  Click vote next to Miss Delawares Video at: videocontest/contestants/delaware.aspx


2.  Text word MADE to 24470


3.  go to…


Added by Rhonda on December 23, 2010 at 11:29pm — No Comments

What is hair?

I had the most amazing morning today.. It was super windy as I got out of the car. My husband who is amazing says with a straight face. Is your hair going to come off and offers me his hat.. I thought that was hilarious because mines is bonded and nothing pulls this mess off...


It got me to thinking about the journey I have endured. 15 years ago I progressed from AT to AU and thought it was horrible as a teenager now I think it could have been worse. What is hair? It is…


Added by Trina on December 23, 2010 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

The 3rd Annual 12 Days of Alopecia

Hi Friends,

I'm a little late but maybe we can make this work. Share your line and have some fun!


On the 1st day of Alopecia Areata I recieved my first little bald spot on me.

What happened on the 2nd day?


Added by JeffreySF on December 23, 2010 at 1:11am — 16 Comments


“Do you ever not like yourself because you don’t have hair?”

“Not really. Sometimes I wish I had hair, but then I wouldn’t be me. You can still be beautiful and wonderful without hair, you know that right?”


     It’s summer – hot, sometimes sweltering, but still wonderful. We’re outside, and it’s much hotter than it… Continue

Added by Lauren W on December 22, 2010 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

To anyone who needs some support!

Hey everyone, My name is Rachel and I've been fifteen for almost two months. I have had AA for about five years, and it got started by me having a life or death experience in 2005. It used to be reallyy bad where I could barely cover up my spots. But now I am glad to say that after every cycle it would slowly grow back and the spots would be smaller and smaller and there would be fewer spots each cyle that my hair fell out. Now I haven't had a cycle in probably over a year, and my hair is…


Added by Rachel Taylor on December 22, 2010 at 8:35pm — 1 Comment

Advice needed

On Monday after I got my shots I put on my wig and went to my niece's Holiday Show.  She is 4 years old and has very little  thin hair.  Her two best friends have long thick hair.  When she saw me with my wig she didn't recognize me at first.  The next day my sister in law text me to say that Annie wanted to know where I got that MAGICAL Shampoo that made my hair grow so fast.  She told her Mommy that she wanted her hair to look just like Cookie's (that is what she calls me).  If she only knew… Continue

Added by zeida on December 22, 2010 at 5:22pm — 5 Comments

Buzz Cut

Looks like we are going to buzz Bray's head over the holidays.  This last bout of AA that hit in Nov was more severe than the last episode.  Bray's teachers at 4k are very supportive of us.  That makes a world of difference.  Last time his hair grew back very nicely but I know AA is unpredictable.  It seems it did very well in summer, so we have some time to wait here in WI.  Bray does not seem to mind one way or another right now.

Added by Angie Simonet on December 22, 2010 at 6:26am — No Comments


Now, I just one thing want to know.

How can I accept this? How can I just live with this? To accept, there is no recovery.

How could you?

Added by Andrea Pári on December 21, 2010 at 11:28am — 2 Comments

Almost gone

Its almost gone now a few little strands here and there i can't  believe its actually came to this.As i am typing this the tears are just falling down on my lap just as my hair washes down the drain every day.If i hear Bald is beautiful one more time i think i am going to scream.I wish i could think that way ,right now i can't.Can you tell i'm struggling today i hate this emotional roller coaster can i get off now PLEASE.I JUST WANT TO GO BACK TO THE WAY I WAS. Please help me God i have…


Added by clare majka on December 20, 2010 at 6:42pm — 21 Comments

What about Rogaine?

Just came back from getting my shots.  Wow they hurt.  Asked the Doc if I should shave my hair and she said that if it were her she would not shave it.  So I will wait.  Also told me to try Rogaine for men in foam form along with the prescription  cream.  Has anyone tried the Rogaine?  I will keep you informed of the results.

Added by zeida on December 20, 2010 at 5:52pm — 15 Comments

eye lashes and the treatment does any1 know if the treatment im goin 2 get is still apropriate

at my last derm appointment the doc said as my aa has got so bad we will start treatment wer i will have somthing put on my scalp to cause an irritation i was wondering if this will stil have a chance of workin as i have waited 6wks to start stil no appointment!! and since i last saw d doc i have lost almost all d hair on my head n now my eye lashes are goin!! my next derm appointment is 5mths away :|

Added by caroline knight on December 20, 2010 at 3:54am — 1 Comment

Dating with AA and wearing a wig. What to do?

Ok, so I have a dilemma.  I am on a few dating websites and really haven't gotten any hits, but I kinda got one today and it has me thinking.

I am planning on getting a wig within the next month or two.  How do I go about telling a guy that I have a wig?  And do I wait to meet him until after I get the wig?

I am worried about meeting someone and then getting my wig and freaking them out.  I know, I know..if they are really worth it they won't care.  But I just don't know what…


Added by Julie G on December 19, 2010 at 8:39pm — 11 Comments

Stopped alopecia and getting hair back

Hi. i have had alopecia areata for almost 15 yrs. Recently I visited my dermatolgist and he gave me prednisone for 16 days and locoid cream to be put twice a day. In one month i can see baby hairs growing in all my bald spots. i hope this piece of info will help someone who needs it. Now he gives me a shot of kenelog every month. He said my hair should be completely normal in 6 months.

Added by FADI DIAB on December 17, 2010 at 11:24pm — 27 Comments

Found Alopecia World

Hi I am Tim, and just discovered AW. I was a member of a forum on MSN for a long time, but it disappeared some time ago. Happy to have found another place to go and mingle with other Alopecians. I have had some form of Alopecia since age 5 and dealt with the worst part as a child, which really wasn't a lot of fun, but I do believe it helped to shaped who I am today. If I can be of any help, that is why I am here. I enjoy talking to other people who have Alopecia and answering questions, and…


Added by Tim Irvine on December 16, 2010 at 10:37pm — 11 Comments

His head is sore again

My son is complaining about his head being tender and a little puffy in another spot where he still has hair. So far he only has one patch of hair loss but I am wondering if the discomfort is normal when he's activly loosing or getting hair back. 

Added by Jennifer Boucher Wilkerson on December 16, 2010 at 9:23am — 2 Comments much DOES stress affect my Alopecia?

With the upcoming Christmas holidays fastly approaching comes the added stress of shopping, Christmas parties, cards to send out, and schedules to coordinate so we can all spend some time together. In addition to the upcoming holiday, I have been at odds with one of my sisters. Despite our family's efforts to help her, she was homeless for 2 months. Now she is mad at me, over doing the right thing...without going into too many details, for telling the truth, and we have parted…


Added by Diana Carter on December 15, 2010 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Finally, something to be excited about!

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well..It is time for the holidays and I have to say i feel alot better now than I did four months ago when I found my first patch...I am very happy to say that all my exams went well and I am pretty psyched about it..My exams are over and now I have time to relax and take some me for my hair, although I have growth in all of my patches my hair still conitnues to fall out and I am just suspecting it truly does have to run its course…


Added by Trish on December 14, 2010 at 3:37pm — 14 Comments

Back again!

As my bald spots increase, i am trying to find a cure and a reason, but i've come to the conclusion that i can't do anything about it, so i might as well embrace it. Which is hard, for everyone... I have had tests as i am not emotionally stable, and found that i am anaemic, i have low iron. When i got the results i was so pleased, because it could have been a cause to my stress!! But i shouldn't get so excited, it might not be. I'm so scared about telling other people, i might get bullied…


Added by Gemma G on December 13, 2010 at 3:42pm — 1 Comment

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