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Does anyone know of any great quality hair extensions?

Hi guys! I'm lucky enough to have some hair, but it's still not enough to look natural. I wear extensions, but the ones I have been buying lately do not do well with being washed or styled. Does anyone know of long lasting and good quality hair extensions that are human hair? Thanks!


Added by Samantha Callaway on December 13, 2010 at 3:32pm — 3 Comments

Pitted fingernails

I have AU and the last time I was at the Derm he asked to look at my nails and they were fine at the time. I asked what he was looking for and he said pitting of the nails. So I was painting my nails yesterday and found that I have started to see some of the pitting. Has anyone had this happen to them and how bad can I expect this to get?

Added by Jeannie Terrel on December 13, 2010 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Will I look like a bald man?

Without hair, will I look masculine? I have androgenic alopecia, or female pattern baldness. So, I still have a decent amount of hair all over my head. I have retained a normal hairline. However my hair is thinning on the top, the upper sides, and the top back. I have about twice as much hair on the back ring of my head as on the top.…


Added by Kate on December 13, 2010 at 11:30am — 3 Comments


Hey all,

It's been a few months since I've been online so I thought I would log in here today. I have had AU since around March of this year but over the last few months, my hair has been growing back all over my body. My lashes, arm hair etc are all coming back. The hair on my head is coming back too but it is growing back in patches. I was wondering if any of you have experienced regrowth like this and if you have been able to keep your hair or if it has fallen out…


Added by Sarah McA on December 13, 2010 at 9:13am — 3 Comments

It gets better

So its been more than a year since my hair loss reached the turning point, the wig point. And at the time, I considered it sort of a death sentence for my future. I mentally kissed goodbye most of the things I wanted most in life, assuming that I couldn't get them in a wig.

As it turns out, I was totally wrong. Its a year later and I'm happier than Ive been in a long time. I'm working at a job I love. My legal troubles are over. And I have an integration system that gives me…


Added by Andrea on December 12, 2010 at 5:44pm — 8 Comments

Bowling ball size hair ball!

Should I or shouldn’t I that is the question.

I am going back and forth on weather or not to take my P.U.V.A. treatments again. Let me give you some back ground.

I have had AA for a long time, but I found that PUVA (Ultra Violet light therapy which was actual used to treat Psoriasis and found to help some people with Alopecia) worked for me and my hair would grow back 100% which is unusual for any AA treatment. The problem would be that you have to go like three times a week…


Added by Devin on December 12, 2010 at 1:19pm — 16 Comments

Reached my limit and it's just the beginning

Hi everybody. Brand new here desperately needing some support. I am a 22 year old girl living in an nonsupport household. I am the youngest of 2 girls in my home. My older sister is my mommy's perfect angel. Ballerina, singer, guitar player, actress, wonderful boyfriend, mom's best friend. I was the 2nd and an accident. I grew up pretty much alone but with people all around me. I was in after school programs because my parents didn't have the time for me, summer camps, baby sitters, past…


Added by Lindsay on December 10, 2010 at 1:29pm — 9 Comments


Hi this is my second time with Alopecia. I had it 10 years ago, but not as bad as this time. I have now lost 90% of my hair and I am having a hard time dealing with it. I went online and bought a wig. I was so excited when I tried it on and actually like it. My husband, friends, and family were all very supportive and they said it looked great. My younger son he is 14 looked at me and said that it did not look good, because I did not look like myself. So the next day my awesome husband took…


Added by zeida on December 9, 2010 at 9:29pm — 2 Comments

Help with doctors! : )

Hi everyone! I need some help with a temporary Doctor to perform cortisone shots very soon. I was wondering if any of y'all have any suggestions of a Doctor close or in Austin. I have a lot of hair and a solid Doctor, but he has gone on vacation and I have noticed some problem spots develop that can ruin all the progress I have been working on for years. I appreciate any help. Thanks so much!


Added by Samantha Callaway on December 8, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Wig or not?

Well... I´ve, for a couple of years, thinking about getting a wig. Never had one before and it´s quite hard to know where to start. What kind of haircut and color, and where to get?

Finally I found a store in a town nearby where I will go next weekend. Maybe they can give me some advice about it. Then - if I decide to buy one - I only need the courage to wear it. By loosing my hair at the age of 2 I really don´t know anything else. Therefore I´m not really sure that I´ve got the… Continue

Added by Niclas Jacobsson on December 8, 2010 at 8:48am — 9 Comments


What type of treatments have u had that had helped with the regrowth?

Added by Heidi verholtz on December 8, 2010 at 2:03am — 4 Comments

Was just diagnosed.

Please I would like some input on it.

Added by Heidi verholtz on December 8, 2010 at 1:59am — No Comments

Final decision has been made...and need some help too

Sorry it has been a while since I logged has been a rough decision making time.

Well I have decided that after my friend's wedding and reception(the first two weekends in January) that I am going to get a wig. My alopecia has been getting worse and I am done trying different medications to try and stop the inevitable. I don't want to keep trying different meds that are going to possibly hurt something else.

So I have decided that I am going to finally make the move to a wig.… Continue

Added by Julie G on December 7, 2010 at 1:27pm — 8 Comments

Dealing with mean people

I've always said I needed the bumper stick that says, "Mean People Suck". Not to get too into the whole background of the situation, but my step-father has a not so nice daughter that lives in Texas (we live in Virginia) who only talks to him when she needs money. My step dad Rick has had enough of it and told her so yesterday. Now I've only met his daughter 2 times in person, but we have texted off and on for a few years. I lost my dad in 2007 and was kind of pushing Rick to have some kind of… Continue

Added by Tamara on December 7, 2010 at 10:12am — 14 Comments

Is it possible to have sex with your wig on?

Hey I am freaking out, this might sound weird but I am thinking to have an affair NOT a relationship that is why Telling him I am almost bald is out of question. But I want to go for it. My main issue is is I can wear a wig during sex. Ladies Have you?? If it is a non adhesive lace wig where you could eventually use tape or glue will it be enough for a night?

Any ideas on how to handle it, maybe I should tell him not to pull my hair? or it will be too obvious?

Please help… Continue

Added by Grace on December 7, 2010 at 1:20am — 26 Comments

Facial numbness

hey guys, I've been having issues while wearing my wig with facial numbness has anybody else had any issues like this?

Added by Mary Felitte on December 6, 2010 at 8:37pm — 1 Comment

I am in LOVE

Just wanted to share this little bit with my alopecia family,


Now its not what you think.....I didnt just meet someone. Actually I known this person all my life.

ITS ME !!!!

Silly I know but when you really stop and think about it, its not. As all you probably experienced in this crazy journey, we have many moments where we are so consumed with our hair loss that we do see ourselves anymore. All we see is alopecia.

Well yesterday… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on December 6, 2010 at 3:37pm — 5 Comments

Acceptance is the key!

Recently i was diagnosed with AA and i have to tell you i was devastated at first.However 6 long months into it i think i am slowly starting to accept it a little better.I know that every case is different and i hope my hair comes back soon. I HAVE FAITH.Thank you to everyone.clare

Added by clare majka on December 5, 2010 at 7:34pm — No Comments

My update

4 months after my hair fell out into crop circles, and 2 months after my diagnosis, I now have about 1/2" of regrowth. Initially it was impossible to see, but about 2 weeks ago, I noticed it now has color to it again. It is still very hard to see though. I measured my overall hair length the other day, hoping to chop it off before Alopecia could take it, and donate it again, but it is still not long enough for the required 10".

After 1 1/2 months of absolutely NO hair loss at all, and… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on December 5, 2010 at 6:36pm — 4 Comments

Need alopecia model in St Charles, IL, Feb 25-27th . . .

Hi . . . I am exhibiting my hats and scarves at the Working Women's Survival Show in St Charles, IL the weekend of Feb 24-27. I have a speaking engagement to talk about what it is like to lose your hair, and want to do a brief on-stage demo. I am looking for a female model to be a naked noggin . . . you must be comfortable without wigs or hats, since I will need to change the looks around.

I work with women who have alopecia OR who are suffering hair loss from chemotherapy, and… Continue

Added by Kari M on December 3, 2010 at 5:10pm — 2 Comments

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