All Blog Posts (5,825)

Halloween Costume Ideas

Okay, Americans: what are this year's ideas besides
Uncle Fester,
Dr. Evil,
Mr. Clean,
Freddy Kruger,
Charlie Brown,
Mace Windu,
Evey from “V for Vendetta,”
Kenneth the Zombie Killer,
Lex Luthor,
John Coffey,
Homer Simpson,
John Shaft,
Dr. Evil, and
Mr. Magoo?

What did you choose? Post photos here!

Added by Tallgirl on October 24, 2010 at 9:00am — 11 Comments

A little story from me!

In English the whole entire class had to write about something that has affected our lives. So of coarse I was going to write about my years with alopecia. I told my english teacher that I have alopecia. So I was ok to write about alopecia. But, I wrote secret words in my story so nobody in my class could find out what I was writting about.

Secret Words: palooza= alopecia, paw= hair, and sock= wig! Put these words where the secret words are and you will figure out the story! Hope you enjoy… Continue

Added by Nicky on October 23, 2010 at 5:30pm — 10 Comments

It's all beginning to make sense now - things happen for a reason

When I say that things happen for a reason, I honestly believe it.

In my last post(s) I mention how my daughter has alopecia too...turns out, she most likely has trichotillomania (trich for short) ( instead.

My beautiful girl is pulling her hair out by the handfulls - think of the width of a pencil - that's how much comes out with each tug. We are finding it behind the… Continue

Added by Sandi Walmsley on October 22, 2010 at 11:41pm — 3 Comments

The value of a support network, and "It gets better"

Last week was National Coming Out Day (on October 11). I work on a University campus, and since campuses are known for social outreach it was a well documented and discussed event. For those of you that don't know, National Coming Out Day is an awareness day focusing on discussion about the coming out process for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered and Question individuals, especially teenagers and youth.

In reaction to the tragic bullying-induced suicides of recent, this year there… Continue

Added by Kate on October 22, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Day by day

Or even minute by minute. Haven't posted in a while. I went to the wig specialist, just waiting to hear back from her. I was pretty specific with what I'm looking for, its a little shop and she didn't have much on hand but hopefully we will get something that looks good. Anyone have any wig info to share ? Since I don't really know what I'm doing any advice would be appreciated.

My hair loss is still gettng worse, the dermatologist prescribed a second cream Elidel, I have been using… Continue

Added by Kelly Hamel on October 22, 2010 at 10:12pm — 2 Comments

It's a new day (part 2)

Due to my rediculous work load this semester, I am just completely exhausted from writing so many papers. Good news for you is that you don't have to listen to me carry on about nonsense. As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, music is my therapy. I cannot function without it. A particular song is what put me into such a spunky mood this morning (which have been few and far between lately): "I Choose" by India Arie. Absolutely inspirational. If you've never heard it, it is well worth the… Continue

Added by Alex on October 22, 2010 at 12:12pm — 2 Comments

It's a new be continued

This is going to be a farely short blog...for now. I have to be in class in 20 minutes, but I had an epiphany as I was getting dressed this morning. People stare at me all day long, so why not give them something to look at? I typically am a 'plain Jane.' I don't really like to stand out. Instead of being stared at looking 'average' (whatever that is), I decided today that I am going to look the best I can every day. Instead of 'hey, look at that bald girl,' maybe it will go more like 'hey look… Continue

Added by Alex on October 22, 2010 at 8:55am — 2 Comments

"Shake It" - happy moment

This is a happy and short blog.

I just felt the need to share with all my fellow alopecians that for the first time in my life, or at least all the years of having alopecia, I am happy being bald. I like what I see in the mirror and I love rubbing my head. Actually I spend alot of time rubbing my head. LOL I had spent so many years (26+years) hiding the fact that I have alopecia. Spent so many years treating (painfully treating) the hair loss, and crying. It dawned on me today that this is… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on October 21, 2010 at 9:31pm — 5 Comments

New job

well i thought i had wrote a blog last night but it didnt seem to come up. but it was just to express how i feel just now, ive been doing ok and have some colour change in my regrowth which is brill but still early days so will need to see what going to happen, anyway i have decided to move stores for my work which im now working with new people as well, only 3 people know about my alopecia who i worked with before and are also moving. i suppose im just very worried about how to deal with my… Continue

Added by lynne on October 21, 2010 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

My head itches!

My head started itching again about two days ago. Funny how it no longer "just itches" but now I can't help but it fixing to start falling out again? I think my husband is in denial, he, as I already posted, says I do not need to be looking at wigs, and now, he says, "You dont know that it WILL fall out", but I think I cannot live as if it wont. I have to expect the worst. I can't deny this could happen. I have started counting hairs that I see come out...though it has been light… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on October 21, 2010 at 2:30pm — 10 Comments

Quick question! I just noticed...

Hi all, Just a quick question...Can it mean I may go AU or AT if my eyebrows no longer hurt when I pluck them, I am missing some parts of my bottom eyelashes, and have bald patches on my legs...Just curious...Thank you

Added by Trish on October 20, 2010 at 9:46pm — 2 Comments

Is it possible to have found your own cure?

i have been thinking a lot lately and i realized that im starting to get all my hair back, my eyebrows are growing back, and im getting a few eyelashes, i think i have found my own cure for this. before i met my boyfriend my hair would keep falling out like it was going out of style and when i met him my hair started to grow back, and i dont have many bald spots anymore, i think he is my own type of cure is this possible??

Added by Brandi Badzinski on October 20, 2010 at 4:32pm — 10 Comments

Alopecia and diet

It'd been a while since I'd visited this site but a friend asked for a follow up which has prompted me to post my response since others may benefit from my experience.....

Since eliminating gluten the majority of my patches have hair and some of it has transitioned to my proper hair color (dark brown instead of white). I quit my job since they use wheat in some of their products (management were tyrants as well). I am also taking digestive enzymes and pro-active bacteria… Continue

Added by Neil on October 20, 2010 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Even though I have alopecia, I just...

Okay. Enough depression. This blog is for The Bold and The Brave and the Ridiculous! Jump in whenever you JUST did something that was brave to do with alopecia. Let's keep it rolling! Remember...current. Today. Just now. 1-2-3-GO!

(Remember, I have to approve these when I am at my computer, and to make sure the comments are appropriate.)

How can we out-do each other on positive risks-of-ego? :)

Complete the sentence:

Even though I have alopecia, I… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on October 19, 2010 at 9:00pm — 6 Comments

Dritho scalp and protopic

I'm going to be starting those. Anyone have any advice?

Added by Rachel Rei on October 19, 2010 at 9:00pm — 9 Comments

Not so happy with my progress!

Hi guys, Hope all is doing well...I cant say the same for myself..As soon as I think everything is going to be ok I slowly and progressively get more and more depressed when I have to do my hair in the morning... I have been using the olux solution for over a month now and have no seen any results what so ever, not sure how long it takes to see results, but my hopes of my hair coming back are just diminished..My spots continue to get bigger and spread out more evryday, and the hair lose is… Continue

Added by Trish on October 19, 2010 at 4:58pm — 6 Comments

Bring it on!

Hair fell out, shaved rest off. Started to grow, now falling out again. People say "oh no what a shame" but seriously, I'm not bothered. I have accepted my hair will grow, fall out etc probably forever and that's ok. I will keep it short when it does grow and not worry about bald patches showing. If I have to shave again thats fine - I can stay in bed longer in the morning cos it takes less time to get ready! I control my life not alopecia. Bring it on!!!

Added by Sam G on October 19, 2010 at 3:55pm — 2 Comments

One spot, two spot...tooth!

Well it has been 3 months since I spotted my first bald spot. Im happy to report that the spot is growing back. However with one growing back two more started. I was a little sad at first but bounced back quickly.

Then I just happened to go to the dentist a week ago for a checkup and after them taking an x-ray they found I had a massive infection in my jaw. Very strange as my jaw was not swollen my teeth didnt hurt. I had a little crack in one of my teeth i did not know about in the… Continue

Added by Sarah Schripsema on October 19, 2010 at 3:21pm — 1 Comment

Missing my Dad on his birthday

Today would be my Dad's 53rd birthday. He passed away May 2007 at the age of 49, just 5 months from his 50th. I think about him every day and miss him like crazy. I bought him a card yesterday and filled the whole inside with everything thats happened in 3 years. The ups, the downs, the hair loss, his beautiful grand daughter, and I couldn't help but cry thinking about everything thats happened and I wish he was there to be part of. I think about my… Continue

Added by Tamara on October 19, 2010 at 12:45pm — 6 Comments

So my bf shaved my head again...

whoa, it's been a while since I've updated. So far, I've been keeping busy with work, friends, trips and moving into a new place. It's all been tiring but really good. I've also weaned off steroids and feeling so much better about it. I did get lots of hair growth, but then i started losing hair again, I got so annoyed with my hair dropping all over the floor that I told my bf one day, just shave it off. And he did. I'm feeling free again......and I'm ok with it. I may not walk out of the house… Continue

Added by Clara S. on October 19, 2010 at 4:17am — 1 Comment

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