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A day of firsts

IAD Brochure 1.pdf

Today seems like a good day for firsts for me. Today is my first attempt at blogging! It is my first celebration of International Alopecia Day. It is the first day I will meet others in my area who are fellow alopecians. And it is the first day that I will live life…


Added by Pam Hagler on July 17, 2010 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

I've had AA since I was 10 years old on and off...I started losing my hair this time in May and did the normal shots and anthrillian treaments but the hair loss has become so bad (more than 80% eyebr…

I've had AA since I was 10 years old on and off...I started losing my hair this time in May and did the normal shots and anthrillian treaments but the hair loss has become so bad (more than 80% eyebrows eyelashes) the doc has me trying cyclosporine 100mg twice a day. I've been on it for two weeks and it seems to be making things worse. Now she wants to raise me up to 200mg twice a day and im so scared.Has anyone used or had this reaction to cyclosporine?? any advice?? Continue

Added by Donna Maree on July 16, 2010 at 6:31pm — 2 Comments

Skin to the wind - or, I shaved my head!

I DID IT!!! I got my hair buzzed! At least right now, I am so happy I did it!!! I don't know how I'll feel when I see myself tomorrow morning, but we'll see when we get there. I cleaned up all of my hair around the house, knowing that I wouldn't have to face doing it again day after day, and I put moisturizer on my head (which was blissfull)! I also can't stop petting my head! Thanks for reading my happy bald ramble, I'm just so relieved that I'm not weeping! :)

Added by Amy on July 16, 2010 at 3:01pm — 4 Comments

Dad told me not to go out in public bald

I have been living at home with my parents for the last five months before I start grad school. Since then I have always worn a wig around the house (I have been wearing a wig for almost 2 years now). I had never gone out in public without a wig until attending the NAAF conference a few weeks ago in Indianapolis - which was also my first time meeting anyone else with Alopecia. My parents have always been supportive for the most part - when my hair started really falling out they found a wig… Continue

Added by Margarita on July 16, 2010 at 2:18am — 16 Comments

Vegetarian new to Alopecia World (and the world of alopecia)


I'm Amy, and I'm new to Alopecia World (and the World of Alopecia). I started losing hair about a month and a half ago, got tested for everything ever, and was told that either it's a (really unlikely) reaction to my immunosuppressant (which I was on for eczema), or just plain ol' alopecia. So about two weeks ago my body upped the ante to include my eyebrows (ugh), lip (good news!), and legs (better news!). It's freaky, and it doesn't seem quite real yet (even as I sit at work wearing… Continue

Added by Amy on July 15, 2010 at 8:32pm — 4 Comments

Stupid bald spots

This is honestly getting ridiculous. I had ONE spot a month ago, now I have all whole bunch. The worst is the HUGE one right on the top of my head, right in the middle. I just spent like 10 minutes in the bathroom trying to make my hair go over it, but instead its falling out in my hands, and whats not, wants to go to the sides. I hate the idea of people at work walking behind me, because they can see this HUGE spot, that isnt round anymore..but now creeping down the left side of the back of my… Continue

Added by Tamara on July 15, 2010 at 2:21pm — 10 Comments

Go Wigs!

Every once in a while I will get a compliment on my "hair" from a stranger. Yesterday a woman said "I love your hair". I just smiled and said thank you. It is nice to get random compliments from strangers... it reminds me that it isn't obvious to everyone that I am wearing a wig. Also, I used to never get compliments on my hair from strangers especially when it became really thin so this is a nice change.

The other weekend I went to a party. I was getting myself a drink and a woman… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 15, 2010 at 2:11pm — 15 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

The Cracked Pot Story

A water bearer in India had two large pots,

one hung on each end of a pole which he carried

across his neck. One of the pots had a crack

in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always

delivered a full portion of water at the end

of the long walk from the stream to the

master's house. The cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half…

Added by Dotty on July 15, 2010 at 1:16am — No Comments

Guilty/Alopecia Not Involved

I'm not a bad person but I feel guilty. I have a very good friend that received a promotion and I'm jealous. I have been in the government agency for 25 years she has been there 5 years. I have been her mentor for the entire 5 year period and I feel just a bit jealous that she got a promotion to a job that I have wanted for years. I feel like such a terrible person because I am both proud and jealous. She is a wonderful girl and I wanted her to get a promotion and I'm completly shocked that I… Continue

Added by Roslyn on July 14, 2010 at 10:29pm — 6 Comments

Wigs - good decision

I have had hair loss problems since I was 17. I am now about to be 27. I went to a hair specialist when I was 17 and they did a biopsy. I have female pattern baldness. They told me the only treatment for women was Rogaine. So I started to use it right away. A few years ago I noticed that it didn't seem to be working as well. I went to a dermatologist who gave me Spironolactacone. I tried it for 6 months and it didn't do anything for me. I have been on Ocella, generic form of Yasmin, for a… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 14, 2010 at 10:19am — 3 Comments

Repeat Prescription hassle

Tried to renew my prescription this morning by telephone, a process I completed easily and was talked through professionally by the staff at the E.R.I. Stobhill, however, are so unsure of their own procedures that their staff can't even tell you how to pay for your prescription! I attended outpatients in January where I saw a junior doctor on rotation. He wrote out my prescription for me after a bit of scurrying back and forward to the hidden consultant. But he did not write how many… Continue

Added by Erica on July 14, 2010 at 5:55am — 2 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Be yourself. Who else is better qualified?

Frank J. Giblin II

Added by Dotty on July 14, 2010 at 1:04am — No Comments

You really are amazing!

Alopecia World inspires far more people than those living with various types of alopecia.

I think about this every time I am approached by a non-alopecian who not only recommended the site to someone struggling with hair loss, but who also regularly visits because they are deeply moved by what they see and learn from our beloved community.

Trust me -- I know the feeling.

As the husband of the alopecic and adorable co-founder of Alopecia World, Cheryl…


Added by rj, Co-founder on July 14, 2010 at 12:30am — 18 Comments

Every Cloud

I hate Alopecia, every single thing about it.........................apart from it helped me meet a fantastic lady, who hopefully will become a great friend. Bald, beautifull and crazy!

Added by Shane Beard on July 13, 2010 at 2:41pm — 1 Comment

My Girl

I am so glad I found Alopecia World. I know there are a lot of people with alopecia but to be honest my daughter and I have never met anyone in person. I think Carli has done well with it. I am not really sure why. I hope because I love her no matter what and never made her feel like she had to wear a wig or that she was different. Being bald is really the only thing she knows. It is hard to believe that this september 12 she will be bald for 11 years. She doesn't know anything different. Sure… Continue

Added by Kristin Kottwitz on July 13, 2010 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours."

Added by Dotty on July 13, 2010 at 1:37am — No Comments

July 17 th

I was hoping to find someone in the central florida area having an event, but haven't seen anything posted. I'd love to meet some other people in my area. If your out there and you want to get together email me at mamalc9949@hotmail.comthanks Linda

Added by linda carraway on July 12, 2010 at 6:40pm — 1 Comment

My ongoing journey

I guess it all started when I was 16 and had HORRIBLE acne and went to a dermatologist. While there, my mom pointed out a patch of hair that I lost right on the middle of my part, that was rather large. The doctor said it was Alopecia, and didnt go any further into it. Well the patch grew back (the acne slowly went away) and I went on with my life. Skip up to 2007, thats when life took some bad turns. I had always had a bad stomach, couldnt eat certain things, and spent more time at home than… Continue

Added by Tamara on July 12, 2010 at 12:38pm — 4 Comments

Summer! ♥

Hey everyone ! I hope you're having a great Summer ! I'm having a pretty good one .

On July 4th I turned 16 !!!! Wooo ! lol . My morning started out like this : I woke up to my mom and dad singing " Happy Birthday " to me . : ) My dad went to Mcdonalds earlier that morning & got me breakfast . I went into the kitchen , opened the bag & noticed a plastic bag .So I opened it up and seen that they got me a Tiara ! ( I always wanted one . lol ) After breakfast I got dressed & Me… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on July 12, 2010 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

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