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Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

Added by Dotty on March 22, 2010 at 1:06pm — No Comments

WHERE is alopecia?

I joined in a conversation between my friend and another woman after church one day. They were discussing pottery techniques and the woman mentioned something about adding butterflies to her work, she loves butterflies. I mentioned that the butterfly was a symbol that some people associate with alopecia. Now my one friend was well aware of my alopecia and is very supportive however this other woman didn't have a clue and it didn't occur to me at the time that it would raise questions. Well it… Continue

Added by Carol on March 22, 2010 at 10:08am — 7 Comments

Alternative Therapies

I'd like to thank everyone on this site for their openness and thoughts.

Have been doing some digging... has anyone here had any success with alternative therapies? Seems like there may be a link, for women, between PCOS, liver dysfunction, and alopecia. Has anyone out here had success with taurine/zinc/ B Complex or a product line called ScalpMed? Have used Rogaine several times with only minor success. Just wondering if anyone has utilized anything else that had any improvement of… Continue

Added by Georgia Sarivalas on March 22, 2010 at 5:26am — 1 Comment

Where do I begin?

So it was five weeks ago when my mother noticed a small bald spot on the back of my head. I had just had my hair cut, so I assumed that my hairdresser had made an error and brushed it off. Three weeks later, my husband noticed from quite a distance that the spot had grown. My hair must have been sitting just the right way.

I panicked when I realized that the spot was half the size of my palm and looking pretty bare, not completely bald, but noticeably VERY thin. I have a short… Continue

Added by Amber on March 21, 2010 at 10:57pm — 5 Comments

Folliculitis anyone?

Hi there all,
I was just wondering if any of you have experienced folliculitis along with the alopecia? I have had this a couple of times since I had AA and I still have not found the right combination of medicines, soaps, ect. to get rid of it!! I read that if you get it sometimes, it will just keep coming back again and again just like alopecia!! Why can't I catch a break!! Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!!

Added by Melissa Harris on March 20, 2010 at 11:10pm — 1 Comment

Be your shoes?

A woman and I were trying on shoes next to each other at the mall this morning. She slipped on a pair of black high-heeled pumps, obviously admiring her reflection in the little "shoe mirror" on the floor. Her well-meaning daughter frowned and said, "Don't try on those, Mom. They are just NOT you." I glanced over at her and said, "Maybe they're not you NOW. But, if you bought them and wore them, then they would be, right? The perfect pair of shoes (Like the right wig? Like finally shaving your… Continue

Added by Marie on March 20, 2010 at 6:32pm — 6 Comments

Nothing about Alopecia...something much more fun!

My band has been officially formed! We've been featured at local jams since Christmas, and the response has been amazingly positive! So, we're in rehearsal now and we'll be ready to gig in a couple of months. How much more fun can a girl have???? A middle-aged girl at that! I've added a preliminary band photo to my pics. The band name? Stiletto. (Duh!)

Added by Marie on March 20, 2010 at 6:20pm — 2 Comments

Aprender a sonreir, again.

Tengo alopecia difusa desde hace 5 años. No puedo aprender aun a convivir con esto por eso me siento tan triste, como le ha pasado a todas las mujeres que transitan por esta situación seguramente. Por eso estoy aca, para aprender de ustedes a tratar de ser feliz, porque siento que mi autoestima se daña dia a dia.

Quiero tambien aprender sobre las Lace wig o pelucas, microlineas, etc. porque no quiero sufrir mas por el pelo que ya no tendre.

Lo que tambien me da miedo es dar el cambio,… Continue

Added by Libelula1725 on March 20, 2010 at 2:12pm — 2 Comments

INTERNATIONAL ALOPECIA DAY - spread the word in other languages!

As many of you know, the name of our annual awareness and pride event was changed in May by vote of the National Bald Out Group. The event is now called "International Alopecia Day".

Because of the name change, I removed the second NBO video that I had made, and it's no longer on YouTube. So, the text is no longer available there. But, in case anyone else wants to translate the message into…


Added by Mary on March 20, 2010 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments

Today I bought a wig

After 5 years...I finally bought a wig. I kinda was googling for ways to make it less shiny and then this site popped up!

The wig is not really my first choice as a wig. But due to constraints (just money really) I am left with limited choices.

So I went down to some market street to get a fashion wig for only $52 which included a wig cap. My friends who have lovely natural hair had bought some from that store because they wanted to change their look, and I thought some of the… Continue

Added by Nikki Claudia on March 20, 2010 at 3:00am — 7 Comments

I'm a thief - I stole this quote from someone here on AW

"I used to be a fun-loving happy and joyful person. Lately I feel as though the life is sucked out of me. I find myself getting angry at my hair like it is betraying me by falling out! AND PART OF ME WANTS IT ALL TO FALL OUT ALREADY. I don't want it anymore."

The portion that I have in CAPS is where I went to, within my thought process quite quickly...and I am still there. This seems to be quite the feeling with many on this wonderful site.

Have you gotten to this phase or… Continue

Added by Rick Seymour on March 18, 2010 at 10:27am — 6 Comments

Pregnant and losing it all over again

So i found out not too long ago that i am pregnant and as much as it is a wonderful thing it is stressful and stress is not my best friend lol. I have only been with my boyfriend for two months and our relationship is still very new and this is a big unexpected surprise. We are both very happy and cant wait but there are still the concerns and worries of being first time parents at such a young age and in a very fresh relationship. Since i found out i have noticed my hair is falling out more… Continue

Added by Danielle on March 17, 2010 at 9:04pm — 3 Comments

Bald Love


Ever look in an empty cocoon as a most glorious butterfly leaves it? I’ll bet there’s a mirror in it.

When a woman loses her hair, which for her has been a safe haven and the only part of her body she truly believes is spectacular, she desperately wants to trust that her husband loves her for who she is, not for the dead protein on the top of her head. But when rage replaces reason, no soft whisper or kiss at the back of her now hairless neck is… Continue

Added by Susan Beausang on March 17, 2010 at 11:30am — 11 Comments

Fingernails are frustrating me :-/

I used to journal/blog all the time a few years ago. I always found it therapeutic, so hopefully this will be the first of many on here :-)

For the last 15 years I've reluctantly gotten used to having no hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. However, in the last year my fingernails decided to join the party. They used to get white spots on them every so often, but last year the nails started separating. Now I have sections of my nails that are gone and wont grow back. Whenever something… Continue

Added by Maruf Hussain on March 17, 2010 at 10:37am — 8 Comments

Wig Day One

I wore my wig to work today. It was comfortable and I think it looked nice. Of course, the kids were all looking at me (I'm a teacher), however, I had to remind myself that they're SUPPOSED to be looking at me--I'm the TEACHER! :) I was self-conscious and insecure, but it was a first step. I'm looking forward to the day when I can just where a hat/scarf/wig or nothing and be okay with it. Unfortunately, I don't have a "magic wand of acceptance" to cast a spell on myself. I just have to ride… Continue

Added by Kelly D on March 16, 2010 at 9:23pm — 10 Comments

I hate being "in between"

Six weeks ago I found my first little is now the size of a baseball. A mere six weeks later, I have 7 large bald spots and several more smaller ones. I haven't had much time to adjust to having alopecia; however I feel blessed to have found this site. I know that the people, posts, blogs and pictures on this site are what is going to help me cross this bridge and get to the other side of acceptance.

I have been through trials and life-altering changes in the past and I… Continue

Added by Jenna4 on March 16, 2010 at 11:39am — 5 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that a pessimist sees problems in opportunities whereas an optimist sees opporutnities in problems."

Added by Dotty on March 16, 2010 at 1:53am — No Comments

Hair Club

Does anyone else go to Hair club? I've been going for 2 years and it's so expensive? Any other good alternatives?

Added by a. z. on March 15, 2010 at 10:08pm — 7 Comments

Has anyone tried the new smart lace wigs?

Just wondering if anyone has bought any of the lace front wigs from Jon Renau?...I bought one and I love it.

Added by Casee on March 15, 2010 at 6:54pm — 7 Comments

Finally the long awaited appointment!

So I finally saw the new doc about new treatments available. The doc is just a kid. Well, he gave me one topical solution to try, also info on two drugs that I could take. I would really appreciate if any of you have any knowledge/experience on these drugs. They are as follows:

Topical Solution- Capsaicin; derived from the hot cayenne pepper. Used to control pain & itching. Causes stinging and burning. Not too many serious side effects.

Pill- Cyclosporine… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on March 15, 2010 at 6:42pm — 9 Comments

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