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New case

I am a new sufferer and was writing to see whether anyone can offer me any advise or help. I was diagnosed with alopecia 5 months ago and have lost a lot of hair and am still losing hair. I have been diagnosed with alopecia Areta and told it was through stress. I am trying so hard not to be stressed however this is the biggest thing i have ever had to deal with in my lifa and am finding it a constant struggle and am stressing myself out more. I have lost a lot of hair on the top of my head and… Continue

Added by jenny on November 23, 2009 at 2:06pm — 6 Comments

Scientists identify gene that may explain hair loss

I dont know anything about this article. Maybe some news or maybe not =)


Added by Roger on November 23, 2009 at 5:21am — 1 Comment

Men's Wigs/hairsystems


Lost all of my hair universalis had some surgery... need to find a good men's wig/hair system
does anyone know a good hair replacement system ...looking at vacuums (freedom,nuhair)



Added by Dirk Bronstein on November 22, 2009 at 10:24pm — 8 Comments

Why me?

i have this problem since i was 3!! and i still hate it!! some times my hair looks like i'm going to lose it all, but other it just start to regworth, maybe that's the harest part!, because i lost my hair and then i get it back, so i become the happiest persone in the wolrd but then, it start to fall again and i become the sadest person in the world and i hate that, i'm like this since i was 3!! the last time that my hair regwroth was 2 year ago0 and i thoght that i was going get AU because my… Continue

Added by brenda j on November 22, 2009 at 11:38am — 4 Comments

This is me... new here

I stumbled upon this site somehow, and have loved it so far. I'm looking to make some new friends who are going through the same things, and this seems to be a great place for that!

In August of this year, I noticed a small bald spot right at the crown, and chalked it up to stress. I hoped it would go away, and for a while was able to cover it with my hair, by changing the side I parted it on. Then I noticed all the hair I was losing, and by the middle of September the spot had grown… Continue

Added by Callie on November 20, 2009 at 11:41pm — 8 Comments


Tonight I shaved the thin patchy hair off of my head.
Tonight for the first time in over 5 years, I took my scarf off and looked in the mirror
Tonight I looked into my eyes and saw the same old me, I'm still here, I have not disappeared as I had thought.
Tonight for the first time in over 5 years I took my scarf off in front of my husband
Tonight I cried in my husbands arms as he held me and told me how much he loves me.

Added by Ella on November 20, 2009 at 9:42pm — 7 Comments

Chinese Medicine

Well I saw the Chinese Medicine doctor on Wednesday. I like her. It seems positive. Basically she's going to work on my overall well being, because, lets face it; I'm a mess. Maybe my headaches, IBS, cramps and acne will improve too. It can't hurt to try. I would be taking a specifically made mixture in the form of a pill, along with acupuncture treatments. Both to start with more and wean down to nothing over time. The one drawback: co$t. One acupuncture treatment is $75 at 1-2 per week. The… Continue

Added by Brandy Snap on November 20, 2009 at 4:57pm — 5 Comments

Excited, woo hoo

well as u'll prob know i have had regrowth for a bit now, and its still white, but i have just sn 1 strand of hair thats ginger, and i have never bn so excited, i have phoned my sister mum and friend, im so happy 2nite im prayin thats its comin bak for gd, :) x

Added by lynne on November 20, 2009 at 4:31pm — 4 Comments

Love wearing wigs

In scanning this site, it looks like most people hate wearing wigs. I actually think its a fun and glamorous thing to do. I feel like a princess or movie star when I'm wearing glamorous wigs. If anybody would like advice on how to make a wig look better, or more comfortable, please write to me.

Added by Liz on November 20, 2009 at 2:05pm — 3 Comments

Sorry if I sound too negative

I just read an article on National Bald Out day (because I had no idea there was such a thing). One thing I read annoyed me. The article referred to someone as a "sufferer" of Alopecia. I don't know about everyone else, but I certainly don't want people to think I "suffer" from this auto immune skin disease. I am still a healthy person, I just look different than the average bear. I wake up everyday feeling refreshed and alive. I am in no way "suffering".

I have had my stresses over… Continue

Added by Mallory Crowner on November 20, 2009 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments

Thank you bald girls!

Thank you all bald girls who posted videos here. I watched them rather often, I became used to see you with your very nice bald heads and finally I tried going out without hiding myself under a scarf or under a wig yesterday. What happened? :) No explosion, no catastrophy, only people who could not any more decide where they had to classify me. I have some rest of hair on the top, but I shaved off all the leaky ugly rest of hair around. So what? cancer? no. Muslim? no. Punk? no... they had to… Continue

Added by Christa M. on November 20, 2009 at 12:18pm — 5 Comments

Don't Want It Anymore!

I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and
thought I really don't want my hair to start growing back.
I have said that before, but I'm absolutely sure...yep
100 % sure I don't want it. Nope, not even the eyelashes,
It sure did take long enough for me to feel this way ....
100% sure!

Added by Galvin on November 20, 2009 at 12:13pm — 6 Comments

Derm visit Nov 09

A few months ago I was referred by the dermatologist at my local hospital to a "hair clinic" run by a dermatologist at another hospital. I went yesterday and it was all fairly positive.

She examined my scalp and was very encouraged by the regrowth which she said that she could see in all of the patches. For this reason, she didn't recommend doing any other treatments and that I was to continue using steroid foam once a day. She could see a bit of pigmentation coming through in the… Continue

Added by Robert on November 20, 2009 at 7:14am — 6 Comments

Big update

ok so its been a good while since ive blogged. ive been married for almost 8 months now, and i love being married and my husband spoils me alot. i love to talk to people about having Alopecia Areata, i love helping people and knowing that it is nice to talk to others that have it or who are affected by it rather it be a family member or friend. im still currently writing my Alopecia book, but ive put my poetry book on hold for the time being. i started growing hair back but its a slow process… Continue

Added by jen on November 19, 2009 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Support and the Alopecian

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jeffrey and I have had alopecia for 2 1/2 years.

I feel very lucky to have the wonderful support of my Husband Leo, my wonderful freinds here at Alopecia World and all my wonderful friends I've met at the last 2 NAAF Conferences, and wait theres more...All my friends from my local NAAF Support Group.

Tonight I went to my local support group as I have for every other month for the past 2 years. I always leave feeling fullfilled and inspired.… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on November 19, 2009 at 2:41am — 11 Comments


Yep as it says that is how I am feeling. I have been doing the wonderful steroid shots for almost a year now and the regrowth is now falling out. I just don't seem to be able to stop the shots and let it progress. I am soooooooooo frustrated with myself. Just suck it up and shave the stupid head. Nooooooooooo I keep hanging on to what little hair I have left which by the way is all different lengths because I get the shots every 8 weeks. I feel ugly without the a freak and am afraid… Continue

Added by Lori M on November 18, 2009 at 4:58pm — 17 Comments

Ever Hopeful

Hi there friends in Alopecia World. Just wondering if there is anyone out there who has had their hair grow back after A.U. I'm kind of resigned to the fact that this is it, but guess there's still a glimmer of hope.

To anyone considering getting eyebrows tattoed, I recommend it. Had mine done while on holiday in Phuket and although not a pleasant sensation, I'm thrilled with results. Makes my face look like more than just a blank canvas! Now I only have to add eyeliner. Take care and keep… Continue

Added by Cheryl Lemmon on November 18, 2009 at 12:24am — 5 Comments


Hi, my name's Sophia. I'm an 18-year-old Alopecian. I started developing Alopecia Areata just after high school graduation -- it began as a small sport near my part that worried me. I panicked and went to the doctor, who misdiagnosed it as a fungal infection. He prescribed me some pricey (and pointless) medicine. A few months later, when it was clear it wasn't stress-induced or fungal-caused hair loss, I went to a different doctor who suggested Alopecia, and recommended I see a dermatologist.… Continue

Added by Sofia on November 17, 2009 at 3:02pm — 4 Comments

Quick update

Well, nothing much has changed at our house... We hooked up with a fabulous guy in Carrollton who fitted Shannon with an Amy's Presence wig that fits her properly and is human hair, this was in the summer before school started. She looks fabulous. It's starting to thin at the part, so I imagine we'll have to send it in for some rehab after school lets out. He also said before summer camp NEXT year he can get us a synthetic that's not quite so expensive for swimming and messing around at camp,… Continue

Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on November 17, 2009 at 1:21pm — No Comments

Just a quick Thank You to AW

I just wanted to say a quick Thank You to Alopecia World! This has been a wonderful website and I have met some extremely good freinds on here!! It's great to have so much love and support from all the wonderful people on here! THANKS!!
Annette Stewart

Added by Annette Stewart on November 17, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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