All Blog Posts (5,825)

Another Spot...Will it Ever Stop?

Well folks, last night as I was going to bed, I made the fatal mistake of checking my head. As I was doing so, I found another spot where hair was just coming out in spades. It was near an existing spot already on top of my head, so I'm sure they'll coalesce into a bigger spot making it near impossible to hide.

The toughest part of this whole thing is I thought, or was at least trying to convince myself that things would get better. Perhaps no more spots would appear, and I'd just… Continue

Added by John M. on August 26, 2009 at 7:22am — 5 Comments

First treatment started today - Also found a nice shampoo!

I did a little research and found a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss and today I met her. She thought it was funny when I referred to her dad as "the Big Wig" in his practice. She's wonderful. She took a bunch of pictures for comparison, which freaked me out because I can't see most of the areas. She said it's "very extensive Alopecia Areata". I started the injections too, and she gave me a steroid solution and a cream to use. Just wait and see I guess.

I also started using… Continue

Added by Karen on August 26, 2009 at 1:24am — 2 Comments

Hey Everyone

I don't get to stop by as often as I would like. I'm so busy working and reading all the time. Things have been going well lately. I need to get a laptop or something, because the job does not allow access to outside websites, which really stinks, but I guess it only takes one person to ruin things for everyone. I somewhat excited, because I'm going to Chicago early next month, so I have something fun to look forward to. My hair grew into a decent sized afro over the summer then fell out again.… Continue

Added by Anastasia on August 25, 2009 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Questions about lace wigs

I am new to this and dont have alot extra money to spend on a wig so i want to make sure this is the right decison for me. so now the questions: Are they hot? are they comfy? are the secure? can you straighten, curl them? do they look natural? are the hard to apply? what is the best adhesive if you want to wear for a week at a time? how do you care for them? lol i know it is alot of questions but im sure you all understand. thank you for taking the time to reply:)

Added by Ashley Garrett on August 24, 2009 at 11:36pm — 3 Comments

White regrowth?

hiya well ive got white hair growin in and its so very excitin, but i had read someone's blog from around 2yrs ago and it was about white fuzz comin in but it didnt ever grow in properly,

i am determined not to shave it off as i really want to believe that its gonna all grow bak, i couldnt stand puttin up with the itchin again wen it was growin,

i have longer bits and shorter bits, also i can see more stubble comin thro, altho the bak of my head has felt like stubble for a long time,… Continue

Added by lynne on August 24, 2009 at 4:31pm — 8 Comments

Bald Penguin Covers Up

Recently someone forwarded this to me and I thought you guys would like to know that Penguins can have alopecia too!

You can see the original article here:

Bald Penguin Covers Up For Chicks

It's not easy being bald -- unless you're Ralph, a penguin who keeps his bare skin under wraps with a custom-fit wetsuit.

Every summer penguins… Continue

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on August 24, 2009 at 1:51pm — 2 Comments

Are there any wigs that look completely real?

I think its going to get to the point where I have to wear a wig:O(:O(........I don't not want people to know that its a wig...even up close.....I do NOT want to go bald or wear hats or hankerchiefs...soooo spots are growning little white hair, some more than others....but its seems like I'm still loosing a lot....I just want to scream sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by Casee on August 24, 2009 at 10:55am — 5 Comments

Coloring hair with alopecia areata

I was just wondering how many people with alopecia areata have had there hair colored? Would like to have my hair colored to cover the gray, but I am afraid it might cause more hair loss. Would appreciate any imput! THANK YOU!

Added by Katie on August 24, 2009 at 10:53am — 2 Comments

Feeling a lot better

Another update from me...

After a few weeks of feeling really low, I have been feeling a lot more positive recently. I don't really know what the turning point has been but I'm hoping that it lasts.

I went to see the private dermatologist again last week and she said that she was very encouraged by the amount of regrowth in my two biggest spots. She said that the best advice that she could give me would be to try to forget about the alopecia, but understood how difficult… Continue

Added by Robert on August 24, 2009 at 9:52am — 3 Comments

Looking for Alopecians who want to talk about their alopecia on film

Hey everyone,

Many of you know about my film, if not please check it out at:

We are now very far in and it is looking amazing. But now I want to talk to some of my other Alopecians and hear a bit of your story. If you would like to share any or some of your experiences with Alopecia on camera please write to me and we would love to have you as part of this very exciting project!

Thanks so so… Continue

Added by Georgia Van C on August 24, 2009 at 3:30am — 4 Comments

New to AA - Do You Hate Showering Now?

OK, this is probably my first attempt at humor (good or bad) since I've come to find out about my AA (more info in my profile).

Showering used to be a fun activity for me. Not the same kind of fun like dinner out with my wife, a round of golf, or anything like that. But at minimum, it was enjoyable...refreshing. Either first thing in the morning to wake my happy arse up and get ready for the day, or sometime during the evening after a long, stressful day.

Now???? Man oh… Continue

Added by John M. on August 23, 2009 at 9:36pm — 11 Comments

At a Crossroads

So here I am. 50 years old, twice divorced, 2 kids in college and feeling a little unsatisfied with my life. i would love to meet someone, just for companionship - drinks, dinner, movie, football games. My social life has been put on hold for my kids. I have NO REGRETS about that. But now, when i want to meet people I have to deal with this alopecia thing. I have always been reserved in social settings. Now, I think people aren't interested in me because I wear a wig. I know it's stupid and… Continue

Added by Avis on August 23, 2009 at 7:41pm — No Comments

When you're being shouted "HEY! BALDY!"

It is a normal thing now for me to deal with certain insensitive comments by members of the public occasionally (once in two weeks or in a month) and thankfully I dont easily get depressed or hurt over them as often as I used to compared to a couple of years ago.

I was reading a post in Alopecia World about coping with alopecia and dealing with all the insensitive (OR stupid) statments being made and I am reminded of an ordeal that happened to me a couple of days ago when I was… Continue

Added by Joshua on August 23, 2009 at 11:54am — 7 Comments

My Hair is Growing!

This is Chandler's mom, Lisa. I read the blogs on here everyday, trying to learn something new and learning how everyone deals with this mysterious disease. Chandler is 10 years old and got a 2 inch patch about 5 months ago, 3-4 months later almost all of her hair was gone. We were totally shocked, in disbelief,confused, etc. We went to many different doctors and they all said the same thing, there is not much you can do about this. That part really amazed me. None of the doctors ever would try… Continue

Added by Lisa on August 22, 2009 at 11:57pm — 2 Comments

Just an Introduction

I've been looking at your profiles and all of the people on here are so inspiring...

Anyway, I have had alopecia after moving to Minneapolis 5 yrs ago - due to ex husband and his job changes - and we have an 8 yr old daugther, so I had to move with, even tho I did not want to. So my hair started falling out within a week of moving here. and it just stays that way.

I am 52 but a very young 52 - I have to say that one thing I like about this situation is the ability to change your… Continue

Added by valerie newman on August 22, 2009 at 10:11pm — 3 Comments

What's Your Journey?

Hello everyone. I'm new to Alopecia World, and not surprisingly, the world of alopecia. As my profile mentions, it all started about 5-6 weeks ago with 3 patches. Over the course of those weeks, those original 3 grew bigger and coalesced into larger ones. Additionally, got 3-4 new patches since. This was all SO sudden and took me by surprise. I definitely wasn't ready to deal with hair loss issues. As far as I knew, male pattern baldness didn't run in my family. I've always had VERY thick hair… Continue

Added by John M. on August 22, 2009 at 4:15pm — 3 Comments

Things that have happened to me....can you relate?

Many years ago I worked in a retail clothing store that was located in downtown Indianapolis. I had been going without a scarf or hat for awhile and I felt perfectly comfortable walking about the mall. Most of the other managers and employees in the mall were used to me and I never really had any feelings of people staring. One day I was headed down to see a friend of mine who did makeup in a major department store, she was going to do my eyebrows for me. I was in the department store riding… Continue

Added by Kris Fenchel on August 22, 2009 at 2:53pm — 4 Comments

A hair cut...WOW!

On Thursday I had the pleasure of taking Samantha on a surprise field trip. We had just left our play date at a museum and off in the car I told her I had a surprise for her. When I pulled into her old hair dresser she was so happy and wondering if Jackie would remember her. It had been 2 yrs since her last haircut. Of course Jackie was so happy to see her and said looks at those curls. Jackie was awesome. She shaped her hair and did not touch the hair near the last baldest area. Sam had the… Continue

Added by Cindy on August 22, 2009 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments


You have no idea how relieved I am!! Now I can stop worrying and enjoy my summer holiday!!

Fine Art- A
English Literature- B
(Btec) Music Technology- Merit

So I have definitely secured a place on the art foundation course for 2009-10!! :)

Hope all other students out there have had some great results!!

Take care, Liz x

Added by Lizzie on August 22, 2009 at 7:01am — No Comments

life without a wig

It has been 26 weeks since I first lost my hair. After many steriod shots, minoxdil applications, no night shifts, and eating right, I FINALLY HAVE REGROWTH~~~~~~~ I can go out without a wig. Although my hair strand is thinner than normal, at least I can have my own hair on my own head. Hopefully my regrowth will stay...



Added by Carol Yuen on August 22, 2009 at 12:15am — 5 Comments

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