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Just some random thoughts

I am a resent member to Alopecia World. Since joining I have visited the site everyday, read blogs, and joined some groups. I am in total amazement with this entire "world". I have suffered with alopecia for 21 years. It is funny as I sit in in front of the computer trying to get my thoughts out, I am overwhelmed with all that I have wanted to express about my life with alopecia for all of those 21 years. I don't want to bore anyone, but I guess if you don't want to read you don't have to.… Continue

Added by Kris Fenchel on August 14, 2009 at 10:36am — 5 Comments

What a busy week!

I've just spent the week travelling and meeting with cancer and alopecia patients in London. Yesterday I worked at Kings College hospital, in Lodon and saw 6 lovely ladies, who are undergoing treatment for cancer, who I helped with finding great wigs for them. I love hosting my wig clinics, you meet the most incredible and inspirational people.

On Wednesday I met a beautiful young lady called Kym from London who is eight and has alopecia. Kym was extremely brave and took her scarf… Continue

Added by Michelle Chapman on August 14, 2009 at 6:26am — No Comments

Administrative Law Judge - Cranial Prosthesis Coverage Appeals Presentation, Monday, August 10, 2009, Update

Hello Everyone, well Monday has come & gone & along with it my appeals presentation before the Administrative Law Judge.

A brief explanation,I am retired from the County of Riverside, after fighting for a Administrative Law Judge awarded me my medicare benefits. With the County I have insurance, I signed my medicare rights/coverage over to my current insurance, Secure Horizons.

When I lost all my hair in January my Dermatologist wrote out a request for a cranial prosthesis,… Continue

Added by Pamela Rosse on August 13, 2009 at 9:00pm — 10 Comments

Please look at this website. More awareness for Alopecia.

Added by Karen on August 13, 2009 at 7:43pm — No Comments

Que bola people

Si si more pics of Marina check them out, and soon muy pronto a full legnth series is on the way Gracias y Cojelo suave

Added by ROCKSTAR: ROCKY MANUEL MARTINEZ on August 13, 2009 at 4:22pm — No Comments

Reasons for Alopecia

Hello everyone,

I have had alopecia universalis for only six months.. I shaved my head five months ago. I have no hair anywhere on my body... Doctors around here are somewhat clueless.. they have never seen anything like this. They say it is caused by stress. Is this what the rest of you are told too? Yes, I have stress in my life, but who doesn't??? I don't feel that my stress is that high to cause such a dramatic outcome. From what I understand, there is really no cause or cure for this.… Continue

Added by Linda on August 13, 2009 at 7:17am — 6 Comments

Wigged out on a sailing trip...

Hello, lovely ladies!

I just spent the past 10 days sailing the British Virgin Islands with my guy. What a wonderful time. We sailed in heavy winds, snorkeled around beautiful reefs, and visited little beach side bars – and I did it ALL in my wigs!

I brought two basic synthetic wigs, the kind you can buy online (Noriko, Aspen, etc.) They are not custom made (but I usually have them thinned out a little and perhaps have the bangs cut.) One was pretty short and razor cut,… Continue

Added by Marie on August 12, 2009 at 8:17pm — 24 Comments

white peach fuzz that never really does anything

Do you all ever get white fuzzy hair in the bald spots that never really amounts to anything that normal for it to come and then stay like that or fall out again.....thanks any responses greatly appreciated!!


Added by Casee on August 12, 2009 at 2:28pm — 4 Comments

Joseph Paris Opinions

Hello to all the beautiful people on alopeciaworld <3

I received a call from Joseph Paris about his products yesterday and I am pretty much convinced to buy a wig from him.

Currently, I'm buying a $2000 (Canadian) or so human hair, lace front prosthetic. They last about a year (often requiring a $500 repair) because I tend to be a little harsh on my hair (I guess lol). I'm pretty happy with it, but I hate the tape-- it tends to pull my skin so hard that it comes off, and I… Continue

Added by Laura Lee on August 12, 2009 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

karens bald out party

hi i have added a few photoes on my album

Added by karen on August 12, 2009 at 10:49am — No Comments

question about fine white fuzzy hairs

A couple of my bald spots has sparse fine white fuzz...does that mean my hair is going to grow back....from your alls experience what do you think?

Added by Casee on August 12, 2009 at 10:07am — 2 Comments

Getting ready for the school year

School starts in 2 weeks for my 10 year old. His journey with aa began last summer. At the begining of the school year a "health" assembly was held where the nurse explained to all the kids what AA is and Casey was given permission to wear a hat. THAT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER!!! The school and kids have been fantastic (except for just a couple of situations). Casey did wear a hat all year and it wasn't until the beginning of summer that he moved to AT (no hair, eye lashes or eye brows). With… Continue

Added by Margie on August 12, 2009 at 2:19am — 4 Comments

Moving to VA

Right outside D.C for work. I got a new job...and a big raise ; ) Anyone from that area? Alexandria/ Arlington?

Added by Lee on August 12, 2009 at 1:37am — 4 Comments

Hairs growing back

in 1999 i guess i abused my body somwhat with over eating weight gain poweders creatine dha hormone pills ect,, all in attempt to become huge power lifter/bodybuilder, didnt really work instead one day in 1999 i bacame violently ill waking up one morning at 3.00am with fainting spell violent diarhea heart palipitations cold sweats and numbness in finger tips after this episode i could never eat the same again i went from 212 lbs to about 160 lbs in about 1 month couldnt eat anything with out… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on August 11, 2009 at 8:09pm — 5 Comments


So, I was searching the web today and I couldnt find any new developments in alopecia research. Maybe i just suck really bad at searching the web but it upset me. there are no new findings and it makes me feel like nobody cares about it. if people do get grants to research on it shouldnt there be updates or something online. i would think it would be news worthy.

so this is half venting and the other half is a question...

has anyone heard anything new… Continue

Added by Camille Reinecker on August 11, 2009 at 7:19pm — 8 Comments

Trouble with other peoples acceptance

I have never really known anyone else with alopecia and i guess its really hard.
Whats even harder though is dates, most people said they would go on a date with me if one thing, i had hair.
Im not comfortable with wearing wigs and i want people to like me for me and not just my hair. How can i get people to accept me for ME?

And no...even though i have had this for 13 years i still wish i had hair...guess i cant accept it

Added by Ashley on August 11, 2009 at 5:00pm — 5 Comments

what do you all think

I would like some opinions please...I just recently got AA in May and I went from long thick hair to lots of huge bald spots....I attached a pic..(and there are many more spots that arent showing) you all think this is severe AA and do you think most of may fall out?...also I'm tired of trying to cover the spots all the time, at what point would you all get a wig or cut it off....what is your all… Continue

Added by Casee on August 11, 2009 at 10:08am — 6 Comments

Sun & Hair

Going on holiday is great but it is always over far too soon!!!!!!!

It only seems like yesterday that I was packing my bags and getting ready for a week in the sun. In a blink of an eye I am back at me desk in the office looking at the everyday problems of business today. It’s a good thing that I enjoy my work!!!!!

Having been away, I must say that I really enjoyed my time without the hustle of routine and I had some valuable time with my family sitting in the sun, eating,… Continue

Added by Ray on August 11, 2009 at 4:44am — No Comments

To an alopecia artist

Hi my name is Tasha im 24 year old mother of two. my eldest daughter Sierra5 have alopecia areata. I am looking to create a newletter to be sent some with all the children in her school. instead of putting a picture of an actual person with alopecia or a picture of her, I thought it would be nice to have an animated drawing of some children playing happily. I think it will catch more eyes and interest to create better awareness. Unfortanatly i stuggle with stick figures. Drawing doesnt come… Continue

Added by Tasha Dingler on August 10, 2009 at 10:40am — 3 Comments

a long overdue update

well my hair is all but gone, what grows back is white which is no biggie, losing my eyebrows and eyelashes too, but im not really down about it, i been pretty positive through this whole experience but the change is a little hard to get used to, on the non-alopecia end of it i have been working a lot, went and saw the band 311 in concert back in june and it totally rocked, well people i wish i had more to say but i don't. everyone have an awesome beginning of the week cause we will all be… Continue

Added by Paul on August 10, 2009 at 12:25am — 1 Comment

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