All Blog Posts (5,825)

Coming to terms with it...

I've had Lupus (SLE) for about 20 years now and I've had hair loss before. I've never worried about it because I've always thought that my hair would grow back and it did. For my 40th year (8 years ago) I wanted to do something that would mark the beginning of my 40s so I started growing locks. It has been a long journey and just as my hair was starting to look as I would like it, in comes Alopecia Areata!

No problem, I thought. My hair will grow back it always does but this isn't… Continue

Added by Julie on April 4, 2009 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Having a bad week.

I just want to say that, out of the millions of pictures on here, you are all absolutely beautiful.

I had an extremely traumatizing experience a few days ago. A very dear friend of mine. A lady who, many years ago, used to babysit me and my sisters became ill. She has been in a care facility for a number of years but this was far worse. She was in pain, losing weight rapidly. She was approximately 5ft 8in and by the end weighed approximately 75 lbs. I had the horrible experience of… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on April 3, 2009 at 8:54pm — 2 Comments

British weather is a bit like alopecia!!!!!

Yesterday the weather was fantastic. It was warm and sunny and it was a real pleasure to take a walk outside. The sun on my bald head was wonderful as was the warm spring breeze. Today it is dull and cold again. The simple facts are that it is just the ever changing British weather.

In many ways the weather here is rather like alopecia. Sometime you have hair sometime you don’t, sometimes it’s warm and sometimes it’s cold. Just as you think that things are going in one direction then… Continue

Added by Ray on April 3, 2009 at 9:58am — No Comments

A New Chapter to our Lives

As you may know, my daughter has AA and she has had it for most of her life. She deals with it very well and has had many boyfriends come and go. She has just turned 16 and dropped a bomb on her father and I; she is pregnant. I was extremely upset at first and then angry, but now I have come to except the fact that our lives are going to take a major turn. She understands that she must continue her education, because without it in todays day and age, you cannot et a good job. She also… Continue

Added by Heather Marie Brown on April 3, 2009 at 9:56am — 2 Comments

partying on my friends bands tour bus tomorrow(a non-alopecia blog)

well tomorrow is gonna be an exciting day, i get to see my friends who i haven't seen since last summer, they don't know i have a this skin disorder but as soon as i take off my hat, i'm not sure how they are going to react but i guess i will find out tomorrow, i'm just glad they got tour bus this tour cause they're van was dirty and it stunk pretty last time i was in it...gonna be wayyy fun tomorrow

Added by Paul on April 2, 2009 at 10:38pm — No Comments

i'm tired of thinking about my hair (or lack thereof)

when i think about how much energy i have exhausted on this issue, it drives me insane. as much as i try to carry on with my normal life, it's always in the back of my mind. for example, every time i have an occasion to see a friend whom i haven't seen in a while, i can't help but dread having to tell them and going through the whole sordid story (i feel like it's too obvious not to address it.) it's like breaking up, feels cathartic to tell all of the details at first to anyone who will… Continue

Added by Paula on April 2, 2009 at 1:51pm — 5 Comments

White hair

Have noticed lots of small white hairs appearing on my scalp a bit like a new born baby's. What happens next anyone?

Added by Kenny j on April 2, 2009 at 10:39am — 4 Comments

A Roller Skating Story

We decided to visit my son and his family in Pennsylvania Lancaster.. There was a

big group of us going down there at least 20 people .. Well we all planed to go roller skating just to have a Lil fun know there is 25 of us going. So we go to the place we pay are way in and skating we went even my husband put skates on LoL.. Any way when l was skating l was having problems with my left skate so l went back to get a second pair at this time l see my husband and my sis talking to one of the… Continue

Added by Nitza on April 2, 2009 at 2:57am — 5 Comments

Another Day

I've had a few rough days, actually a few rough months....Non alopecia related.

Leo's mother Helen is 83 and suffering from dementia.

She was living independently until last September. Her mental capacity has declined rather rapidly. We moved her to a Residential Assisted Living Facility but it didn't work out as she required more care.

We have since just moved her again to a small board and care home which is really nice. She is having a hard time ajusting to the change… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on April 1, 2009 at 10:30pm — 16 Comments

show and tell....

Well I showed my boyfriend my patches. It was hard. Really really hard. Sure I joked about it, but deep down I was scared.

Now that I've shown him? I am SO relieved!!!! It's like a huge weight has been lifted. :) He said it looked like there was regrowth in the one spot. But he is new to looking at them, so I asked the ex. (Yeah, we still live together, THAT is a cozy arrangement. LOL) He said no, it looks the same, but it hasn't grown any. However, the other has gotten larger since… Continue

Added by Michelle on April 1, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Don't look down!!!

I sent out a few resumes yesterday and already today I got a call for an interview which I also had today. I have to say the interview went quite well, my resume apparently indicates that I'm an interesting person and I was in his top 25 out of hundreds which he chose. At the end of the interview he told me he was impressed and all in all I'm quite confidant that I will hear from him again.

I did wear my wig to the interview and was somewhat self conscious about it before and after… Continue

Added by Carol on March 31, 2009 at 10:05pm — 2 Comments

I am BLESSED!! All thats wrong with me is that I am losing my hair.

I have been reading a lot of posts with people who are having a really hard time lately with low mood and dealing with people questioning them and stuff. I want to tell you all about recent experiences in my life.

One month ago, my boss had a beautiful baby girl. She was born, perfect, happy healthy baby girl. Within 24 hours the nurses discovered something was wrong. They did blood work and discovered her blood sugars were Dangerously high. After further investigation, they realized… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on March 31, 2009 at 9:41pm — 4 Comments

Stop the Insanity...ARGHH

Alright what you must.

I'm tired of the burning, the itching and the amount of hair I'm losing all over. I just want it to end. Either stop shedding or grow...this is getting frustrating. I'm going to be shopping for wigs this week and some hats and scarves. I'm ready to buzz it off although everyone keeps telling me to wait a bit longer and enjoy what I have. I get that...just stop coming out then.

I'm prepared for God's plan with or without's the process that's… Continue

Added by Jennifer Krahn on March 31, 2009 at 6:14pm — 5 Comments

Ok, now on to wigs

Has anyone tried the vaccum wigs and are they any good? Has anyone ordered human hair wigs over the internet and been pleased with there hairpiece? Can you recommend any sites that have great human hair at reasonable prices. I have gotten 2 wigs from a specialty hair salon and they are very pricey. Ordering wigs over the internet is a little bewildering. Suggestions please! Thanks!

Added by Andrea Wasserman on March 31, 2009 at 3:52pm — 3 Comments

False Eyebrows

Thank you everyone that wrote to me about false eyelbrows. I ordered them from and my daughter was absolutley thrilled!!! They were amazing and looked totally real. I kept marveling at how great they looked on and I highly recommend them. Thanks for helping put a smile on my daughters face. Nanci

Added by Andrea Wasserman on March 31, 2009 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Conference is booked...Houston here I come!

So it's official, I'll be going to my first NAAF conference this year. I'm excited. I booked everything this past weekend while I was home. So how about it? Who else is going to be there?

The only thing I'm not 100% thrilled about is going by my self. I can't really see anyone else in my family giving up time from work though, so I better be meeting some of you guys down there and hanging out.

But yeah overall I'm excited and can't wait. Especially since college is so… Continue

Added by Drew on March 31, 2009 at 1:30am — 6 Comments

Just getting started

Within the last two weeks I have finally started to wear the wig that I bought a year ago to work, my thought was once I start wearing it I can never go back. Most of the people at work didn't even notice that it was a wig, I finally decided because I was getting so many wonderful comments to tell people that it was a wig because they were wondering how I had straightened my hair and a few saying they wanted their hair to look like that... I laughed and said, well, I bought it at The Bay...… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on March 30, 2009 at 10:52pm — 6 Comments

How it all started...

On Feburary 21, 2009, I woked up that day and started brushing my hair and a clump of hair came out. I realized that something must be very wrong, but didn't think much of it. Then I shampooed my hair, after I was done, my whole bath tub was filled with my hair. I ran down to my kitchen, and started to cry infront of my parents. It was such a scary experience, because since I was very little, I was very conscious about my hair. Like brushing my hair 100 times a day to make it silky and… Continue

Added by Carol Yuen on March 30, 2009 at 8:45pm — 6 Comments


Anyone used a skin concealer on a shaved head to mask up the dreaded circles with any success.
Please let me know cos i'm getting so desperate.

Added by Kenny j on March 30, 2009 at 3:42pm — No Comments

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