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Happy Valentines Day Alopecia World Members

The warm and friendly spirit of Alopecia World welcomed me like a gracious host. I am new to this site but I feel a shared sisterhood, truly like I am among family members. Even though I have worn wigs and gotten weaves I have always felt alien to other women with normal healthy hair. It is so nice to be among others who have experienced my frustration, allowing me to feel accepted and to know that its okay, I am not alone. I pray that we can all be a comfort, help and inspiration to each other… Continue

Added by JoDeanna on February 11, 2009 at 7:15am — 3 Comments

Tell us why you love Alopecia World

Valentine’s Day is this Saturday and what better way to celebrate than with an Alopecia World love fest?

Sweet nothings, heartfelt odes or just a good old-fashioned top ten list, we want to read your love letter to Alopecia World.

All you have to do is write a blog about how Alopecia World stole your heart and tag it “iloveaw” (one word without the quotation marks). You can then search on the "iloveaw"…


Added by Alopecia World on February 11, 2009 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

My journey with personal reality no one elses!

For several weeks I would notice lots of hair in the shower. After about one week, I decided that something was going on. The second week, I went to wash my hair and spotted myself in the shaving mirror with areas of skin showing. After I got out of the shower, I went to big mirror and checked it out. After looking and doing some thinking ,I decided that I was a product of ALIEN ABDUCTION. My hair loss reminded me of something like a metal ring being put around my hair line and about 2 inches… Continue

Added by Becky on February 10, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

I'm so thankfull for this website :)

I try to talk to my friends about my Alopecia and they try to make me feel better by making jokes about it and what-not, but it only makes me feel worse. I've never met anyone in person with Alopecia and it's just so great to know I'm not alone and I can find a supportive network I don't feel so isolated anymore :) This is the best thing I've stumbled upon and I love it so much

Added by Rayne on February 9, 2009 at 10:01pm — 7 Comments

My Saturday

Saturday morning and I am off to London to see the Rugby, England v Italy in the Six Nations competition. I am taking clients, one of which is an Italian so it should be a fun day out.

I have chosen to go on the train as the weather has been so bad in places yet as I sit on the train as a paying guest of Virgin Rail the view out the window is of a glorious winter wonderland. The sun is shining and the snow looks so inviting. The reality though is that it has been such a problem to so… Continue

Added by Ray on February 9, 2009 at 10:35am — 1 Comment

Scarring Alopecia- May be starting a new treatment soon!

I had alopecia Areata for the last 5 years which progressively got worse. I was receiving shots and topical treatments for the whole time- with mixed to no results.

In October of 2008 I had a bad run of hair loss that got so bad my hair started shedding from all over my scalp and not just the typical areas where I had the AA.

I had a follow up appointment with my Dr. and when I went in she told me that I had a run of LPP or Lichen Plano Pilaris- a form of scarring… Continue

Added by Craig S on February 8, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

I've really joined the club now

Well after humming and haaaing for ages I took the plunge and finaly got rid of the stupid amount of hair I had left. And just like everyone here says - it was the best thing I could have done. I feel I look more normal and a hell of a lot better with no hair than what I did with my sorry excus for hair.

Funny thing is now that I've shaved it's growing back. I'm not getting too excited as I know I could lose it again but the top of my head is almost covered (a scattering of patches).… Continue

Added by Karen on February 8, 2009 at 6:05pm — 5 Comments

Foul straggy strands, BE GONE!

I don't know what happened to cause this but I think I'm having an epiphany of sorts. I'm fed up with looking like Homer Simpson on top, and only a few pitiful strands underneath. Why I didn't reach this point sooner I don't know, but I think coming back to this forum has convinced me that I can admit the truth - my hair won't grow back - and that this is perfectly OK. For whatever reason, I was MEANT to be bald, and so I'm finally going to accept it and buzz the rest off. I'm not yet brave… Continue

Added by Sol on February 8, 2009 at 4:53pm — 4 Comments

What exactly does it mean to deal with Alopecia????

I have to believe this truly a subjective question and everyone's answer would be different. Coming to terms with one's alopecia I am sure is a personal reflection where each of us come to different conclusions of what it is to live with alopecia. Having chatted with different folks here on this site, we have all had such different experiences depending on our age and when we first lost our hair and the degree to which it is gone. And then there is our unique personalities that push through all… Continue

Added by Frank on February 8, 2009 at 10:12am — 5 Comments

The Latest

Well. The shots I got last week left red marks on my scalp for a week! She must have given me super steroids! She also gave me A LOT more shots than I used to, with the other spot. She said she is treating this "aggressively". Scary.

I also have a new gel that I put on my little no-hair part of my's called Lidex. It burned and itched like hell the first time I put it on...then my husband said (the next day) that it looked like it took a layer of skin off...jeez. Anyway, I… Continue

Added by Amy on February 7, 2009 at 9:58pm — 1 Comment

my birthday was pretty tight!

a friend (who really likes me, and may have caused this "stress" in the first place) wrote me four songs.

all bout me. one about my pants. haha. really good punk/ska stuff. but the guys who got together and actually performed the song was really ironic. made me feel kind of like shit. maybe one day i'll explain the whole story.

i had a huge party thrown for me last night with a really good turn-out of people. lots of kegs were lost..

then. my friend tried killing himself. he took… Continue

Added by tat on February 7, 2009 at 2:25pm — 2 Comments

Completley Frustrated

I am so totally annoyed!! There is NOTHING for support for kids with Alopecia in Manitoba, Canada. Its not fair! Its like no kids in this city/province have Alopecia or what? All my daughter wants is to get to know someone who shares this same disease and make friends with someone who understands and its impossible. How do we do it? Send a flyer to everyone in Manitoba? Ugh. Sorry to rant. Although Im in the process of creating a support group, and finding other kids with the disease... Im just… Continue

Added by Tracy on February 6, 2009 at 2:44pm — 5 Comments

Where do you get good wigs?

this is cool! I have never done this before & I am so happy to find people out there who have Alopecia. I got is at the age of 16 (High School) & that sucked! The I went for treatments & then my hair came back until I was 33 & I am now 37.I guess its not all that bad.I love the fact that I dont have to shave anymore too! Smooth like a baby's ass!
The toughest for me is where do you find good wigs? My insurance doesnt cover this at all?

Added by GENNY on February 6, 2009 at 12:51pm — 2 Comments

How has being bald affected you???????????????

How has being bald affected you? That is if it has affected you. Mind you I do think it must have even if it is only the fact that you notice how cold it is much more now than when you had hair.

Many of the websites for Alopecia document how many people are stressed about having Alopecia and that they desperately worry about their hair growing back. I must admit that when I first had alopecia I was concerned about the situation but once I shaved my head I stopped worrying and found… Continue

Added by Ray on February 6, 2009 at 12:08pm — 2 Comments

Five patches...Those were the "OLD" days!!

So...I was looking back into my older blogs and noticed my last one is Titled "Five Patches and Counting"...

Well...That was soooo last year! LOL.

After I shaved my head - It looked a lot worse then I originally thought. I think I counted around 16 small patches. I still have the first large one on the top of my head, but a bunch of smaller ones have joined the army.

But...I tried doing a "pull" test last night with some tweezers (since it's too short to pull with my… Continue

Added by Christie on February 6, 2009 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

As of February 5, 2009....more patches

This one has already been treated but recently grew bigger...

Just found this one today...

Among other Dr. increased my synthroid to 100mcg from 88mcg. I'm also weaning off of zoloft. I started 2 weeks ago and I am so happy to be doing this. Despite the hair loss, I think that I am at a stable point in my life. I hope that by getting off of zoloft (it's been 3.5 yrs.) I can… Continue

Added by Georgie on February 5, 2009 at 11:59pm — No Comments

thank you

Thank you all for your warm wishes regarding my birthday... the big 40 seems fine so far!!!!
Only one problem I have no hair to hide my wrinkles - :-)))))))

Be strong!!


Added by Angela Jackman on February 5, 2009 at 9:35pm — No Comments

TV for alopecia

At 04.00 am I found a new spot. It wasn't there last week. And first I said a lot of ugly words, cursing my stupid hair. (something I do when I find new spots). But this morning when I woke up it felt okay. It's so weird because ever since I found this site I have been staring to accepte the fact that alopecia is a part of my life. (5 years after I was diagnosed!)

Because I felt so good about it I wanted to read more about it online (earlier I didn't want anything… Continue

Added by Johanna on February 4, 2009 at 3:12pm — No Comments


I am looking to get a new wig over the internet. I went last time 2 hours away to find a salon to get one, and I spent 400.00, and looks ratty after one month. Are there any brands that anyone knows of that are precut and shaped, so I don't have to make a 2 hour trip to get it cut? Oh ya, and a piece of advice---- if you are wearing a wig, don't try and broil anything---that is how mine got so ratty :)

Added by ken on February 4, 2009 at 3:05pm — 4 Comments

Round Two - One Month In

Well it is now just over a month ago that I shaved my head for my second bout of Alopecia. How time flies!!!!!!

What I have noticed this time around is that my patches are much less visible as it seems that my hair falling out was much more a case of thinning rather than just large patches. There are a couple of large patches but in the main the bulk of the hair that fell out was very definitely a thinning of my hair whereas the first time I shaved my head there was a lot of big… Continue

Added by Ray on February 4, 2009 at 6:15am — 3 Comments

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