All Blog Posts (5,825)

My therapy

I made a promise to a professor when I was in college that I would find a way to give back within five years after I graduated.

He made us all pick a cause that was important to us. I said I wanted to help other people struggling with alopecia gain the self confidence it takes to accept its role in their lives.

It's been almost eight years since I graduated from college, and I haven't done anything. But I realized I'm not really in a position to help anyone until I can… Continue

Added by Stephanie on November 16, 2008 at 12:10pm — No Comments

My New Winter-Caps / Wigs...Asking for opinions... :)

Hey Everybody...

I am posting pictures of my new "Winter-Caps", that's what I call my wigs when I wear them because I don't just wear the same hair every day in the winter months here in AZ... I will go to work on Monday with a cap to match my outfit, and on Tuesday I might wear a scarf and on Wednesday I might wear a short wig and on Thursday I might wear a long wig depending on what I feel like that day.

I use to buy wigs that have blond highlights and now I want to try… Continue

Added by Yvonne~Yhoney on November 16, 2008 at 3:30am — 8 Comments

The media vs. beauty and sexuality

I have been reading posts by many others here on this site. It is refreshing to see so much positivity and strength, and that is very motivational and inspirational to me. I also appreciate those who are frustrated, confused, worried and just plain angry, because I STILL feel those sometimes. Plus I have many of the same anxieties and questions that others have here.

I am currently not dating anyone right now, and even though I have had very few problems with my alopecia affecting my… Continue

Added by Andie on November 15, 2008 at 11:01pm — 4 Comments


zac asked me out! yay! i left a comment for him on myspace that said "hey wuts up?" and he said "nothing wanna go out?" and i said "yes" so were going out! yay!

and i left my phone in my locker yesterday! Dx but i went to get it today. damn that place is creepy on the weekends! it was so deserted. i was with my friend kara. we finally found and open door at the back and we had to go up stairs and around to get to my locker cuz the doors separating 2 hallways was closed. and then we… Continue

Added by Courtney on November 15, 2008 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Attention comes my bald head...

So tonight I will make my first social appearance BALD! I have been furniture shopping wigless...but I don't know those people so who cares. I also went to the renaissance festival and bought a tiara with a drop gem (its really pretty) and wore that around on my little naked head. Tonight I will go to a wedding party and a going away party...bald. i spent a stupid amount of time trying to figure out what clothes match a bald head. what is the perfect earring length to accompany my pea… Continue

Added by Rachel on November 15, 2008 at 6:26pm — 9 Comments

dry and brittle hair??

Is any bodies hair also dry and brittle with there hairloss? Its not my thyroid because I have had that checked by many a doctor. Thanks Stephanie

Added by stephanie robertson on November 15, 2008 at 3:19pm — 1 Comment

Super Slow Saturday

Every once in a while, things slow down to a snail's pace, which allows me to blog, watch TV, read a book, cook, or just be totally lazy -- or even a really funny combination of all of this, which just happens to be what I'm doing right now. Usually, this tends to happen when I am just getting over a migraine (like the one I had last night), but more often it comes just from having the day off and nothing to do. Because Todd is a neat freak, the house is already clean (he being the one that… Continue

Added by kastababy on November 15, 2008 at 1:02pm — 1 Comment

NZ Support groups?

Hey I'm just curious if there are any NZ support groups out there?

I've come a long way with accepting my alopecia, & I'd love to be able to share stories & support younger people or people who have just been diagnosed face to face, I believe that talking & having someone there to give u a hug is the best thing! The internet is great for chatting to people all around the world, but face t face is just that bit more personal!

So if anyone knows of any groups? Or can set me… Continue

Added by Bex Weller on November 14, 2008 at 9:16pm — 1 Comment

no title

I have been thinking since I went to my last doctor check up, About making an apointment with a dermatologist..... Im on the fence.... and i am somewhat afraid of the result being worthless. Being pregnant kinda stops all medicine and treatment for most everything. Wont it be the same for alopecia? And for some reason I keep thinking that maybe i will just grow it back.....

then yesterday i noticed something....

all my spots are on the left side of my head....pretty muchs… Continue

Added by May on November 14, 2008 at 1:47pm — 2 Comments

stress and hairloss??

Can stress cause your body to product andgoens that cause hairloss? Thanks Stephanie

Added by stephanie robertson on November 14, 2008 at 12:40pm — 3 Comments

dehydration and hairloss????

Does anyone think that dehydration can leed to some fourms of hairloss? thanks stephanie

Added by stephanie robertson on November 14, 2008 at 8:28am — No Comments

Alopecia in a Movie

So I fianlly got a chance to watch Darjeeling Limited. It came out last year with Owen Wilson, Adrian Brody and Jason Schwartzman. Well I had to watch twice to catch it but Owen Wilsons assistant has alopecia. They make a comment about it about half way through the movie. it was great it is only talked about it the once but it is funny.

Added by Jennifer on November 14, 2008 at 5:00am — No Comments

Should I be aggravated?

I wrote a letter to my 5 yr old daughters teacher to see if it was possible to come in and talk to the class about her AA. My daughter has been asking us for a little while now. So the teacher said she will talk to the principal and get back to us. She got back to us today and said the principal denied the request and said we can send the information to the school nurse to review and she will talk to the class about it. The school nurse in my opinion does not have the knowledge I have on her… Continue

Added by Renee on November 13, 2008 at 5:24pm — 9 Comments

Finally, a diagnosis.

The dermatologists’ office called, and thanks to the biopsy, we finally have a hard and fast, firm diagnosis. My mothers’ instinct and my medical digging were correct, Munchkin has Alopecia Areata. She does NOT have trichtotillomania, she is NOT pulling her own hair out. I no longer have to try to convince the dermatologist of that fact, and we can move on to other things.

In a way, I’m sad, because this is a bit more final. Last night she asked Dad to buzz off the remaining hair… Continue

Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on November 13, 2008 at 11:29am — 6 Comments

If The Obama's don't want him ... I Do!!!!

TALK ABOUT AMAZING publicity for Alopecians!! Even if it starts with a D-O-G!!

Completely bald and older than the Incas, the Peruvian hairless dog seems like an odd fit for the White House.

But Peruvians are mindful of President-elect Barack Obama's preference for a hypoallergenic breed due to his daughter Malia's allergies — and say the dark, rough-skinned pooch with large ears and a pointy snout could be… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on November 13, 2008 at 2:30am — 5 Comments

Show of hands!

How many people had experience with mononucleosis (glandular fever, the kissing disease, mono), or some other immune compromising illness before developing Alopecia?

This discussion was started and I believe it is very interesting.

To view the discussion, click here.

If you do not know what mononucleosis is, click… Continue

Added by Melody on November 13, 2008 at 1:00am — 5 Comments

I'll be fine!

Well I didn't do the last round of injections. i have to stop myself from counting the hairs on my head to make sure i didn't lose any more, but i have been ok with it. I HAVE LOST 6 POUNDS!!! That feels really good. i have just been watching what i eat and taking walks or doing some of my work out tapes ( i think i own every one) i just had to clean all the dust off of them. he he he....

i am kind of at a stand still with my life right now. i am moving back down to spring,tx in feb… Continue

Added by Jenn on November 12, 2008 at 8:41am — 6 Comments

Fight Male Pattern Baldness As Soon As You Can

If you are suffering from early stages of Male Pattern Baldness, then your chances of recovery are very high. It's just that you will need to focus on the right treatments for it in the soonest possible time.

Male Pattern Baldness is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia is directly caused by 2 main factors as the condition spells it, Androgen and Genetics. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a potent male hormone formed when Testosterone is converted to DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.… Continue

Added by Calvin on November 12, 2008 at 1:45am — No Comments

finally moving on:]

in 1st period after test

zac gestures to me to write a note


zac:sorry i couldnt get on myspace last nite :(

me:don't worry about it. so now can u tell me?

zac:i dont like abbey anymore. i like u.

me:i like u 2

zac:what a twist


so karlee was passing notes with shelby and she kept giving them to mandy to give to me to give to shelby. and she kept asking (by mouth) 'who does zac like?' and i was like 'im not saying a… Continue

Added by Courtney on November 11, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments


Hi to you all, I have suffered with depression all my life but since I started loseing my hair it has gotton way woarse. In fact I have been in mental hospitals alot. They say I need to get over it! But how do I learn to execept this. Having a hard time Thanks stephanie

Added by stephanie robertson on November 11, 2008 at 12:50pm — 7 Comments

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