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oh. em. eff. GEE.


Added by Courtney on September 9, 2008 at 6:47pm — 7 Comments

A step backwards...

The last few months I haven't been able to come on to Alopecia World and I have to be totally honest but I have taken some recent blows in my self esteem which I find strange for I'm not one to let my appearance get to me I know I don't look like most people in the outside world but at the same time I always thought that when people got past the initial shock of me being bald that they saw what I felt a very attractive woman.

I guess it started when my fiance's sister came to stay with… Continue

Added by Sarah McIntosh on September 9, 2008 at 12:30pm — 12 Comments

another visit to charing cross hospital.


well, i met with my dermatologist again and he said i should continue on with the topical creams & PUVA AND take some tablets called AZATHIOPRINE which apparently has some very undesirable side effects sometimes..

well i guess we'll see how it goes.

Added by Nick on September 9, 2008 at 10:53am — 2 Comments

Am I crazy?

So I have been growing my hair out since June 26th. I have alot of hair coming in and it kinda got my hopes up, will there be hair in my future? I still have spots and its pretty thin in some places. I just dont know what to do anymore? I want to keep growing it out, I hate to give up so early and shave it again. But when I take showers and run my fingers through it I can see these hairs that still fall out. I wanna beleive it will come back to me! Is it crazy of me to think after 10 years… Continue

Added by Casey on September 8, 2008 at 11:03pm — 3 Comments


Everytime I have to get my hair redone Im reminded of the BALD woman that I am. It's not totally, well always a totally bad experience but I still dread it. Lately everytime I look in the mirror I find a flaw, my face is to fat,too many blemishes, or I can't wear this style (that would look great on me) cause my semi secret will show. I went to get my hair put in again and I tried a darker color under my "usual" light and it only fits me a little. I appreciate the girl that did it for me but… Continue

Added by Tonya on September 8, 2008 at 9:27pm — 1 Comment

New Wig and New Puppy! :)

So My Boyfriend took me to Edmonton..I Got My First Wig!!! I was so nervous, but the people were AMAZING! They made me feel so comfortable, and it was alot of fun trying on different wigs. I want to go back and get a whole bunch more.

Im still alittle nervous going out in public, I get scared that people are staring, and get tell its a wig, but Im sure I'll get over it..I feel 100% better for sure though! And my puppy!!!!! She's the most darling thing ever!!! I just love her. She's so… Continue

Added by Chelsea McGee on September 8, 2008 at 8:38pm — 5 Comments

Not sure what's going on

Well, it's been several weeks now since we identified that I'm Alopecian. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to hide the spots and seem to have some sparse grey hairs coming in where the spots are (although the spots continue to grow!?)

The summer was horrid. My condo flooded ($15,000 worth of damage and much arguing with the insurers), lost my uncle, found out they're checking me out for cervical cancer, alopecia, sprained my ankle, lost my grandfather ... and now struggling with… Continue

Added by jj on September 8, 2008 at 7:17pm — 3 Comments

Doctors are all alike... or are they???

So a few weeks ago i went with my grandma to see a homeopathic doctor in Wisconsin. They focus more on the entire body as a whole and not just one symptom. which i thought was kind of interesting

At first i thought "this is stupid, this lady isnt going to be able to help me." But when i got in there and i started to talk to her she basically told me that i have gone through so much stres in the last 5-10 years that my body can keep up. it sounds kinda dumb, but she like told me… Continue

Added by Amanda on September 8, 2008 at 5:36pm — 2 Comments

Freedom! ...due to circumstances beyond my control.

I went to get a haircut today which is usually a depressing experience. I have a wonderful snd supportive women who cuts my hair and she always tries to do the best she can with what little I have. Well, in the process of cutting, a good-sized chunk of hair fell out. I thought my barber was going to faint! She is aware that I have problem hair but this she was just not expecting. Anyway, after her recovery, we had a long and nurturing talk. She was just so sweet. We agreed that the best thing… Continue

Added by jamie1 on September 8, 2008 at 5:00pm — 16 Comments

Saying Goodbye (for now) to my Dermatologist

I had an appointment with my Derm today. She's a sweet girl (Ack, they do make doctors young these days, don't they?) and she actually had tears in her eyes when she suggested that we stop the cortisone shots.

I had walked in there planning to tell her that I thought today would be the last visit.

Great minds think alike.

The difference between my response to the injections 12 years ago and now is like night and day. Twelve years ago, I had hair growing back… Continue

Added by Lori Powers on September 8, 2008 at 4:38pm — 4 Comments

Pondering on the last 6 months

Yesterday marked 6 months since we started Alopecia World and although we had a vision for it, I never knew it would be SO amazing.

I look at the photos, videos, advice giving and it is unbelievable how much all of you have inputted and shared your lives with Alopecia World.

I watch adults showing their spots or lack of eyebrows, all to which the outside world they may hide. I watch women happily upload photos of them with a new wig, eyebrow tattoos or post their first… Continue

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 8, 2008 at 4:00pm — 10 Comments


Thank you all for the encouragement and tips. I am away from my family down at school and this website is a huge encouragement to me. I will definitely try out some of the eyebrow tips. And, I think I am going to go have my make-up done where they can show me how to do it. Thanks for the idea Bogie!! I don't think I ever would have thought of that, but I think it would help me to feel girlie. Below are some pictures of when I go out without the wig on. The first one, it was an outside barbecue… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 8, 2008 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

I'm going to be in the newspaper for Alopecia Awareness Month

Hello Alopecia Family and Friends,

A couple of weeks ago I sent out letters to some of the local newspapers in NH and Boston, MA telling them that September is Alopecia Awareness Month and asked them if they would post an article with my poem and a few paragraphs about what Alopecia is and how it affects us. I got a phone call last week from a reporter from one of the papers asking if she could come to my home and interview me :-) This will be the 3rd time I have been in the newspaper and… Continue

Added by Dotty on September 8, 2008 at 11:50am — 1 Comment

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on September 8, 2008 at 8:28am — 1 Comment

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on September 8, 2008 at 8:25am — No Comments

Alopecia World T-Shirts


I just had a thought...

How better to bring acceptance to alopecia than a T-Shirt?
Not only acceptance... but awareness to the general public.

If I am not mistaken September is Alopecia Awareness Month and I have been raking my brain what to do.

Anyone have an interest in this?
Have a connection?
Hope I thought of this in time...


Added by JeffreySF on September 8, 2008 at 12:46am — 51 Comments

Update on my travels

Hello everyone!

Wow, it's been so long since I've been on here, I've been working and travelling in the US for nearly 3 months now & have no had a chance to get on here at all. Hope everyone here is doing well.

It has been an amazing experience so far but very challenging as well. I am now very close to alopecia universalis - I have but a few random body hairs left. I wear a wig most of the time.

I started off my travels working at a summer camp in Maine.… Continue

Added by Karina Louise on September 7, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

new wig =)

Finally...a new picture! Hope you're all doing well!

Added by traci on September 7, 2008 at 3:03pm — 6 Comments


im depressed. i miss him! :/body>

Added by Courtney on September 7, 2008 at 2:42pm — 2 Comments

A trip to the salon

So, my brother is getting married next weekend. It'll be the beach....probably windy.....*sigh*

Caved in and went to the salon to get some highlights and a cut. My hair lady chose 2 different highlights to use: blond and brown. I'm a strawberry blond.....

I'm pleased that using 2 different shades has given more texture to my hair so as to better conceal the "crisis" I've been dealing with on my head. I hope that it won't be too windy since a lot of pictures… Continue

Added by Georgie on September 7, 2008 at 12:47am — 2 Comments

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