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Me and Alopecia

When I was 14 I found my first spot on the back of my head. I didnt know what it was and of course freaked out. My mom, knowing what it was (her half brother had Alopecia) took me to the dematologist and I was diagnost with Alopecia Areata. My hair kept on falling out, it progressed into AT. We tried ALL the treatments which resulted in alot of irritated inflamed skin (hurt like hell) and oh yes the 2nd degree burn on my head. It was a bunch of hoping and waiting and in the end being… Continue

Added by Casey on August 9, 2008 at 11:29pm — 1 Comment

Does anyone have androgentic alopecia?????

I have read so much on here and I cannot find if anyone has androgentic alopecia. Am I the only one suffering from this? I do not know what to expect and I am scared. I do not even know if it can change into something else! My doctor has so little to say and I do not know where to turn. What gives??

Added by Lisa on August 9, 2008 at 7:03pm — 12 Comments


I booked an appointment with a stylist who cuts wigs earlier this week and saw her this morning. I was planning on getting a new wig in the near future but don't quite have the money raised yet and with back to school and all, it's not going to happen for a little while longer. I had to cut down on the frizz my wig had though, it was looking real bad and I think most people can actually tell it's a wig. So we shortened it a bit and got rid of the frizz and I got my bangs cut too which is great… Continue

Added by Carol on August 9, 2008 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

I know I should be used to it by now but after 11 almost 12 years of alopecia totalis it gets to me like the first day I found out about it. Back in April i did the Hairclub thing and wasted 1500 dol…

I know I should be used to it by now but after 11 almost 12 years of alopecia totalis it gets to me like the first day I found out about it. Back in April i did the Hairclub thing and wasted 1500 dollars and Im a single parent thats barely making the ends met but we live okay. Anyways after my unit tore the other day cause Im not a member of the Hairclub but did buy a unit I have to pay 300 more dolars to get it fixed even though Ive had so many other issues with it only stayson my bald head… Continue

Added by Tonya on August 9, 2008 at 10:06am — 3 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 8, 2008 at 10:22pm — No Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 7, 2008 at 8:59pm — No Comments

RE: Is there anyone that did not go completely bald??!!


I was just wondering, I have read so many blogs and mostly they are all about people who are mostly all bald that have Alopecia Areata. Is there anyone out there that lost some hair but grew it back?! Most stories that I've read are really depressing to me. I went to see a specialist and they told me unoffically that I have AA. I have been losing for about 3 months now. I heard the stats. 10% of the 2% of the population go completely bald, but there is still 90% that don't. Where are… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on August 7, 2008 at 6:10pm — 9 Comments

My story...

Well, I thought that I should share with you all about my alopecia.

I found my first bald spots when I was in school and I was 10 years old, turning 11. I had a ponytail and I scratched my neck, where I found a bald spot. I went home and asked my mom about it, and she told me that it was nothing to worry about and that she had a couple of bald spots when she was little that disappeared just a month after.

I dug deeper and thought that my hair was falling off because of my… Continue

Added by Jennifer M on August 7, 2008 at 2:49pm — 3 Comments

A quick question for any of you who could help!!

My dermatologist has had me on a medication, spironolactone, for 9 months to help treat my andr.alopecia. He said although it will not get back the hair that I have lost, it should stop any more from falling out. I do not believe that it is working at all. I wondered if any of you have tried this med. or if you know anything about it. Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!

Added by Lisa on August 7, 2008 at 8:55am — 7 Comments

Positive temporary outcome...

First and foremost thank you to everyone who read and commented on my horrible horrible wig experience the other day. I am both pleased and proud to say that

1) with the help of a truly wonderful friend and some great sales people in other stores I was able to figure out how to "fix" my lace wig and remove almost all of the darn glue & tape that was stuck on it. I also have found a wig place in town that I think might be able to help me with different adhesive options or some… Continue

Added by amanda~ on August 7, 2008 at 12:45am — 2 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on August 7, 2008 at 12:37am — No Comments

I'm New Here! Here's My Story.

Greetings! Although I am not yet bald, I am sort of afraid (make that

terrified) that I will be eventually. For the past year or so my hair has

been falling out at a rather steady pace when I comb it. I went to

dermatologists, endocrinologists, trichologists, and gynocologists to try

to get to the bottom of this. One said that going on a birth control pill

might help, but I've heard negative things about the Pill (increased hair

loss, blot clots, no sex drive) and… Continue

Added by Alexandra on August 6, 2008 at 6:54pm — 5 Comments

whats new up in the world of wedding planning

well this whats goin on, i've bought and ordered my dress. bought my tiara b/c of course my friends call me queen of the bald. I've picked the colors, the theme, the locations, and much more. I'm so excited to marry the love of my life who sees me for who i really am and loves me for me, he doesn't just look at my appearance and what not. he truly is a blessing from God and I thank my Lord everyday that he brought Jerry to me.

Added by jen on August 6, 2008 at 1:02am — 1 Comment

Have you ever felt like....

Like you talk to much, you're too whiny or you should just shut up because you're not going to be understood anyway? I do. I do a lot allegedly. Today is the first day that I notice the 'featured blog link' and I clicked it - then there it was ... one of my own blogs (from earlier today). A blog that I debated over writing. I blog that I almost didn't post. A blog that I felt was overly touchy feely, unnecessary, and would certainly do no good. A blog that one way or another became… Continue

Added by Carmella on August 5, 2008 at 8:34pm — 2 Comments

No more shedding

Okay, I am not going to get my hopes all up but my hair has not shedded for 1 1/2 weeks. This is the first time it has stopped shedding for this long. (6 years since it began) I was using Rogaine about 2 months ago and I wonder if I am now seeing the results. I have used it in the past and I didn't really notice a difference so I am not positive it is the Rogaine. I started back using again just in case. About 6 years ago when it began the doctor said it was telogen effuvlium and that it… Continue

Added by Dawn on August 5, 2008 at 6:19pm — 4 Comments

Hello Hello Alopecia World!


Im Casey!!!

Just joined today. And was thinking to myself, why havent I found a site like this before? Well in all honesty I never was able to talk to people about my Alopecia, kinda just went on about my life pissed that I had no hair and had to wear wigs... Welp Im totally over that! There are others like me out there. And this may sound weird, but that makes me happy! Im not alone!

I had and am still having a difficult time coping and thought I would ask some fellow… Continue

Added by Casey on August 5, 2008 at 4:43pm — 7 Comments

Unusal problem for this site, but please help if you can....

So I'm sitting on the floor watching a movie with the three boys (including dad) on the couch, when my youngest son says "nice hair mom!" and runs his hand softly over my head. "I don't have hair" I replied and he responded "Yes you do" - that light brush over my scalp did feel kind of weird... I went to the bathroom to check it out and sure enough I have random, sparse hairs growing on my scalp, a few eyelashes and several armpit hairs (those I noticed this morning due to the poking… Continue

Added by Carmella on August 5, 2008 at 1:49pm — 5 Comments

I feel...

I guess I've kind of gotten used to the fact that I wear a wig at work but it has kind of sucked too. I had a customer with alopecia the other day but I didn't have time to say anything, had I not been wearing a wig it might have come up and I would have been able to mention it but you can't do that discreetly and quickly at the same time. Then yesterday, a girl I worked with elsewhere, came to me. I recognized her right away and she just couldn't for the life of her, remember who I was. Then I… Continue

Added by Carol on August 5, 2008 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Random thoughts

It’s quiet around here lately, at least when speaking of alopecia. I’ve adapted to the hair loss and a shaved head. The occasional reaction from the stragglers upon seeing my new form for the first time has become passé and little more than a brief annoyance at best. Shaving was one of the smarter things I have done as the day to day hair issues become out of sight, out of mind.

I have learned much during this journey of a only few months… to be accepting of others…and of myself.… Continue

Added by Tony on August 5, 2008 at 12:55pm — 2 Comments

Summer of Changes 2008

I have had a wonderful summer this year. My first one being officially divorced. I took my first (of many) summertime vacations , a chance to play and sit beside my pond. I started to wear wigs out all the time .I joined this wonderful site and no longer feel alone in my differentness. I have found a peace inside me that I have not known in over twenty years. A meddling occurred between my two selves and I was able to see my life in it's completness, no more swiss cheese memory. All the good… Continue

Added by Lorena on August 5, 2008 at 11:39am — 2 Comments

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