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Things Alopecians Like #5

A no hassle look after a summer swim. More posts.

Added by Jill on June 9, 2008 at 4:03pm — No Comments

Please, no more sympathy!!!!

After struggling with Alopecia and several new patches for almost a year now I've gotten that I bought by first wig only a week ago. At first it was the alopecia ophiasis pattern but now my hair on top is really thin and I've got patches everywhere and even in the front. The strange thing is that I've got new little hair on the sides of my head and I still hope that all my hair is going to come back one day.

Anyway. I wore my wig to a wedding last weekend and some people asked me to… Continue

Added by Zoe on June 9, 2008 at 5:23am — 5 Comments

Taking back control...

I was very surprised to see that people noticed I haven’t been on here in like a week. My grandmother owned a cottage (and four more she rented out as a small business) on the river up here and so every three weeks my family gets to stay (the other two weeks my dad’s two brothers get to keep it fair). It was nice to enjoy the nice weather we’ve had. And then on Thursday I turned 21 and somehow (I don’t know how) survived the night with my friends.

So where to start on all that’s… Continue

Added by Drew on June 8, 2008 at 9:36pm — 2 Comments

I hate Sunday nights

I love my life...I really do--even with AU but I hate sunday evenings. they just seem like the time for families but my mom and stepdad live in Florida and my brother typically has his own things going on on Sunday evenings. Monday through Satruday I'm almost always busy with friends, social events, volunteering--sometimes I'm even double or triple booked but Sundays just seem like dead air. like they are interminable. I think I'm going to shut this one down early and go to bed.

Added by Maidie on June 8, 2008 at 9:23pm — 1 Comment

Goodbye to my friend.

On June 2nd, 2008, an early Monday morning, my child, best friend and walking partner of 14 years passed away. He was the sweetest, kindest and most honest “person” I have ever met. He was handsome, happy and healthy up until that terrible day. He was my puppy Max. I am very sad but I have been thanking God every day that he blessed me with such a wonderful friend. When I stopped to think about it I learned how to be a better person from him and will try hard to apply that to the way I live my… Continue

Added by Donna Evans on June 8, 2008 at 12:24pm — 4 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on June 8, 2008 at 12:17am — No Comments


In the store (keep in mind I'm currently in a town of 12,000 people) I turned down an aisle (the one with asian/mexican foods) and came straight across another woman with alopecia (which I have never done in person before not even living in a city with millions). She was with her childern and (unlike me at that time in the morning) absolutely STUNNING! So what happened you're probably wondering by now...

Nothing ... I grabbed my nori and rice vinegar and continued on my… Continue

Added by Carmella on June 7, 2008 at 7:31pm — 5 Comments


So i have had one and a half eyebrows for about 3 years now. Well as of last week that is no more. The dumb things decided to fall out. All in a matter of 3 days. Well at least the conference is coing up i can get some of tose temp tattos ones and not pay for shipping. Gott love saving some momey. The confernece is 13 days away!!!!!!!! Im so excited i cant stand myself.

Added by Jennifer on June 7, 2008 at 3:24am — 3 Comments

The Great British Body has Alopecia!

Thank you for all your lovely comments about the show and I do hope that everyone will get an opportunity to see it at some point. The wonderful thing is that I was selected as The Great British Body!! A naked human sculpture on the Sussex Downs was in the shape of my body and when I took my wig off - everyone who represented my hair stood up and walked off!! How cool is that!

Anyway, it's a huge boost for anyone who experiences hair loss and a big thumbs up for all us girls out there who… Continue

Added by Michelle Chapman on June 6, 2008 at 1:15pm — 13 Comments

A new beginning

I took the step last night and shaved my head. The barber was great. She bushed my hair down as far as the clippers would go, then gave me some tips on shaving the rest. Her compliments on my new look, whether real or a ploy for a good tip, bolster my self esteem. I was appreciative of the compliments regardless of her intention. Head held high, I left the shop, then stopped to pick up some new blades for the razor. What a great feeling to be confident once again.

The shave was… Continue

Added by Tony on June 6, 2008 at 7:19am — 7 Comments

New feature - Rearrange your profile

Members of Alopecia World now have the ability to rearrange the different sections of their profiles.

Simply login to Alopecia World, go to your profile (or click the MyPage tab), click and hold the title bar of the section of your profile that you wish to move, drag it to a new location on the page, and click again to release it.

That's all, folk!

Please leave comments on this blog letting us know how you like the new feature or whether you have problems with…


Added by Alopecia World on June 6, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

Duplicate posts and "CAPITAL LETTERS"

Each member's positive contributions to Alopecia World are appreciated and encouraged because our beloved community could never be what it is without your contributions.

Nonetheless, we ask that members refrain from creating duplicate posts. For example, do not post duplicate blog and forum discussions even if you use different titles. Post content as often as you like, but please avoid spamming Alopecia World.

We also ask that you use capital letters only when it's appropriate…


Added by Alopecia World on June 6, 2008 at 1:00am — 3 Comments


Now its 12 days left for my first american NAAF conference. My friends says...Roger you are a cute person that going to USA all by yourself for this. I say life is to short not to do it. I hope to meet some new friends in Louisville.


Added by Roger on June 5, 2008 at 4:36pm — 7 Comments

stupid people

Well last night I had to deal with my first stupid person. I went to the neighborhood pub last night with a couple of friend who have know me forever. Well Ive been in this bar a couple of time since Ive got my wig and mostly everybody knew about it and noone really cares. I live in a little county where everyone knows everyone and if you dont, you know someone who knows everyone. Well there was this old guy there who asked me if I was dying of cancer and I had to ask him why he thought that.… Continue

Added by Gena King on June 5, 2008 at 3:00pm — 14 Comments

Best way to tell others about Alopecia World

Alopecia World has grown to 1,000 members, and many of you have written Cheryl and I to tell us just how much Alopecia World means to you.

You shared with us how interacting with members of our beloved community has changed your life in positive and powerful ways.

You have also told us how every alopecian and their loved ones and friends could benefit from being part of Alopecia World.

We believe and appreciate what you have said, and encourage you to continue spreading…


Added by Alopecia World on June 4, 2008 at 12:00am — 5 Comments

My new freedom hair

This is one of the first photos of my new freedom wig. It's going to take a bit of getting used to but it's very like what my hair used to be, especially the colour. The hair feels absolutely lovely :)

I've got to have some more practice styling it though, when I washed it for the first time it dried a bit fuzzy so I had to straighten it (very like my own hair, actually!). It's also taking a bit of time for me to learn how to put it… Continue

Added by Karina Louise on June 3, 2008 at 7:28pm — 11 Comments

A Tribute to My Father

My father Rodolfo Leal passed away almost 2 moths ago; even now that I try to write this some tears come out of my eyes; I loved (and still loving) him so much, he teaches me about courage, love, hardwork, in a few words, how to be a Man...

When I was managing with the darkest sequel of my Alopecia Universalis, short after I finished theUniversity; he stand side-by-side, he wasn't a friendly-like father but more a father-like-father; but always try to search correct words to confort… Continue

Added by Víctor Ratzeburg on June 3, 2008 at 6:42pm — 5 Comments

Experience with wigs?

If you didn't check it out already, I posted a forum discussion on wigs. If you have any experience with wigs whatsoever, please please check out the discussion and leave your wisdom for those of us that are clueless. :) So so so much appreciated.

If the link below doesn't work (I'm not too technically savvy) then please just go check it out in the forum in the wigs category.
Wigs 101

Added by Mandy on June 3, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

The only constant is change

A calendar hangs on the fridge for the family’s activities. A new pencil was hung at its’ side earlier this year in anticipation of the inevitable frenzy of the approaching summer. A selection of colored pens were gathered and placed into a nearby drawer. Out of quick reach, the pens are intended for events such as birthdays, holidays, graduations and the like whose important dates are set in stone.

The pencil is used for everything else as the only constant in life these days is… Continue

Added by Tony on June 3, 2008 at 12:10pm — 2 Comments

You are the reason Ning honored Alopecia World

Yesterday's Ning blog featured a very positive article about Alopecia World that states,

"It is inspirational for anyone, because it is a intricate story of coping and living that can be understood universally. We highly encourage you to spend some time on or contribute to this amazing network, because we all get by with a little help from our friends!"

Of course, Alopecia World is such an amazing community because…


Added by Alopecia World on June 3, 2008 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

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