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Secondary DXs?

I'm many of you out there have more than one autoimmune issue?

I currently have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Palmar Plantar Pustular Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Alopecia Universalis, and now Pyoderma Gangrenosum...I would care for no more and I've about had it! Anyone else dealing with anything like this? I'm trying to keep my head up but I've been having some bad days lately. I'm 31 with 4 kids 9 and under so I don't have time for a pity party! ;)

Added by jlkramer on May 29, 2014 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

A mom needs encouragement

Hi. My name is Kerry, and I think I decided to write this blog mainly to get out my feelings of frustration, helplessness, and fear for my 5 year old daughter.

At the end of March 2014, my daughter brought home some adorable school pictures. When I looked at them, I noticed her eyebrows were SO full, and looking at her then, they had drastically thinned. Immediately, I began trying to think back and looking through cell phone pictures of her and I discovered that this had begun…


Added by Kkerrylynn on May 29, 2014 at 2:00pm — 39 Comments

Sum lamp treatment

Hi I lost my hair in the first quarter of this year, I have heard that sunlight will help it grow back, does anyone know if a standard sun lamp will do this, as I really am not ready to go out into the sun without covering my head.  Any advise would be gratefully received, I think I have UA as all the hair on my body has now gone including my eye lashes.

I am waiting for an appointment for blood tests, and have changed my diet, however there are no signs yet of…


Added by Poppy UK on May 29, 2014 at 4:30am — 4 Comments

How to hide hair loss

Well I developed alopecia Areata a few months ago. Since then I have gone gluten-free and I see hair growth. It's slow...but it's growing. Anyway, I have invested in some excellent hair extensions (luxy hair extensions) and they match exactly with my hair color and my hair texture. I have also invested in a product called Toppik. It is AMAZING. I kid you not. You just sprinkle it on your hair and it releases like these little fibers and you can't tell that you have a bald spot even if you…


Added by wiz on May 28, 2014 at 5:30pm — No Comments

An individual doesn't get alopecia, a family does

This is my story.

My wife and I first noticed that my 5 year old daughter Akanei was shedding her hair back in December. We would see hair when sweeping up the floor, hair left on her bed and pillow, and hair in the drain when she took a bath. We didn't think anything of it, since she still had a full head of her on her head.

The next month in January we took a trip to Orlando, Florida(which was awesome btw). Akanei got carsick one day while riding in the car and my wife pulled…


Added by Mike Cas on May 27, 2014 at 3:00pm — 17 Comments


I'm struggling with myself, it's my appearance and dating. Not sure what to do or how to act. Help!

Added by Pamela McGruder on May 27, 2014 at 1:30am — 4 Comments

Day 104 of Chinese Herbal Medicine to treat alopecia due to raw food diet and stress

Just a quick update.

Chinese medicine seems to be still helpful with my hair loss. There is now a steady low amount of hair loss in general. I don't have to vacuum the floor as often and hair loss in the showers, although still collects a ball in the drain, it is nowhere near as much as a month ago. 

The general condition of my hair used to dry, brittle, kinked, thick with fine split ends, reddish brown black tinge and generally flyaway. Now, my hair feels shinier, softer and…


Added by beautybountiful on May 22, 2014 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Coloring my hair?

I was wondering if anybody has any information or thoughts on coloring your hair. My hair has been coming back in pretty good, to the point where I am going to not wear a wig if I can find a cute, short hair cut. I am thinking like Pink, the singer! My hair came back pure white but with black splotches. I have had Alopecia Areata now for about 3 years and have had success with steroid injections and topicals. I would like to color my hair -- one color? Anyone…


Added by Michele Voge on May 21, 2014 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

My alopecia story in a bit more detail

So my story starts way back in 1994, well 1995 really but some incident/situation in 1994 might have contributed to my acquiring AU. In case you don’t know, AU stands for Alopecia Universalis. It is the most severe and rarest of the main forms of Alopecia.

So my hair loss started in January 1995, and my long (about mid-back) brown locks departed rather quickly and efficiently. It went in a diffuse, even pattern. At one stage, when maybe 80-90% was gone, I looked a lot like the…


Added by Laura Adams on May 21, 2014 at 4:00am — No Comments

Been a while

Well hey everyone it's been a while hasn't it? Been busy here at home, two of my sisters have had babies so I now have three new baby nieces. All are the cutest little things and have THE reddest hair you have ever seen, well not the youngest one she is still working on growing some lol, and its so curly too. I have been working hard too but it does have its moments as all jobs do working me to the bone I tell you. 

I have been a bit sad of late, a lot of people have been asking if…


Added by Samantha White on May 20, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

"Beautiful Henna crowns bring confidence and joy to women experiencing hair loss"

I recently came across the below article on the Huffington Post website:

"One organization is using all-natural ingredients and artistry to help women coping with hair loss.

Henna Heals was started by Canadian photographer Frances Darwin in 2011 as a small group of volunteers in Toronto, and has since grown to a community of 150 artists worldwide. Those…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on May 19, 2014 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

I'll think of it as research

This morning still held yesterday's warmth with no doubt that it would be heating up again. It's the first day that I can remember that I went from afternoon, through evening and night and into morning with my head completely bare. I was home, so only my family would have seen me. In the usual mad rush to get lunches made, shoes found and boys off to school (the girl, at two and a half often beats them getting dressed, though I did have to veto wearing her fanciest dress to preschool this…


Added by GardenJess on May 15, 2014 at 3:13pm — 14 Comments

Outshined and overwhelmed by my 5 year old daughter's resilience, endurance & perseverance

Hi Alopecia World;

My name is Jeanette, and let me introduce to you my Daughter~ Jazzlyn~ As a Parent let me share a PARENT'S... Fears, My Concerns, My Worries, My Knowledge, My Power and Strength, OutShined and Overwhelmed By my 5 year old Daughters Resilience, Endurance & Perseverance

I can sincerely understand how this can be so difficult and hoping and wishing for results the "Fact" that there is no "Cure" for alopecia! Dr, can recommend and make promises but in the end…


Added by JEANETTE on May 14, 2014 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Could Levoxyl have (slowly but surely) worsened my AA

Hello all,

I've had AA quite a long time now and am well-acquainted with its unpredictability and mysterious nature. BUT, something keeps bugging me and I'd be interested in a weigh-in or five.

First let me say that I've had eczema since infancy and had a dime-sized bald spot since kindergarten (though I was not diagnosed with AA till the end of college). So, my autoimmune history is well-established.

Yet. From my diagnosis in 2005 up till Fall 2011, my AA was never as…


Added by OnlyChild1213 on May 13, 2014 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments


I don't know what I am going to write but I felt inspired to write on this topic. President Gordon B. Hinckley of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's said, “Some of you may feel that you are not as attractive and beautiful and glamorous as you would like to be. Rise above any such feelings, cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others” (Ensign, May 1995, 99).

There are two paths you can take. You…


Added by Jessica Hoschouer on May 12, 2014 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Here we go, again

About a year and a half ago I started out with Alopecia Barbae. Not having any idea what was going on when I started losing hair on my chin, I began to Google my symptoms and quickly figured out that I may possibly have Alopecia. Concerned, I went to a Dermatologist who did blood work to make sure that my symptoms were not being caused by a separate health issue. Luckily, there were no other problems and it was confirmed that I had Alopecia.

Due to never growing a beard and always…


Added by Thomas on May 11, 2014 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Eyebrows from Headcover

so I just got my eyebrows from headcover and I must say that I am very pleased. They look very natural. but now my question is how long do they actually last? According to their website it states that they can last up to 2 to 4 months however that just seems like a long time. So my question is has anyone ever used the product and if so are you able to reuse the eyebrows? Thank you for your feedback.

Added by Sabrina on May 11, 2014 at 8:30pm — No Comments

New relationship and "miraculous" regrowth

I have had extremely extensive AA for the last 7 years, since I had a traumatic breakup, I had not dated anyone since, until 9 months ago, when I started seeing someone great, who accepts my alopecia and my hair system. We are keeping it "casual" but have so much fun together!! : ) Since we started seeing each other my hair has been growing back, the people at the salon I go to for my bonded-on hair system services even asked if I've been doing a new treatment to make my hair grow (I…


Added by Dominique Cleopatra on May 6, 2014 at 3:30am — 6 Comments


Does anyone know of any alternatives when AA begins to attack your eyebrows. I know women sometimes tattoo them on or use that permanent makeup. Being a guy, I'm not sure that i could do that. I've had AA for over a year and for the most part have come to terms with it. this has set me right back to square one. I've gone back to just not leaving the house anymore and i hate it. Has anyone out there tried immune suppression? If so, what are the consequences? I hope someone will reply. I have…


Added by michael on May 5, 2014 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

New treatment that tricks the immune system

Just read an interesting article on a possible new treatment for MS. In a nutshell, it re-establishes immune tolerance to whatever protein it is trying to attack.  In the case of MS - myelin.  The beauty of it is that it apparently does not effect any other immune function.  Additionally, the technique could potentially be used for other autoimmune diseases.  Has anybody heard of this?  Here's the link, …


Added by spettro on May 2, 2014 at 11:12pm — 1 Comment

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