All Blog Posts (5,822)

Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Presley Shares Her Alopecia with the World

Just watched A.M. Joy and listened to Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Presley share her secret of living with Alopecia. She bravely went on television without a her wig! Thank you Ayanna for showing the courage and bravery. I hope to get to that point someday! It has taken me many, many years to talk about it with close friends and family.

Added by Hopeful1 on January 19, 2020 at 12:12pm — No Comments

hi guys I would like to ask you for help

recently my son was diagnosed with a very, very bad immunodeficiency

doctors wave their hands and can't do anything about it

I'm confused

Added by AdamHar1 on January 15, 2020 at 5:17am — 3 Comments

Alopeica support & awareness through music

Hey Guys!

My name is Nick Moore and I have had Alopecia areata since 15 years of age. It has further developed into AU. (meaning I have no hair all over my body) I must admit, I have not struggled as much as other people, it was mostly an "oh well" moment, however, I have had my times where it has not been all smiles. 

My goal is to help create not only awareness of the condition but support for other people through my story. I have recently started creating music. My latest…


Added by Nmoore on January 11, 2020 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Does anyone have any new treatment for AU? xeljanz is not an option. thanks  lee

Does anyone have any new treatment for AU?

xeljanz is not an option. 



Added by rick on December 31, 2019 at 4:58pm — No Comments

Women with alopecia pose in stunning photo series to show that bald is beautiful

"Models removed their wigs to embrace their hairlessness to pose in a photoshoot which raises awareness of the condition."

Excerpts from an article on

"Photographer Chrissy Sparks, 35, from Birmingham, has photographed thousands of women, of all shapes and sizes, since opening…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on December 30, 2019 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Xeljanz for Alopecia Areata Incognita - Question

Hi All,

I began Xeljanz for my Alopecia Areata Icognita 1 week ago. About how long have most of you gone before you noticed the medicine taking affect? When will my shedding slow down? REALLY hoping this medicine works for me.



Added by dnp224 on October 29, 2019 at 5:10pm — 5 Comments

"I didn’t know it was OK not to completely fit in."

I came across this article on and I am sure many with alopecia or children with alopecia will find it encouraging.

"Model Jeyza Gary has a rare, inherited condition that causes her skin to shed every two weeks. Two years ago, she decided to pursue a modeling career while completing her bachelor's degree in special education.…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on September 19, 2019 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Modified Coimbra Protocol...high dose vitamin D for Immune modulation

I have no designated Coimbra practitioners here in Toronto Canada. I've had alopecia Universalis since I was 30...I am now 55.. Over two years ago I had my genome read and found out I have polymorphism in my VDR (vitamin D receptor gene) where I don't convert sunlight into vitamin D very efficiently. When I went to get my vitamin D levels checked at the time at I was under 30 (ng/ml) . …very low. Since then, I…


Added by Mike Staffieri RHN on August 26, 2019 at 3:07pm — 4 Comments

Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation Conference July 19-21

Hi Everyone

just a quick note to let everyone know that Canaaf is hosting their annual Come Together Conference at Great Wolf Lodge in Niagra Falls July 19-21. I will be sharing my story on Sunday of the conference. Meet others with Alopecia, share journeys, and get great advice and resources. More info is found at 

Added by Jennifer Krahn on July 9, 2019 at 9:45am — 3 Comments

Best Human Hair Wig for RoyalMe

I said I had bought a human hair wig from RoyalMe. 800 credit for my wig! I have used the wig for about 1 month. Yes, it is still in good condition. I wash it as I wash my own hair. There is no glue needed so it is easy to take off the unit at night. You may like to wear it in sleeping. All I want to say is I like it very much. Finally, I am enjoying the gorgeous hair.

Added by Candy Lee on June 25, 2019 at 3:45am — 1 Comment

CARF 2020 Conference

Has everyone gotten the "Save the Date for the 2020 CARF Conference.  I've been to several and they are fantastic! - much info and camaraderie.

Watch for updates on the CARF website.

Friday – Sunday, April 24 – 26, 2020

Conference Chairpersons – Crystal Aguh, MD, Loren Krueger, MD, and Jamie Mackelfresh,…


Added by Wyobalance on June 13, 2019 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Headscarf styles for alopecians

Ways to brave the bald... 

I've had alopecia areata on and off since I was 10 and have been wig-free for about 5 years. One day, I decided I was sick of wearing an uncomfortable wig and of worrying about it every time a gust of wind came, so I asked my boyfriend to shave my head.…


Added by Emma on May 12, 2019 at 4:33am — 3 Comments

Headscarf styles for alopecians

Ways to brave the bald... 

I've had alopecia areata on and off since I was 10 and have been wig-free for about 5 years. One day, I decided I was sick of wearing an uncomfortable wig and of worrying about it every time a gust of wind came, so I asked my boyfriend to shave my head.…


Added by Emma on May 12, 2019 at 4:30am — 3 Comments

How do you think of the current human hair wigs?

I started to wear wigs for many years. But they were made of synthetic hair. Of course, the price is affordable. Now I buy a human hair wig from RoyalMe. I till choose the affordable one. Actually, it is soft and enjoys a natural looking. Too many wig companies are here. premier lace wig, best lace wig..

I hope it can last for long. It seems that they are prone to sell human hair wigs. What about your view?

Added by Candy Lee on May 8, 2019 at 10:56pm — 2 Comments

Eso era la vida...

I don't know exactly when the days start to pass so fast; my daughter is now 16 but still remember when I carried her in my hands (she was so little), my marriage was done so many years ago and the image in the mirror is the only that I can remeber (except whe I saw the family albums), so this is life now... 

Added by Víctor Ratzeburg on April 17, 2019 at 4:48pm — No Comments

A Wisdom Story - The Three Hairs

I love this story so I thought I would share it!!

A Wisdom Story - The Three Hairs

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in…


Added by PrincessElla on April 2, 2019 at 3:18pm — 1 Comment

Ella The Enchanted Princess Who Are You? book helps Maci Huffstetler Through Losing Her Hair

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that affects hair growth on the scalp and entire body which results in minor or complete hair loss with slim chances of regrowth, for which there is no cure. For children especially, it is easy to imagine the detrimental psychological effects losing hair can have on self-esteem and…


Added by PrincessElla on April 2, 2019 at 3:11pm — No Comments

Scholarship for hair loss community!

Hello everyone, 

I'm not a student, but I just wanted to let everyone know about a scholarship specifically for people with hair loss thats on It's $1000 and an essay contest and for people with alopecia and trich and chemo, etc. Thought everyone would like to know about this! …


Added by Gracie'shair on April 1, 2019 at 1:30pm — 7 Comments

Alopecia in the Media

Since people have talked about the subject before, I figured I'd post this. Not sure if you can find it around the world yet but, they made a TV show about a girl who develops alopecia in India.…


Added by JessicaStinkle on March 29, 2019 at 1:17pm — 1 Comment

Please I am looking for help for my daughter she’s 19 and we are in New Zealand our doctors told us there is no treatment and we are desperate for any help 

Please I am looking for help for my daughter she’s 19 and we are in New Zealand our doctors told us there is no treatment and we are desperate for any help 


Added by Mygirl on March 28, 2019 at 2:36am — 9 Comments

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