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Maile's treatment

My daughter Maile will be 3 this August and has had alopecia for the last year. She doesn't have much hair left and was wondering if anyone has tried the Divine Herbal Hair Oil??? I just ordered it and am very hopeful! Any feedback?? Will keep you all posted on her outcome.

Added by Kim on July 17, 2012 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Another UPDATE on Devin; 2 months later

His little head is covered with hair with the exception of the orginal bald spot he had. That area is still covered with the fine white baby hair. Other than that, he's been doing great.

Keep your head and always have hope=)

Added by Leenda on July 17, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments


Just this past Saturday I had gone for a nap as I was quite tired, my hubby stayed up to prepare dinner then decided to watch a movie.As I woke up came downstairs my husband was walking into the kitchen and this commercial came on about hair or lipstick whatever it was i stood just at the ramp of the stairs and watched as my husband came out of the kitchen stared with an onion in his hand.I continued coming downstairs and naturally I confronted him and said you must find this girl quite…


Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 16, 2012 at 4:00am — 13 Comments

Kanikalon? How is it?

I need wig. have heard about Kanikalon fiber, that it's much better and convenient than even human hair..

Found this store in The Internet: - is anybody deal with this store??

they sell only kanikalon fiber wigs, at pics looks exact as human hair going to order this model…


Added by Ulyana on July 14, 2012 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments


Why are men so obsessed with hair, I don't get it.... my hair doesn't defined me!!

Added by Toni on July 13, 2012 at 11:49pm — 1 Comment

Alopecia Awareness Day August 4th

I'm trying get a group together in Los Angeles CA and surronding areas, for a party or pinic and possiably do a walk. Please let me know if you are intrested message me

Added by Toni on July 13, 2012 at 4:36pm — No Comments

Change brings new/return anxiety

Hi Family:

I thought I would blog to get help with the anxiety. I do have a small amount of hair at the top in which I add false hair and wear it to the right (dominant side). I have been wearing that style along with the bald look out in the public for 1 year. I have truly gotten use to the double looks and stares. I have developed a level 1 anxiety for going into familiar places and a level 3 for new places. I decided last night to switch the false hair from the right to the left.…


Added by Ericka on July 13, 2012 at 10:58am — No Comments

Ok I'm at work and I haven't been wearing my wigs

This ignorant jerk that comes in to get his haircut just asked on of the girls I work with why I shaved my head and she said I didnt and he said oh what does she have cancer and she responded no she has alopecia and it just fell out and he said sounds like cancer to me. When he left she told us what he had said and the other girls I work with almost got as pissed as I did like if I did have cancer that would be really rude and since I don't makes it even more rude what the hell is wrong with… Continue

Added by Sheena Tha Cody on July 12, 2012 at 2:23pm — 12 Comments

Alopecia areata and going natural

In an effort to be authentically me, I began a process of going natural with my hair about five years ago. This means that I no longer get my relaxed. Initially it was great because my alopecia was in remission (if that's a correct term). Now that my alopecia areata has reared its ugly head again, going natural isn't as carefree. Alot of the hairstyles make me self conscious or don't turn out right because I am missing a significant amount of hair in certain areas. I have dabbled in wigs,…


Added by Jasmine Harrell on July 12, 2012 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Finally AT again :D

We get a lot of blogs here with people overjoyed about regrowth, or upset because of more hair loss, so this might seem a little backwards. Bear with me.

I've had alopecia pretty much forever, but I've been growing random patches for the last five years or so. Of course this made me happy at first, but after a year without full growth and having to shave to keep wearing my wig, it was just an annoyance. I've become slightly jealous of people with totally smooth heads.



Added by Georgia Gardner on July 11, 2012 at 10:06pm — 2 Comments

Re-growth after sunburn/sun exposure


Just wondering if anyone else has noticed re-growth after sun exposure or sun burn?

I am bald so my scalp tends to get a lot of sun exposure and burnt from time to time. When it does get burned I notice more re-growth although the hair is lacking pigment it does grow back. The re-growth does not last long though.

When I first noticed this I increased my vitamin D intake but it had no impact on the re-growth.

I have noticed during this hole fight with…


Added by Chris on July 11, 2012 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

I am going for my routine six week injections today : (

I am going for injections today.......:(

Added by You can do it : ) on July 11, 2012 at 7:09am — 4 Comments

Alopecia and silicone breast implants


I read several posts about Alopecia related to Breast Implants and I think that my story is relevant on this subject:

When I was 29 I decided to get silicone breast implants and everything went very well with the operation and esthetic results. However, one week after the operation, I noticed a bald patch on the side of my head. I had always had long and nice hair until then and never once experienced alopecia before. I asked the surgeon who performed the operation if it…


Added by Florence on July 11, 2012 at 7:00am — 4 Comments

What treatments?

Hi all, I was wondering what type of treatments, if any you guys have tried. I have only had thesteroid injections to no avail. What else is out there that you've tried?

Added by Marieca on July 10, 2012 at 2:30am — 6 Comments

New to this site and new to alopecia

As luck would have it my mother owns a beauty supply that specializes in wigs and hairgoods in Orlando, FL. Ever since I can remember I have been around hair salons, beauty supplies and hair goods.

I have seen many cases of hair loss among men and women. So when I saw a bald spot in the back of my scalp 2 weeks ago, I knew exactly what it was. I was bewildered to the why I had alopecia areata suddenly, since I am in my 50's and have no family history of it. However as far as my immune…


Added by Sandy on July 9, 2012 at 11:00pm — 6 Comments

HUNGRY! dying of hunger XD So i'm walking to tacotime...seems like a great plan >:]

Added by madison wells on July 9, 2012 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Finding my way around /through this

I just figured out where I could type more than (whatever the number of characters allowed) on my profile page.

I'm thinking...finding my way around this site is not unlike finding my way around this hair/no hair thing. It can be intimidating, frustrating, yet illuminating and freeing.

So, now that I've figured it out...on with the rest of my day.

Thank you and blessings to everyone who is sharing this journey.

"You don't have to be great to get started,



Added by Ms. E on July 9, 2012 at 2:00pm — No Comments

My nails

My body is starting to go through changes once again where I am beginning to loose the hair my eyelashes. Not worried about my legs, that will just save me more time in not having to But what is bothering me more is how my nails are becoming severely affected to the point where it hurts because they are sore. I have noticed the change in my nails within the past two weeks where the nail bed has become weak and my nails are breaking at the meat. I was reading on one…


Added by Nicole on July 9, 2012 at 8:30am — 27 Comments

Your personal Marbo hair products (activator, lotion & shampoo) guinea pig

Hello fellow alopecians!!! Today I will start my 7th day of using Marbo hair products for the treatment of Alopecia Areata. I have decided that I will start this blog with weekly updates to allow everyone to see my progress, if any (fingers crossed) or set backs. This product is from Europe (Serbia to be exact) and according to the website it has been around for 20 years in Europe and has finally opened for business in California within the last year. The ingredients are basically herbs with…


Added by Joe on July 9, 2012 at 12:30am — 20 Comments

I'm confused and have an upset stomach

I have a picture of myself on facebook bald as it is the real me of course, I went out on a night out of town and decided to wear my long laced front brown wig,my friend took a photo of me and I thought it was quite pretty so I changed my profile picture to myself and my brown hair, i"ve had many inboxes telling me they think i look prettier with the real me. Now i'm all confused because i read them and think maybe their right and then when i'm done reading i'll head to the mirror and think…


Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 8, 2012 at 2:05pm — 3 Comments

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