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Is there ANYWAY the wonderful creators of this site could add a flag that lets you know that before your comments will be posted to a certain blog that the author has to approve them?

Frankly I would not spend my time responding to such blogs and I get ticked when I have taken the time to write and THEN find out I must be 'approved'

THere Rant over :)

Added by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on January 20, 2012 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Types of Alopecia

Definitions from my Dermatologist

Alopecia Areata - Circles on Head

Marginal Alopecia - Hair Line

Alopecia Totalis - Hair on head and face

Alopecia Universalis - All Over Body

alright soo... Seen the dermatologist today and she said I circle them all... My hair lines gone all over, yet ive got circles through my head as well. Ive got no body hair except a little bit in arm pits and pubic (just in case you needed to know that) and Ive got none of my face…


Added by Erika on January 19, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

My Life Rocks

I don't even care about hair anymore! Im planning a fundraiser right now to save for a Freedom wig and its the most amazing thing. Its only been a week and so many people want to get involved and help and donate Its RIDICULOUS!!!!!! :D :D :D but i still want my wig haha!!

Added by Erika on January 18, 2012 at 3:18pm — 2 Comments

Don't Hide the Scars

There are people lives that I believe I have touched because I was not afraid to show my “scars”.

Below is a song that the words ring so true to me and I wanted to share the lyrics with you.

Don’t Hide the Scars

(Michael Puryear/Cheryl Rogers/Jeff Silvey)

From CD: Sisters–The Story Goes On -1995

Vocals: Beverly Crawford/Cindy Morgan

I wept alone

Suffered on my own

I didn’t think that anyone would understand



Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on January 18, 2012 at 2:18am — 6 Comments

Dear Abby Bombed Today

Boy, did the person who took over for Dear Abby ever get it wrong today! I read this in the paper while having my oil changed, and was shocked at how misinformed the advice writer was/is. How shall we put her and the poor military wife right on alopecia? Obviously, the steroids are the shots...right? Read on. You can respond to

DEAR ABBY: I'm a 40-year-old female in the military who has been married for a few years. When I got…


Added by Tallgirl on January 16, 2012 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

Debating on wigs

I've never really wore a wig in public, always have gone to school without one. Normally the blogs and discussions on here are to help people go without one but I find myself scared to actually wear one! I think it will be weird to go to school one day without a wig and the next, BOOM, i have hair LOL. I don't know how to tell my family I'm considering wigs now either since they are very materialistic and will be TOO happy that i want to and make me not want to wear them again. I just don't…


Added by Ashley on January 16, 2012 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Happy times!!!!

I feel like sharing - I just got my offer to Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne studying a Bachelor of Film and Television!!!! Moving to Melbourne!!! Woop!!!! So so happy!!!! :D

Added by Georgia Gardner on January 16, 2012 at 1:16am — 1 Comment

Shaved my head

Hey guys,

Sooo,, I have had alopecia ever since 2007. AT first it was just a spot ( which i named oscar) which went away. Then I started getting more spots, and then my left eyelashes went and then my right eyebrow disappeared ( i know thanks for the symmetry ... NOT).. Well my last 6 months in college which was February 2011- July 2011 I lost 60% of my hair. AND I know it was not bc of stress, bc on Feb 13 I met my first love, and we had 6 amazing months, moments i never thought…


Added by Gabriela Gonzalez on January 15, 2012 at 9:17pm — 10 Comments

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Hair, relationships, jobs, a perfect life. But sometimes, instead, you get what you need.

Added by Tallgirl on January 15, 2012 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Feeling Down

This is not about alopecia as such, apart from: I'm feeling very stressed and upset and I really do believe that although my allopecia was not caused by stressed, it certainly escalated the issue for me.

I have a hard time dealing with stress and often find myself feeling really down and depressed. This is how I feel right now. Although I'm not actually depressed about my hair I hope you all forgive me posting about it here. As I really do not have anyway of expressing these feelings other… Continue

Added by KFlame on January 15, 2012 at 6:18pm — 4 Comments

The truth comes out on Facebook <3

For Anyone else who want's to know,
Yes, I'm bald so what! Hair does not make a person , if you have not noticed a personality does. Yeah , I wear a wig does that make me any better of a person no, So anyone else who want's to know just read this i have kidney and liver problems that's why it fell out && anyone who want's to tease me for it i'll pray for you and almost died in June i'd rather have no hair then be dead with beautiful hair (:
Bald is Beautiful ♥

Added by JuJu Destiny on January 15, 2012 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

My ex had Au now am having weird skin reaction and alopecia

If anyone know my story i had a bf that had au but now as time go by i got very agresive seborheic dermatitis with scaly eyebrows scalp and painful ear swollen red bit itchy as that went away now i have dry scalp still ,face .But weird part is my eyebrows and pubic area have this pink skin look itchy painful a bit if i pressure it next day whatever this is from my eyebrow it went down my eye making it red and swollen itchy to now is spreading on my nose is pink and itches also i noticed bit…


Added by Julija on January 15, 2012 at 5:53am — 2 Comments

Letter of testimony I wrote. Just felt like sharing, haven't written in a while. Hope you all enjoy it!

My name is Brittany Peterson, I am nineteen years old and I have Alopecia Universalis. As I sit in my dorm room floor, I struggle to find the words to talk to you about my disease because it is such an emotional, and frustrating matter for me. No piece of paper will accurately capture or express to you what I've been through, but for every other child that has to deal with this disease, I will try and make this paper as good as I can, and speak for all the voices that can't find the words to…


Added by Brittany Peterson on January 13, 2012 at 8:00pm — 9 Comments

Bald Barbie

Hello Everyone! Please check out this link. I was obsessed with Barbies as a little girl. I got my AU as an adult but I can only imagine how great it would help a little girl with Alopecia to have a Barbie that resembles her. She is one of the many faces of beauty and would be so awesome to have her represent not only the cancer patients of the world but the alopecians too.…


Added by Marilyn on January 13, 2012 at 12:53pm — 1 Comment

Tonight...the work holiday party

The holidays just won't stop! For me tonight is the final party for the year. Thank goodness.

And I am in a quandary. It's over my wigs. Is anyone on here surprised? I am sure I am the ONLY person to ponder their wig dilemma on Alopecia World. ha ha. Right.

Here's the deal. No one at work has seen me in my wigs yet. My hair is still passable enough to get away with it when I go to work. But let's face it, there is nothing by way of styling that I can do with it. It's too thin…


Added by Figarosmom on January 13, 2012 at 9:47am — 10 Comments

Pushing people away

Hello everyone,

I know that this topic has been repeated several times, but now I'm taking a look at my life now compared to my pre-AA years. I have only had it for 2 years (I am 21 now), and I feel like it has defined me, but I do not feel as happy. It is not even noticeable to the public, which is the toughest part I believe.

I almost feel angry for no reason, and I don't want to be. I feel like I'm depressed when I am in public. I don't feel as energized and don't laugh as…


Added by Karli R. on January 13, 2012 at 12:06am — 3 Comments

Isn't it obvious?

Every time I'm in a new environment, like a new job, a new apartment, or starting my masters program, I inevitably get asked, "hey so why do you cut/shave your hair like that?" or "so when are you going to start letting your hair grow out again?" Admittedly, when I was younger and I first shaved my head, I told most of my friends that I shaved it off for some reason or another, I forget. I was still very afraid and almost ashamed to come clean with my friends and say "Hey what you thought…


Added by Paul on January 12, 2012 at 9:06pm — 4 Comments

Alopecia Genes

Time again for this news:

Scientists Find Possible Genetic Roots of Alopecia Areata (Hair Loss) Jun 30, 2010 ... Scientists have identified eight genes that may be associated with the skin

disease alopecia areata, a common cause of hair loss that affects ...…


Added by Tallgirl on January 12, 2012 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Needing new friends and hope for my future

So as you most can already tell last year was not very good for me. I feel like I've lost everything but to be honest I just figured out what was good for me and what wasn't. I'm going through a divorce my husband was very abusive and always told me being bald was my fault and I started to believe him. I started putting my self down and became very depressed because his last words to me were "you are bald and ugly and no one will ever want you in there life" Why was I so stupid to believe…


Added by Izzy on January 12, 2012 at 5:00am — 12 Comments

Bald Barbie?

I was on AOL when i saw that Mattel had made a special barbie for a little girl who i believe had cancer and now there is a petition to get it mass produced for the public. How awesome is that?! The article also brings up other hairloss issues like alopecia. Hopefully it will be made and will get others to realize that Bald can and is beautiful and help little girls to cope and gain self esteem. If someone knows how to get the link it would be great. YAY!

Added by Tiffany P on January 11, 2012 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

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