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The 7 stages of grief

One of my friends on AW posted in his blog the question all of us ask at some point, and even many points, why me?

When I asked myself why me, I recalled years ago reading a book called On Death & Dying. This was a landmark book because of it's detailed analysis of the stages we all go through when experiencing grief. Unfortunately what most of us don't realize is that grief isn't just about death. Here are list of a few experiences that can cause grief:

loss of a…


Added by Figarosmom on January 10, 2012 at 1:41pm — 14 Comments

We are alopecians

The first thing that crosses my mind when I think about alopecia, the ones that it effects, is how strong we are. Maybe we all got it as a blessing in disguise to strengthen our character and our person as a whole. Yes there are unbearable days when you just want to curl up in a ball in bed and not face the world anymore, but we simply can't. Anytime any person, oblivious to the fact that emotionally some are weak, ask innocent questions without knowing, but it makes us stronger. We are the…


Added by kaate.leigh on January 9, 2012 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

I really hate this stupid question "Why me?" :D

i don't wanna be offensive but i just think it's a pathetic and stupid to ask why me because simply if u r an atheist u will understand it's just a luck "genes" and if u believe in god u'll find that maybe god choose u to this challenge and if it wasn't u and someone else got this problem will ask the same :D why me , why u , why them it doesn't make sense . there's people suffering from dangerous diseases like cancer etc ... so you've to be strong and ask the right questions wt can really…


Added by abdelrahman elfeky on January 9, 2012 at 7:00am — 13 Comments

Squaric Acid Anyone?

Was just reading in Womens Health Mag about a girl who has alopecia who used a squaric acid treatment on her scalp and it grew her hair back. It didn't grow back as thick as it once was but it did come back.

I did a little online research and the treament is most effective on patients who have areata as apposed to totalis and universalis. I have totalis but was still considering it. Would or have any of you ever tried this treatment? If so how did it work for you?

Added by Marieca on January 9, 2012 at 12:51am — No Comments

It's winter and my head is cold. Tips for warming?

I'm compiling a list of innovative ways to keep my bald head warm in winter....any ideas? I won't except burying your head in the sand...Add to it!

* Train your cat to sleep around your head instead of at the foot of the bed.

* Consume enough spicy food that it will literally burn your head off.

* Handstands on down comforters

* Stand in a crowded mall and advertise free head rubs to win cash. Touching plus warmth...can't be all that bad?

* Walk into the…


Added by Melissa on January 8, 2012 at 9:01pm — 5 Comments


I'm getting married in 6 months and when my bf orginally proposed to me, my hair was growing back although I still had to wear a wig because it was so thin and sparse (I lost almost all my hair two years ago). I thought that by the time my wedding would occur that all my hair would have grown back by then (even if they were thin)... perhaps I was too hopeful. I was at least hoping to have a short haircut and I wouldn't mind because at least I would have all my hair back for my wedding.…


Added by Liz on January 8, 2012 at 1:16am — 5 Comments

Louder Than A Bomb

A turtle.

That's what I am.

Yes, I'm a human

but I'm scared.



People who don't know me

ask "why are you so quiet?"

I wish they would shut up.

Stop asking me.

Stop wondering.

I got hundreds of demons on my every angle.




They are bashing

burning me with their words.

I have invisble scars all over me.

It will never go away.

But it will heal.

They burn my… Continue

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on January 7, 2012 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments

Calling all wig shopping experts

Hey guys, I need all you wig expertise to help me with a good reliable website that does european customs full wigs.
And have you guys had any genuine success with lace front non glue?

I would love to hear all your good and bad wig stories to help me make this purchase a positive one. I have had too many lemons.
Best wishes to my favorite baldies!

Added by Lindsay on January 7, 2012 at 4:17am — 4 Comments

Christmas irony


I never win anything. Never. Tuesday I won something - a hairdryer. Yes, you heard correctly. A hairdryer. Is that not the most crazy thing ever? "Hi my hair is falling out, can I have a hairdryer?" ROFL. My hairdresser had a giveaway over the holidays and she entered me in. Bless her heart. It's a professional dryer. Nice one. She uses this hairdryer herself at her salon. I can still use it for now but I had a good laugh when she gave it to me.

She has been such a…


Added by Figarosmom on January 6, 2012 at 5:22pm — 5 Comments

Is this regrowth?

Many of you have seen regrowth, this is my son's head (close up). He has these small hair on his scalp now, which are much thinner but still black in color. He never had the white peach fuzz that I expected. I am not sure if this is something positive? Please help me decide what to make of it.




Added by Gaurav Batra on January 5, 2012 at 11:00pm — 11 Comments


Hey has anyone heard of this treatment? It just popped up on my fb page and I clicked on it out of curiosity. I am usually very skeptical of any "quick cure" adds, but this one seemed interesting.


Added by Kris Fenchel on January 4, 2012 at 6:56am — 1 Comment

Nervous >.>

It's getting closer and closer to presentations.

I am so nervous I don't know what to say for my speech.

I'm not good with public speaking. It's one of my new years revolution to be able to speak in front of people haha

I've procrastinated through out the semester and it was a bad idea. I told myself not to but I ended up doing it anyway. It sucks, now I am way behind and in 2 weeks I present.

I wish senior projects weren't mandatory, but at the same time I feel like…


Added by Julie on January 3, 2012 at 8:03pm — 3 Comments

Has anyone tattooed their head?

Has anyone tattooed their head ?

Added by pauline vargas on January 2, 2012 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

White hair

I have over 50% hair loss due to AA. There are large amounts of white hair beginning to grow in large amounts. What should I make of it? I also have nummular eczema that appeared a few months before the first hair patch fell out. My allergies got horrible, skin looked like ringworm and pale, and hair fell out in large amounts.

Added by Gabe on January 2, 2012 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Full regrowth

Well i have finally got a full head of hair now and its getting longer by the day,i still cant believe it and keep thinking about things im doing that could maybe cause hairloss and now trying to avoid, here's hoping and praying this is back for good. i will upload a photo so you can all see there is still hope for everyone. x im the one on the left …


Added by lynne on January 2, 2012 at 4:48pm — 11 Comments

Seeing myself

I hate looking in a mirror sometimes, it’s like it’s a reminder of everything, but you know what gets me the most, its not the actual alopecia it’s the wig not looking right. It has just dawned on me all I am having is not a OMG I have alopecia moment, I am having a typical woman’s thought of man I am having a bad hair day and is actually totally normal woman’s issue of a bad hair day, sometimes it doesn’t do as its supposed too… but most woman say oh well put some product on and away they…


Added by KFlame on January 1, 2012 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Any advice on losing nose hair?

Any advice on losing nose hair?

Added by pauline vargas on December 31, 2011 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Nice scarf-tying tips on a website

I saw a newspaper article about this organization for cancer patients called Look Good...Feel Better. (I think that's a good motto for us, too!)

They have some very nice explanations about tying scarves on this page. Just click on the various "scarf" topics:

Added by Mary on December 31, 2011 at 5:39pm — No Comments

In The Hands Of The Angels Now.

So much pain
So much tears
even after 4 days
im still in shock.
Why him? Why now?
I remember his bright huge smile
Those big warm teddy hugs
That big old laugh.
I hope your looking over me
as I write this poem
As I type.
I hope your healthy now.
I hope your safe & warm now.
Wait for us , you hear?
I love you.
I love you uncle Terrall.
Rest In Peace.

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on December 30, 2011 at 1:24am — 2 Comments


hi hope everybody had a good posting this blog to see if anyone has any good ideas.i love tattoos and i was wanting to have another done but i like them to represent things in my life,i was trying to think of something to represent alopecia as it has been a struggle and had a big impact in my a way iv learnt a lot about myself through losing my hair. any ideas anyone has would be greatly appreciated thanx x

Added by laura on December 29, 2011 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

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