Being Bald is Wonderful, I don't know how I survived this long without shaving my head. I've learned so much about myself and others, especially as it relates to Baldness. Here's a list of a few of the amazing things I've learned about being Bald:
1. Alway use a multi-blade shaver (three blades or more) to shave your head, not only are they great for a smooth shave, but they will not nick and cut you like the single or double bladed cheapies. I learned this the hard way, I was scheduled to…
Added by Linda on August 31, 2008 at 4:48pm —
I shared this with the Men Who Don't Mind group and thought it might do some good to share it with the rest of Alopecia World as well. Of course, I'd love to know how you feel about these matters.
It's one thing for me or anyone else to accept the fact that alopecians -- or anyone else, for that matter -- may feel the way they do about something, but it's quite another thing altogether for someone to express…
Added by rj, Co-founder on August 30, 2008 at 9:30pm —
In an attempt to personalize my page, I have been in the process of uploading some photos of my hairloss. What a depressing reality test this is! Somehow, I must be imagining myself with more hair. After my last round of AT, the regrowth looked like a rather advanced case of male pattern baldness. So okay, I have been getting away with wearing a hat to work. My new photos reveal small bald patches at the back of my head and it looks like I'm soon going to have to shave again. Oh, how I hate…
Added by jamie1 on August 30, 2008 at 7:00pm —
1 Comment
Well i hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I wanted to give an update to all my friends and new-comers that may be cruising through Alopecia World in search of some positive results, news, episodes... I started losing my hair in January 2008. By May most of it had fallen out (about 95%), however before I lost it all (as you can see from my pics) I had some regrowth. I "tip-toed" around my new hair paying very little attention to it. I didn't want to get too attached to it or scream to everyone…
Added by Deidre on August 30, 2008 at 6:46pm —
When I first descovered a bald spot, I freaked out. I went through all the reasonings for it. I decided it was probably because I had just died my hair, and maybe it was too much. It was only small about the size of a quarter. A couple weeks later it was the size of a loonie. I was starting to get more worried at this point, so I went to the doctor, they did some blood work, and the doctor came in and said you have Alopecia Areata. I was so confused at this point. She did however tell me my…
Added by Chelsea McGee on August 30, 2008 at 3:30pm —
My favorite part of the movie "Toy Story" is when Mrs. Potato Head packs Mr. Potato Head's angry eyes "just in case".
Later on, Mr. Potato Head gets mad and yells 'Prepare to meet my ANGRY EYES'. He actually grabs a pair of shoes and sticks them in his eye holes...and runs into a wall. Yesterday, as I was drawing in part of my eyebrows, that scene came to mind. I started laughing because I thought about drawing in 'angry eyes' one day. Not only can I change my hair to match my mood, I can…
Added by Rachel on August 30, 2008 at 3:20pm —
The wig that I am wearing is from Tony of Beverly. The wig is called 'Cali'. I am wearing the color "Sunset Red". There are LOTS of color choices! I ordered it from Wilshire Wigs ( When I ordered it, it was $90, but I just checked again and it is $120 now. It is a synthetic wig, but other than that, I don't really know much about wigs. It only comes in 'average' size and I need a petite size. But, rolling the bottom under once…
Added by Rachel on August 30, 2008 at 12:52pm —
Hi, hello, hey, etc.
If I haven't replied your comments lately, I'm sorry! I've been busy traveling and visiting with people I haven't seen in awhile. Being home sure has a different feel to it!
Today was the big day! I got my new wig from Miss Peggy Tom and it's pretty! An extra plus: The new wig doesn't require wig tape to hold in place, which is a major thumbs up. And there were no Top Model makeover tears from me today as Miss Peggy shaved my head. It was actually an…
Added by traci on August 30, 2008 at 2:11am —
Hi there guys,
Just wondering if there are any of you with the same pattern of AA as me. I have the snake like pattern that wraps around the nape of the neck, behind the ears and temple areas of the scalp. I found Jessica, on Alopecia World, who I've talked to and has the same pattern too. I think we really helped eachother out by just sharing our experiences. It is a strange pattern and not a lot of us Alopecians have it. If anyone out there would like to share their story, I'd love to…
Added by Melissa Harris on August 29, 2008 at 8:35pm —
Today's BLOG started with great Hope of finding new friends and stories to share! Discovering this disease is to open a world of unknowns, because nobody knows what Alopecia is and the treatment don't have results for every persons. All doctors send the Hope of new treatments, but we wait news.
The first time that had happened 3 years. I was very young and I do not remember. After that has happened again so diffuse, but could do hairstyles that hiding the flaws. Meanwhile I got a beautiful…
Added by Helga tavares on August 29, 2008 at 7:30pm —
although I have had a couple of hard days this past month in dealing with my alopecia, overall, I really feel like I have turned a corner and feel much more comfortable in my own skin and confident. I'm not really sure what specifically has changed... maybe my two weeks in the mountains is sinking into my entire being, maybe all the bikram yoga I am doing... not realyl sure but it is a great comfort to have found a bit of peace with respect to all of this. I still have not told most of my…
Added by Maidie on August 29, 2008 at 4:13pm —
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Added by Dotty on August 29, 2008 at 1:09am —
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Hi friends!! What an unbelievably busy month it has been! I'm sorry I haven't been on and active as much as usual! It makes me sad and I miss you guys!! Just to let you know what's going on...I've quit my job, picked up and moved from Chicago back to my parents' basement in Fort Wayne, IN so that I could afford to go back to school full time. So I'm here now and settled in and taking 15 credit hours of classes. This week was the first week of class. How CRAZY strange it is to be back in school…
Added by Mandy on August 28, 2008 at 10:30pm —
This has been my look lately...(the end half inches of my eyebrows are drawn in)

As these pictures show...its time for a wig.

As my last post shows, I had way too much fun wig shopping. I don't know anything about wigs. I have no idea what lace front or any of the other terms that I keep seeing mean. But, this one was pretty, and it looks like how my hair…
Added by Rachel on August 28, 2008 at 8:30pm —
This is my second day on Alopecia World. I must say, I can't get enough of it. Im so curious to see everyone else, and how they're coping. This place is amazing. The blogs from other members are so inspiring, the people on here are so friendly, and YOU ALL ARE GORGEOUS! :) Im so happy I found this website.
The minute I signed up, I had emails from people welcoming me, and ready to share they're experiences with me. I love this place, I feel like I can say anything, feel what I want to…
Added by Chelsea McGee on August 28, 2008 at 1:49pm —
Dear Alopecia World Member,
If you DO NOT HAVE ALOPECIA, then I strongly encourage you to join the new group named “Non-alopecians in Alopecia World.”
If you DO HAVE ALOPECIA, then please invite all of your non-alopecic loved ones and friends to join this much-needed group.
As someone who does not have alopecia, I created the group so that we non-alopecians could encourage and learn from one…
Added by Alopecia World on August 28, 2008 at 1:30pm —
1 Comment
Well, so much for Della getting through the first few days with no complications. Yesterday during recess a little boy took Della's hat and glasses and threw them on the ground. Then, when Della tried to get them back, he grabbed them and ran off. Even though my twins are in different classes, Angel chased him and tried to get them back for her. I guess even some of the girls that she plays with tried to get them back as well. This is all new to her so she didn't know what to do. When the bell…
Added by Miranda on August 28, 2008 at 12:50am —
Okay, so I wake up on Monday morning (after being high and doped up on Ultram all weekend for a bruised tailbone -- don't ask how I got it) and I have to rub my eyes and use a little Visine because lo and behold, my eyebrows are growing back! But instead of being all smooth and nice and pretty like all my pictures show them, they're all patchy and super-blonde! I got a couple of eyelashes too, but quite frankly I don't look for them to stick around long (plus, I'm quite used to no eyelashes --…
Added by kastababy on August 27, 2008 at 7:26pm —
1 Comment
Hello Everyone.
This is all new for me. I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata about 4 months ago. I couldnt believe it, Im the kind of person that loved doing my hair, and getting it coloured, and all that girly stuff. Now, the only thing I do with my hair, is try desperately to cover up my bald spots, which is impossible now.
I think Im still in denial. I still believe that maybe my hair will grow back, which it hasnt. I still think that maybe this is just a dream, and Im…
Added by Chelsea McGee on August 27, 2008 at 6:16pm —
Okay, I stopped shedding for almost 3 weeks but I started shedding heavily recently. I thought that maybe the Rogaine I was using had helped so I started back but now I am shedding again. Maybe it is a result of when I stopped recently or starting back the Rogaine. When I first started using it I seemed to shed alot heavier. So maybe this will take a little time. My scalp and body has been also itching like crazy lately that is when I noticed the shedding coming back. I wonder if it is related.…
Added by Dawn on August 27, 2008 at 2:56pm —