Featured Blog Posts – September 2011 Archive (57)

Back to square one :/

I just need a bit of a vent!

I thought my hair was growing so well, not total regrowth, but at a fairly unnoticeable areate stage. But just lately it seems to be falling out everywhere!

I've booked to see a specialist at the hospital, but thats not until December!

I guess I more worried that now I have to tell people all over again, as Ive just moved back to uni, new people, new circumstances.

I don't want to be trapped in the 'hiding it' phase again,… Continue

Added by Lizzie on September 30, 2011 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

Lost an eyebrow, but still gaining hair and painful lymph nodes

I was sitting at my desk on wednesday when I looked down and saw what I thought were a bunch of eyelashes on my desk... my eyelashes shed a lot, but they have never been completely missing. I grabbed my mirror out of my purse and saw that I lost half of my left eyebrow, on my work desk. I have NEVER had it happen that fast before. My hair on my head fell out in spots in months, not all at one time. But apparently I rubbed my eyebrow the wrong way, because it was right in front of me on my desk!… Continue

Added by Tamara on September 30, 2011 at 10:30am — 9 Comments

Paranoid much?

I went to church today for choir rehearsal, and once again I left Hannah the wig at home, I wore a beautiful "I love Jesus" scarf instead. One of the members who has no idea about my Alopecia, was staring at my head. I nearly had a heart attack, because I thought he was able to notice my Alopecia, because my scarf was practically hugging my scalp, it was so tight. He then said to me, you have a pretty scarf, and I jumped back as he said it, because he reached over to touch it. I don't know why,… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on September 28, 2011 at 11:36pm — 9 Comments

Dear Diary - Day 1

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Dear Diary,

It has been great since i have been getting all the support i need form Mrs Careswell and Miss Ballentine. Im glad that some of my friends are learning to accept me for who i am.

3 Reasons why i like being bald.

1. I can take my wig off when it gets hot

2. I can have any type of hair i want

3. It has changed me.

Im scared that i will never get a boyfriend because of my wig. I think that no one… Continue

Added by Lucky1000 on September 28, 2011 at 12:52am — 5 Comments

Face control

So I almost got denied entrance to a club in Russia the other day because of a thing called face control. I've got 3 girls with me, diamonds on my wrist, dressed to the T with a US passport. The bouncer takes one look at me and says sorry buddy I can't let you in because of FACE CONTROL. After he realized the girls weren't coming in without me, and a harsh look from my girlfriend to some other people sitting there, probably the admins. They waved me into the club. What a putz, the bouncer was.… Continue

Added by Alex on September 27, 2011 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments


hi im new on this site,i came across it by accident while googling alopicia. iv developed alopicia areata while i was halfway through my 3rd pregnancy,the 2 patches fully grew back after a year but now im geting more patches appearing. i have had a pretty stressfull life over the last year or so and im wondering if the patches have came from the stress or if they just hapened to arrive at the same time.

has anyone else had alopicia that they think has arrived from stress directly? any… Continue

Added by laura on September 27, 2011 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

New to this!

Hello and WOW! I discovered this site purely by accident and have spent some time reading through so many brave peoples stories. My name is Leon , from Cape Town ,South Africa and am the only person (up and until now) who I knew had this curse/blessing.Well obviously I know others have it but have never heard or read their stories.So thank you for this place to share. I refer to it as both blessing and curse because while it surely did affect me as a child ( since 13) and I had to fight my way… Continue

Added by LeonJ on September 27, 2011 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Losing my eyebrows

I lost most of my hair end of February beginning of March of this year, 2011. In the past month I have begun to lose my eyebrows. I am losing them at break-neck speed. Its incredible. When I go out,when I have a gig (I'm a musician) I have to beef them up, pencil/draw in.

I'm finding it incredible how fast they're going. Anyone out there have any info on if they grow back? I didn't think I'd lose them because they stayed intact. All part of the disease. I've learned to pencil in well… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on September 26, 2011 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Regrowth and wigs

Anyone out there wear a freedom wig or vacuum piece that still has hair to shave? I would love to wear something that I don't have to glue/tape but am worried that regrowth will compromise the vacuum.

Added by Beemarie on September 26, 2011 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Trusting in God

A few days ago, as I was combing my hair, tears started to fill my eyes, because I saw the strands of hair again, getting tangled up in my comb, and also littering my bedroom floor. It's hard not to get angry at even my hair strands for falling out. My hair piece gets the best treatment, I lovingly run my fingers through it's strands, while my God given hair, get's tossed around, without any attention. I have realized that I've let Alopecia make me a bitter woman. A friend of mine, while I was… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on September 23, 2011 at 10:30pm — 8 Comments

Finally shaved my head

It has been several years since I posted. I check in once a month because it reminds me that I am not alone. I have worn wigs or weaves full time for the last two to three years. I finally shaved my head today and that is why I am posting. It feels freeing but I am not ready to let the world see me like this and don't know that I ever will. Even though I have come along way I am not there yet. I must say that I am grateful that there are so many options for women with this condition. I have… Continue

Added by Diane Holland on September 23, 2011 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Alopecia and surgery

Hi, I’m Diane. Well, I’m slowly coming to terms with my Alopecia. I have Alopecia Areata with 3 bald spots. I’ve decided that I will probably never be able to accept going bald and I will never be one of you brave woman that go without a wig. I could never see myself as pretty or beautiful without my hair! My best friends and I used to joke all the time about me being vain and about how my hair always had to look perfect (even in a rainstorm or water park LOL). Now I would be happy to have a… Continue

Added by FANCY1024 on September 22, 2011 at 10:30pm — 6 Comments

Thank you, Alopecia World!

Just when I think I'm getting somewhere - that I'm ok with this losing hair malarky, I'm over being upset, life goes on, I've accepted it now, etc etc - it seems another bout of anguish comes from no where!

I hadn't cried for ages - even when I realised just recently that during my blissful mini break from obsessive daily checking (while I'd happily convinced myself that having just one bald patch meant I must only have a mild case of alopecia, and therefore it would all be over and… Continue

Added by AJ on September 22, 2011 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Becoming transparent

Today I took a big step, in my battle with self esteem, something that Androgenetic Alopecia has robbed me of having...I went to choir practice and I left my wig( Hannah, I name everything, lol)at home. I did this, because I wanted to give the Devil notice that my wig and my Alopecia, does not dictate the person that I am. Let me explain...Ever since I purchased my wig 2-3 years ago, it has been my life support. I have used it as a crutch. I have allowed the wig to have power over my thoughts… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on September 22, 2011 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

It's something you need to hear

I am continually impressed by members' willingness to share their struggles, triumphs and insights -- especially since it takes real courage not only to reach out for help, but to also reach back with help.

I see this all the time in Alopecia World and, trust me, I realize as much as anyone that it's this very kind of openness that makes our beloved community so strong and appealing to alopecians from all over the world.

I could never thank each of you enough…


Added by rj, Co-founder on September 21, 2011 at 8:30pm — 9 Comments

New 'Quick Add' Feature

Dear Member,

Thanks to new feature called "Quick Add," you can now update your status and post other new content from any page on Alopecia World.

To do so, you only need to click the plus sign (+) next to the "Share" button in the "Latest Activity" feed that now appears on every page of the site.

You can quickly post status updates as well as new blogs, photos, videos, discussions, events, and music.

Add a check to the Facebook or Twitter box to notify your…


Added by Alopecia World on September 21, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

My beloved niece: A gift of baldness

One of my young nieces has a very hard time with the fact that I don't have hair. One day she asked me, "Do you think that you are pretty and you have no hair?" I responded, "No, I know that I'm pretty!" She just walked away.

A few days later, her mother told me that they were riding in the car and my niece emphatically stated, "Mama can you believe that Auntie Jacqui thinks that she is pretty with no hair!"

So the next time I saw my niece, I told her that everywhere I go people walk… Continue

Added by Jacqui on September 21, 2011 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

One in a million!

I get stares everywhere I go. It really bothered me before. But now I embrace it, maybe I like the attention. I also like to let people know about AA because the more people know about it, the more chances a cure will be found. I realized each one of us is literally one in a million and we should not hide it, but be proud of it. I have AA and I sometimes do want my eyebrows and eyelashes back, but if not for AA I wouldn't have what I have now. A beautiful girlfriend that loves me no matter what… Continue

Added by Alex on September 21, 2011 at 4:27am — 1 Comment

Her words were like daggers

I remember sitting in my biology class in high school, front row(Being the teacher's pet I was, always busy taking notes) trying to impress my crush, my teacher, Mr.Suruj. I remember it like it was yesterday, because this was when I really became aware, that others had caught on to my Alopecia. I had my hair in a ponytail, with my ever growing bangs hanging at the side of my face. So there I was, looking studious as ever, with my eyes engrossed in my textbook reading about the Amebas and the… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on September 20, 2011 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

People looking and talking

Hey all,

It has been a while since my last blog post, so I thought it was time to share my story with you again. If you don't care, just read it!

Well, in my last blog I mentioned my bald spots which appeared again. Since then it has gotten worse, the spots have expanded and I look like a dalmatian again.

I have no idea why it has gotten worse that fast, but I guess nobody does.

I don't wear a wig anymore because I just feel that I would be hiding who I am that… Continue

Added by Lionel on September 20, 2011 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

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