I recently came across this poem and it just spoke to me, so I thought I would share it with you.
Stepping up to Happiness
Everybody Knows ~
You cannot be all things to all people
You cannot do all things at once
You cannot do things equally well
You cannot do things better than everyone else
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s.
So ~
You must find who you are and be…
Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on November 26, 2013 at 3:30am — 1 Comment
I am a 34 year old male who has alopecia universalis. In my early twenties I was in a car accident which seemed to trigger alopecia. Within months I was completely hairless. It was a very difficult transition for me. I had trouble dealing with the change as well as self esteem issues. I would become angry if someone stared at me or asked questions relating to my new appearance.
That is now old news. I am thankful for alopecia. It has helped me learn to deal with change in my life. I…
ContinueAdded by Christopher on November 25, 2013 at 10:00am — 1 Comment
Have any of you tried using a Laser Comb? They are expensive and I'm trying to decide whether it would be worth it. I have female pattern hair loss. I would not expect re-growth, but I'm considering trying the laser comb to slow down the hair loss.
Added by Renee on November 19, 2013 at 8:09pm — No Comments
Hello Alopecia World!
I'm a new mommy (two babies under 2 years old!) and I started losing my hair shortly after a minor car accident while I was pregnant with my son. I gave birth to my daughter last summer and experienced about 90% hair loss following delivery. I'm curious if there are any other moms out there that have had this happen to them? Or anyone that struggles with alopecia and wants to share...
I started writing on wordpress:…
ContinueAdded by alopeciamami on November 18, 2013 at 1:02pm — No Comments
I'm going to have to get a wig this week. (Ordered online to start, I think.) I am blonde and have always worn my hair long since it grew back 30 years ago. Now, here I am again facing the same challenge but in a much more advanced world than it was and as an adult. I am not ready to sport the real hairless me. I am always cold, and I work with children and think that hair would be the best option for me at this time. Can you wonderful people give me some suggestions on a good wig company…
ContinueAdded by Shweetie on November 18, 2013 at 12:30am — 3 Comments
Making music is one of the many things I do when I'm NOT thinking about hair loss. My band, ZILLIOX, has finally finished our first four-song EP of original tunes. "Z1" is now available at Bandcamp. Give it a listen?
Those of my Alopecia World friends who are still coming to terms with your Alopecia, take heart and know that there are wonderful things on the other side of it. If Alopecia can be a jumping…
ContinueAdded by Marie on November 17, 2013 at 6:00pm — No Comments
I have two kids with alopecia. My 8 year old son Filipe has had alopecia totalis since he was 1 year old. My daughter Olivia got areata last November, and now in October she turned into totalis. She has also started to loose her eyelashes. We have accepted that Filipe never will get his hair back, but does anyone have any experience with children and regrow? We hope she will get her hair back, but at the same time it is difficult to always live in a constantly hope.. on her head…
Added by Anne Katrine Fimreite Fortes on November 17, 2013 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments
Hello fellow alopecia friends!
Let me start with the history of my treatment. At age 11 I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. they started me out on tropical creams and foams, after a year and half of that I moved up to injection. I went every 6 weeks for a few years until 2006 when I accepted the fact I was never going to have a full head of hair again. Before I stopped the injections I was wearing a wig. I embraced my baldness and defended my right to still be pretty! I had alot of…
ContinueAdded by Unicorn on November 13, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments
So I'm going to get straight to the point.
I think my sister tries to be "extra cute" when around my male company.
So this guy I'm talking to is pretty cute.
He is both me and my sisters type when it comes to looks.
He shows very strong interest in me or my panties...Still trying to figure that one out.
But anyways...He's likes to mention my womanly figure[Red flag 4]...Which is a reason I feel like he's only about my private…
ContinueAdded by Jasmin Flower on November 13, 2013 at 12:30am — 2 Comments
Hello everyone,
I would like u to meet Anna, she is my new wig.
Anna is brown with a few highlight's.
She likes to tickle me and loves to poke in my eye's.
I'm really clumsy with this thing, I dont know where or how to put it.
This wig is not made of real human hair but she's synthetic.
I look like a whole different person and people also treat me different.
An example of that, every day in school people take a bow around me (without wig) and now they're…
Added by Karlijn on November 12, 2013 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments
I am a Speaker, Trainer and Published Author. I empower women through workshops, seminars and keynote speaking engagements. I am also a fellow Alopecian. I have put my Speaking career on the back burner while I have been learning to live as a woman who is losing her hair.
I finally chose to shave off what I had left and wear a wig. The thought process was "I want them to hear my message and not be distracted by how I look."
Getting ready to start speaking and conducting…
ContinueAdded by Lynda Hykin on November 11, 2013 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments
it all started a year ago with a bald spot and not knowing what caused it but I realized I was getting a rash on the side of my head but stubbornly I kept using it and then 4 more spots showed up! I was horrified! I didn't know what to do! I had to figure out what was causing it then I came up with a conclusion that I started using hair dye for a year and now it's causing this horrific side effects! To make long story short, I stopped using the chemical ridden hair dye such as Clairol and…
ContinueAdded by Cupid on November 8, 2013 at 6:00pm — 35 Comments
Added by Keri's Mommy on November 7, 2013 at 11:15pm — No Comments
I was diagonosed with Alopecia Universalis in June of 2007. Within 3 days after I was diagonsed, all my hair was gone including eyelashes, eyebrows, and all body hair. I was devastated. My mother told me I could wear a wig. I denied. In the hope of my hair growing in by August of that year, I wouldn't be bald in 2nd Grade. I wore the hat shown in the picture I put up recently. In fifth grade, kids starting asking if I had cancer or chemotherapy, or going all Britany. I was homeschooled from…
ContinueAdded by Jenna Starstorm on November 7, 2013 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment
For 26 years now I have had hair on my mind. I sometimes dream of having hair. I grew up with a very full head of thick medium brown hair. Sometimes I wished I didn't have so much hair as it took me so much time to care for it. So after the hair loss began, I started searching out wigs that would make me feel more like "myself". It took we a while to get used to them as the ones I first tried were synthetic and didn't feel like real hair. After about 20 years I was able to afford real…
ContinueHey people,
Sometimes i wish my life is a fairy tale and in the end my hair will grow back and i marry this handsome bratt pitt lookalike.
I dream about it a lot but in the end, in the real world, my hair will never grow back.
At least thats what the docters told me last summer. My hormonal cream didnt work. So i had to start accepting my boldness.
Almost 4 months later (now) i only wear hats or scarfs for fun sometimes. But most of the days im just bold, at home, at…
Added by Karlijn on November 7, 2013 at 5:30am — 5 Comments
Hi everyone,
My name is Michael, (ankle Mike) to my beloved simone aka Chimz my lovely niece. I'm a store manager at the Home Depot in the westend of Edmonton, AB, Canada. I'm wanting to offer a kids workshop at my store on a Saturday to drive awareness around alopecia and to have some fun with the kids. I will be providing all the kids workshop materials, aprons for the kids, a tour of my store and a snack for the day. This will be open to families that have kids with alopecia and…
ContinueAdded by ankle mike on November 7, 2013 at 3:46am — No Comments
So sad today - my son (9 years) got one spot 10 weeks ago - now it starts getting bigger - I am just so sad and scared.... we can´t do anything about it - he is already my 3. child with alopecia...... need some positive Words........ :(
I haven't attempted at a new relationship since my last.
And I'm scared to try.
Should I tell you later?
Say I do open up and get to know you, but the constant thought of my secret is on the tip of every word I've said.
I don't want to reveal my secret just to have you run the other way.
But if you run then that lets me know it wasn't meant to be, right?
Should I tell you sooner?
Well I've asked that question to a ex bf…
ContinueAdded by Jasmin Flower on November 7, 2013 at 1:00am — 26 Comments
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