All Blog Posts (5,825)

What has alopecia taught you?

This is a question I reflect upon every once in awhile. I guess I'm a believer in the saying "Things happen for a reason" and so I often think about what is the reasoning behind my alopecia.

For myself, two lessons resonate for me.

Lesson 1) I learned that I am far stronger than I ever thought I was or could be. When you are first thrown in the spotlight of alopecia, all of those small self-conscious issues surface quickly. For myself, they didn't go I had to "deal"…


Added by Jennifer Krahn on December 6, 2011 at 11:05am — 8 Comments

Panic has ended... for now

So. Yes, today no panic attack just that murky, obsessive thinking. Or as my new friend calls it the hamster wheel. To be honest, before I had hairloss, I had the hamster wheel. I have suffered from anxiety for a long time. I just didn't make a big effort to do anything about it. Now it is priority no. 1. In fact, yesterday I realized mental health was priorty no. 1. Hair would have to be no. 2.

How did I come to this conclusion?

Here is the logic I used.

Do I hate hair…


Added by Figarosmom on December 6, 2011 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Interesting results from Onion juice treatment

Copied from another site.. what do you guys think?

Has anyone tried it yet and can share their experiences?


Onion juice (Allium cepa L.), a new topical treatment for alopecia areata.

J Dermatol. 2002 Jun;29(6):343-6.Sharquie KE, Al-Obaidi HK.

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Iraq.

Alopecia areata is a patchy, non-scarring hair loss condition. Any hair-bearing surface may be involved, and different…


Added by Nachiketa Sanyal on December 5, 2011 at 11:07pm — 3 Comments

Low Intensity laser treatment

Hi everybody.

Has anyone ever tried laser treatment for alopecia areata? I went to get a massage today and my massagist and I thought we would give it a try as there is no side effect and it won't be any worse than what it is right now. I'm crossing my fingers that it will work for me!!!

Added by mmmm on December 5, 2011 at 10:57pm — 1 Comment


Wow I haven't been on here in a long time. A lot has changed. I've become more social. This seems very basic, but I've struggled with it my whole life since I lost all my hair at 8. I've made new friends, but there is still a part of me that is embarrassed by my alopecia. Also, I do not date at all. Since the end of my last relationship at 24 I have not dated at all & I am now 29, yep 5 years. I know it’s because I have a serious fear of rejection or being judged because of my alopecia.…


Added by Anastasia on December 5, 2011 at 7:54pm — 7 Comments

Someone, anyone, please help me understand

So I see there have been a few changes in how chat works and such, still getting used to it. There seems to be a few bugs but I have faith they will be worked out in no time flat.

It got me to thinking.

With every site there are things I like and things I don't.

However, when I find a site that I LOVE, such as AW, it is worth the very minor 'growing pains' I may have to deal with from time to time

If however, I belonged to another site, one that I found that I no…


Added by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on December 5, 2011 at 4:00pm — 12 Comments

Frustrating roller coaster ride

It's been a roller coaster ride with my alopecia over the last 6 weeks. After the fourth visit to the dermatologist, I went to my hometown for 3 weeks. Around that time my biggest bald patch (the size of a matchbox) was not showing any regrowth and the others (7-8 small ones) were all showing some fuzzy growth. But 3 weeks at home did me some good. (Was it the lack of stress because of being away from office? Makes me wonder if stress was my trigger. Lately work pressure has been giving me…


Added by Nachiketa Sanyal on December 5, 2011 at 9:18am — 1 Comment

Needs Some Help

Hello everyone I need help. You see I work in retail and I have had many people come up and ask me why I don't have hair and I have had to many just asume that I have cancer. And I just wanted to know if there is anywhere I can get a button or ribbon that represents Alopecia to show that I don't have cancer. Thank you.

Added by Samantha White on December 4, 2011 at 10:55pm — 4 Comments

Needles poking sensation

Hi everyone just a short question did anyone feel a needle pokig sensation on eyebrows before they fell out or a tingling sensation?

Added by Disaster on December 4, 2011 at 2:32pm — 1 Comment

What I miss

As much as I cried and as angry as I was over the lost of my eyebrows what I truly miss is my eye lashes. Who would have thought those tiny little hairs made such a big difference.

Added by Natasha on December 4, 2011 at 12:31am — 11 Comments

Here we go again

Well everyone, I am sorry it has been so long. I hope you are all doing great. I am doing rather well myself, I am getting married, thats right! I am so glad to tell you all that I have met the man of my dreams and we're gettin hitched this New Years Eve, on the beach in Florida!!

But, surprise surprise not all is well. After a year and a half of thick hair and no worries, ta da! I was at a movie a couple weeks ago and noticed a spot on my head, not a big one, but it was there. I…


Added by Allison Miller on December 3, 2011 at 9:00pm — 5 Comments

Make sure you donate to charities that are what you think they are during this holiday season

As the holidays draw near we are called upon even more often to help others that are less fortunate or to donate to charities that rely upon donations to survive.

Recently I have been inundated with phone calls, emails, and snail mail with requests for donations.

In addition we are often asked to donate our time.

Unfortunately, not every request is from a group that is legitimate. Donating to those groups that are not legitimate means that the ones that are receive less…


Added by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on December 3, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Shakey Smiles

Turn on the light.

Turn off the light.

You have control.

Make my sky

fade into yellow

then into black.

Make my smile

invisible like the air.

You have control.

Yes, killer you

have control.

You control my feelings.

My smiles.

My laughs.

My everything.

I want to be strong.

Strong as a hammer.

Shut you out but...

One day you'll lose control

and my feelings won't be

a game anymore.

One day I…


Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on December 3, 2011 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

I miss it

I love the feeling of being bald, and being free to be different. Kids in my high school still stare but are getting use to my change. I like that attention, im alittle nobody so its alittle bit nice.
But I see girls doing a lot of things with their hair, stuff i never could do before, or can't do now (obbiously). I get so jealous.
This whole i shaved my head but im also losing it deal has its ups and downs. I'm having mixed feelings. :/ oooh boy..

Added by Alex on December 2, 2011 at 10:20am — 4 Comments

Day 3 of fighting the return of panic attacks

First let me say I am touched my blog was featured on here. That's never happened to me before. :-)I hope others will talk to me that know what I am going through and wish to just vent. I think it's so important to support each other.

So yes, day 3. I don't want to exaggerate. They are not full blown panic attacks. They are the wobbly legs, feeling hot, sickly stomach want to throw up kind. Full blown ones are much worse. I am using a book called the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. It's…


Added by Figarosmom on December 2, 2011 at 9:30am — 4 Comments

Velvet Cooke

Velvet Cooke is the best member on this site in m opinion wisdom beyond her years used sparingly with us oldies so as not to confuse us and her teenage site was inspirational and is one of the most active groups on here. Respect V

Added by BTB (John) on December 2, 2011 at 7:36am — 4 Comments

This just sucks

My family isn't helping that much. and my grades are dropping and they keep yelling at me! it just makes me feel more worst!

My mom is not healthy and just lays on the couch all day, while my day hides at work. My mom owns 4 cats and loves them more then me. My dad just keeps yelling at me and telling me how bad i am.

I am the youngest out of three girls, both my sisters did drugs had sex and drank.

I'm still a virgin i never used drugs to make me feel happy and i never party…


Added by Alex on December 1, 2011 at 7:30pm — 4 Comments

Finally a place to talk about "this"

I love the fact that there is a blog for me on this site. Although I know I may loose interest in it eventually since that's how I am.

Today is not a good day. It is the first bad one I have had in 3 weeks since my last panic attack. Up until that point I was having panic attacks every day for almost a month. I had a slight feeling of panic this morning. I am not sure what brought it on. Then I stupidly looked at my hair in the mirror while still a bit wet and unstyled and went into…


Added by Figarosmom on November 30, 2011 at 2:20pm — 1 Comment

Need help w/ American Girl


My 4 yr old grand daughter w/alopecia areata wants an American Girl Doll that looks like her. We've contacted the manufacturer who claims it's impossible to make/ ship a doll without hair. I am shocked at the insensitivity, and am only interested in how to help my grand daughter's Christmas wish come true. Any help would be appreciated.




Added by Antoinette Bowe Brush on November 29, 2011 at 7:32pm — No Comments

Today I graduate

Hey AW Friends,

It's been awhile since I've really posted anything about life but today feels like the perfect day to share with all of you. Three and a half years ago I began my journey through night school and weekends to become a Speech Language Pathologist. It's also when I began my journey with my second round of alopecia.

Today I graduate and have found myself I looking back on all of the things I was able to accomplish. It's not easy working full time as a teacher and…


Added by Jocelyn on November 29, 2011 at 8:30am — 8 Comments

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