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10 years of Alopecia

Hi Friends and All,

It's official, Ten years and counting since I found that little patch on the left side of my head.

Whirlwind of activity since my discovery of Alopecia Aerata.... The online chat here on Alopecia World and attending the Conferences every year!

I'm happy to say that i've made peace with my disease!

Best of luck to all!

Shout out if you want to!

I've got great ears!!!…


Added by JeffreySF on July 17, 2017 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

hi, i'm new here^^

finally i've found a site where i can know people with my same problem,i'm so happy(sorry if i miss a few words^^;).

now i can tell my experience to someone who can undestand me.

i'm living with alopecia areata for about three years.

When my mother noticed the hair fall on a part of the head i didn't care much about it.I realized the problem when i had to cut off all the hair because the remaining ones were few and all tangled.

I've spend that summer with a foulard on…


Added by White_44 on July 12, 2017 at 7:39pm — 1 Comment

What's New with Me and Wigs

Abandoned the bonding idea for now and am working on embracing more changeable and less costly options. Found a nice homey wig boutique in Richmond and purchased two brunette Raquel Welch's there. In front of people I see all the time but am not super close with (which is most people ;-)) I am still clinging for dear life to the self-made helper hair I've been using for four years... which is familiar but pretty crappy right now since I've got next to no hair, particularly at the front, to…


Added by OnlyChild1213 on July 9, 2017 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Back with an update

I haven't been on  here in quite awhile, maybe a year or so.

The huge patch of hair loss on top of my head has since grown in with the help of  the needles I was given at the dermatology clinic.  I was also put on  a strong drug that I no longer take, it was doing more harm to my body than good.

I do however have a new patch of hair loss on the side of my head, and I still get small ones here and there.  I have to have another referral to get into the dermatologist so I just…


Added by carebear42 on July 9, 2017 at 9:17am — No Comments

I want my hair back.What should I do?

I am 20 years old and i have alopecia totalis.6 months back i lost my hair on the scalp completely.Before that I have patches on my scalp.These patches were first found whrn i was 5 yrs old.Since then after every medication the patches will be covered and new patches in another site of scalp will be founded.I was vexed with all the treatments and don't have energy to take new medications.I don't like to be bald.I want my hair back.What should i do?

Added by Vamsi on July 6, 2017 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Alopecia got me down

I'm 16, have alopecia but cover it with long hair. I need a haircut and don't like my hair, especially because my friends make fun of how long it is. The only people who know I have alopecia are my direct family members. I'm don't like going outside anymore and feel hopeless. I don't know if anyone will even read this, but if you are give me some advice.

Added by Mudman on July 5, 2017 at 2:00am — 2 Comments

Life Changing Skincare-Rodan and Fields!

Hello friends!  I'm Lina and I've had alopecia universalis now for almost 7 years.  The first 3 years where a period of shock, suffering, depression with some hope that I'd have regrowth.  That didn't happen but  with some support, love, great wigs, nice skin, and some make-up, I look and feel normal.  It does not define who I am but it is a part of me now.  I've accepted it.  It took years to learn the magic of make-up but now most people are SHOCKED when I tell them I'm bald :D.  I get a…


Added by lina on July 3, 2017 at 8:05pm — 3 Comments

New to the forum and looking for any advice!

Hi everyone, 

I found out three months ago that I have female pattern hair loss. My hair had been disintegrating for over a year but I didn't know what was causing it. I'm in my mid twenties and have a brother a year younger who's losing his hair too. I knew my dad went bald at a young age, but never in a million years would have guessed I could inherit the hair loss as a girl. 

My dermatologist has me taking 200mg spironolactone and using the 5% minoxidil foam. I'm still…


Added by JanieMH on June 20, 2017 at 10:11pm — 3 Comments

Prednisone for alopecia areata (possibly totalis)

Hi everyone,

I've never written on a blog before so I am hoping the I can learn from reading about other peoples experiences but also get some thoughts regarding my own.

In the last 3 months my hair has gone from having one small 10 cent piece patch missing behind the right ear to multiple patches across my scalp and hair loss on my arms and legs (patchy).  By the time I saw a dermatologist on April 18th (with a complete battery of blood tests having just been…


Added by David on June 19, 2017 at 1:49pm — 6 Comments

New to support group... looking for help and guidance

After exhausting all of my options and losing 95% of my hair I find myself here for the first time to get somebody answers. Any input would be great.

After 8 months on prednisone and seeing my entire body change BUT also seeing hair growth I slowly stopped. After just one week I lost huge amounts of hair that have yet to grow back and this marks a year with almost no hair.

First question- how to deal with wigs!!! I bought a very nice synthetic wig almost a year ago but I… Continue

Added by Brooklynfighter on June 18, 2017 at 4:42am — No Comments

My life with alopecia

When I think about it, when I actually stop and go deep into thought to try and sum this up, the word that often springs to mind is “challenge”. Yes a definite challenge, but whom am I challenging? I guess I’m challenging myself, challenging myself to be able to focus on other things, my children, my husband, my job and my life, which are all blessings that I couldn't do without. It is said that “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear” So who am I to question this? After all, I am… Continue

Added by AZ on June 16, 2017 at 3:17am — No Comments

I never imagined this for my 20s


I'm new to this so it feels weird to be typing my first blog post as an unidentified person but here we go...

I'm a natural blonde which people have told me is the weakest and thinnest hair type, but back in school my hair was thick and healthy like both my parents. It was only until around age 24 that I noticed how light weight my hair had become and before I knew it, my hair had definitely thinned to half of what it was. My part is much thinner now and my…


Added by HK on June 14, 2017 at 10:24am — 1 Comment

Grew it all back

- When I first found out

First time I found out I had alopecia was back in October, I would get my haircut every 2 weeks. While my barber was cutting my hair he noticed a little bald spot on the back of my head. He told me surprised " yo bro you got alopecia ", he shows me the bald spot and at first I thought he had just made a mistake. I head home and do some research and I find out, my heart dropped. It was an autoimmune disease. (Back in 2010 I was diagnosed with vitiligo and it… Continue

Added by Roggerc on June 8, 2017 at 10:29am — 3 Comments

A couple with autoimmune diseases

hi everyone 

Iam new here :) ,, I feel really very comfortable here.

I have alopecia near universalis ,, married & we love each other som much . Recently we discovered that my husband has Ulcerative Colitis which is an autoimmune disease affecting colon causing bleeding per rectum & diarrhea but his case is not that severe .

now we R consenrned about having kids. we R affraid that our kids would inheret one or both of these autoimmune diseases . I dont want to…


Added by PsPs on June 4, 2017 at 8:08pm — 3 Comments

Making up for it

This blog is only for those of you who have gotten past the shock, false meds and trials, mood swings and negativity. What do you all do to make up for this loss of hair to still present yourself well? What do you do before walking out the door for that interview, job, party, reunion, trip, etc.? Let's give the newbies our best POSITIVE tips. I will start:

Make-up, eyebrow powder, one of several wigs with bangs and two colors to look more real, jewelry, and smile all on me. Age-appropriate… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on June 1, 2017 at 5:13am — 6 Comments

My story

Hey so my name is Emily im 21 years old have had alopecia totalis since i was 6 started to lose my hair end of kindergarten and my hair dresser started to notice patches it took us months to work out what was going on then we got sent to a dermatologist where i found out i had alopecia we then for many years tried all sorts of treatments and they worked for a bit but always ended up losing it in the end we tried cyclosplorne dcp pednislone and more.

Then one horrible day my doctor said… Continue

Added by emily5 on May 30, 2017 at 5:20am — 2 Comments

Sad and feeling overwhelmed.....

Hi everyone! I'm new to the group here. After years of fighting with thinning hair and hair loss I finally gave in and bought a wig this week.  My mother has Alopecia and I knew at a young age there was a good chance it would happen to me but never expected it this quickly.  My youngest daughter died 13 years ago and that's when I noticed it getting worse. My Dr. confirmed it was Alopecia and that the stress I was under triggered it. I was amazed at how emotional I felt over losing my hair.…


Added by Sadness on May 29, 2017 at 5:36pm — 7 Comments


Hello everyone,

I wated to ask if anyone had an experience with their child loosing eyebrow hair too in alopecia?my son has had it since more than a year, will his hair come back,Anybody knows anything that works?

Added by huda86 on May 29, 2017 at 12:51pm — No Comments

Update on my alopecia

Hi everyone, I haven't written a blog for a while. I have now had my 5th dosage of DCP treatment to hopefully encourage an allergic reaction tricking my immune system and hopefully allowing my hair to return. I just wanted to know if anyone has had this treatment and if so was it successful ?

Added by Lucy on May 26, 2017 at 6:05pm — 2 Comments


I'm a 24 YO female and I've had AA for about a year and a half now. I've done the whole routine of shots, creams, different hairstyles, stress relieving activities etc and nothing has seemed to work. There's days I accept it and days that I hate it more than anything.

I think the hardest part is trying to talk to your family/friends about it and getting angry that they keep saying "It's just hair. Everyone around you loves you no matter what. They don't care that you're losing your… Continue

Added by Pmadventure on May 24, 2017 at 12:55pm — 8 Comments

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