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A funny thing happend on the way home from NAAF

Hello Gang,

It's been three years now since my alopecia started.

It all started July 5th 2007 with a small round bald spot on the left side of my head. Within three months I had lost so much hair I decided to take the plunge and shave my head for the first time.

I became comfortable with my new self image with the help of Alopecia World and NAAF (3 conferences in 3 years)

I was AU for about a year and slowly things have been "Growing Along"

After the NAAF Conf in… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on July 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 20 Comments

Help finding a wig

I live in Hillsboro, OR and I need help finding a place to shop for quality wigs. I have been to a couple and the quality just wasnt there. Also any recommendations on what to look for in a wig.


Added by Jeannie Terrel on July 21, 2010 at 5:26pm — 4 Comments

New here

Hello! I'm Amy and I'm new here...well its all new to me!! I started losing my hair aroung March of 2010. My daughter and I went to go get our hair done and about a month maybe less i found a bald spot by my right temple at 1st i dnt know what the heck then i week later i found another then another. I started looking up reasons for bald spots and came across Alopecia Areata the monent I saw it i knew! The stress really got to me then i got depensed then i went to the walk in clinic they took… Continue

Added by amy on July 21, 2010 at 2:27am — 3 Comments

Avoiding Active/Outdoor Life

I suppose if one is afraid to try anything new due to reasons like tiltable wigs, social insecurity, or irrational fears (like bridges and highways, insane clowns or kapusta festivals), then one might avoid all sorts of open-air, windy, or active endeavors, and stay safe with indoor hobbies. (ME? Reading, talking, art, music, movies, study, work). As a wearer of elastic-held wigs (caps too hot in California), I can understand the trade-offs that I have made in life.

You gals who are… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on July 21, 2010 at 1:30am — 29 Comments

Thinking about trying some hair pieces

So as the days have been going by, the top of my head, toward the back, is pretty much all bald. My mom had the idea I start wearing headbands to try to hold some of the hair in the front to the back, to hid the big spot. Well its all starting to thin out and I saw online these Paris Hilton hair extensions that are connected to a headband. They are not expensive and it looks like they have my color. Has anyone tried these out before, or do you know of a good hair piece? My head is tingling like… Continue

Added by Tamara on July 20, 2010 at 11:18am — 9 Comments

Invent Yourself

Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented. So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise.

-- Maya Angelou

Hello All, this is my first blog on AW. Just wanted to share this quote that a friend sent to me after seeing me without hair for the first time. I found it to be so appropriate and inspiring. From the moment that we take off our wigs and step outside we invent a new us. It's important… Continue

Added by Joye Pressley on July 19, 2010 at 11:43pm — 2 Comments

Almost there

My family is so supportive about my AU, and they always encourage me to do what I feel is best for me. It was ok when I asked for a human hair wig, it was ok when I just wanted to go without any hair, and it was ok to them when I went through the stage of not letting anyone seeing me bald. It almost seems like when I'm walking around the house without any hair, I get more attention. Mom always looks at me like showing people I'm bald is me being brave, so I get more praise from her. When I have… Continue

Added by Ellison Jane on July 19, 2010 at 5:08pm — 3 Comments

I'm still having a pretty rough time

So this is my first blog entry.

About 50% of my hair fell out in the begining of 2009, so by July I shaved my head and went to a dermatologist. Alopecia areata. I had two rounds of steroid shots done and my hair began to grow back ! I was thrilled, and I thought that was the end of that. In March it began to thin again, but this time it was much worse. On a side note, I can't explain it, but before the clumps even started falling out, I could feel in my scalp that it was going to happen.… Continue

Added by Ellen Chinery on July 19, 2010 at 4:48pm — 5 Comments

Not so bald anymore

Hello all,

It's been a while since my last blog post so I thought I'd give you another update.

And it's not just any update, no no no... It's an update about my hair.

'Huh, hair?' you may think but yes you read 'hair' allright.

So lately I've been doing my best to push some hair out of my head, and I've done well.

For the last couple of weeks more and more hair has been growing back, and I'm pretty excited about it actually. Well, I don't think it's strange… Continue

Added by Lionel on July 19, 2010 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Pretty Woman?

Last night one of my guy friends came over to my apartment. His best friend, I will call him Mike, actually lives in the same apartment complex as me in the building next to mine. On Saturday, I saw Mike and said hi. I was wearing my blonde wig at that time. Then, on Sunday, I drove by Mike while he was walking in the parking lot and waved. I was wearing my brownish wig. When my friend came over, I asked him if Mike knows that I wear wigs. He said yes and that Mike may look dumb but he is not… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 19, 2010 at 10:15am — 9 Comments

Keep the faith

ive had alopecia long time now... but ive always kept faith bout it comin back,, last couple of years now ive been keepin fit. takin zinc, magnesium.ginseng. headhigh tablets. and quail eggs. i reckon theses should help every1 wit it,,protein is vey imporntant in hair growth. lots of tuna and salmon.u must keep takin all of these everyday.. myself i think quail eggs ave made a serious diff towards my hair comin back. 5 every morning raw 2 start ur bout quail eggs read up bout dem… Continue

Added by jay wilson on July 19, 2010 at 6:08am — 1 Comment


Has anyone ever been prescribed the drug called Cyclosporine? If so did you have any side effects or did you get sick?

Added by Jeannie Terrel on July 18, 2010 at 11:50pm — 4 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Promises to Yourself By Christian D. Larsen

Promise yourself….

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet;

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true;

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best;

To be just as…

Added by Dotty on July 18, 2010 at 10:33pm — No Comments


So I am going on month 2 with the Sulfasalazine with no side affects and good blood work. I have had some positive signs and some hair growth and recently they bumped me up to 1.5 grams a day from 1.

If this doesnt work its on to CellCept. Anyone heard of this or any good results?

Additionally, has anyone done anything other than the steroid shots to help with eyebrow growth?

Added by Eric Dane Mattson on July 18, 2010 at 10:08pm — 1 Comment

Feeling slightly "down in the dumps"

Ok, so I don't get to get on here much but I've been feeling slightly "down in the dumps" lately about wearing a wig. I have a huge family thats predominantly females. All of them have beautiful full set of hair. When I don't have my wig on I wear a scarf or turbin around the house. Today I felt very sad after watching my mom style her hair. She was mentioning how much better she felt and how having her hair styled brightens her day. She then looked at me and mentioned how I looked like a… Continue

Added by Jessi on July 18, 2010 at 8:20pm — 5 Comments

Bald spots

They've been getting bigger and bigger, until finally I can't ignore them anymore.

The worst one lately is the one at the center of my head.

I used to pull my hair out, (I've been able to stop for quite some time)

But now it's coming out on its own, could it be that all the years of pulling have finally killed my roots?

What do you guys think?

~Kayla Little…


Added by Kayla on July 18, 2010 at 6:02pm — 6 Comments

Bald and Beautiful...I don't see it...why can't I see it?

I look in the mirror and see an alien..I definitely do not see beauty. I work at a local speedway in the Budweiser booth serving beer (as a part time gig) and I hear all night how pretty I am. I come home, peel my hair off and say "what a fraud".

Added by Lynn on July 18, 2010 at 2:13pm — 11 Comments

8 year old daughter has alopecia & allergies - please help!

My 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata a year ago and had a single bald spot. This past April she had another bald spot appear and we used the topical steroid to help it grow back. Recently after a vacation we came home and all of her hair started coming out - obviously we were horrified. We were told there is nothing that can be done but the more i reserach the more i see things in common with other children her age. She has allergies and asthma. We've given her 24 hour… Continue

Added by Kevin K on July 18, 2010 at 8:50am — 9 Comments

Losing it

Hey all I've had alopecia areata since september 09 and ive had it twice before that. However this is the worst its ever been. In that short time ive had two large patches go bald and slowly grow back, but the regrowth is very thin unlike other times its grown back thin then got thick really quickly anyone else experience this? As those 2 patches are growing back another patch got large really quickly on the other side of my head getting harder to cover up each day and shedding tons of hair.… Continue

Added by tim on July 18, 2010 at 7:37am — 1 Comment

Beautifully Baldacious

Walking into school with a wig was not exactly what I had in mind when I found out I had Alopecia...that is until I lost all my hair and had a choice between the wig, and going bald. My school is filled with 800 judgmental little twits that would love to shoot you down if you show the slightest hint that you have a weakness, so I guess thats why I thought the best choice was to have a wig. The wig I got was ordered online (big mistake) and it turned out to look extremely unnatural. Walking in… Continue

Added by Ellison Jane on July 17, 2010 at 4:25pm — 3 Comments

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