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Travelling with a wig! Tips, please

Hiii everyone! :)
My name is Emilie, and i am 16 years old.
I have had alopecia since i was 12.
I have tattoed eye brows and getting tattooed eyeliner very soon!
I also wear a wig.
I have 2 that are exactly the same, so i can wear one sometimes and the other one other times.
I also have another one for sleeping when im at friends houses and stuff.
I straighten my hair every day even though it…

Added by emilie on February 11, 2010 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments


well hi people its bn a while since i wrote a blog so thor id update, i have been feeling alot better this yr so far than i did last yr, altho i was quite fed up 2day not sure why tho,
i have had regrowth now for months altho it was growin slowly i decided the other nite to shave it off to see if it would grow n differently or thicker and not white, but now been thinkin i made a mistake it felt weird doin it as i hadnt shaved it since last april,
i cant believe its almost a yr…

Added by lynne on February 11, 2010 at 1:17pm — 2 Comments

Hello :)

Hi Fellow Alopecians :)

Just a short blog to say "Hi", sorry I haven't blogged for so long!! Oh well, I'm back now :) Just back from London, had a nice time looking around all the galleries; saatchi, camden arts centre, frith street, royal academy of art and all over the place really! I managed to conquer the tube system! :)

Hope everybody is doing…


Added by Lizzie on February 11, 2010 at 11:44am — 2 Comments

Yes! There IS LOVE in belonging

I wanted to reprise my blog of last year because I've received so much strength from coming here.

I love Alopecia World because there’s nothing like belonging… I’ve been given the power to take back my life by interacting with the strong and caring people on this site. There aren’t words that are adequate enough to describe how important your love and encouragement has been to me. Thank you Alopecia Family and Happy Valentine's Day!


Added by Galena on February 11, 2010 at 7:59am — 1 Comment

Doctors' attitudes

Hi, I went to see a different doctor at the Hospital today and he seemed really interested in my condition. Previously my GP and the hospital specialists had made me feel that I was wasting their time. I am sure I read a blog on this site that said 'Doctors are not comfortable with AA/AU sufferers because they can't cure it'. Well I have never expected a cure; I know from my own experience and others on this site that AA/AU has it's own agenda and can come and go for no particular…


Added by Diana Hastings on February 10, 2010 at 12:04pm — 4 Comments

Adventures continue.

Wow, that last blog got you people all raged up! Trust me, I hear you loud and clear. UPDATE! I talked to my uncle who is a cop and went to the same academy that I was originally going to go to. He told me it was ridiculous and that he was going to talk to whoever was in charge etc etc. So, I'm a little nervous because um yea it's been a year since I was ready. I'm not ready now... I blew threw that money so fast it would make your head spin. Actually when I found out I couldn't go I planned a… Continue

Added by suzie on February 10, 2010 at 12:38am — No Comments

Vytorin 10/40 for hairloss??

Went to doc today and got Vytorin supposedly its for cholestoral but they had patients have hair growth.Its suppose to be new to hair loss treatment. Anyone else heard of this or have any experience with it??

Added by Regina Hastings on February 9, 2010 at 8:17pm — 5 Comments

First blog!

Hi ! I'm Mackenzie ! And I have Alopecia Areata .Okay ! So... here is my first blog . Lately I have been going back an forth between ,do I cut off my hair and get a wig ? .I'm not really sure what to do. I still have alot of my hair , but there is this one spot in the front that is kind of big . I get my hair cut to cover it up , but there is another little spot not to far from it and I'm afraid it's going to get bigger like the other one did . It's so hard being a teenager… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on February 9, 2010 at 5:07pm — 7 Comments

Writing blogs is so therapeutic

Well, a lot has happened since my last blog I thought I would write another one..this is a great way to keep track.

I went to my doctor who arranged for me to have blood tests. I got tested for diabetes, auto immune disorders, protein and iron deficiencies. I also got my thyroid checked plus a few other things. I had convinced myself this was all down to low protein in my body. Turns out I was wrong. All my tests came back normal. I guess I should have been relieved…


Added by Sarah McA on February 9, 2010 at 10:41am — 14 Comments

Just Diagnosed

My hair started falling out in December and in January I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. I now have 6 patches. The only treatment I'm doing right now is a topical steroid cream that I apply twice a day.

I'm concerned that my doctor told me there's no cause and no cure, but when I look online, I see people talking about vitamins, stress management, etc. Is there some special shampoo or hair treatment I should be using? Does stress make it worse? I don't feel stressed. Well,…


Added by Suzanne Kennedy on February 8, 2010 at 1:27pm — 19 Comments

Bald for 48 years!

Hello all,

I've decided to muster up the courage to write about my situation,,,Alopecia Universalis! Let me first start off with the good....I've been married for over 30 years and have 3 children, none have Alopecia - thank God. Let me say secondly, it has not been easy. I first started losing my hair at age 8. I am now 55. My hair have never come back. My elementary and teen years were the worst. Thought sometimes of committing suicide. It is my faith in God that I didn't I am strong! I… Continue

Added by j watson on February 7, 2010 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"An Angel wrote:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

To handle yourself, use your head;

To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.

If someone betrays you once, it's his fault;

if he betrays you twice, it's your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people.

God gives every bird it's…


Added by Dotty on February 7, 2010 at 12:50am — 1 Comment

A New "Do"...FINALLY

Hi Everyone!

When I first joined this group 6 months ago, at the peak of the "mess" that is alopecia, I promised myself and my friends here that as things got better, I wouldn't forget to keep posting updates and positive messages here. I remember ages ago looking in ernest for any story of regrowth, remission, etc. that would give me hope. Here's a brief one for the books...

  • 6 months ago, AA started with 3 spots
  • Over the course of 2-3 months, 3 spots…

Added by John M. on February 6, 2010 at 8:54pm — 11 Comments

Alopecia got me good this time

About a year ago I'd say, I decided to finally do what I've always wanted to do. I was getting myself in shape, running for miles, eating healthy, taking the right college courses. On the ball, no I was THE BALL. So, me and my friend we're going to do it, we had waited till the next class came around to take it together.

It's a big commitment and I was ready. Oh hell yea I was ready, I couldn't wait for the discipline to come down and smack me hard across the face and get me in to top… Continue

Added by suzie on February 6, 2010 at 12:49pm — 8 Comments

The beat down

Ah some many things to talk about.

Grew up in an all white family, I am adopted. I don't know my biological parents, other than that my mom is dead. I grew up in a very small Catholic school community, taught by nuns, who had no problem tipping your desk over and grabbing you by the chin. Eh, that subjects old and boring.

My skin is dry, the tears trickling down my face burn. I speed down the four lane road, ducking and weaving through the other cars. He's different I… Continue

Added by suzie on February 4, 2010 at 5:56pm — 1 Comment

Why do my ears turn red and burn when I wear a human hair wig? Maybe I'm allergic to hair! lol Wouldn't that just take the cake! Anyone else get this?

Is it maybe the chemicals they use to process the hair? Who knows cause even after it's washed and have had it forever I still get this every time!

Added by Leanne Sam on February 4, 2010 at 11:27am — 3 Comments

No Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow?

So, it's been a while since Superman flew through Alopeciaworld. I kinda had to retreat for a bit. I have a new home, a new roommate, and basically new everything. A fresh start. And it's been amazing. My friends have been more supportive and loving than I ever thought they could be. What an amazing surprise when you go through something, and you realize how much you are loved and how much you mean to others.

Having said that, it's also a reminder that no one really knows what this… Continue

Added by Ernesto on February 4, 2010 at 5:04am — 3 Comments

Eyebrow advice...just about gone

Hey everyone....well it looks like my brows are quickly disappearing. I am trying to draw them on with a brow pencil but it looks really bad. Anyone have any advice or tips? I hope everyone is doing good! Thank you for any advice!!


Added by Donna DeHoog on February 3, 2010 at 10:46pm — 11 Comments

Very new to this Alopecia...stuff

Very new to this Alopecia...stuff.

December 13,2009 combing my hair to head to church I observe a missing clump in the part i usually have. The missing portion is the size of my small fingernail. Next day it is the size of a golf ball. Next day it is as big as a baseball..cripes whats going on.

Went to the doctor and learned a new word Alopecia.

Went to Joe Shmo the barber and he said he could fix it with a different style and we could do a comb-over.Told Mr. Schmo no… Continue

Added by Rick Seymour on February 3, 2010 at 2:34pm — 2 Comments

My first blog

This is my first blog post. I have decided that this could be a good way to say what I need to say....

So....the patches are getting bigger. I have decided not to have any more steriod shots, I would rather be bald and happy then hairy and in pain. My hair is falling out just in the back (underneath) so noone can even see it :) except me :( Is it bad that the fact that noone else can understand what I am going through because my hair is just falling out in the back? Honestly I wish it… Continue

Added by Allison Miller on February 3, 2010 at 2:22pm — 4 Comments

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