All Blog Posts (5,825)

My First Day of College

Welp... after almost 6 years I finally did it!!!! I started back to school today after graduating from HS in 2004. The past few years going back to school has been so scary for me for some reason... I even started the financial aid process and got accepted into like 3 or 4 different schools and never followed through!! I had once again planned on going back way before this November when my alopecia started and was of course falling back into my same routine of doubt. I was so scared and nervous… Continue

Added by Anna Thomas on January 11, 2010 at 5:57pm — 4 Comments

New Growth!

Okay, my hairloss was about 80-90% due to my Lupus. I have now been on Plaquinel since Nov 23 and a Biotin/Fish Oil regimen since Nov 1. The first picture shows the peak of my loss before I noticed that I didn't seem to be losing and the second picture is today. Just Friday I thought I saw 1/2" hairs among the 2-3" hairs. My mother looked and sure enough she saw a lot. So I got the rest of my hair shorn to 1" to even it out. I tried to duplicate the exact lighting so it shows the same but you… Continue

Added by Andrea on January 11, 2010 at 4:02pm — 4 Comments

Treatment options

What sort of treatment are you guys finding effective. What levels are your Medical Insurance providers covering your treatments? I have seen some International Medical Insurance that cover at 100%. I think it would be great for everyone to post what they are trying and what sort of success they are having. Any tips or advice welcome.

Added by Cindy Fallsen on January 11, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Back from the dermatologist...

My hair's growing back. I can finally get off the cortisone treatment. As for the acne side effect from the medicine, I get to start another medicine. Yippee! Be strong, have hope. =D

Added by Sofia on January 11, 2010 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Here goes my RANT!

Here goes my RANT! please take it for what its worth, no more no less, I am a repair technician, I fix things for a living, therefore find it difficult to except my medical Doctors disheartening prognosises concerning the very obvious autoimune desease alopecia totalis that I have been plagued with as incurable due to lack of knowledge on there part. Basically all four docs said in not so many words you got and autoimmune desease we no nothing about, good luck with that, see ya would not want… Continue

Added by George Ortiz on January 11, 2010 at 8:07am — 7 Comments

still positive and rocking out!!!

well it has been awhile since i posted so i figured ok today would be a good day for it, well it has almost been a year since my diagnosis and well everything is pretty much still the same and all the positiveness is still there, another thing is the way i keep it going, i have been drumming my tail off in the studio with a friend of mines band, WOW does it help, when im behind a drum kit playing it pretty much makes me forget about my day and i get into this zone that is kinda like playing to… Continue

Added by Paul on January 10, 2010 at 10:01pm — 3 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only."

Added by Dotty on January 10, 2010 at 7:03pm — No Comments

Grey Gardens

My husband and I just finished watching the movie Grey Gardens...starring Drew Barrymore. Has anyone seen this movie? It was an incredibly emotional movie, and it made me cry....If you haven't seen it, it is a must.

Added by Kris Fenchel on January 9, 2010 at 11:41pm — No Comments

Going fast

It seemed like my AA was taking a vacation as I hadn't noticed any new bald patches for quite some time. And then BAM over the last week I've lost a LOT of hair. I woke up last Thursday with two partial eyebrows, so I shaved the rest. I have also lost a lot of body hair, which feels weird (I was pretty hairy). My clothes actually feel different. I am trying hard not to let this rule my life, but I have found myself leaving the house less. I'm single and unemployed and really don't want to fall… Continue

Added by Victor on January 8, 2010 at 5:04pm — 10 Comments

Children's conference

Rather than send out an email to all those on my friend's list I thought I would post a blog for everyone to read. I grew up with alopecia and found it very difficult to cope with. Even my parents has a hard time knowing what to say or do. I urge you all to make a difference in an alopecian child's life by helping them attend a conference specifically for children with alopecia and their parents by visiting the link below and making a small donation to our cause. Read the information I've… Continue

Added by Carol on January 8, 2010 at 1:16pm — No Comments

Big ball inside of me. :(

recently more and more of my hair has begin to fall out even though i just recently got it back. i feel so, out of myself. in the shower i can feel the hair covering my back and my hands and i have to wipe myself down after showers because i have hair all over my body, it makes me feel disgusting. i hate it. i hate my hair when it falls out. now dont get me wrong ive had alopecia for three years now and im all about being positive and accepting it but i feel like im rewinding and its so painful… Continue

Added by Brittany Peterson on January 7, 2010 at 11:25pm — 5 Comments

Recently diagnosed and have so many unanswered questions!

I was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis around Thanksgiving of 09 while I was 6 or 7 months pregnant with my 3rd child. The last picture taken of me was November 6th and I had a full head of hair; the same hair I'd had my whole life. By the 2nd week of December I had lost all of my hair, body hair, eyelashes, and most of my eyebrows. It has been extremely hard for me to cope with this because I have never had problems of any kind up until now and my doctor is telling me that AU usually… Continue

Added by Anna Thomas on January 7, 2010 at 3:12pm — 10 Comments

The Gifts Alopecia Gave Me

Hello Sweet Women!

I have not posted, or messaged, or blogged, or commented in FOREVER! But, I just had to take a minute to connect with all of you – old and new members.

Today, I was looking at what I wrote in my profile when I joined. I had written, “I look forward to the day when I wake up NOT thinking about my hair. When that day comes, however, it will have nothing to do with alopecia and everything to do with me.” Well, I realize that day has finally come, and I was… Continue

Added by Marie on January 7, 2010 at 2:38am — 18 Comments

7 months post-gluten

So it's been around 7 months since I went gluten free and I couldn't be happier. I even quit wearing my wig a couple weeks ago. My hair is still thin, but I've always had naturally thin hair anyway. My one eye without the eyelashes has yet to grow back, oh well. I'm just happy it's come this far. My dermatologist seemed really excited for me back in October, I can't wait to see what he has to say here in a couple weeks. I did upload some before and after pics but am not sure if only friends can… Continue

Added by Amanda on January 7, 2010 at 12:42am — 1 Comment

I'm back - again!

OK I havnt been on in a while. and miss all the beutifull people here. Im going to update since last summer..

Ok my last thing was trying to get my super white head tanned ...

welllll.. that didnt go so well.

I did get to learn about another thing simerler to Alopicia its an autoimune disorder called Vitiligo its were these big white blotches on the skin appeare. mine appeared when I was trying to get a tan.

Some of me was tanning beutifully but I had burnt spots hmmm and… Continue

Added by Ms. Elizabeth on January 6, 2010 at 11:32am — No Comments

Has anyone ever worn the cheaper skin top wigs?

Just wondering if anyone has ever worn the cheaper skintop wigs or with the skin top part....they seem to be thinner from what I've seen in the stores. Are they realistic looking???

Added by Casee on January 6, 2010 at 9:08am — No Comments

2.5 yrs AU

Hey everyone, I was just thinking about life and alopecia. I was recently diagnosed with Asthma. I had my first attack in late Nov. I had to go to the ER twice since then. It was the scariest thing I have ever gone through...not being able to breathe. It's still scary.

Anyways, it reminded me of when I first got AU 2 1/2 yrs ago. I was so scared then too. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'de take AU over Asthma ANY DAY . I WISH AU was my biggest problem. When it comes to life or death, we… Continue

Added by Lee on January 6, 2010 at 3:03am — 6 Comments

My scalp burns where my hair is falling out :0(

Alopecia became a part of my life this Christmas. As my hair continues to fall out, the bare scalp is burning. Anyone experience this and have any suggestions to make this more comfortable. I have been very good about protecting my scalp with the harsh new england weather. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Heather

Added by Heather Lynn Peckham on January 4, 2010 at 6:54pm — 12 Comments

It's been a while since we blogged last, so I thought that I'd give a bit of an update!

This is some new information on my Granddaughther, Merari, she is learning how to play the piano/organ and she is doing good...overall she is coping fine with the Alopecia issue..but right now our concern is that the Organization who gave her a free wig, no longer will be able to give her a new free one....the one that she got is kind of old and she needs urgently a new one...can afford to pay for one...any advice will really be appreciated....
a worried Grandma

Added by ESTHER M on January 4, 2010 at 11:26am — No Comments


My mum is constantly looking for something that doesn't have any harmful side-effects that might be able to help get rid of my alopecia, and she recently came across thymuskin. Apparently it helps the thymus in someway (lost the piece of paper but will look for it lol) by providing nutrients and helping create antibodies that the body needs. It says it can take 9-12 months to work so I am going to try it for my mum because it can't hurt and it smells like vanilla! So I will post some pics on my… Continue

Added by Dielle on January 4, 2010 at 2:35am — 2 Comments

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