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Help Me Help Myself

I am a young looking 50 y.o. woman who was recently diagnosed with Alopecia. It all started around Thanksgiving time, while in TX visiting my daughter, when she was drying my hair. She said, "Mom you have a bald spot!" That small bald spot has gotten much bigger (probably the size of a half-dollar now) and I find my hair everywhere in the house. Now it seems like on the sides it is really thinning out and I'm scared to death that I will go totally bald. Any help, assurances, etc. would be very… Continue

Added by Pamela Garrahan on June 6, 2009 at 11:09am — 4 Comments

County Fair

I am very pleased to blog about my experience tonight. I went to the county fair this evening with my friend, her son and my 13 year old daughter. I wore a light blue bandanna on my head, pulled low to cover half of my ears. Because I have stubble by my ears and I wanted to cover that. The whole ride there, all I could think about was how I was going to feel once I got inside. We parked about 3 blocks away and walked to the gate. As we were walking, about half-way there I started to feel very… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 5, 2009 at 10:56pm — 8 Comments

Definitely Worse Things Than Alopecia

Well first off sorry haven't been around. Between visits from in-laws that lasted almost a month and other things it just hasn't been possible.

This week I lost my grandmother. We buried her today. She passed away Tuesday morning at 11 am. I was out running around doing appointments and my parents called and left a message saying she was dying. Because my parents couldn't get a hold of me they got a hold of my husband who rushed home and gave me the sad news. She had died. The… Continue

Added by Lori M on June 5, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Time flies when you're busy!

OK don't be mad, I haven't been neglecting you all, I has just been busy folks! My hours at work are picking up so even though I'm part-time, it's more like full-time in the summer but let's face it - no one really wants to build a deck in the winter! On top of that I am making sure I have everything planned out for the CAP conference which I will be doing a workshop at. My current problem is writing a short bio - writing a short anything about me is difficult. There was a point in my life when… Continue

Added by Carol on June 5, 2009 at 9:58pm — No Comments

The shower is not my friend...

And for that matter, either is;

- The stupid wind

- My ever insulting hair brush

- My constant mocking pillow case

- Don't even get me started on my asshole hairdryer

- Even my slimy fingers have given me grief these days

- Oh and then there's the good ol' dermatologist... yea, we won't EVEN go there...

I'm not sure how my boyfriend and family will feel about my break-ups, especially with the shower... but, lucky for them, it's one relationship I… Continue

Added by eva on June 5, 2009 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

things suck fersure

replys to comments:

lois-all my mother did when she found out is tell me to stop talking to tommy and say that i needed professional help. which she never followed through on. after that night she never said another word about it. i lied to her and said i only did it once. i wanna be a psychaiatrist. ironic as that is. thats weird, my friend garrett told me just the other night that i spend too much time trying to fix other people and not enough on myself...hmm. well thanks… Continue

Added by Courtney on June 5, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments


The picture on my page is the first time anyone other than my husband and daughter has seen me without a wig. I am slowly working toward going out one day without my wig. I think I look just fine without hair and my husband loves the way I look. I am just afraid of how people will react and weather or not I will be able to handle it. My goal is to go without my wig by July 19th. I felt very good posting my picture it was quite liberating.

Added by Roslyn on June 5, 2009 at 9:03pm — 3 Comments

mrs.almos and goals

mrs.almos was a teacher i had for one class in fourth grade so, i didnt no her that well but i always thought she was nice..... this year she was diagnosed with breast cancer shes bald and really sick...... my mom saw her today in the grocery store my mom was talking 2 her, i wasnt there so my mom told me this, she told my mom how she heard about me and that me and her were strong and can get through this thank u mrs.almos


i am going 2 set some goals. i learned in health… Continue

Added by Nikki Mans on June 5, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Bald is Beautiful!!!

I am haveing a hard time dealing with the fact that I dont have any hair. I graudated high school last year and yea.... High school was really hard. I have had alopecia since I was in the 2nd grade but it never really bothered me being bald until I hit high school. People were really mean to me and I didnt understand why cause it wasnt my fault. People would walk past me and say stay away from the girl with the disease and I would just go home and cry everyday!!! I had to wear hats to school… Continue

Added by Izzy on June 5, 2009 at 8:02am — 4 Comments


Hi @LL .. Hope all of you Fine

Well .. i Have alopecia U since I was 15 yrs Old .. starting with small bald spots after that .. I tried to take some treatment with the injection but unforcntlly I lost all my hair

My family supporting me with my friends and I visited more than 15 countries trying to find A doctor that can help Me but the result was Bad

After that I completed my high school and College .. now am Working and everything el 7mdllah is Ok

Now .. am Living… Continue

Added by Sultan AD on June 5, 2009 at 7:41am — No Comments


Well it seems my hair is growing back, however I cant help but worry that this will more than likely wont be a permanent thing and it will eventually fall out again...but then again, I should just be happy that so far so good. What mixed emotions this alopecia brings, getting used to the ups and downs is quite tricky, taking one day at a time seems to be the best action for me :)

Added by Bel on June 5, 2009 at 7:08am — 1 Comment

In Search of... a hat

June 4, 2009

So today after I went to work and the dentist, I started to think about a head covering. Oh, I have baseball caps a plenty. A hat with a brim is what I was looking for. But I didn't want a straw hat or a felt hat.

I wanted a soft, cotton or cotton blend hat with a brim all around to shade my neck as well as the sides of my poor nekkid head. There is a few where I work, but I didn't want to buy the first one I saw, so after I got done with the dentist, I went… Continue

Added by WyldCard on June 4, 2009 at 9:16pm — 1 Comment


I went to town without my headscarf on today. My heart was beating so fast and i was nervous. The last time I did so was when I was with Margaret, a fellow alopecian. I asked myself can I really face the world on my own? Will that high I felt the last time be there again or will I be terrified and self-conscious instead? I braced myself and decided that I will never know the answers to those questions if I didn't go ahead and do it. So I did.

At first I was terrified and as much as I… Continue

Added by Salmezan on June 4, 2009 at 4:58pm — 6 Comments

First day nekkid

June 4, 2009

So today was the first day back to work with my new nekkid head. I prepared a lot of ppl, but still I was greeted with "Whoa! Why? The summer 'do ?" A few ppl I just nodded at and said it was for the summer. A few others I kinda filled in some details.

The Surprising thing was, when I mentioned Alopecia, a few people nodded and said they knew or know someone (else) with AA. Either someone they know had a small patch lost and then it returned or a relative has… Continue

Added by WyldCard on June 4, 2009 at 4:38pm — 5 Comments

laurens birthdday party

so my friends birthday was yesterday and she had a swimming party and went out to eat in this not so fancy restraunt but we all wore pretty dresses anyway it was a pretty fun party overall i thought the swimming part was okay it would have been funner if one of the girls would stop gossiping but the restraunt was sooooooo fun i bet everyone there thought we were nuts cuz we were so loud but i was aweome

Added by Nikki Mans on June 4, 2009 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Letting My Hair Grow

I still have a big bald spot on the back of my head but the rest of my hair is beginning to grow back. So I have stubble all over my head and I'm going to let it grow and see how far that gets. Wish me luck guys!

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 4, 2009 at 11:19am — 1 Comment

When did it start

June 3, 2009

When did it start ? Hmmm... I can honestly say I don't know. My Alopecia didn't start on my head... well... not exactly.

It started on my face. In one of the first pics I posted of myself, it showed me pre-AA. I look at that pic more and think it may have been in the early stages of Alopecia Barbae. It was around spring of 2008 when I took that pic.

I recall hair not wanting to quite fill in on my… Continue

Added by WyldCard on June 3, 2009 at 5:25pm — 4 Comments

Soooo, I'm back on the cortisone shots...

Met with my new dermatologist yesterday. Of course he highly recommended coritisone shots (don't they all) - man those suck. Along with those, he wants me to get some Rogaine, T-Gel shampoo and he also gave me this stuff in a tube I'm supposed to put on my spots for 5-10 minutes then wash off, which might cause some irritation and discomfort he warns me. All in all, just a fun and fabulous trip to the dermo. Not to mention he had this chick in there assisting him, which I was not expecting and… Continue

Added by eva on June 3, 2009 at 2:59pm — 3 Comments

NAAF Conference

I really wish I could attend the NAAF Conference this year.Has anyone gone that can tell me how its been in the past?

Added by Joseph Adams Jr on June 3, 2009 at 9:57am — 10 Comments

Thank you for your comments

Thanks to everyone for your comments. I am VERY proud of Alieena. From day one when we first found out I had a sit down with her and pretty much told her honey, you are very special and no one can change that, and I have explained to her in great detail what it is she has and that it might be a forever thing, and I have told her time and again when she starts getting a little down about her missing hair that she had to be strong and remember she is beautiful and that God made her special. I… Continue

Added by Jennifer and Alieena on June 3, 2009 at 9:45am — 1 Comment

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