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new wig

carol from celebrity wigs... love it

Added by Alison on June 3, 2009 at 6:54am — 2 Comments

today was the day

yes today was the day i finally accepted me alopecia and all i was so suprised at school 2day that i didnt care what people said and being upsessed with wondering if my bald spots were showing(:i dont know how it happened or how but im loving it

Added by Nikki Mans on June 2, 2009 at 8:20pm — 3 Comments

Thoughts of selfishness

June 2, 2009

Just after I went to the Dr to basically confirm what I already knew, I started to really look around the intar-web on Alopecia. Started to feel that Woe is me wash over me. The more I read about AA/AU/AB/AT, the more I thought that maybe I should be at odds with who or what gave me this! I was really pumped up and mad.

I thought I had it bad when my facial hair went. I could feel the burning/tingling at each attack site. Watching the hair… Continue

Added by WyldCard on June 2, 2009 at 7:29pm — 3 Comments


Here I am... still waiting to get to Mexico. On January 8th 2009 the police showed up at my door and asked for my fiance by name. (which means he was turned in). They asked for identification and when he couldn't provide documentation he was loaded into the back of the police car, while the officer made a call to immigration. They sat in the cop car in the parking lot of my projects for what felt like forever. I wanted to talk to him but they wouldn't let me. After what seemed like forever, the… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 2, 2009 at 6:54pm — 2 Comments

new wig very excited and nervous!!!!!

well got the call from my dermatologist 2day, goin to look for my wig next week, very excited and nervous to, not used to havin hair for 2months now, also i think hair on other parts of my body are lookin thinner than usual, so very worried about that, not sure i could cope with losin all my hair, i still have hair growin on my head tho which makes me think its a good sign but then again u just dont know wat can happen, still not dealin with the hairloss very well, i put on a brave face most… Continue

Added by lynne on June 2, 2009 at 6:06pm — 2 Comments

the most loving thing

2day i was on my email and saw i got an ecard from my dear friend lauren so i went 2 see what it was and it was the most beautifulest thing i evr have seen she is soooooo nice and understanding

until 2day i almost 4got i had ordered a wig off the internet but, it came 2day and man is it ugly!!!! thats ok though considering it was only like$10 well oh well im still getting a nicer wig but man is this wig ugly

Added by Nikki Mans on June 1, 2009 at 8:03pm — 1 Comment

Cortizone Shots....???

What's the concensus on cortizone shots for alopecia areata??? I was having them done from about October 2008 - January 2009. I stopped because of money issues and because I wasn't convinced they were helping. But now, it's June and my alopecia has gotten quite a bit worse. I have an appointment to see a dermatologist tomorrow, but I wanted to get some feedback on the shots before I started getting them again...

Anyone have any words for me? I would really appreciate them... Thank… Continue

Added by eva on June 1, 2009 at 4:51pm — 12 Comments

Cruel to the unknown. but why?

Ok ok, same old question with still not a good enough answer. Why are people ignorant to the unknown? And let me rephrase that I dont mean ignorant to be mean but what I really mean is why do people have to be so cruel? Let me tell you I am a strong person with a very stubborn personality when it comes to my daughter, but what mother isn't? Here are a few of our daily bumps and Im sure you all will agree with me on this. Alieenas AA is getting better but at the same time getting worse. The… Continue

Added by Jennifer and Alieena on June 1, 2009 at 4:42pm — 5 Comments

Odd Hairstyles?

I admit.....I am a people watcher. I like to sit back and just watch people come and they interact with others and such. One thing I have picked up on is that women nowdays really do have some odd hairstyles going on...know what I mean? Holy cow! Some of the hairstyles I wouldn't be caught dead with. I sit there and think " how long did it take for them to tease that hair into an inviting bird's nest for a flock of sparrows?" Some hairstyles look like a hatchet job done wrong and… Continue

Added by Libby on June 1, 2009 at 3:28pm — No Comments

Wig help please

So im 16 years old and i finally decided that i want a wig. Im having trouble finding a place to get one. Can some one give me some advice were to getr one. I have a wig already but i didnt really get to pick it out. my mom and the wig lady basically picked it out and ignored what i said on it. I really dont like that wig either.

Added by lauren on May 31, 2009 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments


Hi :)

This past week I have come to realize;


b. Yes, my hair (Or lack of rather) looks odd


It has taken me a very long time to say that. when I was 6-10 all I wanted to do was keep my hair, then it fell out. 10-16 I just wanted to fit in with a natural looking wig and have no questions asked, it didn't work. 16 upto now I've kind of been a in a bit of a void, not really sure if I was comfortable… Continue

Added by Lizzie on May 31, 2009 at 6:41pm — 3 Comments


This is really hard for me to go thru without my husband to hold me hand. See he was turned into immigration and deported 5 months ago. I didnt start losing my hair until about 3 weeks ago. I still see him everyday on webcam and i can hear his voice thru conference call. But its not the same, I cant touch him, he cant hold me the way I need him to. He cant kiss me on my head and tell me that everything is going to be alright. All I want now is to sleep and only wake up when my passports get… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on May 31, 2009 at 10:08am — 2 Comments

do people just like to make you feel insecure or something?

some of my friends have asked me why dont u have eyebrows or eye lashes and my friend one time was like if you have eyebrows that you cant see put your hand in and she was like Rachel? people are just so rude sometimes! they just dont realize how hard it is to live like this! i dont have any friends with alopecia so no one understands sometime i just feel like im alone and have no one to go to!... i just want to fit in a be able to do whatever i want to my hair whenever i want to without having… Continue

Added by Rachel Taylor on May 30, 2009 at 9:12pm — 2 Comments

I am loosing my eyebrows!

I am totally freaking out now. I just noticed this morning that my eyebrows are falling out! i knew it would come to this but its happening so fast. I have been crying all day.

Added by Kristen Viveros on May 30, 2009 at 4:31pm — 15 Comments


Wow, I am feeling great! I just got back from participating in a Cops for Cancer event and yep... I have shaved my head. Well, it's a very close buzz, not razored. And I love it! It feels great to have shed that ugly, thin, flat, good-for-nothing bio hair. :)

Added by Tawny on May 30, 2009 at 4:28pm — 3 Comments

need answers!!

well ive now had hairloss for about 7wks now, and i would like to know if any1 has had problems with there scalp and head while losin there hair,
i have suffered pains in my head on both sides, and also had some headaches, my head is itchy and im still quite tired, has any1 else suffered these or different side affects of hairloss, will be grateful of any comments, thanks,

Added by lynne on May 30, 2009 at 4:11pm — 10 Comments

holy crap

wow it's been forever since i've been on here. sorry. well there's no way in hell i could describe what happened with tommy because it's kinda pathetic and im still hurting over it. to make a long story short, we started drifting and with each passing day of silence my depression deepened. we're not friends anymore, i haven't talked to him since his birthday when i said "happy birthday" and that was april 2nd. i really got depressed, not even kidding. i got into some stuff that i shouldn't have… Continue

Added by Courtney on May 29, 2009 at 1:48am — 1 Comment

The Greatest Love of All

I have been listening to alot of Whitney Houston lately, mainly because I feel like I wanted to sing on top of my lungs and Whitney Houston songs are quite fun to sing along to don't you think? haha

I came across the song "Greatest Love of All" and I am sure all of you must have heard of it. It is a classic. When I was young I used to sing it on Karaoke (yes, we asians love our karaoke!) Before you get any ideas, no I can't sing to save my life but it feels good to burst out in song… Continue

Added by Salmezan on May 28, 2009 at 6:42pm — 2 Comments

my life is good

i have been going through a lot these days and until today i thought this was the worst thing that could happen to me but i was wrong i could have cancer or have some1 close to me die and have my house burn down and stuff like that and now i feel pretty lucky just to have aa

not much happened 2day i have finals tomorrow and i am sooooooooooooo happy i only have 4 days until schools over

Added by Nikki Mans on May 28, 2009 at 6:03pm — 1 Comment

Adding graphics to your page.. anyone know the code or how?

Trying to figure out how to add images to my page/layout?

Added by Kami M. on May 28, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

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