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Happy Holidays!

Hello Alopecia World! Sorry I've been absent, things have been crazy. I hope everyone has been doing well and that all of your holidays are lovely!

xoxo Traci

Added by traci on December 21, 2008 at 11:26pm — 3 Comments

Conforming To Society

I was out at a bar playing some pool this weekend with a couple of my friends when we started to talk to some other people who where there doing the same. All was good and well until one of the girls decided to ask me why I prefer to look like a man. The question stopped me in my tracks. I asked her politley,while clentching on to my que as to not give her a good whack with it, Why she thinks that I prefer to look like a man. She said a combination of things ranging from my clothes, not wearing… Continue

Added by Amanda Crouse on December 20, 2008 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

In my dream...

For someone who portrays the world that she's OK with wearing a wig, I still finding myself having the same dream.

I wake up one morning, just like any other morning and start getting ready for work. I go through the routine of taking out the dog, showering, brushing my teeth, doing my makeup (all with the towel on my head) and them situating my wig before I leave for the office...

But this particular day is different because I have time to kill and notice my hair has… Continue

Added by Stephanie on December 20, 2008 at 4:29pm — 1 Comment

Biopsy Question! Please Answer!

Hi all!
I'm going for a biopsy this week that will (hopefully) shed some light on why I'm losing my hair. I am concerned with how much hair they'll need to remove for the test, however. Does anybody know how much they will take?
Also, how accurate are the results?
Please responds!

Added by Alexandra on December 20, 2008 at 3:17pm — 2 Comments

etsy and great scarves!

things are looking up
and i just found this great etsy store.. put this link in ur browser!

Added by Alison on December 20, 2008 at 2:20am — No Comments

Guess what Santa is bringing me for Christmas??????

As Christmas approaches it looks as thought Santa is bringing me another bout of Alopecia.

Having shaved all of my hair off last December to reveal a glorious map of the world on my head (40% of my hair had fallen out) I was a happy bald person. By August the patches had all disappeared and so I let me hair grow back. I still kept it short but I did have hair. A couple of weeks ago though I noticed a patch on the left side of my head just above the ear had developed and it’s getting… Continue

Added by Ray on December 19, 2008 at 7:24am — 2 Comments

Happy to have found others

Hi everyone, what a great forum! I have been lurking for a week or so and have found some answers to my questions. It's always best to hear the "truth" from others experiences, it's helped me greatly.
I have diffuse androgenic alopecia. Started thinning in my early 20's, now in my early 30's it's impossible to conceal it so I'm starting the journey...wigs, extensions..each seems to have their downfalls. So much information to learn and process for a first timer!

Added by NPC3 on December 18, 2008 at 9:55pm — 1 Comment

Older brother...

Today, my son got off the bus crying, and very upset. He said that his sister was on the bus and that her hat fell off when she stood up. His friends began asking what is wrong with your sister, and I guess that he didn't know what to say or do. I never thought about how he was going to deal with his sister having alopecia, I was just worried about her. After talking to him and trying to console hime without crying myself, I think he felt better. I guess that we are going to have some really… Continue

Added by bugzmom on December 18, 2008 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

What Do You Pray For?

I consider myself a spiritual person, and often find myself in prayer for my daughter's Alopecia. But I often wonder, am I praying for the right thing? What are others praying for? How should I pray? Please check out/join my new group, "The Prayer Group" if you are an Alopecian in need of or wanting to pray.

Added by Kayreyn on December 17, 2008 at 11:51pm — 10 Comments

are u the only one in your family with alopicia

my brother also had it sadly he passed away only eight weeks ago . he was 15 months older than me , i was first to get it aged 7 then it grew back till i was 11 then it was total hair loss . my brothers didnt start falling out till he was 15 it never completly fell out just patches and it grew back white although he did lose his eye brows and lashes i think it was harder for him he was very embarrased about t and never spoke about it he went through the comb over period and even once tried… Continue

Added by sharon on December 17, 2008 at 6:43pm — 10 Comments

the old man in the woods

walking through the woods i came across a man siting on a tree.

in tattered clothes and dirty beard he was a sight to see.

i said hey old timer what brings you down this way.

he looked up at me with eyes ancient and wise like dark liquid pools.

i could not look away his gaze was so intence.

he gestured with one frail hand for me to take a seat

and with a voice as if spoken from the woods them selves

he says stay and rest your weary feet...

i could not… Continue

Added by brian kirchman on December 16, 2008 at 1:57pm — 2 Comments

when life just gets to ya, at christmas no less

so life is gettin me down. i havent felt this crap in a long long time, just last week i was doing sooooooooo good.


just my hubby is having trouble with his work, they have laid heaps of people off now they are tryng to get him to resign and have put him on leave.

he needs a new job.. we have very little money and i am trying very hard to work as many hours as possible.

i'm trying not to show how stressed i am, we havent told our families this is going on, just… Continue

Added by Alison on December 16, 2008 at 6:13am — 2 Comments


I was feeling pretty good when I started to notice some new hair on my bald spots but then, alas a new spot and this time it is right in front of my hair cannot hide cannot hide. I really dont know what to do now. I hate the way the lace wig looks, I have a weave in now but thats going to become impossible if the spot continues in the front of my hair plus it takes forever to do and is expensive. I am thinking about buying a wig but I dont know if I will like it.

what to do? what to… Continue

Added by Tamara Dixon on December 14, 2008 at 8:36am — 5 Comments

Locks of Love

Can I just say how freaking weird is it that, when I had long long hair beautiful black thick Asian hair I donated more than once to Locks of Love... isn't that freaking nuts.

So maybe... I can go get an expensive wig and maybe I'll just be buying my own freaking hair back!!!

Naw, I'm just pissed because I didn't feel like dressing up at all and I went Christmas shopping and from the back this lady calls to me and was like excuse me miss and I turned around and I don't… Continue

Added by suzie on December 13, 2008 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

A Bald Woman's Journey Back to Love

Cheryl Carvery with and without hair I was camping one day in 1991 when a friend asked, “Why do you shave the back of your head and around your ears?”

I had no idea what my friend was talking about. So I found a mirror, looked closely at my head of long, thick hair, and was shocked to discover that large bald spots were developing on the sides and in the back of my head.

Confused and afraid, I consulted a doctor who told me that I was experiencing patchy hair loss (alopecia areata) due to…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on December 13, 2008 at 1:00am — 23 Comments

Let is grow, let it grow, let it grow

It started on a whim….OK, that’s not totally true. I was sitting next to the woodstove Sunday night watching a football game (in between resting my eyes) and was just too dang comfortable to get up & shave. Monday was another day I told myself, reasoning a nice hot shave would start the week off right. Well, Monday morning brought snow & cold so, not wanting to shave before going out to the barn, I decided to wait until I came back in. Of course when I came in I had to have a cup of… Continue

Added by Tony on December 12, 2008 at 1:35pm — 4 Comments

My daughter finally has her appointment today

I have never been so nervous. I have never met this doctor,and I have no clue how or if she'll be willing to help my daughter. We go today at 10:30.

Added by Tammy -mom of Ramsey on December 12, 2008 at 8:57am — 2 Comments

Music blog asks, What Rhymes with Alopecia?

I just happened upon this great blog post and article from "Creative Loafing" magazine about the lead MC from Atmosphere, a contemporary hip hop group, who talked about how alopecia affected his artistic career. I didn't find anything about it when I searched Alopecia World, so I figured I'd share it in my debut AW blog post :)

Here's his take, which I think is very poignant and hits on a key… Continue

Added by Audrey on December 11, 2008 at 12:12pm — 7 Comments

My journey with AA - 7 weeks in

Hi again everyone. Well my hair is still falling out but has slowed down 'heaps'. Patches of stubble are now going smooth and still no real sign of growth. Oh well, I'm getting quite use to wearing my hat and strangely no one has asked why. I've never been a hat person before, hot and sweaty things they are.

I've finaly let my father in law loose on my head with his Enar (Enero Nuro Adaptive Regulation) machine. It's a wee Russian (no drugs) invention devised as a 'repeatable… Continue

Added by Karen on December 10, 2008 at 8:45pm — 4 Comments

Herbal Versus Medicinal Hair Loss Treatments

Whether you are suffering from hereditary baldness or alopecia areata, the key to your successful treatment is to identify the most suitable remedy for your current condition. Although there is no ultimate cure available for most of the known hair loss conditions, some treatments can help you slow down the balding process or even recover a portion of the lost hair. Professional consultation is strongly recommended to start with. Dermatologists will typically prescribe medicinal treatments such… Continue

Added by Dody on December 10, 2008 at 10:38am — No Comments

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