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Has anyone used or heard good things about this prouct?? Thanks Stephanie

Added by stephanie robertson on November 11, 2008 at 9:27am — 1 Comment

thanks to everyone

Thanks to everyone who is helping me find a new scarf. I have looked at these and it is a hard decision. I want it to be perfect, I wanted to wear it to my winter formal, but cannot seem able to find one that goes with a long dress. My dress is green and blue with lots of sparkle. However; I have found lots of new scarfs to wear to school everyday. Thanks again to everyone for their help.

Added by Amy on November 11, 2008 at 9:23am — 2 Comments

My journey with AA - 11 Nov 08

Hi again

My hair is still falling out and I'm getting fed up with trying to hide the patches on my hair - so why bother. If people notice, they notice, it's time for me to just get used to it (as hard as that really is).

I went back to the doctors today to talk about starting some multi vitimins. He agreed with me that they wouldn't hurt and who knows. I have decided that this is my way of doing 'something'. All I have read and been told to do seems to have it's good and bad. I… Continue

Added by Karen on November 11, 2008 at 1:59am — 1 Comment

My journey with AA - 9 Nov 08

9th Nov 08 - Happy Birthday to me. 37, overweight, hair falling out and what is there needs a dye touch up to cover those greys again. Me and hubby have decided to hold back on dying my hair or straightening it at the moment which is driving me a little insaine (grey hair really stands out when you have almost black hair). Oh well, never mind - ya get that aye.

37 seems rather old today, I've never had issues with my age but 37 seems different.

Hair loss quite bad today… Continue

Added by Karen on November 11, 2008 at 1:52am — No Comments

i love the lord :)))))))))))))))))))

i like zac!!!

we were passing notes in science today. this is what happened :)

me:hey i forgot to ask, i thot u were gonna ask abbey out on friday?

zac:i was but this other girl keeps talking to me in science. (that girl would be ME!)

me:oh really? what do u mean mean by that?

zac:i think u know

me:i think ik 2. explain?

zac:ill tell u on myspace

me:aw cmon patience isnt part of my nature!

so ya :) tommy says im too happy :) cuz i put :)… Continue

Added by Courtney on November 10, 2008 at 5:39pm — 1 Comment

It's been an interesting week.

Since shaving my head, I have been experimenting with different colored scarves. I also got a small tattoo behind my ear.

Recognize it? It's the blue Alopecia awareness ribbon. :]

The artist is a friend of mine who has Lupus, and she has the lupus awareness ribbon tattooed in the same fashion.

Last Wednesday, I met up with Debbie Fuller while she was in North Carolina and was fitted for a Freedom Wig, in case I decide to buy one later on.… Continue

Added by Melody on November 10, 2008 at 5:07pm — 10 Comments


i still have some hair left. but when i shave it what is the best way to keep a wig on? thanks steph

Added by stephanie robertson on November 10, 2008 at 8:09am — No Comments

My first tattoo

I'm so proud. I have wanted to get a tattoo for as long as I can remember, but I always put it off. I figured it was a stupid idea for me.... I was worried about how much it would hurt, and all that stuff...

NOT anymore! I took the bull by the horns and did it. I got my first (of what will probably be MANY tattoos).

I spent a lot of time researching and ended up going to a local guy who is well known in our community and does GREAT work. I'm so happy with… Continue

Added by Reen on November 9, 2008 at 10:43pm — 5 Comments

Change change change

So it's been awhile since I was last online here and awhile since I last posted anything in my blog.I wanted to talk about my very new wig...I just picked it up 2 days ago. Backtracking a bit here, over the summer I was in NY and got myself a full lace wig and had nothing but problems with it. I learned that I am allergic to the adhesive. I also learned that since it was "off the shelf" instead of custom made it didn't really fit as well as it should/could have.

After much… Continue

Added by amanda~ on November 9, 2008 at 8:39pm — 3 Comments



Added by kay kay on November 9, 2008 at 6:40pm — No Comments

hello taylor and all her new friends

this is aunt kathi. taylor, i signed on to this wonderful site, and just wanted to say hello and we are all so proud of you. love and we miss you

Added by kathleen tremont on November 9, 2008 at 12:55pm — No Comments


has anyone heard of regenix for hairloss?

Added by stephanie robertson on November 9, 2008 at 12:40pm — 1 Comment


has anyone ever bought a wig from freeda wigs?

Added by stephanie robertson on November 9, 2008 at 12:08pm — No Comments

looking for new scarf

Hi everyone. Good Morning
I am looking for a new scarf. i want one that fits like a doo rag but has long ties so that ties go down my back, Does anyone know where i can find one of these. I have looked and looked but can not find one. can anyone help me ?

Added by Amy on November 9, 2008 at 9:14am — 4 Comments

twin alopecians

hey there,

i find it fascinating that there are so many alopecians that are twins. I am an identical twin and for so long i thought that there was very few twins that had alopecia. now i read there are heaps of you! and some even loose their hair at the same time!

my twin doesn't have alopecia but has that anxiety about getting it. i can say for sure it has been difficult for her to see me loose my hair and my identity with depression. it was really hard for me as we always had… Continue

Added by Alison on November 8, 2008 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

new hear

trying to make friends

Added by kay kay on November 8, 2008 at 9:07pm — No Comments

Just another day

I like the cold weather.....I can wear my hair down and throw a hat on....not worry about the wind blowing my hair so my spots will show... I went to my doc yesterday...I told her my hair was still coming out and asked if she knew anything that can be taken while pregnant....i was referred to a dermatologist. I almost dont see the point of going... more blood work more test, will it really help or is it just a waste of my time?


on a happy note.... WE GOT A PUPPY!!! he is sooo… Continue

Added by May on November 8, 2008 at 8:42pm — No Comments

If someone here who can help me with something.

I am a college student, and in my english class, I have to write a informative essay. So I have to leave my emotions out of it. I chose to do mine about alopecia. Nearly every one I have came across, has never heard about it. I would like to write about it, because I have it, and this is my oportunity to teach people about it. I am going to attach it at the bottom. I don't need help writing it, I am just hoping that if I left some important information out, that some of you may know, and could… Continue

Added by StAsHiA on November 7, 2008 at 10:58pm — 3 Comments

Should I have a baby?


today, this morning (friday morning, here in Germany..), my husband

surprised me with asking me, maybe to cheer me up a little?, in a

very sweet way, if there was a "chance for us" to have a baby..

We had discussed this "question" several times, and so-far, he

always had said, he might feel it´s "too-early" for us to think about

it ... in a more-serious way than just like "romantic dreams"..

and today, this morning, he said, "you are so beautiful,… Continue

Added by Hannah Sylberstein on November 7, 2008 at 9:49am — 8 Comments


i've recently found a way to vent about my problems without telling anyone the extent of it. MUSIC MY SAVIOR! i wrote 3 songs! all about tommy. it really helped. ill think about posting them, but they're pretty ammature. i doutb they're very good. i don't even think u could call them songs. i don't have any music for them. at the moment they're just poems i add music to in my head. ill be writing more just cuz it helps so much. i write down exactly how i feel at that moment and nothing else.… Continue

Added by Courtney on November 6, 2008 at 10:25pm — 1 Comment

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