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The Samurai and the Zen Master - A Japanese Story

A certain sumurai had a reputation for impatient and hot-tempered behaviour. A Zen Master, well known for his excellent cooking, decided that the warrior needed to be taught a lesson before he became any more dangerous. He invited the samurai to dinner.

The samurai arrived at the appointed time. The Zen master told him to make himself comfortable while he finished preparing the food. A long time passed. The samurai waited impatiently. After a while he called out: "Zen Master - have… Continue

Added by Carol on October 20, 2008 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Fuel the Fire

I sit here trying to figure out what I'm suppose to be learning from this experience! Where am I to grow from here? I KNOW with 110% certainty that there are NO accidents in life! God has a plan for me! Somedays I am too stubborn, too angry, or too scared to accept this new path. I feel like I should have the Serenity Prayer tattooed on me So that I remember I can not change things!!

So, if I can not change things for myself ... How can I MAKE A DIFFERENCE? How can I help others? How… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on October 20, 2008 at 11:09am — No Comments


Does anyone have an account on It's a fun site, let me know if you do! :)

Added by traci on October 20, 2008 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Alopecia is wonderful sometimes!

I was sitting in the lunchroom at work when this cute guy I've been secretly looking at for a little while sat next to me. After finding out that he was a genetics student at the university here I thought I would clarify something for myself (and others as it related to a recent question asked on AW). It actually sparked quite the conversation and we talked about alopecia for a little while before he shyly admitted to having psoriasis (although you'd never know).

Now normally I was… Continue

Added by Carol on October 19, 2008 at 9:22pm — 1 Comment

Fun with Bald Heads!!

Just in case any of you need a laugh!!!

See the resemblance??

I think that ALL of you should try this..........…


Added by Rachel on October 19, 2008 at 7:04pm — 1 Comment

finally feeling good!

Hi everyone...well it's been 1 full week and god do I love my vacuum piece. I'm starting to feel good again when I get ready. It's really becoming part of me! i wanted to thank all of you who helped me through this week cuz it was one of the roughest weekends of my life (last week). I was so glad to have found this site and all of you! I'm in a good space and hope you are all feeling good too. I've come to the realization that I'm not's just my hair is gone! And to tell you the… Continue

Added by kelley on October 19, 2008 at 6:20pm — 5 Comments

And its done.....

WAHOO!!!! I wish it wasn't so patchy in back. I would LOVE to go out, bald and proud...but the back of my head looks like a soccer ball. Any suggestions on ways to minimize the difference in colors in the back??

And one more of the long one again....…


Added by Rachel on October 19, 2008 at 1:14pm — 9 Comments


Wow, is all I think each time we look on this site. I am still in awe for all of you wonderful people. I wanted to post an update on the dilema that Nicky is facing at school. It seems as if this site as opened up a new world for Nicky. He doesn't concentrate on his alopecia as much anymore since he has seen a whole world of people that live with his diagnosis. It seems as if when he gained more self confidence/self acceptance that his peers accepted him more. Things are going better for him.… Continue

Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on October 19, 2008 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Live Life to the Fullest

Life is short so we have to make the best out of it. I never realise I had so many supportive friends and family around before AU. I really appreciate it and thanks God for that. He may take away my precious hair but He gave me something special in return that no amount of money can buy.

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all who have supported me during the darkest days of my life including those who take the trouble to read my profile and blogs. Now, I know what it… Continue

Added by 3mee on October 19, 2008 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

Not again! NOT AGAIN!


I just asked my husband to check the top of my head as something up there did not feel right. Another missing patch of hair!!!!!! It's a perfect circle in the size of a quarter, in the middle of my center part toward the back.

Hair has been falling out like crazy lately. This morning and this evening I was running my hands through my hair and pulling out entire strands my the dozens. In the shower my hands have been covered in hairs… Continue

Added by Georgie on October 18, 2008 at 11:37pm — 2 Comments

A little positive thinking

I love quotes, especially if they motivate or inspire. Here are a few that I have found helpful:

- "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Harold R. McAlindon

- "You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind." ANON

- "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall." Confucius

- "Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an… Continue

Added by Carol on October 18, 2008 at 5:37pm — 4 Comments

It's been a while

Things at work and with my family have been a little insane the last couple of weeks.

I did have a funny run-in a car door and my wig the other day. It almost fell clean off in front of two co-workers. Thankfully, it was two people I'm rather close to, so we all laughed it off.

It's comforting to work in an environment where nearly everyone knows about my hair.

I've been sharing a lot with my supervisor about this community. She survived a near-fatal bout of… Continue

Added by Stephanie on October 18, 2008 at 2:40am — No Comments


ok. justin is starting to CREEP ME OUT. he like stalking me!!! i have to sit with someone evryday so he doesnt sit w/ me and even then he sits as close as possible. and he shows up in my class rooms. hes in 8th grade!!! he wont leave me alone.

justin said tommy was making fun of me :( he didnt say wat about and idk if its true but im sad ):

im not speaking to spencer. he high fived me so hard today my hand is bruised. no joke.

im getting my new phone tomoro… Continue

Added by Courtney on October 18, 2008 at 12:25am — 1 Comment

Does Joe Plumber have Alopecia?

Does joe Plumber have Alopecia?
In some of the photos I would say yes.
Close inspection.....Just Another Bald
What do you think?

Hope all are well,


Added by JeffreySF on October 17, 2008 at 10:26pm — 4 Comments


Well heres another story, last week i went on a date with a guy called Martin, he works for the auto mobile service.(The aa in the west midlands)

I first met up with him last friday and he seemed really nice, however i did have a wig on when i first saw him but he knew i was bald.

I actually thought i had met a nice guy for a change, how wrong could i have been.

When i met up with him again on the Sunday i didnt have a wig on and his face was a picture he didnt like the… Continue

Added by claire on October 17, 2008 at 2:30pm — 9 Comments


Everyone in my family wants to know what i can POSSIBLY be so stressed about. I'm 21, with a good job, going to school and living at home. I'll agree, right now, my life is pretty low stress, and I'm thankful for it. BUT... I have moments where I'm absolutely ready to tear my non-existant hair out.

My sister is 15. She's a sweet girl, and someone I would do anything for, but we are also polar opposites. We are 6 years apart in age, and completely different people. She's very into her… Continue

Added by Reen on October 16, 2008 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

I feel so at home...

I just found this website today, and I just wanted to say that I have never felt so at home, it's wonderful!!

I have never met anyone with Alopecia before, I really had no idea there were so many of us. I feel like there was a large chunk missing from my life and now I have found it. I have so many questions, so I thought I would start by asking how do you parents out there with alopecia deal with school functions, I am so afraid that the kids at my daughters school are going to make… Continue

Added by Mandy Reece on October 16, 2008 at 8:28pm — 3 Comments


I went back to see Linda to have my new LONG wig fitted. Its definitely not for everyday wear, but something fun to wear once in a while....

I also had Linda shave my head using clippers last night. My head is still patchy, but looks much better. My head is so fuzzy - I just want to rub it all the… Continue

Added by Rachel on October 16, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Halle Berry will be bald in her new movie Nappily Ever After!

Ladies and gentlemen it seems Ms. Berry will be shaving her head bald to play a woman who looses her hair and forced to deal with the perceptions of women without hair. I believe this is based off a book that won a few awards. It sounds very interesting and I think it'll be good. What do you all think?

Added by Leon Johnson on October 16, 2008 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments


Okay, so everyone knows by now (if you read my blogs) that I moved back home to Nashville from Memphis just under a month ago. So while I am saving my money to get a nice new tricked out laptop, I am using my mom's computer to get back into the swing of writing regularly to let everyone know what is going on in my life.

First and foremost, I have missed everyone terribly!!! I've had the chance to talk to some of you on the phone, I IM everyone when I can, and I think of you all… Continue

Added by kastababy on October 16, 2008 at 10:47am — 5 Comments

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