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thanks to every one

I wanna thank everyone who has sent me messages, and comments welcoming to the site, its soo cool to see how nice everyone is here. i can say for sure that there is no other social networking site out there like this,



Added by ☆Joseph Giallombardo☆ on September 6, 2008 at 6:54pm — 3 Comments

I'm not having a good day. My eyebrows are almost all the way gone and my eyelashes are going too. I started losing eyelashes yesterday and by today, there are patches left. Ugh! I don't even look li…

I'm not having a good day. My eyebrows are almost all the way gone and my eyelashes are going too. I started losing eyelashes yesterday and by today, there are patches left. Ugh! I don't even look like me anymore Continue

Added by Rachel on September 6, 2008 at 3:30pm — 8 Comments

It's about time...

I have had Alopecia Areata since I was four years old and have done everything I can think of to hide it from others. I would often times style my hair put on so much hair spray to keep in place.. making sure that no one can see my spots. It worked when I was younger but as I got older the spots got bigger and were not growing anything. I got my first wig when I was 15 and it was really hard to except, but once again I did everything I could to ensure my secret was kept. Only family and close… Continue

Added by Dame on September 6, 2008 at 9:29am — 3 Comments

Is it true?

But we know, of course, that lookism and other forms of appearance-based discrimination is no joke. Therefore, how do you think you can take a stand against the scourge?

Added by rj, Co-founder on September 6, 2008 at 8:41am — 2 Comments

The Big One in California....

We just had a semi big earthquack in SFO 900PM
We almost went down!!! OMG I'll post the Ricter scale magnitude as soon as it's available.

I dont think we are an island yet.


Added by JeffreySF on September 6, 2008 at 12:00am — 7 Comments



I've been thinking about the years I've worn wigs, hairpieces and after reading some of the blogs and pages here, I thought it would be a good idea to share my knowledge, advice, skills, etc with you all. Below are some of the sites I've shopped at and still shop at when needed. Also, I've rated them, please add your sites and advice. I think this would be helpful to those newly diagnosed who… Continue

Added by Linda on September 5, 2008 at 5:20pm — 10 Comments

Good day all

Thanks for those of you who commented/read my blogs, especially for not throwing stones as my complaining and venting had nothing to do with alopecia, here on my alopecia profile. At any rate. I'm going to be just fine. While I can not see the future I know that I will always protect my children, thanks to all of you who pointed out who foolish I was acting. I actually was unable to sleep because I couldn't stop planning for today. I wish I had logged on sooner ... maybe then I would not have… Continue

Added by Carmella on September 5, 2008 at 3:06pm — 5 Comments

Post Script

you know what makes it even worse!? I spent all day doing extra cleaning, taking care of the kids needs and I even gave myself a facial and did my makeup extra sultury for when he came home... and now it's smeared with tears and he wouldn't care anyway.

Added by Carmella on September 4, 2008 at 11:09pm — 3 Comments

It all started....

It started with him forgeting to kiss me when he got out of the car. Soon he was spending a couple of nights a week on the couch "so as not to wake me because he couldn't sleep". The next thing I know he's going out for drinks until two am in the morning with 'people from work'. We've never done anything apart in over three years of marriage (I'm not saying this is a good thing) in fact he demanded I cut contact with every friend I've ever had and I complied :(

Now he wants 500 dollars to… Continue

Added by Carmella on September 4, 2008 at 11:02pm — 3 Comments


1st period-science: keith and astrid fighting. like always. astrid dives in to hit keith with her binder and missed. ends up on the floor.

spencer: courtney. do u like to draw?

me: ya.

spencer: cuz i saw ur cultural bag project in ms. coudens room. it was really good.

me: thanks. *smiles*

spencer: could u draw me somethin?

me: like what?

spencer: anything, i dog, a cat, whatever.

me: "i need a picture to look at."

spencer (he…

Added by Courtney on September 4, 2008 at 5:37pm — 5 Comments

Stories and Questions

So, I've worn my new wig to work this week. It has been easier than I thought. Its funny because I have had people following me around all week telling me I look 'sassy'. HA! It has also been easier to talk about to the people I work with and go to classes with. I knew that as soon as I wore it, I was going to have to explain to people do didn't already know. It has been better than I expected. But, the first time I wore it out with some friends, I sat in the car and cried before I went… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 4, 2008 at 4:35pm — 3 Comments


hey all! i was wondering if anyone out there has facebook? i sometimes forget to check my page here but im on facebook like EVERYDAY and it would be nice to have some friends there too!

find me: amanda raleigh 18 st.paul mn usa!

Added by Amanda on September 4, 2008 at 4:26pm — 2 Comments

Alopecians in Los Angeles needed for college project TV PSA.

Hello Fellow Alopecians,

My name is Annette and I have had alopecia for over 8 yrs. I am very new to AlopeciaWorld and love the support I am getting. I am a full time Television Production student at Cal State University Northridge and I working on a short Public Service Announcement for a class project. I need a few people with alopecia as on camera talent for my project as it deals with Alopecia and support for Alopecia. Please contact me if you are interested for more details. It would… Continue

Added by Annette Duran on September 4, 2008 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Latest instalment of new hair

The new hair i found a month ago has now turned brown and there are lots of new growth on the top of my head again this new is only white fluff but maybe it will go the same way as the other hair has. My eyes have begun to really annoy me now as they are so itchy and irritated at the moment i can only hope that this means that i have eyelashes coming in but that shall remain to be seen.

Added by Emma on September 3, 2008 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Dont laugh at me....

Ok where do I start...Everyone who has children knows what it is like to love them so much it hurts and just to think of some one hurting them can tear your heart out of your chest. That is how I feel for all three of my kids, but my daughter has a special place in my heart, she has the condition called Alopecia Areata Universal. She lives a normal life like every other kid out there, she just doesnt have hair. My worst fear is her being made fun of and how she is going to handle it. Last night… Continue

Added by MARIA (mom of Savanna) on September 3, 2008 at 6:51pm — 10 Comments

Great News!

This weekend comming up, my boyfriend is bringing me to Edmonton, so I can get my first wig! Im excited, scared, nervous..but I cant wait. Maybe this will help boost my confidence..We'll see. I cut my hair yesterday too its short..but kind of cute..I'll post pictures ASAP.
Other great news, My boyfriend is also, getting me a puppy this weekend!! :) :) God Love Him!! Im so excited, this will be a good weekend comming up!

Added by Chelsea McGee on September 3, 2008 at 5:59pm — 6 Comments

The secret is out!

I was initially going to keep alopecia a secret from everyone I worked with but it's been slowly seeping out. I was walking home from work one day and it was soooo hot out that halfway home I ripped the wig off. Although I know I shouldn't, I tucked my wig away in my purse on the side of a busy street. Shortly afterwards I ran into a woman I work with and didn't realize she wouldn't recognize me but I said hi anyways and kept walking. About five steps beyond her she turned and out came… Continue

Added by Carol on September 3, 2008 at 2:58pm — 5 Comments

Well.... Here I am

Lol umm I didn't know that a site like this existed till a new myspace friend of mine had recommend it,
I'm glad to see others like me, I think I am over excited,

Added by ☆Joseph Giallombardo☆ on September 2, 2008 at 11:23pm — 3 Comments

Quick Question

My head has been itchy, basically since all this this began a few weeks ago. Oh man, has it been itchy!! But a few days ago, my head started to feel achy. Its only on the right side of my head. I am missing a big patch on the right side. I was just wondering if this is normal, or if it is something I should go back to the doctor early? I have an appointment on the 16th, to talk about the topical temovate treatment (which is NOT working). Am I okay to wait to go back to see him, or should I go… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 2, 2008 at 2:34pm — 7 Comments

I've gone National...kinda!

Hey Fam, I'm on a National committee for the federal government, it is the National Civil Rights Leadership Committee. I received a notice that it is time to update the picture on our website and poster. After pondering for hmmm, let me see, 2 seconds, I decided to send a shot of the "GREAT BALDINI" aka me with my new Bald look. The poster is displayed throughout the country in every state, area office, the website is seen by thousands of employees. I expect I'll get questions, so far I've only… Continue

Added by Linda on September 1, 2008 at 11:13pm — 7 Comments

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