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Anyone tried this way?

I currently am using DCP .05% for nearly 2months, little improvements(used it ages ago too and had a full recovery) tho this time nothing definite of yet. I heard my friend had a very good result with hydrocortisone cream 1% so thinking of adding this with my treatment... :)

IT WORKED, praise the LORD :)

Added by Humbled on May 7, 2015 at 12:57am — No Comments

Hormones, Chronic Fatigue, PCOS and Alopecia

About 6 months ago I was diagnosed with PCOS - Polycystic ovary syndrome.  About three and a half years before that I started losing my hair in patches and it resulted in total loss all over my head.  This happened twice within one year.  Prior to that I went off birth control and was hospitalized for a terrible staph infection.  All my life I have suffered from Chronic Fatigue which was flaring up during my alopecia outbreaks.

Since then I am happy to report and…


Added by HilEspi on May 6, 2015 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Nails for Christmas

I'm sure that like many people with alopecia I look at my nails sometimes in frustration.

As a female with no hair I like to decorate my nails. But they never grow, they peal, have pits and ridges.

A month or so ago I found a multi vitamin with 300% daily recommendation for biotin. I had read a number of times that biotin helps nails. Although many also say it was unproved.

I took most of the 30 tablets and did seem to feel was some growth. But I think I expected more… Continue

Added by KFlame on May 6, 2015 at 1:45am — 5 Comments

Help for FFA - Does a change in diet help?

In February I was diagnosed with FFA however I noticed my hair falling out in great numbers last summer. In early January before I was officially diagnosed I began an experiment with diet. I tried an elimination diet for about six weeks and around the third week I noticed my hair loss decreased dramatically. I have done some online research about this and found out that gluten may be the culprit to my autoimmune disorder likely triggered by stress (since I've gone back to school at the age…


Added by Linda H on May 5, 2015 at 4:07pm — 1 Comment

My life is hard with alopecia

I'm currently 16, yeah I'm a teenager that's what makes this worse. I struggle constantly with everything going on in my life and I blame it on alopecia. I wonder and ask God everyday why me? Why put more stress on me other than a normal person. I wish people wouldn't judge me or look at me different. I want my hair back, I would feel so normal and happy. I'm not gonna lie but I blame alopecia for everything, I guess you can call it a cover up, but it's one thing I believe that makes me…


Added by autumn on May 5, 2015 at 4:00am — 25 Comments

Can alopecia areata be caused by a dog allergy?

Hi everyone

I bought a border terrier for my children in November 2014 ,all was well until feb when i startted losing my hair in small circles within 4 weeks 70% of my hair & beard had gone ,i went to the doctor's & also paid to see a specialist but was told it just happens & maybe i was stressed (im not at all) i told them the only thing that had changed in my life & environment was the introduction of a dog ,as a child i was never exposed to dogs…


Added by pablonitro on May 4, 2015 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Alopecia makes me feel sooooooo bad

Need help friends who can share there experience with alopiciae... I'm soooo tired:()(
I don't feel confedance any more.. :(((

Added by Amouna on May 3, 2015 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Other treatments for alopecia besides injections in the head?

First of all may I say "Ouch" when it comes to the injections in your head. I am going to a new dermatologist for the first time and am looking for other solutions besides getting shots in my head. As these were very painful it was the first and last time I will be getting injections in my head.

Any thoughts or suggestions on other treatments and or alternative treatments! Please get back to me! I would rather be bald than go through that…


Added by BarbaraK on May 1, 2015 at 12:00pm — 29 Comments

My very bad hair day

I had been bonding for 3 years and just recently noticed that when I detach/reattach I no longer have to shave the top of my head.  I always thought that one day, maybe when I retire I'd stop wearing hair and just cut my hair really short like Annie…


Added by Bridgid Weber on April 28, 2015 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Searching for some active members of the alopecia world society in the Phoenix Arizona area.


I live in Phoenix Arizona and I'm searching for an opportunity to become more involved in the Alopecia community here in AZ. I have had a very positive experience growing up with Alopecia and I want to share my experiences with others in my community. I have developed a way of thinking that I think may benefit someone struggling with Alopecia, male or female. I can even share some of my experiences with anyone who wants to hear them. I would love to at least be someone…


Added by Isaac on April 28, 2015 at 6:43pm — 1 Comment

Just some Words (poem)


Don't wanna be the victim,

Don't wanna play the part,

My false sense of self is tearing me apart.

I'm done telling myself lies

I'm done hearing myself cry,

The way i lived my past wont be the way that I die.

I didn't waste those years for nothing,

I didn't give'em away for free,

the things I've hated about myself,

they aren't really me.

I guess I did it to see how bad it hurt,

I guess I lit it to see how bad it…


Added by Leif Rautenbach Bridgman on April 27, 2015 at 3:34am — 1 Comment

Rogaine 5% Foam

Hi, I am wondering if any of you are using Rogaine 5% foam, or have used it.  I am about to start and looking for information on technique, success and possible side effects.  


AW Related Discussions:

Added by yukonalopecia on April 24, 2015 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Aelopecia in India

For women leaving in India,  with Aelopecia very much problematic. 
there is no awareness about this disease. we want to form some foundation who support n help the aelopecia people. it is need of people like us, who leaving with aelopecia.I request all people here to help us n guide us, what to do???
n i request all Indian with aelopecia who is member of this group, please come together n co operate in this work. 

Added by ketaki on April 23, 2015 at 6:16am — No Comments

Lessons learned from my students & alopecia

I am a high school teacher along with running my business. In high school, I teach some tough kids, the kids that don't love school, the ones that have many other issues that make school seem meaningless and the kids that teach me everyday in one way or another.  I love both my jobs.

I decided to share my story about my hair loss with my students this year and with my high school volleyball team that I coach.  The result was complete understanding and empathy from all of the students.…


Added by Jennifer Krahn on April 17, 2015 at 7:30pm — 12 Comments

I find myself looking at other women's hair

When Im out doing errands or at the mall or park, I sometimes look at some ladies parts or hairline. A nice amount of time I can see that they are wearing a wig or closure, but I have been noticing more some women with thinning hair I feel like I want to go up to them and just try to be friends with them talk to them. Before I had my son I would just style my thin hair pretty much like a comb over lol. Some days it didnt seem so bad but other days it look like a Donald trump comb over. I didn't… Continue

Added by Alta on April 14, 2015 at 9:09am — 4 Comments


What's your best way to go swimming without showing your hairloss? Is there wigs out there for that. I started to wear a silk closure with clips sew into it but when summer comes i don't know how to hide my hairloss, I would just avoid it but my son loves water. I want him to have a fun summer.

Added by Alta on April 11, 2015 at 11:42am — 6 Comments

Thinning hair ruined my relationship!

Never felt so broken, my boyfriend left me because of my thinking hair.. I wish I didn't have it. Never going to meet anyone because of it :(

Added by Natasha on April 7, 2015 at 3:46pm — 6 Comments

Follea wig

Does anyone know how long they last for, how many years?

Added by sarah bradley on April 7, 2015 at 7:30am — 3 Comments

Dating advice

So I have read the horror stories on here about what happened when someone had informed their significant other about their alopecia. Since 2008, I have been inflicted with AA and having really done much dating until recently. I have been wearing wigs and sometimes it gets rough and frustrating due to some of the constant pain wigs can create

Well now I find myself in a weird and unfamiliar place. I am currently dating a great guy who seems to be genuinely into me. He has questioned…


Added by Dedi on April 6, 2015 at 7:30pm — 32 Comments

Newbie parent of child with AA

Hello,my name is Scott,I am the father of a 10 year old girl recently diagnosed with AA. It all started roughly 7-8 months ago. My wife Annabell and I found a small quarter sized bald patch on my daughters head.My daughter,Railyn,already knew of the spot on her head however,she was scare to come to us. She is at the point now,where she has lost almost 50% of her hair,even more possibly.

I'd like to add that Railyn has allergies too milk,eggs and peanuts,among others,milk being a…


Added by pippinrox on April 3, 2015 at 11:33am — 5 Comments

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