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I'm still very consious about my total hairloss

For 26 years now I have had hair on my mind. I sometimes dream of having hair. I grew up with a very full head of thick medium brown hair. Sometimes I wished I didn't have so much hair as it took me so much time to care for it. So after the hair loss began, I started searching out wigs that would make me feel more like "myself".  It took we a while to get used to them as the ones I first tried were synthetic and didn't feel like real hair.  After about 20 years I was able to afford real…


Added by Lou on November 7, 2013 at 7:12am — 1 Comment

Bold forever after

Hey people,

Sometimes i wish my life is a fairy tale and in the end my hair will grow back and i marry this handsome bratt pitt lookalike.

I dream about it a lot but in the end, in the real world, my hair will never grow back.

At least thats what the docters told me last summer. My hormonal cream didnt work. So i had to start accepting my boldness.

Almost 4 months later (now) i only wear hats or scarfs for fun sometimes. But most of the days im just bold, at home, at…


Added by Karlijn on November 7, 2013 at 5:30am — 5 Comments

Edmonton Alberta, I want to get involved!!!

Hi everyone,

My name is Michael, (ankle Mike) to my beloved simone aka Chimz my lovely niece. I'm a store manager at the Home Depot in the westend of Edmonton, AB, Canada. I'm wanting to offer a kids workshop at my store on a Saturday to drive awareness around alopecia and to have some fun with the kids. I will be providing all the kids workshop materials, aprons for the kids, a tour of my store and a snack for the day. This will be open to families that have kids with alopecia and…


Added by ankle mike on November 7, 2013 at 3:46am — No Comments

Sad today

So sad today - my son (9 years) got one spot 10 weeks ago - now it starts getting bigger - I am just so sad and scared.... we can´t do anything about it - he is already my 3. child with alopecia...... need some positive Words........ :(

Added by Annette on November 7, 2013 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

I like you, but I'm scared to get to know you...because I'm bald

I haven't attempted at a new relationship since my last. 

And I'm scared to try.

Should I tell you later?

Say I do open up and get to know you, but the constant thought of my secret is on the tip of every word I've said.

I don't want to reveal my secret just to have you run the other way.

But if you run then that lets me know it wasn't meant to be, right?



Should I tell you sooner?

Well I've asked that question to a ex bf…


Added by Jasmin Flower on November 7, 2013 at 1:00am — 26 Comments


Hi all,

If the link does not work then the article was on Yahoo news and is called "Bald woman wins beauty pagent, Also our hearts

Yahoo! Shine

Added by You can do it : ) on November 6, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Face to face with a stranger on the train

On occasion while I am at work, commuting, or just outside I will cross paths with someone else who has alopecia.  Usually they don't really notice me but when they do notice, I sometimes feel their curiosity.  I can sense that they are curious to see if I also have alopecia areata or something else or perhaps I have male pattern baldness and I look young for my age.  When I was a little bit younger, strangers with alopecia would see me and silently acknowledge me with their eyes like, "cool…


Added by Paul on November 5, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Men's acceptance of bald women

Thank you for all your comments.  They are all very positive and have helped to give me a boost.  I see that I must try not to dwell on what men (or anyone else) might think but just grab the bull by the horns, so to speak.


Sorry if this topic has already been covered, but I obviously missed it.  The topic is that I've noticed that a lot of people on this site do have partners, and I'm glad for them - BUT if, for whatever reason, you are just starting to experience hair…


Added by Anne on November 5, 2013 at 12:00am — 20 Comments

Leaky gut and psoriasis

When you're eating an improper diet, your "illness" genes are brought into the forefront. Just because you have the gene does not mean that gene is expressed. Try to think of genes as genetic suggestions. It's mostly what we eat that decides our fate."

NOTE: My testimony is based on anecdotal evidence and is for educational purposes only. I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment, since under…


Added by cati on November 3, 2013 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Really struggling with alopecia

Hi everybody my name is jeremy & I have scarring alopecia. i am 20 & feel like this has really destroyed my life. i have several bald spots through out my head with the worst right in the front. my dermatologist is not sure what caused it he suspects it might of been from picking at my scalp due to anxiety (i lost my mom who was my best friend to cancer 2 years ago). My dad tries to play it down & tells me its just hair & most men go bald anyway but he doesn't understand that it… Continue

Added by Jeremy on November 2, 2013 at 3:00am — 1 Comment


Hello everyone,

I have recently joined this group.  My FFA was diagnosed (finally) in October 2013.  However, the road to get this diagnose has been long. 

I started losing my hair and eyebrows in 2010, but since I was in menopause, I thought this was probably part of it.  However, the loss continued and in April 2011 I finally had my eyebrows tattooed, as I had completely lost the lateral part of them.  I have also lost the hair on my arms, legs and armpits.

In March…


Added by Patricia on October 31, 2013 at 9:35pm — 14 Comments

Squaric acid question, need help

Hi, I have just made the decision to try squaric acid, it is a last resort, I have been doing the injections for 3 years and they worked and kept my hair in a condition to not needing replacement hair, for some reason they stopped working for me, so now I am in wigs.  My question is, I had the first spot of squaric acid put on my head on Friday as the trial at 2% I was expecting all kinds of reaction and nothing has happened, didn't even get red, irritated anything, does anybody know if this…


Added by Ruthie on October 28, 2013 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Diseases related to alopecia?

Hey everyone. I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes & celiac disease! I have done lots of research and found out that diabetes is an auto immune disease & so is celiac disease! I also have eczema & psoriasis (also auto immune diseases). And I was wondering if maybe all of these could be related to my alopecia? Does anyone else have these different diseases ?

In May 2011 I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. A few months after I noticed a large sore under my tongue…


Added by tantan on October 28, 2013 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

Not again !!! :(

I haven't been on here since February 2012! I have/had alopecia areata & I used topical ointments and had 4 treatments of steroid injections. The injections seemed to work as I had regrowth in those areas. By February of 2012 I had went in to remission! I had a full head of thick hair and I was so happy! Here's the bad part :(

I've noticed 2 quarter size patches on the top of my head and on the left side of my head. And quite a bit of thinning on the top of my head towards my…


Added by tantan on October 28, 2013 at 4:00am — No Comments

Steroid injections! Are they worth it?

I've been using topical steriods for a few months and haven't really seen any difference the next step as per my dermatologist but he also said doing so can leave scars. For those of you that have tried the injections what are your opinions on them.

Added by Eddie on October 23, 2013 at 11:00am — 6 Comments

Have faith

I have had alopecia Areata since I could remember. When I was little I would get a spot here and there but it would go away and when I was little I didnt even care I was too worried about kid things haha. In 5th grade I had gotten a big one right on the top of my head. I had a big perfect circle on the top as if i were a balding grown man. I actually cared about this one because people could notice it and would ask me about it thats when I felt self conscious. I got over it and so did my… Continue

Added by Angel on October 22, 2013 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Future (child/grown-up)

Must it be assumed that everybody having alopecia as a child (< 10 years) will get alopecia totalis/universalis later in life?

Added by Annette on October 22, 2013 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment


Hi.  Karen  here and I am now in my 23rd year of Alopecia Universalis and I still think..."Why Me!"  occassionally looking at others with 'green eyed envy!' 

I've always wondered IF I had acted on the advice of my first Dermatologist, whether I would still have this auto immune condition or not! I honestly believe that, IF I had FOLLOWED her ADVICE when she said "DON'T  STRESS.  GIVE YOUR HAIR FOLLICLES  THE THREE MONTHS THEY NEED TO GROW and come through" whether I would be blogging…


Added by Karen on October 20, 2013 at 11:22pm — 1 Comment

The bright side

I made an account on here years ago and never kept up with it but I still get multiple emails every day linking me to blog posts about coping, sadness, loss of hope and other depressing topics about alopecia. I've had alopecia since I was 11 and am completely bald on my head. During the past 9 years if I've learned anything about the disease it's that it's what you make it. For all you beautiful, strong, fierce women out there- show the world those qualities! I know it's hard, but as soon as…


Added by Jackie McClenthan on October 20, 2013 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Swim team and wigs?

I wear a wig and I would like to join the swim team at my school in a few weeks. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with swimming and wearing a wig? I will be wearing a swim cap, but I'm just worried about it falling off when I dive in. I also don't want the chlorine to ruin the wig. Any tips?

Added by Lauren on October 20, 2013 at 9:30pm — No Comments

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