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A poem I read today and thought I would share :)

It's not too late... the angel said.
Even though the world's a mess...
Even though you're not as young...
Even though you've made mistakes and have been afraid
It's not too late...
And then I saw the world through the angels' eyes...
I saw the colors I could paint
The bridges I could build
The lives that I could touch
The dreams that could still come true
And it became very clear to me...
That it's not too late.

Added by Cassandra on March 21, 2012 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Shaved it all off!

It has been almost 2 months now and I have had so much hair loss that I shaved it all off last night.I thougt I was fine with it but once I started that first pass through my hair with the clippers ,I did get a little emotional.I quickly recovered and knew I was doing the right thing!

For the most part I have been handeling my hair loss pretty well, although I do still have my good and bad days. I still do the why me.I even get up in the morning and look at my wig and think "I hate…


Added by Klo on March 20, 2012 at 10:35pm — 6 Comments

Nominate your Hairy Hero!

Is there someone in your life that has loved you and accepted you even though you were bald from Alopecia? If so, nominate that person as a Women Behaving Baldly Hairy Hero! Visit us here to submit your nomination.

Added by Laura Hudson on March 20, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Beautiful words to live by

"BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. There are some things everyone deserves- love, respect, time to recharge. Never settle for less. SEEK OUT YOUR DREAMS. Start small. Take it as it comes. Even a butterfly has to inch along before getting its wings. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. Trust your gut. If the way seems unclear, look within you. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. You have a story to tell and opinions that count, and a difference to make. STAY CURIOUS. Wonder. Take every opportunity to learn. Knowledge is a gift, it…


Added by Rodolfo (Simone's Dad) on March 20, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

My daughter

My purpose of being on here is to find support for my 8 year old daughter.

I have had alopecia since I was 12 (which fell out in 7 days), I am now 38 and my daughter, just two weeks ago developed a alopecia spot, it is slowly thinning out, and she seems to be going along the same path as me. However she has been lucky in the fact her mother (me) has experienced it. We have sent letters to the parents of the children in her school and she has had a question time with her class (the…


Added by Me&myGirl_Aussie on March 20, 2012 at 7:39am — 3 Comments

And it begins...

"Ok so the Journey Begins, 3rd time round and has to be the hardest, I'm 29 and have had Alopecia Areata since 15

"each time it was little patches grew hair again within a year this time it seems to be all going at a rapid pace....

handful here brush-full there, when does it stop, didn't think i had that much hair to begin with...

Added by Cassandra on March 20, 2012 at 3:33am — 3 Comments

Midnight ramble

surrounded with beautiful girls with beautiful hair at cosmetology school 9-5 mon-fri is an incredibly hard mental battle. As much support as they give me Im not ignorant to their initial reactions. When i open up and show my hair loss everyone makes that same face... you know the one. Its a mix between shock, concern and disgust. I get it.. i do, it's not common for a perfectly healthy 21 year old girl to just wake up one day with bald spots. I dont feel pretty when i have to pull my hair…


Added by Brittany Bronx on March 20, 2012 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

All coming out again :(

Well thats it my hair is definitely coming out now and im am so gutted this is happening again and i have only had about 7months of enjoying my hair being back. I cant cope with this at all and cannot accept this. People around me have no idea how i am feeling and some say i cope well, but im crumbling inside. I am going to go for counselling to try help me accept this as i cant let it rule my life which it is doing just now. I went to order a new wig yesterday just in case all my hair came…


Added by lynne on March 18, 2012 at 11:10am — 5 Comments

Becoming bald and fabulous

Since my first introduction into the alopecia community in August of 2010, I have experienced a wide range of emotions, and revelations.

My first thoughts when I was first diagnosed with alopecia as an 8 year old was horrified. How can something like this happen to me? And how can I possible live like this. Well obviously 28 years later I do continue to live. In fact I thrive.

A very quick overview of my experiences growing up with alopecia..... I was diagnosed at 8. It was…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 17, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Wigs narrowed down

Those of you who may have read my previous posts I did a post about wig frustration, I find it so hard to pick a wig there are often so many choices out there, colour, style, many styles start to look the same the more you look at the different ones, along with length etc. Well anyhow I am nearly getting to a point of actually making a choice, I have narrowed it all down to a few different things…

1) I decided to not bother with Human hair, unless I pay a LOT of money the human one I…


Added by KFlame on March 17, 2012 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

My advice is to never give up

In 2006 miy best friend Missy, (who happened to be my aunt but we were only 5 years apart) died. It happened to be on Thanksgiving Day. By far this was the worst day of my life. One month later I noticed my hair was falling out. Not just a little, but huge patches. So to add to my grief, I lost my long brown hair. I went through HELL. I left my relationship of six years, (he was supportive) but I hated myself and everyone, besides my kids. Even my children were embarrassed, and I wore wigs…


Added by Candace Elaine Lawrence on March 16, 2012 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Dont assume <3

Never Ever....EVER assume something about someone <3 I went on holiday to england and this one boy went to me "do you have cancer?" "No i dont i have somthing else" i said really shy *low confidence...* "Looks like it ?" I hate it when that happens they see someone with less than the average amount of hair and assume it cancer ? If you Assume you make an *ASS* out of *U* and *Me* <3

Added by Caity b on March 16, 2012 at 6:18pm — 3 Comments

First wig consultation tomorrow

When my hair is combed just so, no one can see the many bald patches around my head. However, it's a different story when the wind blows, my long hair catches on the collar of my coat or I bend over. I decided this morning that I'm tired of constantly worrying if a patch is showing, especially as I continue to shed and have a wonderful trip to Europe coming up a few weeks that I don't want to be spoiled. I have made an appointment for a consultation tomorrow morning to see what my options…


Added by Tracey on March 16, 2012 at 12:48pm — 16 Comments

Alternative cure?

i hope no one takes this the wrong way and i mean no disrespect because i have dealt with the emotional pain and the physical embarrassment of alopecia for years during an fragile time in my life. i don't know if a coincidence or not but when i first got alopecia i was about 12 years old and i struggled with it for the next 5 yrs. it wasn't until i was 17 when i started to smoke pot. 6 months later it was gone. the doctor said i just grew out of it but I'm not sure now because i just lost my…


Added by ryan on March 15, 2012 at 11:00pm — 10 Comments

Never Judge a Book by its cover , behind every torn cover theres a story behind it<3

its crazy the impact of having alopecia has had on my life and the others around me !.
I think that having alopecia has made me a better person,more understanding and i know never to judge someone simply by the way they look.
Sure i have doubted myself and felt not good enough but i also think it has made me more confident and willing to share my story.
Im also talking to others about it and therefor makeing them more understanding and to never judge a book by its cover. x

Added by Caity b on March 15, 2012 at 5:34pm — 3 Comments

Alopecia and joint issues?

Wondering if anyone with Alopecia also has any joint issues. I have calcific tendonities both shoulders and arthritic hips feel sort of young for these issues and it has been 10 years or so diagnosed (Alopecia since 4)

Added by Danielle on March 15, 2012 at 9:30am — 6 Comments


This past January will be 4 years since I lost all my hair. I think I have coped pretty well with it, tried to stay strong & up; but, lately, it just seems I am missing my hair, angry at my body. The why's coming back. Why the eye brows & eye lashes, will they or my hair ever come back. Do we all go through this? I know that my wounds ar still fresh, 4 years isnt really that along. I admire so many Alopecian sisters & brothers who have delt with this damn disease with such…


Added by Pamela Rosse on March 15, 2012 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Happy birthday, Alopecia World!

Alopecia World turned four years old on March 8, 2012, and we could not be more pleased with its growth.

There is no doubt that Alopecia World is one of the leading social networking sites for people from around the world who are living with alopecia.

Who made it so?

You - the members of Alopecia World!

You provide the support. You provide the encouragement. You provide the inspiration and information Alopecia World's thousands of members and monthly visitors need…


Added by Alopecia World on March 14, 2012 at 11:48pm — 23 Comments

When it becomes routine

I hadn't realized so much time had passed since we were first struggling to understand and cope with Shannon's hair loss. It's interesting how people adapt and cope with changes in their lives, to the point you forget it was ever any other way.

Shannon's hair started falling out the summer before her 6th grade year, and was completely gone by Thanksgiving. It was a scary and confusing time - trying to figure out what was wrong, getting to the specialist, arguing with him when he tried…


Added by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on March 14, 2012 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Alopecia research at MD Anderson- How you can help

I'm new to AW, so someone may have shared this already. U. of Texas/MD Anderson Center is building a national alopecia registry to use in genetic analysis. You (and your family) can add your information via their web site at:…


Added by Tracey on March 14, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

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