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Don't believe the new & improved Nioxin hype

Hello beautiful people. So, I fell for it. This really cool stylist who cuts my sons hair kept saying to me: You know, The formula for Nioxin has really improved you should try it. Being tired of covering up my head with hats and scarves I thought, oh hell why not. So,$45 dollars later for the shampoo and conditioner. Then $27 more for the scalp treatment. Plus $37 for the follicle booster. And last $10 for this oil from India promising new hair growth. I gave it all a try. Each night after…


Added by Kristine on March 5, 2012 at 11:00pm — 11 Comments

Define your total package

A blind man does not leave his home without his seeing-eye dog in order to prove to him self or to others that he has accepted his condition and that he is self-confident. An “above the knee” amputee does not leave his home without his leg prosthesis (false leg) in order to prove to him self or to others that he is not a fake. Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder just like any other health related condition. Wearing a wig versus not wearing a wig or a head cover is not an indication of ones:…


Added by bertha price on March 5, 2012 at 10:00pm — 7 Comments

Today I outed myself on Facebook

Here's what I shared with my 509 FB friends:

"My hair is falling out and I have finally come to terms with the fact that it is only going to get worse. Despite my hopes and efforts over the past few years, it’s not going to grow back. I’m tired of trying to conceal it, spraying chemicals on my hair, teasing it, trying to make it in to something it is not, worrying about whether or not people can tell. So, the next time you see me I’ll be wearing a wig. It’s not because I’m going through…


Added by green on March 4, 2012 at 9:55pm — 19 Comments

Found a spot :((

Well knew it wouldnt last long, I had a full head of regrowth since last year and it was back to being extremely thick and getting longer by the day and it felt amazing. I had 2 proper haircuts this year and my last was just yesterday, but i have found a little bald spot at the side of my head :( and my hair seems thinner at top. I am totally gutted and praying it is just a wee set back and it will not fully fall out. I havent coped well with my hairloss when it first fell out 3yrs ago and…


Added by lynne on March 4, 2012 at 5:30pm — 6 Comments


Just finished a 15 mile bike ride.
Used to do that a lot.
Good way to just ride off some stress.
Once a day every day now.

*promises self*

Added by David on March 3, 2012 at 6:03pm — 1 Comment


Yesterday, I went to the dermotologist for my 4th "round" of cortisone shots on my already sore scalp. Tears streamed down my face while I was being injected. The nurse stopped, put her hand on my shoulder and apologized for the pain. Taking a deep breath and wiping my sad eyes, I said, "It's not my head that hurts...It's my heart."

Added by Michele on March 3, 2012 at 1:00pm — 11 Comments

My birthday

Woooo already i didnt even notice that it was my birthday til mi abuela called me to say feliz cumpleaño, i work to hard

Added by ROCKSTAR: ROCKY MANUEL MARTINEZ on March 3, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

New member

Hi, I've been lurking on this site for a while now and thought I'd share my story. It's the same as lot of people on this site. I have female pattern baldness. Yah!!!! Lucky me! I believe my hair actually started falling out when I was a teenager but I didn't really notice, I'm 34 now. I always knew I didn't have great hair but I thought confidence is sexy so I just accepted that this was the way my hair was and went about my life. Then I went off the pill, you can guess what happened next.…


Added by Jen on March 2, 2012 at 1:00pm — 5 Comments

Cure with blood replace

Complete remission of alopecia universalis after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Bettina Seifert, Jakob R. Passweg, Dominik Heim, Alicia Rovó, Sandrine Meyer-Monard, Stanislaus Buechner, Andre Tichelli, and Alois Gratwohl

From the stem cell transplant team, Hematology Division, Department of Internal Medicine, and Division of Dermatology, Basel University Hospitals, Switzerland.


This case report is on a 40-year-old male patient with chronic…


Added by Disaster on March 2, 2012 at 12:03pm — 3 Comments

Mood swings!

Hi all,

Its been a long time since I ve blogged.The last time I did, it all came out very positive, but today not so much. Anyway after a lot of thought and encouragement from my mom and my hubby I finally summed up the courage to shave my hair off, totally!! I have very scanty hair , but the little I had I grew long because for a long time now I wanted to donate my hair to locks of love. Wierd right?! Anyway when I had that little hair some how it was a little easier to conceal the…


Added by Jasmine on March 1, 2012 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

A country where alopecia is not something to complain about

I am 48 years old and had AU since about the age of 12.I grew up in one of the poorest countries in the world where my problem is not something to complain about.My greatest challenge now is the fear of not being able to cope in case it happens to my kids,still I know we'll be fine.My story is very colourful and I've never shared with anyone even with my wonderful family ,I just got on with it.I would like to share my story now 'cause ,well why not?It's about time isn't it

Added by simret birru on March 1, 2012 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

You are not alone

You are not alone. I just joined the "Alopecia World" 2 hours and 37 minutes ago. Already it has been such a possitve experience for me. I welcome you as I know that you welcome me also.

Added by bertha price on March 1, 2012 at 4:10am — 2 Comments

Sometimes I feel like a fake

Sometimes I feel like a fake. I try to present myself to other people as someone who is strong and in control of the situation. I see hundreds of people each day who I know has their own struggles to deal with and sometimes I forget my own. I do not realize that my spots might be showing or that someone could be staring. I come onto this site and I look at all the pictures and think to myself that everyone is so beautiful. I saw a girl with Alopecia and I cried at her beauty and strength.…


Added by Natasha Gehrke on February 29, 2012 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

It's just hair

I 15 when I woke up with no hair.
I went to bed and it was all there I am sure of it.
I sometime think maybe it was never there to begin with.
And no tears was shed.
Because I believed at 15 that it will be back soon.

I was not sick I felt fine so then there is nothing wrong, so it will be back I just have to wait………………

At 15 I woke up with no hair

Added by Rashedat on February 28, 2012 at 5:00am — 1 Comment

For me this is week six

Hello everyone. I am now just six weeks in to being diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. I am working on accepting what is happening and the possibility that the hair I once had and loved might never return. How do you prepair for something that might be just fine but then again might not? I wish I could just see into the future and find out what is in store for me, you know? I feel like my hair loss is moving really fast. Two months ago I had normal thick hair and now it is thin and I have 4…


Added by Anne Emm on February 27, 2012 at 10:03pm — 6 Comments

The ups and downs

It's been almost a year since I've been on here. There wasn't much to report. My hair was growing in and no spots of hair loss. I even wondered if I really had alopecia areata, maybe the doctor was wrong?!? Well, now the itchiness and the painful areas on my scalp have started again. I have some thin areas--the beginnings of spots, I think. Trying not to stress about this, but that is easier said than done.

Added by Michelle on February 27, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

My Pop

I have alopecia universalis

I am 24 years old

And my name is Natalie

My life changed in 2010 when I watched my beloved Pop (Grandfather) fight his battle against CANCER.

I had alopecia areata at this time.

During the time I spent with my Pop, by his side in his hospital bed I completely lost all my hair.

My Pop encouraged me to accept my alopecia and live life to the fullest.

I will never forget the day I went to the hospital and I said to him “ I look…


Added by Natalie Martin on February 27, 2012 at 4:04am — No Comments

Things were good Now not so much..

Do you guys ever feel heart broken are alone in this world are maybe its even lonely because no one acutally gets what we are going through.. Iv been told Im too emotional when it comes to things because I care too much but really is that so bad? I was happy for a while I had almost all my hair back and now that all this stress is in my life every time I take a shower I have hand fulls of hair and I just cry and cry. I go out into public with a smile on my face and just pretend everything is…


Added by Izzy on February 24, 2012 at 8:53pm — 19 Comments

Hair loss week three

Well I am three weeks into loosing my hair. I have Alopecia areata I think maybe I have lost over 50% with most of the patches on the back of my head a very top. I am unable to hide it anymore so I have been wearing a wig.And yes I feel so self concious in it. Yeterday it was windy so I had to worry and wonder if if was going to blow off. Luckily it did not.

I dont understand this whole alopecia areata, I thought you only loose patches. A few more weeks of this I will have very little…


Added by Klo on February 24, 2012 at 8:44pm — 5 Comments

My child's comment

Me and me 2 girls were in the car on the way home. I had my wig off in the car. I drove up to the house and my 6 year old noticed my husband had a friend over. My 6 year old says, "Oh hurry, put your wig on". I said no I don't have to. Then my daughter says, "Oh it's so gross". I told my child that there is nothing wrong with my bald head. I told her I am fine the way I am and I am a beautiful child of God! Someday, when she is about 25, she too will lose the rest of her hair. I hope she…


Added by becky b on February 24, 2012 at 6:54pm — 1 Comment

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