Featured Blog Posts – May 2012 Archive (31)

Who are you?

I had an interesting moment over the weekend. My daughter and I ran a 5K in my hometown. Her question was simple, yet lead to a more meaningful conversation about Alopecia. Her question, "Dad, why did you start running?"

My running life began at age 10, much like my daughter (who is now 15). In my hometown, I am known for running a lot and running fast. It wasn't always so. In fact, like many of you, I discovered at a very young age that I had Alopecia (age 5) and soon discovered the…


Added by Tim Irvine on May 30, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Well at least you will save money not having hair...NOT!

I am sure you all have heard this comment by someone trying to get us Alopecians to see the bright side of not having hair. Well I dont know about the rest of you but this has been very expensive for me.

I was only diagnosed 4 months ago and lost my hair rather rapidly. I went from buying every scarf & hat i could find to hide the bald spots on the top of my head, only to find in a matter of weeks I needed a full wig.

I buy hats, scarfs,glues, combs, full wigs, halo wigs…


Added by Klo on May 29, 2012 at 10:00pm — 13 Comments

The coolest thing happened to me the other day!

I have had AU since January of this year. I was wearing a wig or wraps most of the time because I felt self concious but I recently decided to go around everywhere without anything. It was scary but I am so glad I did. I was out with my husband, who is also bald. We make a funny pair. A woman that worked/owned the restaraunt came over to us and asked me very nicely if I had alopecia or cancer. I said I had alopecia and she says, "Me too," and pulled off her wig right there!! I was shocked…


Added by kathie on May 29, 2012 at 9:43pm — 11 Comments

Time to shave again!

I wrote a blog maybe not that long ago about my hair which had grown back few months earlier had started to fall out again. I am going on holiday on friday and have lots of patches but my hair is still falling out which is a pain and i dont want to be leaving hair in the pool ect. It looks like i have to shave it off but its a awful feeling that i have to do this again as its definatly back to square one!

I got my wig couple of weeks back and wore it once and hated it, I hate having to…


Added by lynne on May 27, 2012 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Update on steroid shots

So the last blog I posted I told you all about how I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. I tried the Saline Solution and it did not work, I then tried the 7 steroid shots into my head. Unfortunately it did not work for me. In fact it has only gotten worse. I still encourage others to try the shots. They were not that painful to me but I still say if you have not tried them yet defiantly do try. I was recently told to try tea tree oil. Have any of you tried it and had success? I also…


Added by Erika on May 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Just a little sad

Well I went shopping with my daughter the other day and all was well until....wait for it....a teenager laughed at me when I passed. I tried to ignore it and brush it off. Deep down inside it hurts and still does. So, since then I have been wearing a wig or covering up. Today, I put on my scarf and my daughter said why are you wearing that? Of course I came up with some lame excuse, but she lovingly said, you look better wearing nothing.

Just wanted to share with everyone, I'm still a…


Added by Angela on May 26, 2012 at 12:54pm — 15 Comments

Why do I have hair in the places I don't want it?

my boyfriend just said its a shame that your lip hair doesnt fall out cause i was saying i needed my lip waxed why is that the hair i want is gone and the hair i dont want is hanging on

Added by Sheena Tha Cody on May 22, 2012 at 10:30pm — 19 Comments

I wish I had a crystal ball

I wish I could look into the future and see if I will lose all my hair. I really want to know. Should I prepare for the bald me? Will it ever happen? Will I remain the same with the thin hair I have had for about five years? Will I get enoigh regrowth were possible to sustain my natural hair and style?

With all the steriod shots, my scalp is in rough shape with ridges and dents. Why can't I be the cool girl that has always worn funky wigs and therefore wouldn't seem out of the ordinary…


Added by Amanda on May 22, 2012 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

When will I go without? I'm thinking...

I can't see me ever go bald yet i don't know society has me bound right now...

Added by Latina Sethman-Benthall on May 21, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

As a Bald Woman . . .

I stand up straight and proud

I feel elegant and unique

I'm cool when other people are hot

I rock my large collection of earrings

I sometimes wear jewels or decorations on my head

I feel special

I feel ME

If you haven't tried going OUT in public bald and would like to, an opportunity is coming up soon. 2012's International Alopecia Day is Saturday, August 4! Join the…


Added by Mary on May 20, 2012 at 6:30pm — 14 Comments

How to wear headscarfs?

I have been putting off wearing my wig for weeks now holding on to what hair i have left but just cant hide the patches anymore :( gutted I'm back to wearing wigs again and only just wore it today and was having the same feelings i had last time, paranoid people know, the wind blowing it about mad so thinking people can see the cap, have no proper hairline so it looks like a wig, thats just some of ther anxiety i suffer while wearing it. Questions people ask, where do u get ur hair done,…


Added by lynne on May 19, 2012 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

20/20 - Make it stop!

So I was watching 20/20 and they were doing stories of people with rare disorders. OH to my surprise, they did a piece on Alopecia. I realize losing hair is nothing compared to eating rocks for a living but I figured, they would do some justice to the topic to educate people of this very serious condition. So they highlight this one woman who used to be a hair model. She had alopecia and lost a good portion of her hair. I have to be honest ladies and gentlemen, she got on my last nerves!…


Added by Surraugeny Sanders on May 19, 2012 at 12:30am — 11 Comments

My life

Well my life is very lovely now!

I had my first exams and they went very well!

Also my hair starts to grow a little bit.

Last month I met this boy and he's kinda cute, it doesnt care him that i'm having alopecia !! So thats very nice!

I'm in a play, and im the Red Riding Hood !

Im sorry for my bad English ..

Kisses from…


Added by Karlijn on May 17, 2012 at 5:00pm — 5 Comments

Feeling angry

I have been learning to cope with the daily shedding, seeing 1/2 of my head patchy bald, wearing a wig. I cycle between decent days and depression, with tears drying much quicker now that it's been nearly a year since my first patch appeared. But today, I feel ANGRY because I feel LIMITED.

I cannot just tuck my wig hair into a pony tail when the office is warm, or behind my ear. I find my sunglasses bump into my wig making neither sit right. I HATE wearing a scarf during my workouts…


Added by Tracey on May 17, 2012 at 3:30pm — 9 Comments

The waiting game

It is really easy for people to say, "It's only your hair" and it's easy for them to laugh about my situation. But it isn't easy for me. This is an entire life adjustment. Not once, could I ever have imagined that one small spot would completely change my life and become three large patches. If I thought I had worries before, well I obviously didn’t think things could get worse. It’s only now that I am beginning to appreciate my silly little life worries more now. Throw them at me; just give…


Added by Jaimee on May 16, 2012 at 8:30am — 6 Comments

Update on Devin=)

It's been 2 months since Devin was diagnosed with having alopecia areata. I'm happy to say that his hair has started growing back but it is growing back white. I'm excited as well as anxious to see what the next few months and years will bring. My family has been so supportive and definitely gave me the strength to be a strong mom for Devin. I'm content with what he has and I'm okay either way. He's still too young to fully understand what is going on but every now and then he'll ask if he's…


Added by Leenda on May 15, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

To wig or not to wig

I have had alopecia since I was tweleve years old. I am now 28 and it is a normal part of my life. It is a bit frustrating because it comes in the form of patches all over.I have alopecia areata. Right now I have 9 patches. I have some rather large ones on the sides and the vertex area (learned that terminology from the derm). I can cover it, but I am very self conscious of it when I go out in public becasue one false move will expose my patches and then I have to either come up with a…


Added by Jasmine Harrell on May 13, 2012 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

New wig today

I had collected my new wig today and although its really nice it was reality that this was happening again. I still have alot of my hair but alot of patches and cant hide it at y fringe bit unless i wear a headband, i need to find some strenghth in me to cope with this all again as its the questions from people and remarks i struggle with. I get embarrassed about my alopecia and i still dont the reason!! I am going to a support group for alopecia in edinburgh in June so looking forward to…


Added by lynne on May 12, 2012 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment


For the first time this year I wear a scarf around my head and i kinda liked it .
I got a lot of compliments from my freinds so im full of confidence that it looks good !
A picture of me with a scarf will come later xx <3

Added by Karlijn on May 12, 2012 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Hair regrowth

So...I am just curious if anyone has ever had full regrowth of the hair meaning grew it all back to there previous hair length?? If so how long did it stay? The reason I am curios is I had lost ALL my hair and its been 5 years since I lost it all and now have regrown it back to where it was before any hairloss.

Added by Laura on May 12, 2012 at 9:30am — 11 Comments

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